Miss Cannon Fodder Wants To Escape Death Flags

Chapter 116


It's already night, and the setting sun is setting in the west.

When the sky is rarely clear, the wind and sand tonight is extraordinarily quiet. When the devilish energy gradually sinks, one can see the blood-colored afterglow of the setting sun in the distance.

Like blood stains seeping into the fog, all the redness spreads everywhere.


In the sand cave, someone rushed to report: "Pei Ji has followed the devil's breath and has come to this place. The fascination formation must be activated as soon as possible... He is going to kill him crazy!"

Huo Qiao nodded and glanced at Mo Xiu beside him.

The latter knew his intentions, lowered his head and said in a low voice: "The puppet has been made."

"Then go find him."

He didn't have much expression on his face, he was covered with a dignified layer that was incompatible with the baby's face, and his voice was extremely low: "Whether my Yangyang people can break the shackles... Success or failure depends on this."

Their plans weren't all that earth-shattering.

With the current weak state of the Demon Race, it is impossible to do anything earth-shattering.

All the powerhouses in the Demon Domain fell during the war, and most of the people who were left behind were of low cultivation and could not be used much.

Although they are both sons of the devil, Huo Qiao and Pei Ji's life trajectories are completely different.

His parents were both demons, and they could be said to be in love. Later, both of them died on the battlefield, leaving only Huo Qiao, who was still in his infancy.

Immediately after that, the demons retreated steadily, and the world of self-cultivation set up a two-meter dust formation. When he grew up enough to be reasonable, the Demon Realm was in a state of complete blockade and was far away from the outside world.

Said to be "Magic Domain", in fact, it is more like a cage that cannot be escaped.

Every day is a day after day scene, the sky is dark and gloomy, and yellow sand can be seen everywhere. The clansmen lived lifelessly, and could not find any rush and hope.

Survivors of the Great War told him that the world outside the realm was not like that.

Once in the outside world, he can see the blue sky and white clouds, towering towers rising from the ground, hiding the distant green mountains and smoke.

Huo Qiao has grown up in the Demon Realm since he was born. He has never been very smart, and it is difficult to imagine the scene in that person's words. He can only stand at the end of the barrier every day, looking at the flying yellow sand in the sky.

Fortunately, now, they finally have hope of leaving.

There are many demon gods sleeping in the depths of the Demon Realm. One day, three of them woke up at the same time, and the demonic energy soared into the sky, creating a crack in the two-meter dust formation.

The crack is not big, but it is enough for people to get out.

Due to the strong spiritual pressure of the formation, only the demons above the Jindan stage can barely pass through. In this way, how to expand this crack and further weaken the formation has become the primary problem that needs to be considered.

To destroy the formation, the only known method is to use the strong demonic energy that erupted.

And with such a bloodline, besides him, only Pei Ji is left.

They didn't think about Ning Ning at first. After all, Pei Ji has always been alone and cut off contact with almost everyone in the outside world.

What they have to do is to cut off this connection completely, so that he becomes an island that is cast aside and isolated from the world, sinking step by step in self-loathing and world-loathing, and finally degenerates into a demon and sacrifices himself.

The first step is to implant the demonic energy into the puppet, pretend to be a disciple of Xianmen to enter the secret realm of Xiaozhongshan, and then lead the demonic energy into the ancient tree, wait until Pei Ji is close, and then explode it together.

As a result, the ancient wood forest sea demon qi riots, the disciples of the major sects will surely suffer heavy casualties, and the source of all disasters will definitely be attributed to Pei Ji.

After all, he is the only one with devilish energy, and he is the only one who can lure the ancient tree into the devil and kill many innocent disciples.

But the plan failed.

A sword cultivator named "Ning Ning" went deep into the forest, and regardless of his life, he started a fight with the ancient tree;

But Pei Ji, who was supposed to be in a coma, woke up in the middle of the way, drew his sword and killed the demon tree, but instead became the hero to solve the Lin Hai crisis.

If this plan didn't work, they had to design another plan to replace the Xianquan used by Pei Ji's healing with a highly poisonous one.

