Miracle Throne

Chapter 16: Vicious conspiracy


What should we do

Meng Qingwu's black eyebrows were dark, and she quickly thought of a countermeasure: "I can still try to mediate and delay the time. Chu Tian should not have gone far. You should go to him quickly, and you must find him back."

It can only be the!

The two sisters split into two groups.

Meng Qingwu held a sumptuous luncheon for the three big shots. Meng Yingying led people all over the street, and began to squat and search. After half a day, even the shadow of Chu Tian was not found.

Meng Yingying came back with a face full of disappointment: "Chutian has great powers, and he really wants to leave. We will definitely not find him back."

Hearing this sentence, Meng Qingwu's nose was sour, and she was very wronged. Although she said that she misunderstood him, he also took revenge on the spot. Not only did he humiliate me severely, but he also spanked my ass dozens of times. This body has not been touched by other men. Touched, isn't he satisfied like this

A big man can't be more magnanimous, don't he care about like a woman like me!

That round buttocks are still hot and painful, and the swelling hasn't disappeared until now, so one can imagine how ruthless he is!

No mercy at all!

Meng Yingying's mood is different from her sister's. She is a little worried about gains and losses, because her talent is mediocre, her brain is not smart, and she has nothing outstanding except for her beauty. The looks from outsiders she met since she was a child are either obscene and evil, or contemptuous. When Ye Feng said that she was a waste vase, although Meng Yingying was very angry, she had to admit it.

Chutian was a surprise from heaven to her.

Although it was only two days, it was Meng Yingying's most ups and downs, the most exciting, the most fulfilling and satisfying two days.

For the first time, I felt that fate can be changed. After all, even pigs can fly into the sky when standing on the wind.

For the first time, I felt a strong and incomparable sense of security, which even my sister could not give.

Chutian is frivolous, arrogant, domineering, lewd, wicked... But Meng Yingying has an intuition that Chutian is a good person who can be trusted!

Although they had known each other for only two days, a strange feeling that had never been seen in her heart vaguely sprouted.

Who knew, the surprise came and went too suddenly, which made her feel unprepared and had no time to react, leaving her empty heart with endless regret and loss!

Will I never see him again

Meng Yingying couldn't believe that she would be so sad, it seemed that a big bug got into her heart and bit her hard, causing her tears to fall involuntarily from the pain.

Seeing her sister's sad expression, Meng Qingwu felt even more sad, regretted and blamed herself, because she was impulsive and directly hurt two people, no, it should be three, she herself was also a victim!



"A catastrophe has happened!"

Butler Zhao hurried over, almost crawling over.

Meng Qingwu is already very passive now, what new troubles are there now

Housekeeper Zhao said profusely, "An accident happened in the pharmacy! The customers were poisoned collectively, and now a large group of people came here to seek an explanation from the Nanyun Chamber of Commerce!"

Meng Qingwu was struck by lightning: "How is this possible?"

Nanyun Chamber of Commerce has invested a lot of money and made sufficient preparations for the layout of the drug market. Since the opening of the drugstore, it has been almost smooth and has not encountered any setbacks. However, because it was so smooth, Meng Qingwu was suspicious for a while, thinking that there was a fraud, and told Meng Yingying her worries.

The premonition of danger came true!

Meng Yingying looked at her sister worriedly: "What should I do?"

There was already a burst of noisy noise outside.

"The profiteer harms people!"

"The profiteer harms people!"

"Meng Qingwu, don't be a coward, come out!"

The three important figures are still at home, and there are rioting crowds outside. Meng Qingwu feels that she is stretched, so she just needs to say to Meng Yingying: "This matter must be framed by the enemy. You go to the hall to find Master Zhang and the others, and stay with them." , your safety is guaranteed."

Meng Yingying asked urgently, "Where's sister?"

"I'll settle it, don't worry about me." Meng Qingwu called out: "Guard Meng, bring a few people with you, let's go out and have a look."

Meng Qingwu didn't appear for the time being, so she observed inside the door first.

An angry crowd gathered outside, almost all of them were armed personnel, including soldiers, mercenaries, adventurers, and free monks. Because the pharmacy was aimed at practitioners, if something happened to the pharmacy, it would immediately offend the most powerful ordinary people.

At this time, she suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the pharmacy started off smoothly, and the enemy didn't intend to attack her business at all, but thought of a poisonous plan to kill with a knife!

"Businessman, get out!"

"My brother is still unconscious, give me justice!"

