Miss Cannon Fodder Wants To Escape Death Flags

Chapter 132: After Fanwai Jiu wears back to modern times


Suddenly traveling back to the modern metropolis, Ning Ning never expected.

What's even more incredible is that at this moment, she is not the only one who is standing there in a daze with a blank face.

The origin of all the changes was He Zhizhou's unreliable whetstone system.

He has worked diligently for Tiandao for so long, and there is no credit or hard work. Perhaps it is because Tiandao is also taking the socialist road, and he is quite sympathetic to his employees. At the end of the year, he gave He Zhizhou a mysterious year-end reward.

"My elder sister of the system is mysterious and unwilling to say anything - I don't know what the reward is."

While Xuanxujian sent a group of people to eat breakfast, He Zhizhou whispered to Ning Ning, "It has tricked me many times before, I didn't dare to open it directly, why don't you try it just now?"

After he said that, he took a deep breath, presumably because the words "Eldest Sister System" had angered a certain aunt, which led to a revenge in his head.

Ning Ning didn't think much about it at the time, and calmly replied, "It's definitely fine, let's go."

Then everyone at the dinner table came here inexplicably.

On weekdays, the disciples of the Xuanxu Sword Sect seldom have contact with their families, and they can only make exceptions during the New Year. Senior Sister Zheng returned home early, and Senior Brother Meng Jue also had the habit of returning to his hometown to worship, and he was also not in the sect.

Therefore, only she, He Zhizhou, Tian Xianzi, Pei Ji and Lin Xun were able to travel through time and space.

"So," Tian Xianzi still had a "milk" yellow bag in his mouth, and his big eyes were big blank, "Did I choked to death from eating too much, and saw the hallucination before death?"

"This, this, this is the main road of the 21st century?"

He Zhizhou was accustomed to the solemn and simple pavilions and pavilions in the world of self-cultivation. When he saw the asphalt road, he didn't respond for a while, and after a while he asked the whetstone in his head, "I wear it back?"

"You only have half a day."

The lazy female voice snorted coldly, still brooding over the "eldest sister", "When the sun sets in the evening, it will be sent back to the cultivation world."

What modern society symbolizes.

Mobile phones, Internet, air conditioners, and countless desserts and snacks "milk" tea hot pot.

Don't talk for a long time, even if it's only half an hour, he can still scream and say yes!

He Zhizhou incarnates the ultimate "licking" dog "Thank you, Sister Meiren, she is so kind! I have been a little fan of Heavenly Dao all my life! How can a mediocre person like me meet such a perfect partner, high climb, absolutely high climb!"

He Zhizhou screamed "randomly", and Ning Ning's excitement was no less than his.

This road is located in the outskirts of the city, and there are no cars or people in sight. When you look up, you can see a vast and vast urban agglomeration not far away, like a giant made of reinforced concrete, gray and dark.

"I've been to this place before! This is, uh, an overseas Xianzhou!"

He Zhizhou's nonchalant ability is first-rate, and after saying that, he winked at Ningning, "Ningning should be quite familiar with this place, right?"

Ning Ning nodded, "...this is my hometown."

Several people present knew about the replacement, and most of them "exposed" the "color" of sudden realization.

When she was talking, a truck happened to be driving by in a hurry. Lin Xun was not very courageous. He was startled by this rumbling tin monster, and subconsciously leaned towards Tian Xianzi.

"This is a magic weapon, similar to a flying boat, with people sitting inside."

Ning Ning explained patiently, trying to use all the words they could understand, "My hometown lacks spiritual power, and fighting and killing is strictly prohibited. When you encounter them, remember to avoid them and avoid collisions."

If a cultivator hits a big truck, it's probably not the former that needs to be worried.

Ning Ning could already imagine the scene where the truck was overturned by sword energy and then cut into several pieces of iron. Thinking about it would give her a heart attack.

"By the way, the people here dress very differently from the cultivation world. If you want to enter the city, you need to follow the local customs."

"Yes yes yes! Just like me!"

He Zhizhou didn't know when he put a blindfold on himself. Ning Ning heard the sound and looked, only to find that the man had already put on a coat and jeans, and grinned.

Tian Xianzi was startled, "Parents who are affected by the body and skin, your hair, this, this-this place is a monk village?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Ning Ning also flickering.