As long as he used a little, the magic breath would soak into the blood with the poison. At that time, when Pei Ji enters the Demon Refining Pagoda and is attacked by thousands of demons, he will inevitably be trapped by the demons in his heart and become a decent enemy in such a strong demonic energy.

The result still failed.

It was Ning Ning who disturbed the whole plan.

She was like a thorn that suddenly appeared, turning the originally planned plan upside down.

This time, the Xuanxu Sword Sect group noticed the tricks and came to the Tianhe desert, which is the best time to lead Pei Ji into the devil.

According to their original plan, they should drive the incense of magic, first of all to cause chaos in Pei Ji's body, and then to turn the puppet into his appearance and kill one of the disciples.

In this way, there is an illusion that Pei Ji's evil qi has entered the body and mutilated the same family.

However, the success rate of this method is not high.

Or because of Ning Ning, Pei Ji today is no longer what he was at the beginning, and he is alone and separated from everyone in the teacher's sect. For him, Tian Xianzi and his party will inevitably be partial and trusting.

So they thought of a better way.

A way that can definitely lead Pei Ji into the devil.

Although Ning Ning fled here, he did not meet with Pei Ji.

As long as before that, in front of him, kill someone who looks like that girl—

The boy in white let out a silent sigh, and looked up at the indeterminate fire in the sand cave, his eyes were filled with determination that he had never had before.

Huo Qiao said, "Let's go."


Pei Ji searched for the magic energy and was almost at the entrance of the sand cave.

If there is a demon clan in the past, without exception, they are all headed by a sword, telling him to kill a bloody path, and there are blood stains on the black clothes.

"This kid... is he crazy?"

In the night, the smoke and sand were mixed with blood, and Qingheng's back was chilled. After a short pause, he turned his head to Huo Qiao beside him and said, "The fascination formation has been completed, and the puppets are ready."

During the conversation, a shadow emerged from the shadow under the dunes.

The girl and Ning Ning who appeared gradually seemed to be carved out of the same mold. In order to be realistic, there were even a few bloodstains on their cheeks that were formed after being attacked.

It's a pity that the puppet doesn't have self-awareness, and his every move relies on manipulation, so the whole thing looks dull, and his face doesn't have much expression.

"solve quickly."

Huo Qiao said without hesitation: "Don't let him notice the slightest tricky thing."

As he spoke, he faced the wind and sand and looked at the blood-stained figure of the young man in the distance.

The figure was like a drawn knife.

Pei Ji is extremely thin and tall, and the black clothes do not appear very clear in the night. His whole body was shrouded in cold killing intent and sword energy, and in the layers of blood mist, where he looked like a decent cultivator, it would be better to say that he was Shura from Purgatory.

It should be that he sensed the sudden emergence of demonic energy behind him, Pei Ji drew his sword and turned around, the murderous aura in his eyes condensed into an indestructible pitch black, but when he saw the scene behind him, he was slightly startled.

Under the dunes in the distance, there are several shadows standing impressively.

Standing at the front was a tall and strong strange man, and Ning Ning, who was holding a long knife to his neck.

… Ning Ning.

The heart accelerated violently like never before, the pupils of the black-clothed boy shrank suddenly, and the body overflowed with strong demonic energy.


"The time has come."

Huo Qiao's eyes darkened, and his fingertips moved: "Let's start."

This sentence is like a switch, but in the blink of an eye, there is a sudden evil wind in the desert, and many monsters and magic cultivators emerge from all directions.

I don't know how long they have been quietly ambush in the dark, and now they have been ordered to attack Pei Ji.

"It's amazing to come here with one person's strength."

The tall man smiled and said loudly, the blade in his hand gradually pressed down, and when it touched the tender white skin of the girl, drops of blood ooze out: "Let me guess... You are here to find this girl, right?"

Amidst the roars of countless demons, this voice was like an inconspicuous grain of sand in the desert, buried in a hidden corner, making it difficult to be noticed.

However, Pei Ji stared at the man's eyes with scarlet eyes, and at the same time he drew his sword and cut off the demons around him, he also tried his best to move closer to the dune.

The demons are surging like a tide, as if there is no end to time.