Guard Meng came out first, pulled out the long knife at his waist, blocked the thrown stones and sundries, and shouted in a deep voice: "Shut up! The eldest lady will explain clearly! What's the use of you arguing? It can be resolved." Question?"

Guard Meng is a well-known warrior.

At the seventh level of body training, his combat strength is amazing. When this person speaks, people are immediately afraid.

"Mengshan, you are so majestic."

Guard Meng looked over with a weird expression, and a trace of deep hatred flashed in his eyes, because this person was none other than Han Shaolong, Meng Yingying's second senior brother, Zhang Liqing's second apprentice, and the young president of the Blackwater Chamber of Commerce.

Others were afraid of being guarded, but Han Shaolong didn't seem to be afraid at all. Langsheng shouted: "Nanyun Pharmacy sells black-hearted medicines, and the matter was exposed. The Han family also has several victims. Now that the incident happened, let's seek justice. Meng Qing But Wu didn't even miss the face, and sent a few thugs to suppress the scene. Is there still a law of heaven? Is there any law of heaven!"

This statement immediately incited the crowd to be angry.

The scene is about to get out of control again.

"There can be no problem with the medicine from the Nanyun Chamber of Commerce."

A magnetic voice came, sexy yet steady.

Meng Qingwu walked out slowly, dressed in white clothes better than snow, blue hair like waterfalls, noble temperament, like a fairy descending to earth.

At this moment, she was also calm on the surface, but her heart was already flustered. This incident was too big, and the scariest thing was that she didn't notice it in advance.

The material channel is solid.

Alchemists are all hired with high salaries from outer cities.

It can be said that Meng Qingwu is very cautious in doing things, even watertight!

Therefore, there is no possibility of outsiders poisoning, so there is a possibility that this person is someone close to him—Nanyun Chamber of Commerce has a very deep undercover agent. It is precisely this point that Meng Qingwu feels cold all over!

Although I do not know who betrayed.

This person must be his confidant!

"Shameless black-hearted profiteer!"

"This matter is already in front of you, and you dare to deny it!"

"Everyone, quickly bring the wounded up, and let this black-hearted profiteer take a look at what she has done that is beyond conscience!"

Hundreds of stretchers were lifted out of the crowd, and every person carried out was in a weak state, with unnatural gray-black faces, trembling, and constant sweating, which was definitely the result of some kind of severe poison.

Han Shaolong hugged his chest, and said righteously: "This is just a small number of victims. Almost all those who have taken the medicine of Nanyun Chamber of Commerce in the past two days have symptoms of poisoning. This fact is right in front of us. There is nothing to argue about." Everyone said, should we seek justice!"

"That's right!"

"We want justice!"

This is a long-planned and well-planned conspiracy!

"Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient." Meng Qingwu knows that denying it now will not help, but will arouse more intense public anger. All she needs to do is hold back her anger and aggrieved and say: "There is something wrong with this matter, please believe me, believe Nan Cloud Chamber of Commerce, we will definitely investigate the truth and compensate the victims for their losses!"


"Can you afford it?"

"After we were poisoned, our cultivation has seriously regressed!"

"We can't even find out what kind of poison we got. Your Nanyun Chamber of Commerce has investigated it clearly. How many people have died? How can you talk about compensation?"

This matter is obviously more serious than imagined.

Because the poison was not detected, it means that the poison was also carefully prepared, so that the Nanyun Chamber of Commerce could not find out what the poison was. If they don't even know what the poison is, how can they track down the poisoner? Moreover, if you don't even know what poison is, how can you detoxify these people, the whole thing will continue to ferment, and eventually it will get out of hand!

"My brother bought a bottle of healing potion, and he was poisoned all the time when he went out on missions. He has been killed by a monster now." A big man with a beard rushed out of the crowd, holding a steel ax, and slashed towards him with a roar: " You black-hearted profiteer, pay back my brother's life!"

The Meng guard yelled: "Get out!"

The long knife blocked the steel axe, Yuanli directly knocked the opponent over, and kicked him back into the crowd with a volley.

Guard Meng stood beside Meng Qingwu with a knife: "Whoever dares to hurt the eldest lady, don't blame Meng for being rude!"

Han Shaolong caught the bearded man, and immediately took the opportunity to shout: "The profiteer didn't give an explanation, but even hurt people!"

"Fight with her!"

"Hack and kill the profiteer!"

"Down with the Black Heart Chamber of Commerce!"

