Miss Cannon Fodder Wants To Escape Death Flags

Chapter 123


Nancheng has not been peaceful recently.

The snake monsters circling the top of Qishan Mountain have done bad things, killing more than ten men, women and children one after another.

People all over the city were in a panic all day long, and the city lord, who had always been stingy, gritted his teeth, and spent huge sums of money to issue bounties, which attracted many monks to come to exterminate demons.

Lu Wanxing is one of them.

After the World War I, many sects took a fancy to her talent, and they threw olive branches, wanting to bring her into their sect.

But who is she, a native of the desert with upstanding roots, who has grown accustomed to running wild from childhood to adulthood, how could she want to be trapped by the rules and regulations of the sect.

As a result, after returning the relics in the storage bag to the major sects one by one, Miss Lu became a free and easy cultivator.

Because of what happened to her father and brother, her mother suffered from a heart disease in her early years, and her health has not been very good.

After everything came out, the grievances were settled, and my mother's heart disease was eliminated, I received a lot of panaceas sent by the sect for some recuperation. .

In fact, the subsidies given by the major immortals are enough for the mother and daughter to lie down and enjoy wealth and glory, and have no worries about food and clothing, but Lu Wanxing has a temperament that can't rest, and almost without hesitation, she decided to go to know snakes demon.

Although there is a high probability that you can't beat it, if you can't beat it, just run.

Because of the man-eating giant python, the top of Qishan is deserted.

Although she chose to go up the mountain at noon, the lush foliage that covered the sky and the sun shrouded her head, swallowing the sun's rays so that only a few scattered points remained. Those few gleams spread out pitifully, not only could not reassure her, but instead enveloped a layer of eerie silence around her.

Lu Wanxing was very courageous and rushed up the mountain in one go.

I don't know how long she walked, and when the air around her suddenly smelled of blood, she was keenly aware of a wave of spiritual power.

Then, without warning, a deafening howl sounded in his ears.

- Help, help, help! That python with eyes bigger than her whole body...

It suddenly broke through the barrier surrounded by layers of trees and rushed towards her!

Lu Wanxing was frightened by these cold vertical pupils, and she felt numb all over. Fortunately, her many years of desert exploration experience had accumulated enough escape secrets for her. When she quickly suppressed the horror in her heart, she immediately turned sideways, her palms darkened. Concentrate on the road.

She was about to fight back.

But in the next instant, a melodious female voice was heard: "It went over there... There is a girl there!"

Only then did Lu Wanxing realize that the reason why the giant python rushed towards her was not to capture its prey, but to flee in a panic.

Someone is chasing it.

This thought hurriedly crossed his mind, and in an instant, the spiritual power he felt before suddenly approached.

Lu Wanxing saw the figure of a slim and thin woman, filling the tip of her nose with the fragrance of fresh spirit grass.

The man protected her in front of her, squeezed a tactic, and his spiritual power hit the giant python 7 inches, causing the monster to let out a heart-piercing wailing.

"Are you OK?"

The woman looked back at her, then raised her voice and said to her companion, "I hit it!"

"Know it."

This is the gentle voice that Lu Wanxing heard at first, with a bit of laziness in it, with a faint smile: "Leave it to me."

As soon as the voice fell, it was Fu Guang's masterpiece, which fell like rain, and each strike was like a knife, piercing the flesh and blood of the giant python.

Accompanied by the shrill screams that made his ears hurt, the blood mist flew for a while, and the fierce beast, which was kept secret by all the people in the city, finally slammed and fell heavily to the ground.

"Are you OK?"

In the lingering sound of the loud noise, the woman who was protecting her in front of her gave a soft cough. Her voice was very gentle, which was completely different from the ruthless force of the attack just now: "Is the girl also a cultivator who came to exterminate the demon?"

Only then did Lu Wanxing realize that this is an overly beautiful sister.

She doesn't seem to be in good health, her complexion is as cold and white as snow, her eyebrows are on the spring mountain, and the autumn water cuts her pupils, smiling at her, like a distant mountain covered in mist, which is shockingly beautiful.

Lu Wanxing is just a little rookie, how can he have the cheek to admit that he is here to subdue demons and exorcise demons, but he was stunned for a while because of his beauty, and then he replied in a daze: "I am, come and see, I don't think about anything else."

"You haven't heard about this giant python?"

Another young Fu Xiu came from not far away and chuckled lightly: "You have to be careful, little sister."

The one who just opened his mouth is equally good-looking.

She is completely different from the other sister. She is dressed in a red dress, with bright and flamboyant features. Even if she doesn't put on makeup and doesn't say a word, she can still be like a shining sun, attracting everyone's attention effortlessly. look.

What's more, they are strong.

Who doesn't love beautiful sister.

Lu Wanxing whispered "wow" in his heart.

"The one standing at the top of the tree," the woman in red raised her eyebrows, her voice was always lazy, "Can you come down?"