And his movements were hurried and embarrassed. Under such a mighty attack, his body had long been scarred. If there was no support from his thoughts, he might have lost consciousness.

The man under the dune continued to say, "You killed so many demons, shouldn't I... should make something in return?"


don't want.

Pei Ji wanted to open her mouth, but red bloodstains poured out of her mouth.

He wanted to go forward, but he was surrounded by murderous auras. Demon Swordsman, Fuxiu, Tixiu, Lexiu, and the overlapping demons swarmed up. He could only wave his sword in vain, and his hands trembled violently.

"Pei Xiaoji!"

Chengying shouted in panic: "Your body can't support it anymore, it's about to reach its limit! You—"

Before it could finish speaking, it saw a flash of sword light under the dunes.

The scene was like a dream.

The Sword Spirit, who has always been carefree, stood there dumbfounded, and could no longer make a sound.

At this time, the night was already deep, the blood left by the setting sun had all dissipated, and there were surging black tides between the heavens and the earth.

Suddenly, a cold wind hits, and the cold air penetrates the bones, blowing down a dangling cloud in the sky, and the light and shadow gather and disperse, revealing a yellow outline from the endless darkness.

It was the fourteenth moon.

The never full, broken moon.

The cold and dim light poured down like water and landed under the sand dunes, illuminating the pale face of the girl.

There were many ghosts around, but Pei Ji stopped fighting back at this moment.

Because of this pause, a long knife pierced through his chest. He couldn't feel any pain, but only heard his own heart beating violently, thumping and thumping.

It was eerily quiet all around, without any sound.

The moonlight reflected the blade light under the dunes into snow white.

With a slight shake, it was a shocking red.

The long sword that the boy had always held tightly fell to the ground.

"The puppet is dead."

Under the shadows, Huo Qiao closed his eyelashes lightly, and said slowly, "The fascination has arisen."


He has always been alone, and no one wants to approach him.

Pei Ji opened his eyes in a trance, and saw a blood-red dense forest, with demonic breath overflowing in the forest, and the blood light against the black gas.

An already cold corpse fell from a tree, and he recognized that the man's uniform was a monk from Luming Mountain.

I don't know who is scolding: "It's him, it's all him! It was his appearance in the ancient wood forest that led to this riot... He was the murderer who killed those people! The evil devil should be punished!"

He bowed his head blankly, only to realize that he was also covered in scars and the pain was unbearable.

"You murderer!"

Someone else shouted in a crying voice, word by word, every voice seemed to devour him alive: "Get out of the Xuanxu Sword Sect! It's disgusting!"

Pei Ji wanted to tell them that this was not the case.

He has been fighting with the demon tree for a long time, desperately trying to get rid of it, he is not a demon, and he does not want to hurt people.

But no one believed him.

They just stood by the side with cold eyes, their pupils were full of ice, and they suddenly looked at them with expressions of contempt, rejection and fear.

And he stood alone in everyone's eyes, like a terrifying joke.

This has been the case since childhood, living in a miserable state.

Pei Ji silently told herself in her heart that he didn't care.

Those deliberate exclusion, bullying and cold treatment, he has long been accustomed to, so he has never cared about it.

Even if no one wants to stand by his side, he...

He won't be sad either.

The heart beat suddenly and heavily.

A vague shadow slowly emerged from the depths of his mind, like a broken bright moon in the water, and a swaying begonia flower in the fog.

The blood all over his body started to flow again because of that shadow.


It's not like this.

Someone was always by his side.

He was born in the mud, but she was willing to smile at him tenderly.

Only she would be willing to approach him step by step, take him away from the dark mud, and smile at him tenderly.

How could he forget.

He will never forget.

That person's name is—

"The magic has spread out."

Qing Heng clenched the long knife in his hand, and his eyes showed joy: "This kid has such strong magical energy, he can definitely break through the formation - he moved!"

Huo Qiao looked down without saying a word.

The moonlight was like a glowing wisp of dust, scattered on the blood-stained sword.

The owner of the sword was half-kneeling on the ground, his back was half-crawled, and the arc of the bow was like a trembling beast.

Pei Ji was shaking.