This body was exactly the same as her original appearance, so Ning Ning wore the dress she was most familiar with, with black hair falling over her shoulders, a fluffy "wool" jacket with a long skirt and white socks, and a scarf around her neck.

After she finished reciting the magic formula, she smiled and poked the arm of the person beside her, "Pei Ji, do you want to try it?"

This look is not the same as before.

The scarf was very large, Ning Ning's chin was completely covered, and some black hair was scattered in the scarf, a little "messy", fluffy and soft.

The 'wool' coat is equally large, showing a comfortable off-white 'color', making her look like a white fluffy cotton ball.

It made him want to hug him uncontrollably.

Pei Ji lowered her long eyelashes, hiding a trace of desire in her eyes, and answered without hesitation, "Yeah."

Ning Ning didn't know much about men's clothing, so after thinking a little, she put on a "wool" coat for Pei Ji as well.

Contrary to Mi Bai, Pei Ji is pure black. His brows are stern, with a bit of casual beauty. At this moment, his black hair is soft and soft on his head, and his complexion is as cold and white as jade. He has a youthful spirit, not like a swordsman who kills decisively, but looks like a nobleman. Cold little master.

And the legs are really really long, and the trousers outline a slender and powerful arc, and the legs are very beautiful.

Cultivation world is used to wearing long robes, he noticed Ning Ning's gaze on his legs, he felt a little cramped for a while, and clenched the Chengying sword in his hand.

"No, that makes you nervous too?"

Cheng Ying hated the iron and kept tutting, "Pei Xiaoji, you will be seen by her sooner or later, what will you do then?"

Tian Xianzi and Lin Xun were not old fashioned obedients. Seeing Pei Ji taking the lead, they had to follow closely and let He Zhizhou cast a blindfold on him.

"The clothes are there, and now there is a very serious issue."

He Zhizhou "touched" and "touched" his chin, "If we want to have a fun day, where will the money come from?"

It turned out to be a pawn shop.

Tian Xianzi had a lot of debris in his storage bag, so he almost took out a few high-level magic weapons, but was desperately stopped by Ning Ning and He Zhizhou. After some deliberation, what was finally pawned was a few small pearls that Lin Xun brought from home during the Chinese New Year.

The pearls in the Dragon Palace are of excellent quality, and they have exchanged a lot of money for everyone.

With a stack of big red "Mao" grandpa, He Zhizhou was even talking while walking, and said happily, "Let's just have dinner, let's find a place to have fun for a while, and then go to the food court later-how about it?"

This is where he works and lives. Ningning is not in this city, so he nods with interest, "Where are we going?"

He Zhizhou twitched his lips, his expression a bit sinister.

"I heard that there is a haunted house in the amusement park."

His thief smile couldn't stop coming out of his teeth, and eventually turned into an extremely standard Jie Jie villain smile. "Oversized and luxurious, it is definitely suitable for welcoming new friends."

"Go in with five people, right?"

The elder sister at the entrance of the haunted house looked up at them, lowered her eyes and couldn't hold back when registering, and raised her eyelids to take a quick look.

"What do I think," Tian Xianzi whispered through voice transmission, "Everyone here is staring at us - is our identity as a person from Xianmen exposed?"

"As long as the master doesn't use his spiritual power, it will never be exposed."

Ning Ning is arranging the scarf for Pei Ji, "The reason why I stared... I noticed that we are foreigners and more hospitable."

Actually not.

Everyone who cultivates the truth needs to be nurtured in spiritual energy, and their appearance is first-class. The four people beside her were tall and straight, with outstanding facial features, and with Jian Xiu's unique stern temperament, they stood motionless and stood there, like a group of male models.

Everyone has a love for beauty, and it is no wonder that others will cast their eyes from time to time.

After she finished speaking, she asked He Zhizhou calmly, "Although you want to cheat a few of them... But with your courage, can you really survive the haunted house?"

"It may not have been possible before, but after so many years in the cultivation world, am I still afraid of these little ghosts?"

He Zhizhou hummed proudly, "Don't worry, even if NC comes to scare me later, I'll just sing 'eillrockyou' to him calmly."

This haunted house is closer to the horror-oriented escape room, not only with real NC, but also with plot puzzles. Blindfolded, he entered the door, lifted the blindfold and saw a dilapidated classroom full of green moss.

