Miss Cannon Fodder Wants To Escape Death Flags

Chapter 105


When Ning Ning opened his eyes, he saw boundless darkness.

The severe pain caused by the Lingshu Immortal Grass disappeared at this moment, and the whole body was too light.

She looked around blankly, until her eyes gradually became familiar with the current scene, and in a corner not far away, she vaguely saw a small, curled up figure.

Ning Ning stabilized his scattered consciousness and moved forward step by step.

As it got closer, the blurry shadow finally became clear, and was outlined by dark colors.

It turned out to be a frail boy, his hands clasped his knees tightly, and his body shrunk into a ball, like a small beast on the verge of death.

She smelled a strong bloody smell, as well as the smell of damp dust from the ground.

Dark spaces, basements, blood.

Ning Ning seemed to understand where she was now.

Pei Ji was attacked by demonic energy and had to fall into her inner demon, and her consciousness was fragile, so it was difficult to resist the erosion of demonic aura.

This should be his inner demon.

The boy curled up on the ground moved slightly, Ning Ning leaned over and looked down at him.

This cellar is sealed everywhere, and no light penetrates. Fortunately, the five senses of the cultivator are sensitive, so she can have a panoramic view of the scene in front of her.

It turns out that Pei Ji was so thin as a child.

He doesn't have much flesh on his body now. When he hugged her before, he could clearly feel the jagged bones of the young man's back, but fortunately, his meals were coordinated and his spiritual energy was abundant, so he didn't appear too thin.

But this little boy was different.

He was barely covered by a worn and thin robe, and his body exposed outside the cloth was incredibly thin, like a layer of pale skin covering the bones.

What's more, there are so many continuous scars on the skin, one after another, dark purple and bright red.

How painful this must be.

This is his childhood memory, Pei Ji can't see her.

But Ningning could see his appearance, his face was swollen as if he had been slapped in the face, his long eyelashes trembled slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes.

Pei Ji must be very scared.

Even she would be unconsciously terrified in such a drowsy scene, not to mention the scarred and young him.

So after this, Pei Ji will be so afraid of the dark.

A streak of blood flowed silently from the boy's arm, and Ning Ning felt sullen when he saw it, and subconsciously wanted to reach out and wipe it off for him, but his fingertips went straight through his body.

The memory of the past cannot be changed, and in this dark and dark cellar, no one can help him.

At this moment, there was a sudden creaking sound behind him, Ning Ning turned to look, and saw a touch of white light from top to bottom.

—The entrance to the cellar was opened, and the person who came was a woman with a skeleton.

Pei Ji's mother is rarely mentioned in the original work. In the memories of others, this almost crazy woman also left no trace. Thinking about it carefully, it seems that only Pei Ji can remember her.

Ning Ning squinted his eyes from the sudden light, and looked up at the woman who was gradually approaching.

Her skin was bloodless, so pale that it could be called "weird", her long hair was loosely scattered on her shoulders and back, and her bloodshot eyes were deeply sunken, surrounded by a gloomy gray-black color.

But even so, there is still a bit of what it once looked like.

"Why are you pretending to be dead? Get me up!"

She stood with her back to the light, and her eyes were full of undisguised disgust. When she spoke, she stepped forward and kicked the boy's thin waist with her right foot.

Pei Ji was in extreme pain, and her body shrank back in a conditioned reflex, but she gritted her teeth and didn't let out a painful cry or begging for mercy, her long eyelashes quickly closed up and down, and a broken whimper came out of her throat.

It was also at this time that Ning Ning finally saw his eyes clearly.

As a child, Pei Ji had not yet learned to wrap herself with anger. Her dark and round pupils were filled with mist, and she could not see the slightest brilliance under her long eyelashes, only extreme pain and numbness.

He was trying to maintain what little self-esteem he had left.

However, the more indifferent, the more women feel uncontrollable anger.

"What does this look mean - don't you look down on me too!"

She seemed to have gone mad, hatred overflowing from the bottom of her eyes, and she said while gnashing her teeth, she bowed and grabbed the boy's blood-soaked black hair, and raised him involuntarily: "Xie Yu... You and Xie also More than the same, right! You all deserve to die, remnants of the Demon Race!"

What followed was a slap in the face.

Pei Ji was forced to tilt her head under the tremendous force, and her already swollen side blushed to the point of dripping blood.

