Miss Cannon Fodder Wants To Escape Death Flags

Chapter 122


"Can the rose milk cake be out of the oven?"

Ning Ning pinpointed the time, sniffed the rich and sweet fragrance in the air, raised his eyes and looked at the person standing beside him: "Super-sweet!"

Pei Ji pursed her lips and smiled, as if she was a little helpless urged by her, and reached out to lift the wooden cover on the top of the boiler.

As the heat rose, I heard the little girl's bell-like laughter again.

Before you know it, it's winter now.

In the cold winter, the mountains of the Xuanxu Sword Sect were covered with thick layers of white. The fluffy snowballs hung fluffy on the branches and treetops, and when the wind was gently blown, the snow-colored sky scattered like fluff.

The cold air was everywhere, and frost formed on the window. When Ning Ning approached him to speak, he would also spit out white mist.

Pei Ji thought that the fog should be hot.

It has been more than a month since they returned from Tianhe.

Pei Ji was injured the most, rested in bed for a long time, and finally recovered most of it;

Lin Xun and Tian Xianzi used up all the spiritual energy in their bodies that day, and when they came back, they almost became two salted fish that were dying.

The most noteworthy is Wen Hemian.

Pei Ji is not familiar with him, but only knows that Elder Xing's sea of knowledge has been damaged. This time, the battle with the devil is determined to die and uses all his strength.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, the Sword Spirit of Punishing Evil, who had been lost for many years, suddenly appeared, protecting him from the sea of knowledge with unimaginable mighty spiritual power, helping him escape from death.

The demons were defeated, and the dust of the two instruments was re-sealed. All the major sects in the cultivation world were alerted, and they went to Tianhe on the second day to discuss the matters of the demons.

All the conspiracies have come to light, and the townspeople who were buried in the desert at that time will finally be reconciled.

Coincidentally, when everyone gathered their bones for them, they saw a Lone Moon Lotus in a corner not far away.

After so many years of vicissitudes and changes, only it has always stood here, witnessing the stories that happened in those years, and accompanying those who were buried under the dust for a long time.

Even though the process was terrifying, this sudden change finally came to an end.

So time has flown, to today.

Midwinter was the time for reunion, and the disciples of Tianxianzi finally got together.

It is known that Lin Xun can cook fried watermelon, Tian Xianzi can cook fried pumpkin, He Zhizhou can kill, and only Pei Ji can cook.

Several pairs of cunning eyes fell on the silent boy in black at the same time.

The famous Xuanxu Sword Sect has such a sinister intention.

The rest of the people didn't know anything about cooking. After smashing five plates, four jade bowls, three large melons, two eggs, and Tian Xianzi's debt-ridden heart, they were expelled from the kitchen without hesitation by Pei Ji.

There is only one Ningning who seems to be the most reliable.

The group of people outside were arguing and hungry. Ning Ning waved his hand like a master, and decided to teach Pei Ji to make a small dessert in his hometown, rose milk cake.

Said to be "teaching", in fact, she has always been good at eating, and knows nothing about the cooking steps, so she can only tell him the general ingredients and taste.

After Pei Ji listened carefully, she only made a "uh" sound. Unexpectedly, after a little fiddling, she actually made it.

Ning Ning likes to watch him bow his head and squeeze the dumpling.

Pei Ji takes everything seriously, even practicing swordsmanship and making desserts.

When he held the sword, his brows and eyes were full of cold anger, his pupils were dark, and he couldn't see the end at a glance, as if everything in the world was irrelevant to him, and he was full of decisive murderous intent.

But once in the kitchen, the hostility disappeared silently.

The hand holding the sword is slender and beautiful, pressing hard on the starch, the knuckles will be slightly white, reflecting the light pink nails, and it looks a bit cute and cute for no reason.

The long eyelashes like crow feathers drooped down quietly, covering the bottom of his eyes with a shadow, and his lips were a gentle peach color, finally not as pale as when he was seriously ill.

No matter what kind of Pei Ji it is, Ning Ning likes it very much.

When the rose milk cake came out of the cage, the aroma of milk quickly dissipated, accompanied by the strong fragrance of rose sweet pulp, as if covering her whole heart layer by layer, and she couldn't help but be excited.