The classroom was dark and cold, except for an old lamp above the head that was on and off, the only light source was the small electronically controlled candles that everyone held in their hands.

Ning Ning was a little scared, grabbed Pei Ji's arm, and was looking around when she suddenly heard a background sound that sounded out of nowhere.

[Akita High School is a well-known haunted holy place in the country. As adventure bloggers, you came here tonight to collect material, but you didn't want to—]

The sentence came to an abrupt end.

Immediately in the next second, a heart-wrenching roar sounded outside the glass window, and He Zhizhou burst out with the same wild scream, hurriedly followed the sound, and was almost frightened to the point where his eyes were "chaotic".

Outside the window, there was Zhang Qiqiao's bloody pale face, and when he saw him turn his head, crooked his neck, he showed a smile that could cause myocardial infarction.

She laughed, and He Zhizhou cried.

Nope, this haunted house is completely unplayable.

Can "Monster Hunt" and "Midnight Bell" be compared

How dare He Zhizhou slapped the window and sang "eillrockyou" with that big face. He played his musical instrument on the spot and shivered, "This is not what I thought... Why don't we go to the carousel bumper car? "

"We are all in, there is no reason for Jianxiu to retreat halfway!"

Tian Xianzi had seen a lot of demons and ghosts, not to mention that Ning Ning once reminded that all the ghosts in this place were played by the staff, purely to scare people.

He didn't have any thoughts of fear, but urged with interest, "What should we do next? Go out and move forward?"

Ning Ning had lingering fears, and replied, "En."

Pushing open the classroom door, a deep corridor is greeted in front of you.

On the left side of the corridor was a tightly locked iron door, and at the end of the right side, there was another classroom-like house. It also couldn't reach five fingers, and there was a faint green light.

The background sound sounded at the right time [You are "lost" in the campus, there are too many strange things happening here... You must get out as soon as possible! The most urgent task is to find the key to open the corridor on this floor! ]

"In other words, we're going to go into that little house and look for the key inside."

Tian Xianzi clapped his hands with great joy, "What are you waiting for? Let's go!"

But the haunted house didn't let him get his wish.

The staff in this kind of place are a bit nasty, they don't deliberately scare the timid players, and they only have a soft spot for the timid customers.

As soon as he finished speaking, the horn sounded again [Ghosts are rampant in the corridor, if the anger is too heavy, it will be quickly detected. If you want to walk through the promenade, you can only hope for the two people who were born on the cloudy day of the lunar moon. ]

Ning Ning was pondering the meaning of these words, and suddenly saw the green light flickering, and it happened to fall on her and He Zhizhou.

Ning Ning…

He Zhizhou…

"I think," Ning Ning analyzed the situation very seriously, "I will be scared half to death by He Zhizhou before I enter that house."

He Zhizhou twitched on the spot, "Wuwuwu, no, no, no, I'm wrong, really wrong..."

The rules of the haunted house can't be changed. They can't stay stuck in the first level all the time. Ning Ning took a deep breath and finally grabbed He Zhizhou's sleeve and walked forward.

Pei Ji couldn't rest assured, she pulled the hem of her "hairy" clothes, and got a "no problem" look from the little girl.

The corridor was dark, and as the two gradually stepped in, strange background sounds like whispers began to appear.

Ning Ning's expression was as usual, but she was actually terrified. When she got to the door of the classroom, her fear became even stronger.

This classroom is too dark.

The heavy darkness was so dense that it was like a solid body, scattered in every corner of the space. From her experience, she knew that there must be ncs waiting for an opportunity, but because of the darkness, she didn't know the location of the other party at all.

Ningning was also terrified by her side.

He Zhizhou gave her a look of heroic death, slowly squatted down, lay down, and crawled into the room little by little.

This is too life-threatening! Not so!

"Big brother, big sister, do it, don't scare me, don't scare me..."

He Zhizhou recited something while crawling, Ning Ning crouched down and followed behind him, holding a small candle to probe forward.

The classroom was very dilapidated, the ground and walls were stained with blood like splatters, and the gloomy atmosphere around was the most frightening. She looked around and saw a flash of fluorescent light in the corner of the opposite wall.

"I-I saw it."

