Miracle Throne

Chapter 53: menacing


Chu Tian retreated for a few days and consumed 5,000 Meteor Grass plants, worth about 60,000 gold coins.

Finally, I have practiced some tricks with the Indestructible Starlight Body.

However, there is still a long way to go to the Liuli Body Realm, which is a small achievement in kung fu. The consumption of materials for kung fu practice is not constant. As the level of cultivation deepens, the rate of improvement increases exponentially!

The current scale of the Miracle Catering Chamber of Commerce is too large for even one person to practice. What's more, it takes a part of the money to invest in other industries of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce, not to mention the need to train other people, not to mention that Chutian can practice other skills Law.

Where is the practice

It's just burning money!

But in the process of practicing, Chu Tian benefited a lot.

His cultivation has reached the peak of the eighth level, and the improvement of his cultivation is not very obvious, but the power of the stars has washed the body inside and out, and the strength of the meridians and the strength of the vitality have all been greatly improved.

Chutian's physical strength has increased several times!

This is undoubtedly a solid foundation for the future!

As long as the supply of training materials is guaranteed, Chu Tian will be able to refine the glazed body in a short time!

The Miracle Merchant Guild is a collective, and without strong enough figures to sit in charge, it will inevitably be stretched when it grows in size. Therefore, in order to improve the strength of others, Chu Tian did not hesitate to pass on his experience and personally instructed several core members to practice.

On this day, Meng Qingwu, Meng Yingying, Xiong Tianyan, and Zhang Liqing were all present.

Several people shared their difficulties and doubts during cultivation.

Chutian is providing targeted answers and guidance one by one.

The vision of 30,000 years ahead, this is not a joke, even if Chutian takes a piss, he has a few more tricks than ordinary people, dare not say that he is invincible, but in terms of theoretical knowledge reserves, he definitely has a strong far-reaching prospective.

Every piece of knowledge is the accumulation of tens of thousands of years of wisdom.

Every theory is the research result of countless sages.

No matter how obscure and esoteric a problem is, it can always be solved in the simplest way.

Chutian's suggestions are always fantastic, creative and inspiring.

The progress of these people's Starlight Indestructible Body is not as fast as Chu Tian's, but they have already touched the threshold. This set of exercises is really too profound and obscure for them.

Several people were fascinated by it.

at this moment.

Nangong Yun suddenly slammed into the door anxiously and barged in.

"Chu Tian!"

"Something has happened!"

A pile of newspapers was thrown to several people.

Let the shocking titles appear in front of everyone.

"People Times" headline - "Qi Chutian: An illegitimate son of a traitor!"

"Tiannan Daily" headline - "The Chu family may be suspected of stealing the secret technology of the Chu family!"

The headline of the "Golden Business Journal" - "Stealing fame, deceiving the world and stealing fame! Chu Tian is a big liar!"

The headline of "Mercenary Weekly" - "Shameless Chutian! Get rich by stealing technology! You don't deserve to stay in Tiannan City!"

Everyone was stunned!

How is this going

The media, which had been singing praises for a few days, seemed to have taken a few catties of aphrodisiacs collectively today, and they all turned around overnight, criticizing and bombarding indiscriminately.

Mainly focus on three points.

1. Chutian is a traitor.

2. Chutian is the illegitimate son of the Chu family in Zhongzhou City, a bastard with no status.

3. Chutian's technology is definitely not his own, but he stole it from the family when he defected to the Chu family.

Chu Tian directly portrayed him as a despicable, insidious and cunning scum who stole family technology!

What the hell!

The bastards can think of any trick!

Undoubtedly, Tiannan City was once again sensationalized!

Chutian was once pushed to the forefront, and the Miracle Chamber of Commerce became the focus of discussion again.

The Miracle Merchant Guild was born like a shooting star, but after only a few days of shining, it was thrown from the clouds to the bottom of the valley.

This dramatic change has caught the townspeople by surprise!

Of course, the huge success of Yuanli Restaurant undoubtedly aroused the envy of countless people!

These articles are even more well-founded, Chutian's life experience is simply dug out from the root!

Is it possible for a boy of sixteen or seventeen to master such cutting-edge technology? Totally impossible! There must be a problem!

All kinds of doubts come and go!