Ning Ning's eyes were hot and her heart was about to shatter, but she could only stand stiffly and couldn't do anything.

"It's all your fault, it's all your fault!"

Her voice was hoarse, and her entire back was shaking violently. Facing the child connected with her own blood, she spit out extremely vicious words from her mouth: "Do you hate me? You should be glad that I kept you... Know how the demons are today. What is the situation? Everyone gets it and kills it, and I can’t wait to be smashed to ashes!”

Her voice echoed in the empty, narrow cellar.

Like a ghost from the abyss, it fills every corner without a trace, and has not dispersed for a long time.

"You have such a bloodline, don't think about a good life in this life, and only I am willing to take you in. After leaving this house, where else can you go?"

She sunk her nails deeply into Pei Ji's neck, the boy frowned with a pale face, and his biological mother's voice seemed to be mad and soaked in hatred: "The devil should be punished... Who will care about you, who will approach you... disgusting thing!"

Until the end, she had regarded him as Xie Yu.

The city defense was broken, the home was displaced, and the family was destroyed. Even if this woman wanted to take revenge, the other party was a high-ranking demon, how could she easily do it.

Fortunately, she still has that person's flesh and blood.

—The boy who looks more and more like Xie Yu day by day.

This is her revenge, just to satisfy her own resentment that has nowhere to vent, how ridiculous, how stupid and incompetent.

Ning Ning didn't dare to look at it anymore, but the young Pei Ji kept looking at the woman without saying a word.

There was ignorance in the boy's eyes, and more was a stinging pain in a panic. Something shattered silently, turning into a cracked shadow, scattered in the depths of his pupils.

He was still so young, locked in the cellar for many years, and knew very little about the outside world. The only source of information that he could come into contact with was what his mother said every day.

It is in such deep malice that Pei Ji suffers day after day.

Those malicious curses and insults were deeply engraved in his heart, how could he not feel that he was a monster that was not tolerated by the world.

It turned out that he hated himself the most compared to this woman.

Ning Ning half-closed his eyes, unwilling to see more and more bloodstains and scars on Pei Ji's body, but he couldn't help but keep his eyes on him, and his heart couldn't help but feel astringent.

She knows what's going to happen next.

Later, when his mother died of a serious illness, Pei Ji lost his shackles and began to wander ignorantly. He didn't know anything about the outside world, and he walked staggeringly. Sometimes the demonic energy in his body could not be controlled, and he was often woken up in cold sweat in the middle of the night.

Hunger, cold eyes, mockery, the agony of old wounds day and night.

Until the yin and yang went wrong, and worshipped the Xuanxu Sword Sect.

From then on, the teenager learned to keep himself out of the way, not to be involved with anyone, and to wrap himself layer by layer with cold and hostile anger as a cocoon that was hard to break.

That's why Pei Jicai always looks so cold and fierce.

The cowardice and self-loathing that had occupied his heart since he was a child firmly imprisoned him. Pei Ji didn't know how to get along with others, and he didn't think anyone would want to approach him.

This is Pei Ji's inner demon.

The hysterical swearing still echoed in my ears, and without warning, the scene in front of me suddenly dimmed.

Both the woman and the boy disappeared in an instant. Ning Ning didn't understand what was going on, so he raised his eyes blankly and looked at the surrounding scene.

The surrounding area became the original darkness, and the darkness was endless, spreading and spreading in the entire space, pressing her to the point of being out of breath.

It was at this moment that Ning Ning saw a tall and slender figure.

Pei Jing was standing not far away, staring at her with a cold expression, and when he touched Ning Ning's line of sight, Yu Yu frowned.

it's wired.

This is completely looking at the eyes of strangers, even with a little boredom, which is completely different from his usual eyes.

Ning Ning took a step forward: "... Pei Ji?"

His eyes were deeper than the darkness around him, and when he spoke in a low voice, there was a mocking sneer in his tone: "This trick doesn't work, you don't have to work hard."

What doesn't work, what's a pain in the ass

Ning Ning didn't react, and listened to him continue: "Illusions are different from people...after all."

Oh, it turns out that he thought she was a phantom created by an inner demon.

- But it's obvious that she is me! Pei Ji, this idiot! How is she different from herself!

His appearance was indifferent and serious, Ning Ning was angry and funny, a teasing thought surged in his heart, and asked Pei Ji's meaning, "What's the difference?"