Ning Ning didn't dare to speak loudly, and said to him with a trembling voice, "We're right in front of us, the key is being issued—"

Before she could finish her words, she suddenly felt a breeze blowing by her side.

Ning Ning didn't dare to tilt his head and didn't move.

"Why did it stop suddenly? We—"

He Zhizhou didn't realize the crisis yet, and turned his head to look at her.

Ning Ning saw very clearly that his face changed from a plane to a three-dimensional, and then from a three-dimensional to a mess of rags, twisted together at an unimaginable angle.

He Zhizhou "Ah!"

He Zhizhou crawled forward desperately, Ning Ning was so frightened, he hugged his leg in a hurry, barely seeking some comfort from his teammates, crouched on the ground and moved quickly with him.

He Zhizhou's eyes were splitting, his blue veins were bulging, and he was kicking around like a dying fish, crawling with his two hands, "Uh ah—legs, my legs! The ghost grabbed my leg! There is a ghost uh ! Grabbing my leg!"

Ning Ning was kicked by him and shouted with all his strength, "The key, go get the key!"

It was the first time that NC saw this sled dog pulling a cart. He tried his best to hold back his laughter, while dutifully following behind the two of them.

Fortunately, He Zhizhou still had some reason, and stared at the beam of light where the key was, but when he got closer, his face became even paler—

There was a bloody corpse model in the corner, and the key was stuck in its wide open mouth!

He Zhizhou was so desperate.

This trick injures the enemy 800 times and loses 100 million to himself. Before he can trick Tian Xianzi and others, he has already become the first guinea pig to die, and his pig teammates kill him.

His legs were caught in the air, and he could barely reach out a hand to take it, but he couldn't reach it for a while.

Ning Ning stepped forward anxiously, and just as her hand touched the shriveled head, she saw a big snow-white face beside her.

Ning Ning…

There were screams in the classroom, and He Zhizhou crawled all over the room on all fours, more terrifying than nc.

Ning Ning's mind was blank, she didn't have time to take out the key, she hugged the head and ran away. After realizing that she was carrying a human head, she screamed even more.

She hugged the head and ran while howling. After finally running out of the classroom to the corridor, she finally saw the shadow of the large army, and immediately said, "The key is here, hurry up and catch it!"

The little sister actually brought the key!

Lin Xun was moved when she thought of how she used her thin and small body to dash out of a bloody path. The hot blood rushed up, and the little white dragon took a few steps forward and stretched out his hands.

He is used to the protection of his brothers and sisters, and today, he must muster up the courage to do something for the teacher!

A dark shadow swept across the sky, Lin Xun frowned, held his breath, raised his hand, and captured the fleeting trajectory.

When the shadow jumped into his arms, at that moment, he was the king that everyone was looking forward to!

"Master, I caught it!"

Lin Xun was so excited that his eyes were full of tears, he hugged the unknown ball in his arms and looked down.

Lin Xun's smile gradually faded, and his eyes gradually became sharp.

In the dim light, he finally saw what the thing looked like.

Shaky black hair, lips stained with blood, that unusual beauty, an unforgivable sin.

Lin Xun…

Lin Xun "Ah ah ah!"

Lin Xun came on the spot with a scattered flower from a goddess. When his head rose to the sky and fell to the ground, just as it passed by in front of him, the little white dragon screamed and patted it forward.

So the head kept a wild laugh, and was slapped on Tian Xianzi's face.

What follows can be summed up in three sentences.

Tian Xianzi laughed excitedly while running wildly, "Hahahahaha! Come and chase me! Chase me!"

Pei Ji frowned expressionlessly, and carefully guarded Ning Ning's side "… "

The rest of the people "Aaaaaaaaaaa!"

After several rounds of room escape and chase, the group finally reached the last level of the haunted house.

According to the plot, they came to the first floor of the teaching building and were discovered by the final boss, and they could be found at any time.

There is also a single-player mission here, which requires Lin Xun to go to the utility room to find the key to open the door.

Xiao Bailong went away with tears in his eyes.

"I said so."

He Zhizhou had lingering fears about the orientation task, and hid in the corner to transmit a voice, "This place is so dark, and there are so many monsters hidden everywhere, what if we approach him rashly and are mistaken for ghosts and scare Lin Xun?"

"There is a way for the teacher."