This dessert is not difficult to make. The starch is wrapped in sugar, milk and rose sauce. It looks round and small. The top is drizzled with a layer of honey and rose juice. Under the sunlight, it reflects A few wisps of bright light.

This is an appetizing appearance, not to mention the tangy milky fragrance that has just been released.

Seeing that her eyes were shining, Pei Ji clamped one of them to cool down a little, and handed it to the mouth of the little girl beside her.

Ning Ning took a bite and bit half.

The sweetness of honey has been brought into play to the greatest extent. Once bitten by the teeth, strands of it are immersed in the milk cake and mixed with the milk, which is too wonderful to describe.

The cake itself is hot, a little hot but not uncomfortable, just the right amount of heat swirls on the tip of the tongue, as if it also brings a delicate rose fragrance. The soft and soft taste is a must, and the tongue seems to be stepping on the clouds.

Super happy.

Snowy winters, warm desserts, and the best boyfriend in the world.

Ning Ning squinted his eyes comfortably, hugged Pei Jixiong from the side, and rubbed his head against his arm: "It's very, very, very delicious! This dessert is qualified to be a first-class protected food in the cultivation world! Try it!"

Pei Ji wasn't sure what the taste was, and was a little nervous.

Now she is so complimented...

In the past month, he spent most of the time in bed, and rarely had any close contact with her.

At this moment, being hugged by Tailielie, his whole body froze unconsciously, his ears were slightly hot, but he was even more nervous.

Ning Ning raised his head and watched him put the remaining half of the cake into his mouth. He asked expectantly, "How is it?"

Pei Ji: "... um."

"I know more tricks, and I will tell you later."

She raised her hand as she spoke, and wiped the crimson rose sauce from his lips, with a smile on the corners of her eyes and brows: "Are you still a child? Food can stick to the corners of your mouth."

Pei Ji didn't move, just looked at her quietly.

The lips were more striking red than usual because of the rose sauce, and the girl's white fingertips fell on it and stroked it lightly.

Ning Ning opened his mouth slightly, his lips were bright red, and his own shadow was reflected in his pupils.

Only his shadow.

The white air around him was hazy, the branches outside the window were swayed by the wind, and a cloud of snowflakes fell from the shower.

Before he could wipe it clean, his right hand was held down involuntarily.

As far as he could see were his dark black pupils, for unknown reasons, Ning Ning's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

It was a dangerous look.

She heard Pei Ji continue to speak: "I—"

He wanted to say something, like an explanation, or a prelude-like love story.

However, the whole sentence came to an end when the first word came out.

The young man swallowed all the unnecessary words back into his throat, leaned over, and lowered his head.

Ning Ning's heart hangs in the air.

It's not like they haven't kissed.

The first time I stopped at it, I only gently stretched out the tip of my tongue and touched my lips. The second time was when Pei Ji was in a state of magic. All actions were instinctive and unorganized. Now I recall it like a distant dream.

As for this time.

This time is not the same as it was before.

They were all very awake, the windows wide open, and the winter wind slid down their hair and passed their cheeks, icy cold, stimulating every sleepy sense.

It was snowing slowly outside the window, and the sun was warm. Even Pei Ji's slender eyelashes were dyed with a layer of light, and the sun outlined his outline very clearly. As long as Ning Ning opened his eyes, he could see the deep pupils of the young man. .

Pei Ji's movements were still jerky.

The tip of the tongue was wrapped in a faint milky fragrance, like a deer in the forest licking the stream water, came forward at the moment when the lips touched and opened slightly, and landed on her stunned lips.


He lowered his voice very low, and sounded with a strong magnetism, which made her ears numb: "Open your mouth."

Something exploded in my heart.

Ning Ning's eyes didn't know where to look, her mind went blank, she opened her lips obediently as he said.

So the soft and long drive came straight in, and the sweet and greasy fragrance of flowers and milk spread everywhere, gradually filling every corner of the mouth.

He kissed in an unruly manner, almost cautiously probing, the tip of his tongue rolled, and each touch was extra light.

The rose milk cake on the side is still steaming hot.

White smoke billowed and filled the space between the two of them silently. Through a layer of mist, Ning Ning saw his eyes that were close at hand.