The boy's headband fell off at an unknown time, and the scattered black hair was as long as a waterfall. Because it was soaked in blood, when it brushed across his face in an extremely messy manner, it left a trail of dark red fine marks.

Suddenly he looked up.

The originally pitch-black pupils were filled with strange scarlet, and bloodshots climbed up like vines, quickly occupying the entire eyeball, and at the same time, it also continued to overflow outwards heavily, dyeing the eye sockets, the bottom of the eyes and the curvature of the end of the eyes.

The wind in the desert suddenly picked up, and the monsters were howling like ghosts. For a time, the monsters were frightened and scattered.

I don't know when the dark fog turned blood red, and the wind rose up, forming a roaring vortex, and Pei Ji was in the center of the vortex.

"It seems... not quite right."

Someone hesitated: "This murderous aura and coercion... Can we really stop it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly heard the roar of the wind in the whirlpool, and the wind and waves overflowed with blood and energy—

Immediately, a cold light suddenly appeared, like a thousand arrows, dispersing to the surrounding ground!

"Guard formation, guard formation! This kid!"

Qing Heng was horrified by this murderous aura, and urged the demonic energy to protect his body: "The rest, attack him together!"

Many demon cultivators were forced to retreat by the sword qi, and when they heard the words, they barely stabilized their bodies and concentrated their energy.

After all, they were numerous and powerful, but in a matter of seconds, the surging tide of magic formed a siege, trapping Pei Ji in it.

He definitely won't be able to get out of this great formation tonight.

Huo Qiao nodded and raised his eyebrows: "Attack."

The tide of magic surged violently, condensing into several pitch-black long swords in mid-air, and in the whimpering of the wind, they let out a long, sharp whistle at the same time.

The tip of the sword was pointing down, all pointing to the half-kneeling figure in the center.

Straight to the juvenile spine.

It is this moment.

Right now.

In an instant, a brilliant masterpiece, the mighty sword energy woven into the vast galaxy pouring down, enveloped Pei Ji in it.

The dazzling white light and the rich black gas offset each other, showing a stalemate in mid-air. Huo Qiao was slightly startled while the sword energy buzzed.

In the overwhelming blood light, he saw a slender figure standing upright.

The girl's eyes were red and swollen, and she seemed to have cried a lot not long ago.

However, although she looked embarrassed, her bright black eyes were as clear as lake water, reflecting the bright moonlight in the sky, which was breathtakingly beautiful.

It was the girl who ran away.

She actually... chose to come back in such a short-lived gap.

The vast demonic energy and the sword energy were in the air, Ning Ning raised his hand to wipe the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, and coughed uncontrollably.

She is very clear about her own strength, and by herself, she absolutely cannot hold on for too long under such an offensive.

On the way to this place, the system would occasionally mention "Destiny" to her.

It is precisely because of the destiny that Ning Ning in this world has no choice but to go back in time, but now Pei Ji has fallen into the devil's way, abandoned by the way of heaven, and is shrouded in an extremely gloomy death. There is no escape from the mortal ending.

Destiny is really a magical thing.

The system told her that in the past several reincarnations, she had tried to make Pei Ji fall in love with her. However, the young man saw that her charity was close to her intentionally, and it was always as cold as ice.

Correspondingly, the former Pei Ji was impeccable enough, even if he was framed and murdered his fellow students and colluded with the demon domain, he never lost his mind and fell into the devil's way.

Only this time is different.

Ning Ning's arrival is like a stone falling into stagnant water, causing endless ripples.

A butterfly flaps its wings and pulls out bursts of storms that are linked to each other. The changing fate is intertwined with each other. The "cause" of her deliberate evil is wrong, and the "fruit" of Pei Jiyin's infatuation is planted.

The cycle of causation, destiny.

Go to his destiny.

—Hasn’t the fate that was once unchangeable already diverged

Ning Ning never believed in fate, and was even more reluctant to hand over the future to the so-called "Destiny". They are living people, not puppets under the control of heaven.

Now that her stone has stirred up ripples, leading to turbulent fate—

It would be better to raise the wind and waves in the stagnant water bigger.


Even if Pei Ji is abandoned by Heavenly Dao, she still protects him.