… the one standing in the treetops

Could it be that there are other people in the woods

Lu Wanxing's cultivation base is not high, and it is difficult to detect the dark atmosphere in the jungle. He only knows that the moment the words fell, a cold air suddenly passed by his ears.

—It was a deliberately restrained sword breath, as clear as the wind, carrying a cold chill.

"Since the two found out first, I have no reason to fight."

Bai Ying jumped down from the forest, his voice extremely low.

However, unlike the cold-looking Bingshan Beauty in Lu Wanxing's imagination, this Jianxiu actually had a face that could be called "soft and beautiful", and his facial features did not show the slightest aggression, and he had the illusion of a weak Liu Fufeng.

"Senior's cultivation base is profound, so I'm sure he won't snatch the opportunity of such a little monster with us."

The woman in red smiled again, "Thank you for the sword qi that saved me in danger before."

Jianxiu shook his head.

Lu Wanxing had probably figured out the relationship between the three. The two sisters, Fu Xiu, were partners who came together. Jian Xiu was the strongest and had secretly helped the two before.

It seems that a lot of people were attracted by the reward order.

It didn't take long for her to hear the voice of a girl who seemed familiar: "The smell of blood here is so heavy... Hey, isn't that the corpse of a giant python?"

Lu Wanxing's heart moved, and he looked at the sound, and sure enough, he saw that familiar face.

"Miss Ningning!"

"Miss Ningning."

One of the words she said.

The other who spoke—

Lu Wanxing turned his head in surprise and met the equally curious gaze of the woman in red.

It's not the most bizarre development.

She would never have imagined that the unsmiling Jianxiu would frown and say in confusion, "You... all know her?"

What a wonderful luck and fate.

Ning Ning was most surprised. His eyes swept across the faces of the several present, and he couldn't help laughing: "Miss Lu, Miss Meng, Miss Song—and Elder Jinghe, why are you all here?"

Jinghe, rumored to be the youngest elder of Wan Jianzong, a kendo genius with a sword in his left hand.

And the idol that Lu Wanxing worships.

Lu Wanxing held down her pounding heart, and looked up at the other party with a feigned restraint, only to feel that a sword was shot in her heart, and she was so excited that she was about to faint.

"Xianning and I traveled all over the world, and happened to pass through Nancheng. We heard about the snake demon, so we decided to go up the mountain and try to get rid of the demon."

Meng Tingzhou said: "It's a coincidence that I happened to meet these two beside him."

As soon as Jing Hefu saw Ning Ning, the chills in his eyes disappeared, and a warm and gentle smile appeared in his eyes: "So do I."

She said for a while, her eyes panned back, passed the little girl, and came to the tall figure of the black-clothed youth behind her: "Are you two going down the mountain to practice together?"

Ning Ning nodded: "Yes!"

She and Pei Ji said that they were going down the mountain to practice, but it would be better to travel around the mountains and waters with public funds. When the road was injustice, he drew his sword to help, and saw the scenery along the way to get rid of demons, which was very comfortable.

This time, I finally came to Nancheng, but I didn't expect luck to explode, and I met four old friends all at once.

Meng Tingzhou and Song Xianning in Luancheng, Lu Wanxing in Pingchuan, and Jinghe in Wanjianzong—

In other words, Zhou Yimei in the Buddha Refining Pagoda, who had given up his original name, was abandoned.

This elder spends most of his time in the mountains, and even if he is a disciple of Wan Jianzong, it is difficult to see her shadow in a year.

The reason why Ning Ning knew her was because one day he went with the elders to Wanjianzong as a guest, and Jianzun Zhenxiao heard that Jinghe returned to the sect. than swords.

Then Jing and the elders pushed the door impatiently and went out, and Ning Ning had the honor to have a meal with her.

"I haven't seen you in days."

Jianxiu, who held a sword in his left hand, smiled warmly: "It's fate to meet each other. Since everyone knows Ning Ning, why don't you go down the mountain to get together."

Elder Jinghe is so gentle! Also invited her to stay with us!

Lu Wanxing was so excited that she screamed: "Good morning!"


Pei Ji walked alone on the quiet and dark path.

The invitation initiated by Jing and the elder was more like a gathering between friends in the boudoir. He went to it would only add embarrassment, so he didn't go.

It was already night, and he had just come out of Nancheng City with a piece of paper in his hand.

It was a deed.

He and Ningning have a habit. When visiting various places, if he encounters a favorite scenery, he will buy a house there. When he is interested, he will go to the house and live comfortably for a few days.

-Unlike other sects who spend a lot of money, Pei Ji has accumulated a considerable amount of spiritual stones in the past few years, and it is definitely not bad.

The yard they bought in Nancheng was located on the outskirts, next to a green and clear pond. Ning Ning said that if he lived here, he would definitely be able to see large yellow ducks that were big and round in groups.

She always remembered well what he said.

... I don't know if her boudoir party is over at this moment.

It was extraordinarily quiet tonight, and the gathered dark clouds were like fluttering clouds in the sky, covering most of the incomplete moon.