The coldness and murderous aura in those eyes completely disappeared, and the rich affection was like dizzy ink, growing from the bottom of his eyes, rippling with a heart-warming color.

She also glimpsed the redness at the end of Pei Jing's eyes.

He didn't know anything about this kind of thing before, and now he should be more jerky and ignorant than her.

Ning Ning was so stunned by the sweetness that she stuck out the tip of her tongue and responded.

He didn't expect this action, and when he touched it, the temperature of his whole body rose suddenly.

If someone suddenly pushes the door and comes in... that's the end of it.

Her heart was pounding, and she was so exhausted by the kiss that she couldn't even stop voluntarily.

The warm breath was tightly intertwined like silk threads.

Pei Ji's strength gradually deepened, as if he had mastered the rules, he brushed and pressed down unskillfully, and the places he passed were sweet and itchy, full of milky fragrance.

Sometimes she was seen shy by those eyes, and she looked away in a hurry, and his hand lifted Ning Ning's chin, forcing her whole line of sight to go up to meet his.


She thought dazedly, now that it is like this, then-

Will it get worse in the future

The kiss came without warning and ended unexpectedly.

Later, Ning Ning's head was dizzy, and he only remembered that he moved his lips away, his face still stayed very close, and looked down at her, his eyes were serious and innocent.

He was still like a wolf not long ago.

Then Pei Ji panted softly, her words turned into a low hoarse voice, and asked her nervously, "Is this... ok?"

Ning Ning tried to stare at him fiercely.

The technology is a mess! Almost kissed her to hypoxia! She even forcibly lifted her chin, she was shy to see what happened elsewhere!

She didn't say a word of the above lines.

Ning Ning was so cowardly that he lowered his head and touched the tip of his nose: "Alright, alright—let's continue cooking."

Damn, she's so useless.

Ning Ning gritted her teeth and thought, Quan should protect Pei Ji's self-esteem, she has a lot of adults, so she doesn't care.

One day, she will defeat Pei Ji and gain the initiative.


Pei Ji's craftsmanship was beyond imagination, and after half an hour, a table full of dazzling meals was served.

As soon as Ning Ning left the kitchen with him, he saw everyone sitting around the table, gazing at the horse while gazing at something on the table.

Seeing the two figures, the surrounded black shadow flickered, and a sobbing middle-aged male voice sounded from the sea of consciousness of everyone.

"Pei Xiaoji! You finally came out! Do you know how hard I waited! Woohoo! This group of people is bullying me. I've been touched, and it's no longer clear!"

Chengying shook her body desperately: "They also used their spiritual sense to tease me, poking and poking, I'm dirty, I'm dirty!"

Pei Ji deserved helplessness: "You said that you don't want to smell oil fumes in the kitchen."

As he said, he stretched out his hand to pick it up, the sunlight outlined its appearance, and it was a long sword that was completely dark and unsheathed.

Chengying felt bitter in her heart.

When Tianlei came, it thought that its small life would not be guaranteed, and it was a big deal to die with the hell realm. Not only did it not die, but it was pushed out of Pei Ji's sea of consciousness by Juli and changed back to its original appearance.

It's not the suave and suave Young Master Fengyue, but a pitch-black sword.

Thanks to that electric light, it also remembered a little bit of lost memory, which should be many, many years ago, it and its former owner fought monsters and upgraded all the way, and it couldn't be dragged.

Okay, even if it is a sword, it is also a dazzling and cool sword, and the sword is worthwhile.

- So you stinky brats, don't poke at it with your divine sense! Even a sword can be shy, okay

Chengying turned into a wronged daughter-in-law and kept complaining to Pei Ji.

Zheng Weiqi, the culprit who poked the most fiercely, looked at the table full of dishes, and was so moved that she was delirious, like a yellow cabbage in the field: "I still remember a few years ago, when we were poor enough to boil snow water, we added more water to the pot. Got a few sweet potatoes and wild vegetables…”

Meng Jue smiled and responded to her: "I bought chicken, duck and fish on purpose at the foot of the mountain."

"Buy is bought."

Tian Xianzi laughed: "As a result, no one knows how to cook, and the internal organs of chicken, duck and fish have not been dug up. The taste is unbelievable."