Zhang Liqing frowned and said: "It's too vicious, this is to ruin Chu Tian's reputation!"

Xiong Tianyan said impatiently: "It doesn't make sense! Some people believe these things? Let's go and explain it!"

Anger flashed in Nangong Yunmei's eyes, and she slapped the table to pieces, her phoenix eyes opened wide and she roared angrily: "Damn it! There's a point in explaining! These bastards are playing tricks on us! I'm going to kill you!" There they are!"

"Calm down." Although Meng Qingwu was holding her breath, since she took charge of the Nanyun Chamber of Commerce, she has experienced a lot of big and small storms, and she has not lost her mind. "This matter should have nothing to do with these media!"

"That's what the Chu family did!" Nangong Yun said angrily: "No matter how powerful the Chu family is, it can only be concentrated in Zhongzhou City, and Tiannan City is nothing! What's so majestic! My Nangong family is still a big family in Wangcheng!"

Meng Qingwu hurriedly said: "Because of this, it is even more strange. This matter is obviously done by the Chu family, but the Chu family has no foundation in Tiannan City, and the public opinion in Tiannan City turned against them overnight. ability?"

"You mean..."

Meng Qingwu nodded emphatically: "On the surface, it seems that the Chu family of Zhongzhou is looking for trouble. But in the final analysis, it is still caused by local forces. Without their secret fanning and support, the situation would not have turned around suddenly."

I understand that the Ye family and the Du family are deeply entrenched in Tiannan City. It was their coercion and lure that made all the major media defect, so as to cooperate with the Chu family to launch an attack!

It was a conspiracy from the start!

First investigate Chutian's identity.

Then leak the Chutian news to the Chu family.

In the end, the conflict between Chutian and the family was provoked, and resources from all sides were used to weave a big net together!

Because of Nangong Yi and Zhang Liqing, Ye Xiong couldn't attack Chu Tian directly, so he thought of this way of killing with a knife.

Meng Yingying worriedly asked: "How should we deal with it?"

"Don't act blindly. This is just using public opinion to create momentum. The real ultimate move should not be released yet. You can't stop your mouth. Let them talk."

"You can't just do nothing! It's about Chutian's reputation!"

"Don't worry, these remarks may seem shocking, but after careful scrutiny, they are bound to be full of flaws. The more we explain, the more remarks will be aroused. We might as well wait quietly for a few days. It is best to wait for the limelight to pass and everyone to calm down Finally, I will mediate from it to change the direction of public opinion, otherwise, if I act rashly, I may fall into a new trap."

Meng Qingwu's mind is very calm. She is obviously very experienced in handling similar crises.

But Chutian thought: "It's too passive, we should take the initiative to attack!"

Meng Qingwu smiled bitterly and said, "Attack? They took the lead!"

Chu Tian squinted his eyes and glanced at the newspaper, and an incomprehensible smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "It's just an appearance! The idiots thought they had the upper hand, but they dug a big hole and finally buried themselves in it."

Dig a big hole.

Bury yourself in

What does it mean

Several guards ran in in embarrassment:

"Miss, it's not good!"

"A lot of people are coming outside!"

"They are about to rush in, we can't stop it!"

The sky was gloomy, with dark clouds hanging low, faint thunder flashing, and a depressive atmosphere of a storm coming.

Hundreds of armed men flocked to surround the gate, stones and Molotov cocktails were thrown into the courtyard frantically, and a sharp shout was transmitted directly to the hall.

"Chutian Wild Species!"

"Get out!"

Chu Tian himself is invincible and invincible at the same level. What's more, he has recently practiced "Starlight Indestructible Body". As long as he doesn't meet the soul-awakening monks, he doesn't care at all.

Not to mention Xiong Tianyan, Nangong Yun, and Zhang Liqing's close protection!

Get out and get out!

Chu Tian swaggered out the door: "The weather is so gloomy today, but you are so enthusiastic, I am really flattered!"

"Stop their nonsense!"

"You traitor of the Chu family!"

"We were blind, we never thought that you are such a shameless villain!"

A few guards dressed as Chu family were staring at him emotionally, as if they were facing the mortal enemy who killed his father.

Among the crowd, there was a young man in his thirties. He was tall, with a concentrated breath, his eyes were like dots, and his voice was like thunder. It was obvious that he was extremely strong and he was a top master!

