Miracle Throne

Chapter 78: Melee Corpse King Palace


The ghost-faced old man hit with all his strength, like a mud cow entering the sea.

Almost no sound came out.

Hardly any scratches.

Not a single spark flickered.

The strange scene stunned everyone. The ghost-faced old man became angry from embarrassment, and manipulated the soul to strike a dozen times in a row, but the result was still the same. The black jade coffin was not damaged at all, and all the attacks were as if nothing had been done.


Why is this happening!

Could it be that it was hard to find, but in the end it couldn't be opened

Chu Tian suddenly felt something: "Wait, there is movement inside!"

Everyone observed carefully, the black jade coffin shook slightly, and there seemed to be some cracks, these cracks were so small that it was almost difficult to see with the naked eye. This crack was not caused by the attack of the ghost-faced old man, it seemed to be spreading from the inside out, because there was a force inside the coffin, which was cracking the extremely strong coffin.


The black jade coffin was finally about to be opened.

Before the ghost-faced old man could be happy, there was a sharp whistling sound from the direction of the passage of the main hall, and his expression suddenly changed: "They are chasing in!"

Everyone else was shocked.

Don't come early, don't come late, why come at this time.

"Hahahaha, where do you think you can escape to?" Yang Kun laughed wildly and rushed out first, like a furious rhinoceros, with his right arm shrouded in the light of the golden giant arm Yuanhun, blasting towards several people with the momentum of Mount Tai. "Die!"

Chu Tian grabbed the butterfly and avoided it.

Yun Yao held up the Thunder Lingzhu to face him, and the thunder and lightning weaved together to form a huge cover.


The golden giant fist landed on the lightning shield, smashing the lightning shield into a depression.

With the help of Lei Lingzhu's power, Yun Yao could barely resist Yang Kun. Yang Kun's physical strength was too strong, almost no less than that of wild beasts.

"You are just the last of the four young masters, not to mention Chu Xinghe, you are far behind the other two, break it!" Yang Kun yelled angrily, the thunder shield shattered, Yun Yao took a few steps back, barely standing still body, Yang Kun shouted to Brother Yang Zhan who came after him: "Leave the others to you, I will take care of this woman!"

Yang Zhan laughed wildly: "Brothers, kill them!"

None are simple characters.

This will be a very tough battle!

The ghost-faced old man was full of anxiety: "Flame ghost, ice devil, go and block them!"

Brother Yangui is a rookie in the sect brought out by the ghost-faced old man. He is an elite of the younger generation. He grew up in a big country since he was a child, and he practiced first-class kung fu.

Although the real strength is much worse than Zhongzhou Wudao, when he is suppressed to the same level, Zhongzhou Wudao is not necessarily his opponent in a single fight.

"Brother Huo, I gave you two little kids to feed the spirit beasts."

"Leave this ghost-faced old man to me to deal with!"

Qu Yun threw out a black talisman with a wave of his hand, and a ray of light shot out from the magic eye soul, and the talisman glowed with black flames, transforming into a half-body demon, who attacked the ghost-faced old man with a giant hammer in his hand.

The ghost-faced old man summoned the Crescent Demon Blade, and at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, he slashed across the half-body monster like lightning, directly splitting the invisible monster in half.

"Ghost Taoist Qu Yun's supernatural powers are nothing more than this!"

"Jie Jie Jie, it's not over yet!"

After the monster was split in half, instead of dissipating, it turned into two monsters. The ghost-faced old man's crescent magic blade was too fast, and there were several consecutive slashes in an instant. More and more, and finally became densely packed with more than a dozen.

What kind of miracle is this

The monks of the small country can't be completely underestimated!

In this kind of place where the aura is thin, if you have cultivated to the same level as yourself, it can only show that there are more opportunities and adventures, and the combat power is not necessarily weaker than yourself.

"Let's go."