Zheng Weiqi sternly said: "It's obviously Master, you threw the whole chicken into the pot without pulling the hair! In the end, you forced me to use the Wanjian Jue to scrape the fish scales and skewer the chicken with the love sword. Fei, I almost blew up the kitchen!"

Lin Xun shivered when he heard it, he couldn't imagine what the former teacher's gate was like.

He Zhizhou couldn't wait to rub his hands and laugh, staring at the beggar chicken closest to him: "It's so fragrant! Hehe, chick is our best friend!"

This brother is not normal!

Xiao Bailong was frightened, and drank a sip of hot tea to suppress his shock, lest one day He Zhizhou would approach him with a knife and say "Xiaolong is our best junior brother".

horrible! He thinks Brother He can do it!

"The world is delicious, Pei Ji!"

Tian Xianzi swallowed a mouthful of mutton and radish soup, the rich meat aroma was a little spicy, and blasted the long-sleep taste buds: "This aroma, this taste, these hands of my good boy should be well treasured! "

"Really good."

Meng Jue still smiled, and said the most explosive lines in the most peaceful tone: "Master, it is better to imprison Junior Brother Pei, and we will not worry about food and drink for the rest of our lives."

Spoken very scary words!

Lin Xun's hand holding the chopsticks began to tremble slightly.

"By the way, Ning Ning, I heard Senior Brother Meng say, have you asked him about divine consciousness entering the body?"

Satisfied, Zheng Weiqi took a big bite of the beggar chicken, and her lips hooked at the wonderful soft and glutinous taste. When she swallowed a piece of chicken in her stomach, she said angrily: "Meng Jue is also true, I will teach you everything... Don't do that kind of thing to anyone, you know?"

Ning Ning was cooking rice, when she heard the words, she stared blankly at Senior Sister Zheng.

"God consciousness into the body? Is it to penetrate one's own consciousness into the meridians and sea of consciousness of others, so as to improve the cultivation base and repair the wound?"

He Zhizhou made a look of "Oh, oh, I understand it all", and laughed a few times: "Isn't this the legendary 'Shenjiao'?"

Ning Ning:…

Ning Ning choked with a mouthful of food in her throat, feeling a hot breath coming up from her back.

Fortunately, Zheng Weiqi answered quickly and glanced at him: "What's wrong? It's not serious."

Feeling ups and downs like a roller coaster, Ning Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

Yup! That's right! It was definitely just a normal means of healing, and only He Zhizhou would randomly define it.

She and Pei Ji have been particularly innocent so far, well, yes, that's it.

She comforted herself with peace of mind, but in the next moment, she could hear Zheng Weiqi's righteous and awe-inspiring voice: "That's clearly the introduction to dual cultivation!"

Ning Ning:…

Ning Ning's brain was down, and she stood on the spot.

double - repair -

Aren't both men and women, men and women, without an inch of thread, this and that, is it indescribable! This word is not as good as "God cross"!

"What's the difference?"

He Zhizhou talked back and forth with her: "Anyway, it's all the same - eh, Ning Ning, you didn't use this trick on others, did you?"

Ning Ning's brain is about to explode.

The whole body seemed to be filled with boiling hot water, and Gululu bubbled up. She panicked for a while, just wanting to find something to wrap herself up.

Has she used it? Has she never used it? No, no, this strange method seems to be used by Pei Ji on her first, right

His eyes moved quietly to his side, and silently fell on Pei Ji's face.

He was also looking at her, opened his lips slightly and hesitated, as if to explain, but couldn't speak because of the existence of other people.

Oh, and his ears were also very red, spreading all the way to the neck of the white jade.

Ning Ning looked back and tried to squeeze a dry smile: "Of course not."

"That's good."

He Zhizhou became interested, and kept talking about popular science: "I heard that it is something only two people who are very close to do. In the book, the male and female protagonists rely on this-cough, just, everyone understands, just don't pay attention. It just went off the rails, so exciting."

No, she doesn't want to understand.

Ning Ning's hand holding the chopsticks became tighter and tighter, and her mind became more and more confused. Thousands of words were condensed into one sentence: He Zhizhou, shut up! ! !