Tian Xianzi thought for a moment, and suddenly lowered his voice, "Let's not approach or touch him. Once we see Lin Xun, we will call his name and wave to him. As for scaring him."

Master is worthy of being a master!

Ning Ning nodded vigorously, "I think it's fine."

Lin Xun walked in the corridor with his eyes closed, holding the key tightly in his hand.

He couldn't see, and could only use his spiritual sense to "grope" forward a little bit. In the endless darkness, he suddenly heard a familiar whisper, "Lin... Xun..."

He was so frightened that he lost his mind and almost thought it was a ghost calling for a ghost, but it took him a while to recognize it.

Everyone is nearby.

This thought made him overjoyed, he quickly opened his eyes, and when he looked up, he saw a human head sticking out from the corner wall.

In the dim green light, Tian Xianzi's head tilted slightly and grinned at him.

Then a hand stretched out closely behind it, shaking slowly, accompanied by the sound of "touching" and "touching" "Lin...xun...over...come..."

A few shadows flashed by Russia Qing, and he saw Ning Ning, He Zhizhou and Pei Ji.

—Everyone who came with him stood in the pale green light, their faces were as pale as a dead man, waving their hands and calling his name expressionlessly!

Several trembling voices of "Come here" resounded in his ears, and the voices of Ning Ning, He Zhizhou and Tian Xianzi were all "chaotic". Lin Xun looked at the green faces and was about to vomit.

Who is he, where is he, what does he do.

Longlong doesn't know, and Longlong doesn't want to know.

He could only understand one thing in a trance, all the brothers, brothers and sisters, all died here, turning into ghosts to claim his life!

In the silence, a long sigh that belonged to a woman suddenly sounded.

Ning Ning was wondering why Lin Xun didn't come, and when she heard the voice, she suddenly raised her head, facing the big bloody face hiding in the corner and grinning.

Lin Xun also heard the woman's voice.

Xuanxu's other people are all male "sex", the source of that voice can only be the little senior sister.

This thought hurriedly passed through his mind, but in an instant, as if to verify his conjecture, Ning Ning's expression changed.

Her movements were comparable to Dao Huo Suo, but in a split second, Xuan Xu and the others ran towards him under the green light.

He Zhizhou was the most terrifying, as if he was being held in place by something, shaking his legs in vain—

He was grabbed by the collar of the NC, and while staring at Lin Xun and reaching out his hand, he let out a hoarse wailing from his throat, "Uh uh - Lin Xun - come on!"

It's a call for help.

However, in Lin Xun's eyes, Senior Brother He looked so ferocious that he didn't look like a person. When he rolled his eyes and called his name, his eyes were about to pop out!

He hesitated for a long time, he must have made them angry!

In an instant, Ning Ning's hand grabbed the front of his shirt.

Lin Xun…

Lin Xun's breath stagnated, and he fell to the ground.

Due to Lin Xun's fainting, the group had to be sent away from the haunted house by the staff ahead of time. According to the boss, this was the first poor person who was frightened to faint by his teammates.

Lin Xun woke up quickly, and the first words when he woke up were "Is this the Western Paradise?"

Ning Ning was exhausted physically and mentally by He Zhizhou's bad ideas, and he himself seemed to have suddenly aged eighty years, his eyes were empty, neither joy nor sorrow.

In order to comfort everyone's severely traumatized hearts, He Zhizhou tried to atone for his sins. He took the group to play the carousel and bumper cars. During the period, he also bought some "milk" tea and desserts, and finally brought the atmosphere from the underworld back to the sun.

Tian Xianzi fell in love with bumper cars, and Lai was there to grab a parking space with a group of children. Lin Xun looked left and right, swallowed the cream puff in his mouth, and pointed to the largest and tallest building not far away, "What is that?"

"Want to try it?"

Ning Ning fed Pei Ji a soufflé, "That's a Ferris wheel."

He Zhizhou was very good, so he deliberately separated from Ning Ning and Pei Ji, and took Lin Xun to the other compartment.

Then the Ferris wheel slowly rose.

After coming here, although Pei Ji still didn't have much expression as usual, her eyes often wandered around quietly, with dazed, novel and shallow confusion, like a child.

For example, now, he opened his lips slightly and looked at the surrounding scene through the glass window of the Ferris wheel.

"This Ferris wheel is very high. When it rises to the top, you should be able to see the whole city."

