Miracle Throne

Chapter 110: Heavenly Magic


Chu Tian could tell at a glance that there was something abnormal in this camp. In fact, the first time the City Lord's Mansion saw Yan Wuyang earlier, Chu Tian felt a faint demonic energy around Yan Wuyang's body.

It is caused by practicing some kind of magic power.

Under normal circumstances, Chu Tian would not care much, but thinking about Jing Hu's description of the robbers, this matter is not so simple.

magic power

What is magic power

Magic skills generally refer to some practices that use very bloody and cruel materials in the process of cultivation, such as the essence and blood of living beings, such as the soul of living beings, etc. Demon cultivators tend to have a lot of evil spirits, and with the deepening of their skills, they will become irritable and irritable, even bloodthirsty and brutal, and there is a danger of losing themselves and becoming obsessed.

Therefore, although the magic power is very powerful, there are not many people who practice it...

The mysterious thugs are a group of people with evil skills, and the lord of Yellowstone City also practiced magic skills. How could it be such a coincidence

Whether there is a connection between the two, there is no way to judge for a while.

After sneaking into the Black Wind Village, Chu Tian discovered the large formation hidden in the camp, and only then did he fully realize that everything was a trap!

No wonder Yan Wuyang only wants casual cultivation.

No wonder Yan Wuyang only wanted young mercenaries with no background.

Even if these people are dead and missing, it won't cause too much sensation and trouble.

Chu Tian saw through Yan Wuyang's trick. Although he had hinted at Lin Mu, who knew that the group of stunned youths didn't listen to him at all, and instead sneered at him. He had no choice but to back out by himself.

"The formation has been launched."

"Those guys are probably in danger!"

Chu Tian felt a shock from a distance. The battle over there must have started. The fighting power of Lin Mu and his group will be severely suppressed by the sealing formation, and it is impossible to escape from this trap.

Now it's troublesome.

Whether these guys are dead or alive, Chu Tian doesn't care that much!

Who told these idiots not to listen

Chu Tian could just walk away. The problem is that the materials of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce are being seized by these people. If he leaves, what will happen to the Youhuocao, Sansheng Yaoworms, and Electromagnetic Crystals worth millions of dollars

One or two million gold coins is nothing.

The problem is, whether it is the Youhuo grass or the three-living demon worm, they are all quite rare materials. Even with the channels of the Tianchen Chamber of Commerce, it is impossible to collect another batch in a short time. will have a small impact.

Time is money!

When Chu Tian was hesitating outside the Black Wind Stronghold.

"Hahahaha... I finally found you!"

There was a powerful aura from the night, like a terrifying ghost attacking.

There was a sneer on the corner of Chu Tian's mouth.

With a twitch of the right hand.

Nether sword unsheathed.

The blade of the sword glowed with a dazzling light, which suddenly tore through the void, leaving behind a purple sword light.


The black shadow was ejected several meters.

Yan Jun's saber broke in two, and he couldn't help flashing a look of shock: "My weapon is a high-grade spiritual weapon, such a powerful sword!"

Under the moonlight, the blade of the Nether Sword is like a piece of ten thousand-year-old solid ice, not even a single fiber has been moved or damaged!

Chu Tian was dressed in a plain green robe, holding a sword in his right hand, pointing obliquely at the ground, his eyes were as calm as water, he looked around a few times, and said with a smile, "It's not a rational way to chase and kill him alone!"

"Hahahaha!" Yan Jun looked up to the sky and laughed, his eyes gradually turned red, and his body was filled with demonic energy, "You think you can defeat me with a magic weapon in your hand? I will let you understand how stupid this is. !"

Yan Jun's Yuanli condensed into the image of a blue giant ape. With the blessing of Yuanhun's strength, his strength immediately increased in a straight line, his muscles swelled like inflated air, and his entire body became taller.

Four-armed spirit ape soul

The four-armed spirit ape is a very powerful spirit beast.

This kind of spirit beast is born with four arms, not only is it infinitely powerful, but also has a body like a diamond. The most powerful thing is that the four-armed spirit ape is a rare kind of spirit beast that has the ability to practice some human skills.

Yan Jun has a four-armed ape soul, which not only greatly increases his attack and defense, but also increases the speed of his practice skills, so his combat effectiveness is also extraordinary.

Chu Tian stared at the soul of the four-armed spirit ape, and frowned a little bit: "Although I don't know what kind of magic kung fu you practice, I have to say that this set of magic kung fu training methods is wrong, it can temporarily and greatly Improving your strength has an immediate effect, but it is actually a waste of money! You have been used by others!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"You think I'll trust you?"

"Die by my fist!"

Yan Jun's thick fist was covered with a layer of black air, and the whole fist turned black, like a hideous ghost head wrapped around the fist.

"Ghost Howling Fist!"

The violent energy suddenly bombarded!

The moment Chutian directly blocked his fist with his sword, violent energy poured out, like a boulder falling on the water surface, causing ripples in the surrounding soil, and the soil was pushed several meters away, leaving a big ripple-shaped nibble.

"This sword can suck my strength!"

Yan Jun blasted up with all his strength, and the ordinary spirit soldiers had already been shattered. The long sword in this man's hand not only blocked Yan Jun's attack, but also absorbed most of Yan Jun's power. When the remaining power was transferred to Chu Tian, there was nothing left. How much did you download

This is the power of the Nether Sword.

In fact, the Nether Sword is not only a sharp weapon, but also a very good armor.

Chu Tian shouted loudly.


The moment the soul of the demon sword was released, the Nether Sword was empowered with the power of the soul, and the sword light suddenly increased, and its power increased several times. Yan Jun was directly blown away by a terrifying force.