She was speechless, pursed her lips and lowered her head. She was caught off guard when she suddenly noticed a soft force on her fingers.

Looking down, I realized that it was Pei Ji who reached under the table and quietly hooked her fingertips.

Although this is a comforting action, once it appears in the situation at this moment...

It was even more embarrassing.

Ning Ning felt like her face was being burned.

But Tian Xianzi was still giggling: "Oh, don't talk about this topic in front of so many people, it makes me feel shy."

This is an orthodox sword cultivator who loves his sword as much as his wife, and it is estimated that he has never even touched a woman's hand in his life.

But he was not the most shy.

"That," Ning Ning couldn't sit down in this place, not wanting others to see the suspicious red marks on his face, and stood up in a hurry, "I'll go and see if there are any missing cakes in the kitchen."

She walked in a hurry, and when she came to the kitchen, the heat from her whole body still hadn't faded, so she filled a handful of cold water and patted her face.

Where did Pei Ji learn this method from? She thought it was some serious healing method, but from that early time, she used it on him in a confused way, and asked him...

He also asked if he was feeling well.

Now that I think about it, it's just too ambiguous.

- Isn't that just an irresponsible scumbag who flirts with her!

Ning Ning was trying her best to pat her face, she raised her eyes and saw a familiar shadow at the door.

There was not much emotion on Pei Ji's face, and her thin lips were pressed into a flat line. Because of the extremely white skin tone, the auricle was extremely red.

"That method was taught to me by Chengying, I don't know—"

He said it hard, but he was sincere, always looking into Ning Ning's eyes: "I don't know what it means, how offensive, I'm sorry."


She and Pei Ji, who came from a different world that didn't know anything about cultivating immortals, and who had not received any education in this area since childhood, were fooled by Chengying and went in directly.

Ning Ning couldn't help but have a headache, what kind of temperament is this famous ancient sword spirit

Although this method is indeed very useful, it has played a big role in repairing the sea of consciousness for the two of them, but...

While pressing her temples, she looked up at Pei Ji.

Pei Ji's whole body was stretched into a straight line, her black pupils were dark and unclear: "Are you angry?"

He was nervous because he didn't have a sword in his hand, and his right hand was clenched tightly on his jacket.

There are cute to.

"What's wrong with that."

Pei Ji seldom showed such a weak look. The chaotic thoughts in Ning Ning's mind disappeared because of his eyes, and he comforted without thinking: "Anyway, we will always be like this in the future, so we should adapt in advance—"

Ah no.

No no no! What the hell is she talking about! Pei Ji's expression froze obviously!

Ningning turned into a wooden man who couldn't move and didn't want to think.

She thought seriously about the possibility of time and space rewinding.

"I don't quite understand... those things."

The atmosphere was stagnant for a moment, and Pei Ji continued her words.

He blushed, with the usual seriousness on his face: "Senior Sister Zheng gave me some books, I will study hard."

Pei Ji said for a while, and said in a more serious tone: "I learn things very quickly."

Ning Ning looked at him with round eyes.

Sister Zheng! Sister, what have you done? What unreliable and ruthless characters are Senior Sister Zheng and Chengying Sword Spirit! ! !

How could Pei Ji say such things in such a serious tone? Isn't this guy shy? How did Jian Xiu's brain grow

What else is "learning quickly", she, she, she is not in a hurry, although—

Ning Ning couldn't continue to think about it.

"You, you, stop talking."

The crimson-faced little girl raised her hand to cover his lips, frowning in embarrassment, and suddenly let go, and tiptoed a kiss on his lips.

Ning Ning left after kissing, rubbing her face with her hands while walking, trying to make her blush subside a little: "Let's go, eat and eat."

The young Jianxiu stared blankly at her back, and gently touched the place where he had been kissed with his fingertips.

For him, those words were equally difficult to say, like Mi Li's secluded cave, where he only looked at each other from afar, and did not dare to approach and explore.

So until now, his ears are still burning hot.

However, if with her—

Pei Ji lowered her head slightly, the blushing at the end of her eyes deepened, and a faint smile overflowed from the corner of her lips.

The deep kiss from not long ago was still vivid in his mind, and he pursed his lips and replied softly, "En."