The black-clothed youth pursed his lips, his eyes were like a calm ancient well, and he frowned at her.

"she… "

His Adam's apple moved slightly, and he couldn't hear the emotion in his tone: "She won't come here."

This place is deep in his heart, and Pei Ji knows it well.

Before he lost consciousness, he saw Ning Ning leave without turning his head, and went straight to a spiritual plant on the top of the cliff. Although he couldn't recognize what it was, he was guarded by a black flood dragon, so he must have a very high rank.

When he fights with the black flood dragon, he has an excellent opportunity to pick spiritual plants.

I couldn't tell how I felt when I saw Ning Ning turn around and leave. The sourness, labor pain and loss seem to be insufficient to describe.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he was so sad and aggrieved that he was about to explode.

Pei Ji thought... She would be different from others.

But Ningning didn't give him the slightest glance in the end.

"Why do you think she won't come here?"

Ning Ning raised his chin, put his hands behind his back, and approached him briskly, his eyes fell on Pei Ji's eyes, staring at his dark pupils.

So fierce, so impatient, it seems that talking to her is a waste of time.

Does Pei Ji always have this attitude when facing others

"This place is dangerous," fortunately, although he was impatient, he replied in a low voice because of her same face as "Ning Ning", "No one will trespass into the hearts of others when they lose their spiritual power."

He used a very determined tone, and since he was not used to being too close to others, he took a step back with no expression on his face.

"You can't say that, how do you know what she thinks?"

Ning Ning almost wanted to fight for herself, took a step forward and walked straight to him: "What if there is?"

She raised her head when she spoke, and Xingyan looked at him without blinking, with a slight dissatisfaction, but more of an unstoppable smile.

The breath flowing around suddenly stopped.

Pei Ji stared at her in a daze, the thin ice-like hostility in her eyes quickly disappeared.

The dark clouds of the boy's dark pupils were surging, and because of the soft mist, he could not clearly see the feelings that he had suppressed in his heart.

But that emotion is so strong that even without any movement or sound, it can flow out of his eyes uncontrollably.

With an uncertain tone, his voice suddenly became hoarse, uttering word by word.

"... Ningning?"

Ning Ning wanted to keep his face straight, but he couldn't hold back his heartbeat, and he rolled his eyes and laughed out loud.

When she smiled, Pei Ji fully understood.

Ning Ning actually fell into the inner demon, when there was little spiritual power left and her consciousness was extremely fragile.

But how did she break the thick layer of magic beside him? She clearly-

Pei Ji's figure stopped abruptly.

Some distant but accessible memories quietly emerged in the chaotic sea of consciousness. He remembered the red blood on the girl's lips, and the white light that broke through the black mist.

When he was deep in the endless purgatory, someone used a sword to split the layers of demonic breath, covered in blood and weak, but also approached him step by step with incomparable determination.

The end of the boy's always indifferent eyes suddenly flashed a faint red.

It turned out that Ning Ning did not abandon him, but risked his life to save him.

He has been afraid of the dark since childhood.

Only she brings boundless bright colors.

... where is he worth.

The heart began to beat violently, and Pei Ji stared at the girl's smiling eyes.

They were so close together that he could reach out and touch them.

The longing that was buried deep in his heart clamored to break free, and the thick clouds gathered and dispersed in his eyes, condensing into a raging demon.

What is commonplace, humble and cowardly, just because of her look, it will fall apart in an instant, and it will never exist again.

Pei Ji only wants her.

The boy's throat rolled down unconsciously, and suddenly called her name: "Ningning."


She looked up curiously.

Immediately, there was an incomparably close wood plant fragrance on the tip of the nose, and in front of him was the dark shadow that was approaching, and the refreshing breath that belonged to a young man.

Something lightly touched his lips, and Ning Ning opened his eyes wide.

In just a moment, the sound of the whole world disappeared.

Pei Ji's lips were thin and soft, pressing down very lightly, like soft jelly, with some dry cracks, and pressed tightly against her.

He has no skills, and can only touch it a little bit with the most primitive instinct, almost lowered his eyes reverently, and even deliberately held his breath.

The thin lips were slowly pressed down, then gently moved away when caught off guard, and then landed in another place like a dragonfly.