Pei Ji raised her head slightly, and she looked around at the darkness, which was reflected in her pupils and became a thick ink that could not be melted.

His eyes were a little cold.

The memories buried deep in my heart emerged little by little. This is the road Pei Ji has traveled.

Back then, he was helpless and penniless, and he wore the title of a demon monster. No matter where he went, he would get wanton humiliation and abuse.

He had grown up by then and knew how to raise his fists in resistance, so he seldom lived a peaceful life, and was bruised and bruised in successive fights.

When Pei Ji left Nancheng, this was the path he took.

With scars all over his body and an endless fear of the dark, every step he takes is fearful.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing at himself.

That was a long time ago, and it really shouldn't be so brooding.

Pei Ji continued to move forward, the lights in the market gradually dissipated, the ink in front of his eyes gradually thickened, and he opened his arms and embraced him completely.

Almost reflexively, he felt distracted and hesitated for a moment.

Pei Ji is tired of darkness.

But he had to go through the darkness, to the other side for someone.

So he kept walking.

Suddenly, without any warning, the slender figure in black froze for a moment.

There should be no light on the road ahead, but at this time, a white light flickered silently, like a ray of galaxies pouring down, bright and long, swaying, passing through the eternal silence and coming to his side.

This is a sword.

Pei Ji instantly recognized its owner.

The sword qi belonging to Ning Ning was deliberately pressed softly, almost without strength, as if the night wind was flowing beside him.

The white light is not dazzling, it is like a continuous patch of fireflies, lighting up the dark night around him, and when it touches his skin, it will slowly smack proudly and coquettishly.

It's like being hit by cotton.

... How can something as cold and hard as sword qi be used like her.

Although he thought so in his heart, his body honestly released a stronger sword breath, pressing down the top of Ning Ning's sword energy, as if teasing, and instinctively overlapped and hooked with it.

As a result, the sword qi that was originally hurting people unconsciously had a somewhat lingering meaning, quietly and most enticing.

If Shizun knew about it, he would probably be so angry that he turned into a bulging puffer fish.

Thinking of this, a helpless smile appeared in Pei Ji's eyes, as if feeling something, and looked up along the white light.

In the tall treetops not far away, sat the girl he was thinking of.

The sword qi spread from her fingertips, pulling out a galaxy more dazzling than the dome, guiding him on the way forward. The white light illuminates the almond eyes, leaching out the quiet and clear light silver gray, like the lake and mountains washed by the autumn moon, clear and charming.

Ning Ning was in the white halo, and the moment he met his eyes, his eyebrows curled up and his lips raised a smile.

No one would not be moved by such a sight.

Pei Ji saw her leap down lightly, and when she ran towards him, she was like a brisk wind.

"Welcome home."

A warm ball of softness burst into his arms, Ning Ning rubbed his head against his neck, his voice a little tired: "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

She said with a chuckle, and continued against his chest: "It's so sleepy."

There was a bit of cunning in this smile, as if it had no deeper meaning.


The sword qi hadn't subsided yet, when Pei Ji raised her hand and touched the back of her head, a long, soft light was drawn from her fingertips.

Pei Ji hugged her like a shining moon: "Go home and sleep."

He has been able to pronounce the word very smoothly.

The hardships, bitterness, confusion and timidity that were hard to tell when he was a teenager were all because of this white glow, and now it is completely different from before.

Someone is willing to light a beam of light for him in the distance, dispel the endless darkness, and then run towards him without hesitation just like tonight.

For him, "home" is not a house, some furniture, or a corner of the world.

Ningning is his home.

Because of her existence, the once unbearable night has become so beautiful, the night is no longer the end of everything, but the harbinger of the dawn.

He loved her so, so deeply.

Twilight is all around, the forest is sparse, and the dark night outlines two shadows walking side by side.

Ning Ning yawned and heard the vague bark of a dog in the distance. In a trance, he could smell the aroma of wild flowers from the tip of his head.

Destiny, she thought.

In the time and space of hundreds of reincarnations, among hundreds of millions of souls intertwined with each other, she is clearly separated by such a long distance, but with a probability close to zero, she finally meets Pei Ji.

And she was content, holding the probability close to zero, and approached him little by little.

Then it became a 100% future belonging to Ning Ning and Pei Ji.

Just thinking about it makes you happy.

Pei Ji must have caught a glimpse of the smile at the corner of her mouth, lowered her eyes and asked in a low voice, "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking-"

A slight hook with his fingertips caused the sword energy to sway slightly, and the cold breath he released went straight into the sea of knowledge.

Like a soft cat's claws caressing the whole body in an instant, causing trembling everywhere.

So the blood and meridians all over the body trembled uncontrollably.

The boy's breathing was a mess, but her fingertips were hooked by her hand, unable to escape the gentle shackles. The two sword breaths merged quietly, and the consciousness slowly touched.

Ning Ning pinched his fingertips and caught a glimpse of the thin redness of Pei Ji's ears, laughter and wind sounded at the same time: "I like you the most."