Meng Qingwu stared blankly at the angry crowd, her face quickly turned pale... It's over, it's over, after this incident, no matter what the final outcome is, the reputation of Nanyun Chamber of Commerce will be completely ruined.

One wrong step, all lose!

She has worked hard for many years, walking on thin ice and being cautious, but in the end she still fell into a trick, and the chamber of commerce fell apart overnight.

Meng Qingwu suddenly felt a deep sense of exhaustion.

She's really tired of it.

"Please be quiet." Meng Qingwu shouted, with tears in her eyes, she stepped forward two steps, stood in front of everyone, with mixed feelings in her heart, and said in a firm and powerful voice, "I still say that, The Nanyun Chamber of Commerce will compensate for all losses, please believe me, even if the family goes bankrupt, I will compensate. Steward Zhao!"

The old butler staggered up to the mistress.

Meng Qingwu ordered: "First take out all the cash from the Chamber of Commerce as the first batch of compensation, and hand over all the real estate properties of the Chamber of Commerce as mortgages, and compensate the victims for all losses at all costs!"

"Miss, you want to disband the chamber of commerce!" Steward Zhao burst into tears, "Why did you do this? It's not our fault! Conspiracy! It's all a conspiracy!"

Meng Qingwu let out a miserable laugh.

It's a conspiracy, but does it work

This time, after careful preparation, the other party must be confident that she will not be able to find out, and the poisoner is likely to be an internal undercover agent. Even if this kind of thing is really found out, the Nanyun Chamber of Commerce does not employ people well, and it will still have to pay a lot of responsibility of.

Besides, even if the Nanyun Chamber of Commerce survived such a bad incident, is there any possibility for a chamber of commerce that has completely lost its reputation to develop

Butler Zhao trembled all over: "When the master and wife first came out to venture out, the old slave followed them. After decades of hard work, I watched the Nanyun Chamber of Commerce grow up. Six years ago, the master and his wife died, and the old slave It was supposed to be buried, but I just don’t worry about the Chamber of Commerce, after all, it’s their hard work! Now that the Chamber of Commerce is gone, why should I continue to live, I will fight these despicable people!"

"Old Zhao, no!"

Steward Zhao rushed towards Han Shaolong, Meng Qingwu wanted to stop it but it was too late, an arrow shot out from the crowd, directly piercing the old man's chest.

"Old Zhao!" Meng Qingwu threw herself on the old man's body despite being blocked by the guards. Her hands were soon stained red with blood. She looked at the crowd around her with tears all over her face: "I am willing to give up everything. You won. You have already won, why do you still do this! Why!"

Han Shaolong laughed loudly, "Meng Qingwu, are you really stupid or just pretending to be stupid? Do you think compensation is enough? Brother Wang, please tell her!"

A man wearing the armor of a high-ranking officer came out and held up a token first: "I am Wang An, the captain of the investigation team of Tiannan City!"

Wang Anyi said: "This poisoning case has suffered many victims and the impact is extremely bad. According to the laws of the kingdom and the regulations of the chamber of commerce, Meng Qingwu, as the person in charge of the chamber of commerce, cannot find out the truth. Then there is an unshirkable responsibility. Sit together as an accomplice, exile in frontier labor for life, and all family members will be permanently registered and assigned as military prostitutes and military slaves."

So cruel!

Meng Qingwu tattooed and exiled.

Meng Yingying will become a military prostitute.

Is it really necessary to kill them all

"Fuck!" At this moment, a dull voice like a bell came from the house, filled with infinite rage, "Who the hell wants to send my master to be a military prostitute? You're looking for death! Get me to punch you first!" !"

A burst of powerful coercion suddenly struck.

Everyone felt that their chests were being crushed, and they couldn't even move their bodies.

The team leader, who had spoken righteously and righteously a moment ago, was suddenly hit by a red fist shadow, and was thrown more than ten meters away on the spot, his muscles and bones were shattered, and he died on the spot without even groaning.

Han Shaolong's face changed drastically: "How courageous! Dare to attack and kill officers in broad daylight!"

At this time, a female voice with a familiar voice came over first: "Your surname is Han, deceive your master and tell the truth, you are not small!"

"Nangong Yun?"

The three of them walked out slowly.

One is a hot beauty in high boots, a red dress, and red hair like a waterfall.

One is a strong man in his thirties who is nearly two meters tall and looks like a bear.

The last one is a simple and ordinary white-haired old man.

When Han Shaolong saw Zhang Liqing, it was as if he had seen a ghost, and his expression suddenly changed: "Old... teacher!"