He kissed earnestly, his face stopped just a millimeter away from her, and he said in a low voice, almost embarrassed: "Is this... OK?"

Ning Ning's mind was blank at first, but when he asked this question, the heat quickly spread from his ears to his whole body.

What is it, what is "is this possible?"

He is clearly cutting first and then playing.

She did not run away, nor did she express disgust.

That's what it means not to hate.

Ning Ning doesn't hate him.

The smile in Pei Ji's eyes deepened, she put on her lips again with a light powder.

Lips and lips rubbed silently, softness wherever it went.

Ning Ning looked up and saw his smiling pupils, like a bottomless vortex, with a teardrop at the end of her eye, which made her unable to resist and willingly fell for it.

He moved cautiously, using great courage every time he touched him, occasionally raising his long eyelashes to look at her, and even his voice was tense: "Do you like... like this?"

Same as what she said before.

Ningning couldn't tell whether it was a serious inquiry or a small revenge against her, but she finally understood one thing.

Pei Ji doesn't know how to kiss, thinking that the touch between lips like this is all that kisses.

It's really an elementary school eggshell.

She laughed a few times in her heart, glanced at the black eyes that were close at hand, and suddenly had a prank idea.

This kiss was originally led by him, but the girl curled her lips lightly and stood on tiptoe.

Then stick out the tip of her tongue and touch his lower lip.

Due to the blood loss and exhaustion of the teenager, she touched a dry crack, and the taste of blood came from the tip of her tongue.

Ning Ning blinked, exhausted all the courage in her body, and licked it teasingly.

His movements suddenly stopped, and the heat on his body became even more intense. The wet touch spreads between the lips, like a fish coming out of the water, and the tip of its tail moves, drawing out a continuous electric current.

Pei Ji froze obviously, with a moment of surprise and confusion in his pupils, and asked her with a blushing face and a hoarse voice, "... Should this be the case?"

Ning Ning:…

He asked seriously, as if he didn't do well, and there was a little more guilt and grievance in his tone.

As the one who took the initiative to tease, she was heartbroken because of this sentence.

They were in the depths of their inner demons, so Chengying did not appear in Pei Ji's mind as usual.

If he saw this scene, he would definitely cover his eyes with his hands.

I really don't see it.

Useless trash, kissing has to be taught by a girl, it's embarrassing.

Fortunately, Pei Ji didn't struggle with this. It's a long time coming in Japan, and he has time to learn slowly.

As for now-

The boy stretched out his hand to cover her soft lower back, his lips slowly moved sideways, and finally he no longer held his breath deliberately, but greedily sucked the fragrance from her body.

The place he kissed was hot, but for a moment, Pei Ji pressed her thin lips to Ningning's earlobe as she had done before.

As if he loved it very much, he took a sip.

His breath was warm, all in his ears.

Pei Ji murmured to her in an inaudible voice, "I like you."

Ning Ning only felt that her body had no strength, and it softened into a pool of mud.

- She never believed this description.

But the wind from Pei Ji blew gently, accompanied by the magnetically full voice of a dumb boy revolving on the eardrums, all the senses seemed to be pulled out of her mind at that moment, making her dazzled and unable to use strength.

But the body was held down by Pei Ji, unable to move.

The palm behind her slowly moved up.

Through a thin layer of spun yarn, Ning Ning could clearly feel the temperature and trajectory of his palm, spreading upward like a ball of fire, his thumb seemed to be pressing indistinctly, and there was restlessness wherever he passed.

The five fingers finally stopped on the spine, and Pei Ji pressed her into her arms with all her strength; and her chest was close to it, and she could feel the other's violent heartbeat, thumping and thumping.

His lips had already reached the girl's neck, and his face was buried in the crevice of her neck. When he spoke and breathed, it tickled his lungs.

Pei Ji's voice trembled slightly.

His voice was dry, like a young and helpless child, ignorantly but firmly opened his lips in her ear: "I like Ningning."

Ning Ning's heart pounded again.

The boy who buried his head in the crevice of her neck smiled in a low voice, his hair rubbed against her chin, tugging at the heartstrings.

Pei Ji's kiss was soft and delicate, but it also concealed an irresistible stubbornness, holding her beside her, making it difficult to escape.

Pei Ji exhaled a mass of hot air on the side of her neck, her thin lips pressed against the girl's reddish collarbone.

Ning Ning heard him say, "... my favorite."