If such a character were in Tiannan City, he might not be much worse than Xiong Tianyan!

The crowd of onlookers started to discuss, this time Chutian might really be in big trouble!

"Everyone, I am Chu Yi, the son of the Fourth Elder of the Chu family of Zhongzhou!"

"Chu Tian is a disgrace to the Chu family. He shouldn't have lived in this world. The Chu family is merciful and spared his life. Who knows that the thief is ungrateful and instead steals the family's core technology!"

"These so-called emerging technologies all come from the research institutions of the Chu family! They are the lifelong painstaking efforts of the elders and sages of the Chu family!"

"Chu Tian not only stole the Chu family's secrets and tarnished the family's reputation, he also involuntarily injured those who came to discuss the matter, resulting in the tragedy of the Chu family's death and destruction."

"Such a wolf-hearted thing, such a cruel villain, if he is allowed to live, there will be endless troubles!"

The onlookers heard this.

All were filled with righteous indignation.

No wonder Chu Tian created so many miracles at such a young age!

After making trouble for a long time, all this guy's things were stolen from the family when he defected from the family!

"I didn't expect that! He is such a scumbag!"

"You don't deserve to be in Tiannan City, get out!"

"Let's fight this scum together!"

"kill him!"

"kill him!"


Someone in the crowd immediately shouted. If you observe carefully, it is not difficult to find that most of these are mercenaries of the Ye family lurking in the crowd, deliberately guiding the emotions of the crowd.

People's emotions were really stirred up.

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation!

Chu Yi shouted loudly: "Take down this thief! Fa-rectification on the spot!"

Several capable Chu family guards rushed out from the crowd, as if they were about to capture Chu Tian alive.

"Get out!" Nangong Yun yelled violently, and slapped out a strong palm wind, which hit the guards like waves, instantly overwhelming several guards, "Whoever dares to move! I'll kill him!"

A sneer flashed across Chu Yi's eyes: "Under the eyes of everyone, the daughter of the city lord still dares to cover up the traitor? Come and take it down!"

Dozens of people poured out of the crowd.

These are the masters of Ye family and Du family.

A ferocious coercion suddenly erupted from a distance, and a thick and low growl came out randomly: "Who dares to take someone under my nose!"

Nangong Yi jumped out of the beast cart, swept over the crowd like a goshawk, and landed heavily in the middle of the two sides!

The mayor has appeared!

Seeing Nangong Yi appearing, Chu Yi was not surprised at all: "City Master Nangong? My Chu family is arresting an internal thief, what right do you have to stop me!"

Chutian is from the Chu family

Chu Tian is an illegitimate child of the Chu family

These news really surprised Nangong Yi.

However, if one were to say that Chu Tian's knowledge and knowledge were stolen from the Chu family, Nangong Yi would not believe it!

If the Chu family had such a background, how could they be relegated to a small county? Isn't this a big joke


Is it possible for an unreliable illegitimate child to master the mysteries of the mind and eyes

Is it possible for an unreliable illegitimate child to find out a way to control the crystal oil

If the Chu family really has such a background, it is impossible for them to research the Yuanli Lamp and Yuanli Pot without any news!

"If you want to commit a crime, there is nothing to worry about!" Nangong Yi stood in the center, appearing calm and majestic, with a strong aura suppressing everyone: "A mere junior, dare to show his prestige in front of the city lord! Let Chu Jiangshan have the guts to come in person." , I'd be interested in having a couple of tricks with him!"

"you… "

Chu Yi's expression changed slightly.

This Nangong Yi breathed a sigh of relief, actually wanting to challenge the Patriarch!

The Nangong family is one of the three major families in the kingdom, and Nangong Yi's lineage is nothing more than a collateral branch!

Nangong Yi took a step forward, overwhelming the mountains with overwhelming pressure, and suddenly made everyone take a step back: "Get lost! Are you forcing me to do it?"

"City Master Nangong, what a powerful official." At this time, a deep voice came from the crowd: "But you are relying on your status and power to interfere in the private affairs of the Chu family, I'm afraid it's really inappropriate!"

who is it

People were shocked!

Who in Tiannan City dares to talk to the city lord like that