Chu Tian and Cai Die rushed out with their swords in hand. Huo Chengyin, with a stern face without ice, formed seals with both hands, and with a sudden blow, a black seal shot directly at Cai Die.

The Qiushui sword lit up and struck with the power of a high-grade spiritual weapon.


Caidie was forced to take several steps back.

Her strength is the weakest among all of them, but relying on the power of a high-grade spiritual weapon, she can also display the peak strength of the Ninth Layer of Body Training!

At this time, Shashasha Beast let out a scream of "Aw!", jumped up from Huo Chengyin's shoulder, turned into a purple afterimage, and galloped out roaring.

too fast!

An afterimage struck quickly!

Chu Tian hurriedly condensed the starlight body protection, only to feel a shock behind his back, like a lightning strike, and a burst of fiery cracking pain came. Several deep wounds appeared on his back, and several scratches appeared on the stone pillars beside him.

The Posha Beast stared at the stone pillar with its legs, and turned into purple light again, attacking its chest like a drill.

A little monkey dares to jump up and down!

I almost shit on my brother's head!

Do you really think brother is easy to bully

Chu Tian directly opened his eyes, and instantly understood the movement trajectory of the Shasha Beast. As he waved his sword, a thick ghostly aura filled the air. The terrifying killing aura directly locked onto the Shashasha Beast, and he slashed at the Shashasha Beast with a dazzling cold light.

Huo Chengyin's face changed drastically: "Back!"

The broken evil beast screamed, and its two claws were cut off directly.

Huo Chengyin's ice face showed fury, and he quickly recited the incantation silently, and the two severed claws flew around in the air, and then connected to the body of the broken evil beast.

"Hurt my spirit beast!"

"I want you to never be reborn!"

Huo Chengyin was clearly enraged by Chu Tian. The Shashasha Beast connected with its master, and immediately raised its head to the sky and let out a long roar, spewing out a large amount of black mist containing the power of demons from its mouth. The evil beast penetrates through the pores.

"What the hell is this!"

The Shashasha Beast, tens of centimeters high, multiplied dozens of times, and turned into a huge monster ape nearly three feet in size!

The strange ape was hairless, and its dark, rock-like shiny skin was covered with complex runes from head to toe. A fierce and manic aura was released from the strange ape's body.

"kill him!"

Huo Chengyin roared.

The runes on the strange ape's body shone with light, and a huge fist was directly pressed into the ground, and the strong shock made people unable to stand still.

Chu Tian flashed fast, otherwise he would be a meatloaf.

The strength of this ferocious beast is probably not much different from that of Yang Kun.

The big eccentric ape was as excited and manic as if he had taken several tons of aphrodisiacs, and his fists kept hitting Chu Tian like a storm, each punch smashing a big hole in the ground.

Chu Tian could only dodge the attack by borrowing a little bit, swimming through it like a butterfly piercing through a flower, occasionally being able to fight back once or twice, but generally speaking, he was at a disadvantage.

How can the kid be as flexible as a loach

Chutian has already seen that the real function of the Shashasha Beast is to destroy evil spirits. Although it can temporarily increase its strength with the help of secret techniques, and burst out a triple combat power that is not inferior to Soul Awakening, it is suppressing Chutian on the surface, but in fact it cannot last for too long.

Seeing this, Yang Zhan's gaze flashed a trace of coldness: "Leave these two guys to you, and I'll get the Nether Sword!"

A fiery long knife directly attacked Chu Tian from behind.


"Didn't think of it!"

"You will die in my hands in the end!"

The flame of the long knife became more and more vigorous, turning into a burning blade!

He saw that this kid was not pleasing to the eye, so he killed him with a single knife to vent his displeasure!

There was a strange ape attacking before.

Then there was Yang Zhan's sneak attack.

Cai Die showed worry, because Chu Tian had fallen into an extremely dangerous situation.

At this critical juncture, a sneer hung on the corner of Chu Tian's mouth, and he unreservedly burst out his strength, and a vague sword shadow emerged!