His appearance is really cute, Ning Ning explained, and couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, "Although my hometown is weak in spiritual power, the craftsmanship is very strong - is soufflé delicious?"

Pei Ji nodded when she heard the sound, and suddenly said, "Can you... can you come over?"

When he was with other people before, he was holding hands with Ningning at most, but now she finally waited for the two to be alone, but she was sitting opposite him—

When Ning Ning heard these words, she really laughed.

Pei Jing's ears were hot, and she blinked hastily.

She was in a good mood and walked up obediently, but instead of sitting beside Pei Ji, she wrapped her hands around his neck, stood between the teenager's legs, and leaned slightly, "What's the matter?"

This is a posture that has never been seen before, Pei Ji raised her head and stared into her eyes.

There was a constant muffled sound in my chest, thump, thump.

He opened his mouth, and even his voice seemed to be warm, "What is... a couple's outfit?"

Couple outfit

Ning Ning tilted her head and thought that when they came out of the haunted house, a staff member glanced at them and said with a smile, "The couple's outfit is pretty good."

Pei Ji looked at her blankly, the usual cold sword energy subsided for the most part, leaving only the smell of "cream" on her body.

"It's the clothes that two people wear only after they are together."

As she spoke, she poked Pei Ji's side face, and felt that the hand felt good, so she took advantage of the situation to cover the pulp of her fingers and slowly "knead", watching his eyes move slightly, and his Adam's apple rolled.

"Look, are our clothes very similar?"

Ning Ning said, "This is to tell others that we are together."

A smile appeared in Pei Ji's eyes.

He whispered, "Ning Ning, bow your head."

When his lips were touching, he put his hands around the girl's waist.

The "sweater" on her body is wide and wide, so that the whole person is round and round. Only by pressing down on the layer of fabric with one's own hands, and pressing down a little, can the soft and thin flesh that is wrapped be touched.

Thin and soft, like gentle water waves, it made him linger and never want to leave.

The aroma of cream and strawberries was intertwined between his lips. The kiss was not deep. Ning Ning wanted to straighten up, but he grabbed the back of his neck and couldn't move.

This was an involuntary, somewhat domineering move, but Pei Ji carefully pressed against the tip of her nose, the shimmer in her black eyes almost eager to "continue to wear it in the future, okay?"

He likes this feeling.

This is the feeling of telling everyone that Ningning likes him.

It's also letting everyone know... the feeling that he belongs to her.

No matter what kind of feeling, it can make Pei Ji feel extremely happy.

Ning Ning smiled, "Do you like it?"

He raised his head unskillfully, pressed Ning Ning down, and kissed the side of her neck, "Because it's a... stamp."

This position is very sensitive, and Ning Ning can feel the heat rising, making his ears extremely hot.

Her back trembled, her voice was much lower, and she still used a joking tone, "Stamp? Stamp me with your stamp?"

"… no."

How could he be willing.

Pei Ji stroked the back of her head and used a murmured, serious tone, "Everyone else can know... I'm yours."

Ning Ning's smile suddenly froze.


Ning Ning slipped out of his arms in a hurry and sat on the bench opposite, and caught a glimpse of Pei Ji's eyes that were hesitant to say anything, "You are not allowed to say that my face is very red!"

Pei Ji said that sentence very seriously, but seeing her embarrassed at this moment, she felt a little embarrassed and blushed inexplicably.

Pei Ji lowered her head and replied obediently, "... um."

The hometown where Ning Ning lived from childhood to adulthood is not far from this city. When the group left the amusement park, they proposed that they want to go home and have a look. Let the others find a place for dinner first, and then tell her the location with a messenger.

Pei Ji was uneasy, and went with her with her sword.

Yu Jian's speed was extremely fast, and it was inconvenient for him to disturb his old friend's reminiscence. He didn't walk into the house with Ning Ning, and stood quietly under a tree not far away, waiting for her.

When she came out again, a woman and two men followed her.

The woman and Ning Ning looked alike, her eyes were red, and she whispered, "Pei Ji?"

Ning Ning had just cried, and hooked his fingers at him, motioning Pei Ji to come over, "This is my father, mother and brother."

"Ningning told us a lot of things about you."