Yan Jun showed a trace of deep fear.

Such a strong soul breath!

There are quite a few people in Zhongzhou who have sword primordial souls, and they have never heard of this kind of primordial soul!

This sword primordial soul is probably stronger than any primordial soul I have ever seen, even comparable to the legendary god-level primordial soul. It is not difficult for monks with this kind of primordial soul to leapfrog challenges!

A dangerous sword!

A dangerous soul!

Even if this person doesn't practice top-level skills, he can't be underestimated just because of these two things!

Yan Jun's expression became serious: "You do have some skills, but with this ability alone, you can't deal with my Holy Cult's "Heavenly Capital Magic Art"!"

"Heavenly Demon Art?" Chu Tian shook his head: "What a mess, don't waste time, if you want to fight, do it quickly!"

"Hmph! Let me show you the true power of the Heavenly Capital Devil Art!"

Yan Jun suddenly raised his arms high, his expression became more ferocious, his skin quickly turned black, and strange streaks, like tadpoles, kept crawling all over his body, and finally solidified, turning dark purple , like a tattoo-like pattern.

Chu Tian showed a trace of solemnity: "At least Yuanli is more than twice as strong, and the increase is so large!"

When Yan Jun fully used the unfolding technique, his body was covered with ferocious deep purple runes, like a terrifying totem tattooed on his body, and the color of his skin gradually deepened to black, and the devilish energy surrounding his body gave people a very weird feeling.

The little fox sat on Chutian's shoulders, with a big white and fluffy tail wagging, and a pair of bright eyes showing disdain.

"Your time to die has arrived!"

Yan Jun kicked his legs and disappeared immediately.

In fact, it is not disappearing, but extremely fast, giving people the illusion of disappearing.

So fast!

Chutian's naked eyes couldn't catch it at all. When he came back to his senses, Yan Jun had already appeared behind him, cutting his palm vertically, like a steel knife, trying to pierce Chutian's body.

This critical moment.

The little fox sniffed suddenly, and a strange thing happened. The demonic energy in Yan Jun's body seemed uncontrollable, and came out of the pores all over his body, and was sucked out by the little fox for most of it in an instant.

Yan Jun was taken aback.

This fist-sized miniature beast was inconspicuous at all, so he didn't pay attention from the beginning to the end, but he never expected that this miniature beast had such an ability.

Glass body!

Chu Tian's body was instantly covered by a layer of transparent starlight like glass. When Yan Jun's knife fell on it, there was a harsh bang, and cracks appeared in a large area of the glass, but he endured it completely.

A terrible force bounced back.

The bones of Yan Jun's hand broke into several pieces. With a scream, he flew upside down and fell heavily on the ground.

"You little thing is not useless at all!"

Chu Tian immediately took a different look at the little fox. He really underestimated the enemy just now. Many exercises in this ancient era have merits. Although "Tiandu Mogong" is a technique with overdrawn potential, it is stronger than imagined. Much more powerful.

If the little fox hadn't sucked most of Yan Jun's demon energy, Chu Tian would have been seriously injured even if he hadn't been killed by one blow.

The little fox sneezed, stood up on two legs, hugged his paws in a very humane way, and put on a very proud look of disdain.

"Your reward!"

Chu Tian handed over a corpse pill, and the little fox immediately hugged it happily and began to gnaw on it.

Yan Jun fell to the ground, already lost his combat power, and shouted with horror on his face: "What kind of exercise is that, it can leapfrog and block my Heavenly Capital Devil Art!"

Yan Jun is very aware of the power of his blow.

Even if half of the magic energy is sucked away by the mysterious spirit beast, at least half of the power is still retained, even if it is a defensive monk of the same level, it is difficult to resist. This person was obviously a monk who had just stepped into the Soul Awakening Realm, but he blocked it abruptly and shocked him into serious injuries.

This kind of defense against the sky is simply too terrifying!

His primordial soul is obviously a sword, and the sword primordial soul is a pure attacking primordial soul, which will not provide any defensive buffs, unless he has practiced a certain top-level defensive technique, and he has practiced it to a level above Dacheng.

How did Yan Jun know.

Chutian's "The Immortal Body" has just stepped into Xiaocheng's threshold.

"Heavenly Demonic Art? Although it increases combat power suddenly, but squeezes one's own potential, damages oneself by 800, and injures the enemy by 1,000. After all, it is a small way, and it is difficult to be elegant."

After finishing speaking, the sword fell from the hand, and the head fell to the ground.

Yan Jun was killed.

Chu Tian stared in the direction of Heifengzhai, and muttered to himself: "How did these people learn this ancient magic art? What happened to them, things became interesting! The thieves in Heifengzhai probably all They are the elites of the Yellowstone City army, and if I go in single-handedly, I am afraid I will be outnumbered."

The little fox put down the half-gnawed corpse pill and pointed in one direction with his paw.

"You want me to go this way?"

The little fox nodded, and Chu Tian walked in the direction indicated by the little fox, avoiding the patrolling Heifengzhai thieves, and not long after, he found a huge cave deep in the valley.

The caverns lead almost vertically to the ground.

There are more than a dozen masked thieves in black guarding around.

A thick devilish energy rose slowly from the pitch-black cave, and Chu Tian keenly felt that this mysterious devil's cave should have something to do with these people.

When Chu Tian was about to go in, a voice came from not far away, and he quickly restrained his breath.

Yan Wuyang walked in front, and eight or nine wounded people were slowly escorting them here under the guard of a large group of black-clothed thieves.

They were all caught

"Go in!"

Yan Wuyang forcibly brought Lin Mu and others into the dark devil's den.