Yang Zhan said in shock: "Sword Yuanhun?"

He has been hiding his strength

An ancient and terrifying breath of destruction was released from the soul of the God Demon Sword.

The Nether Sword is empowered with the power of the God and Devil Sword, and the complex runes on the surface light up one after another, and the sword light suddenly flourishes, mixed with the vast and vast divine power, like a sleeping God of Destruction awakening, releasing the power to destroy everything!

"How can it be?!"

Yang Zhan felt a terrifying aura enveloped him, and felt a chill from the depths of his soul, as if he had been placed in a hell, surrounded by screaming souls who were dying.


The bright purple-black sword light cut off the flame knife on the spot!

The sword light fell on Yang Zhan's body mercilessly, splitting Yang Zhan in half with one blow!

One sword!

The leader of the famous Zhongzhou Five Swordsmen.

Chu Tian killed him with one strike of his sword!

The four brothers shouted in horror: "Big brother!"

Chu Tian raised his sword, and the soul of the gods and demons was enveloped, and then erupted with terrifying power. The endless destructive power condensed into a single sword, and slashed heavily on the strange ape. , his whole body was shattered on the spot, and he turned into a broken beast again.

Huo Chengyin's face changed drastically.

not good!

This kid's fighting power is too strong, and Shashasha Beast is no match for him!

Chu Tian deliberately hid his clumsiness, and when the time was right, he suddenly made a violent move, without any hesitation, without any hesitation, decisive and ruthless, not like a young man, but like an old fox who has experienced many battles.

what happened

Why is this kid so strong!

Yang Kun was also very shocked. Yun Yao, who was holding the Lei Lingzhu, was probably a little inferior!

I don't know who will win today!

Seeing that Chu Tian's fighting power was much higher than expected, the ghost-faced old man immediately became more confident, and he fully manipulated the Crescent Demon Blade to resist the attack of Qu Yun, the ghost Taoist, "Dare to destroy my plan, and save your life here!"


Explosion from behind!

There was no sign of it.

The originally quiet black jade coffin burst open suddenly, and a red humanoid figure popped out of it!

"this… "

Qu Yun showed a horrified expression, hurriedly put away his attack, and quickly retreated ten feet.

When the ghost-faced old man felt the aura, his whole body froze, and he hurriedly turned his head to look over. A terrifying face was directly in front of him, less than ten centimeters away.

It looks like a woman!

It was so lifelike!

From the outside, there are no traces of Yin corpses at all, except for a pair of eye sockets that are empty, like an endless black hole in the abyss.

The scariest thing is that face!

It turned out to be a coquettish and strange fox face.

A terrifying monster with a fox face and a human body, what kind of monster is it


No time to react.

The fox-faced corpse king slapped it over, and the head of the ghost-faced old man wearing a bronze mask instantly turned into pieces like a watermelon hit by a hammer, with brains scattered all over the floor!

Tear off both palms!


The whole body became two halves, one half hit the left wall of the main hall, and the other half hit the right wall of the main hall, all of which were crushed into a pulp under the terrifying force.

Both the Flame Ghost and the Ice Demon showed expressions of astonishment: "Elder!"

The ghost-faced old man is dead!

Anyway, he is a super master of the third level of soul awakening, not inferior to the silver wind swordsman, but he is so vulnerable!

The corpse king that popped out of the black jade coffin, judging from the outline of the body, should be a female corpse, but there is no trace of a yin corpse. Although the skin is pale, it is very smooth, and there is not even a hair on the corpse.

Long black hair, blood-red clothes, pale skin, everything is no different from normal people, except for that weird face that looks like a human and a fox.

The abdomen of the female corpse swelled high.

Just like a pregnant woman who has been pregnant for several months!

No way! The banshee corpse still has a big belly

The black jade coffin is placed here, and it may take thousands of years at the shortest. If there is something pregnant in the female corpse, it will definitely be the most evil and fierce monster!

This is the corpse king

Finally born!