The woman said, "In the future, she will ask you. Since you gave me a gift, why don't you just call me mom—no, according to your custom, it should be called 'mother', right?"

Pei Ji had heard that a betrothal gift should be offered before marriage.

He came in a hurry this time, and didn't bring too many precious things with him, so when the two separated, he handed over a few priceless orbs in the storage bag to Ning Ning and asked her to take them to the house.

He never thought that he would be able to call someone "mother" again in his lifetime.

The woman's gentle gaze fell on his cheek.

The young man's long eyelashes trembled slightly, he subconsciously clenched his cuffs, and said "...Mom."

His tongue was clumsy and he couldn't say anything nice, so he could only say, "I will protect her."

The young man on the opposite side shouted and leaned in front of him, "There's still this place! Big brother, big brother!"

"Stinky boy, grab my order."

The middle-aged man glared at him with red eyes, stepped forward and held Pei Ji's hands, "Hello, hello! I'm Ning Ning's father and father, you can call me whatever you want, hohohaha."

"Didn't Ning Ning say, this child is shy!"

The woman slapped him on the arm frantically, "Don't scare people, kid, his dad! Be restrained!"

The young man said "Ouch", "Dad, he really blushed."

Ning Ning stomped angrily, "Brother! Shut up!"

Ning Ning returned to the gate of the playground, came to the location designated by the communication talisman, walked into the restaurant, and saw He Zhizhou who was queuing for snacks.

There are a lot of customers in this store, and it will take some time for them to get their turn. She wondered, "What about Shizun and Junior Brother Lin Xun?"

After Ning Ning finished speaking, he saw a few scratches on his face, and raised his brows, "What's the matter with the injury on your face?"

"They think it's too stuffy in the store, take a walk outside and send me to get some snacks - you say that?"

He Zhizhou "touched" indifferently, "I fell when I stepped on the water."

Actually not.

They were wandering aimlessly at the time, and when they saw a skateboard on the long steps, He Zhizhou was itching. and climbed down the stairs.

Tian Xianzi and Lin Xun were both shocked. Fortunately, they didn't know anything about skateboarding. He Zhizhou laughed dryly.

This trick is the unique skill of skateboarding. Although it is separated from the body of the skateboard, it retains the spirit of the skateboard. Even if you don't use the skateboard, you can continue to move with your limbs. It is called Thomas Italian Cannon Full Spin.

Fortunately, these two were Jian Xiu, who understood the principle of "no sword in hand, but sword in heart".

When He Zhizhou took the snacks and fruit, the three walked out of the restaurant and onto the street.

He Zhizhou saw Lin Xun's figure at a glance, stepped forward and handed Xiao Bailong a pack of Miao Crispy Corners, "Where's the uncle?"

Lin Xun laughed like an eight-year-old fool, "Master met a group of kids who were playing skateboards and said he wanted to show them a unique skateboard trick."


Ning Ning couldn't understand, "How could Shizun play this?"

slip. plate.

He Zhizhou's face turned pale instantly.

No, things shouldn't turn out as he thought.

The young man with a livid face raised his head in awe, and sure enough, he saw that familiar shadow among the chattering children not far away.

Tian Xianzi got on the board and slid, everything seemed so harmonious, so in one go.

All of a sudden, the man who was traversing the world of self-cultivation, he began to laugh wildly!

"Do not!"

Realizing the impending tragedy, He Zhizhou cried out sadly, "Uncle, don't!"

In response to him, there was only a roar in the sky.

And in the expectant eyes of the children, the phrase "Look at me!" shouted out by Lang Ran!

The onlookers were all shocked!

But seeing that man suddenly burst into laughter and jumped up, after spinning 720 degrees in the air, he left the skateboard in a posture on all fours, and landed firmly on the ground!

When the madman fell to the ground, he even crawled forward with his hands and feet on the ground, his tongue was about to be thrown away, and he laughed wildly as he threw it, and rushed straight to where the children were. "Children, look at uncle Thomas Italy. The cannon is full!"

For a moment, even the wind stopped.

The children had never seen such a scene before, all of them were so frightened that they were stunned on the spot, and even forgot to cry.

Tian Xianzi is like a giant attacking "Hahahahaha-"


Onlookers "110! 120! Hit 120! Help! The mental patient is killing the child!"

Onlookers "Children! Quick-run-ah!"