Miss Cannon Fodder Wants To Escape Death Flags

Chapter 32


Time passed quickly, and more than half a month had passed since the battle with Xuan Ye in Jialan City.

With the help of the elders, the lake water in the city of Jialan receded, and the demon clan in the city gradually woke up. It must take a while to adapt to the current world of immortal cultivation.

Pei Ji and her senior sister were the most injured. After this period of cultivation, they were finally able to move freely.

Ning Ning practiced the sword all day yesterday, and just after leaving the hospital in the morning, she heard a menacing voice not far away.

The voice line was clearly a soft and beautiful female voice, but it was pronounced in a tone of resignation, like a thunder on the ground, and the ape couldn't cry.

"Go to the center of your sister's stems, branches and fortune-telling spirits! The yin and yang and the five elements are in the hands of the heavens, and the essence of the sun and the moon is swallowed into the Dan She, Gan Linniang! Explore the roots of the sky, and the true breath will give birth to spring. Restore your mother's universe! Ah! Give me death!"

Articulate sonorously, one word at a time.

Lively recite the endorsement into the effect of shouting Mai, as if you can pack up and make your debut in the next second, the stage name is called MC Clang Rose.

Ning Ning just remembered that the academy, which Big Sister had failed to graduate for many years, was about to have its annual final exam.

- But this kind of endorsement method of scolding mother is too much! Sister calm down!

Ning Ning was worried and went to look for the voice, and she saw Zheng Weiqi on the edge of the cliff.

She was still wearing men's clothing, with high wisps of blue silk, and her clear facial features were a little brightened by the rising sun. Reciting the endorsement has the effect of killing a pig.

Sensing that someone was approaching, Zheng Weiqi stopped and raised her head slightly. Seeing that it was Ning Ning, he showed a bright smile: "Little Junior Sister!"


The morning reading she just read was still haunting her ears, and Ning Ning was a little confused: "Didn't Shizun cast a forbidden spell to prevent you from speaking foul language?"

"You don't understand that."

Zheng Weiqi smiled mysteriously, jumped off the boulder at the top of the cliff, and stirred the breeze: "Do you remember the content of the forbidden spell?"

Naturally, Ning Ning will not forget this.

The battle between the elder sister and the young city lord in Jialan City was a smash hit, and she still ranks among the top three in Ning Ning's "Classic Scenes Ranking in the Immortal Cultivation World".

As for the content of the forbidden spell, as long as you speak swear words, you will do the things that you are most resistant to at this time. Now she urges the incantation as she endorses—

I see!

Ning Ning widened her eyes suddenly, looking at Zheng Weiqi with a bit of admiration in her eyes.

Senior Sister is worthy of being Senior Sister. The last thing she wants to do at this moment must be endorsement. Once she takes advantage of the forbidden spell that Tian Xianzi cast on her—

You can force yourself to keep going, never stop!


While scolding and reciting, two and two are born and complement each other, which is simply a perpetual motion machine of endorsement.

I am afraid that even Tian Xianzi himself would not have thought that the curse would be used in such a place.

"I've been studying recently, and my mouth and ears are about to grow calluses. Those bastard elders, not only do they not know that they are discouraged, but they also test all day long. It's either you or me, and they test their mother's things."

Zheng Weiqi said with a grin, her eyes curved in a pleasing manner: "Little Junior Sister, I have learned so much that I'm already tired. Would you like to go and earn some pocket money with Senior Sister?"

Ning Ning was stunned: "Pocket money? Going to set up a stall?"

"Of course not! I'm approaching the evaluation, and I don't have time to go down the mountain to buy it. Don't you know? In our mountain gate, there is also a way to make money."

Seeing the little girl frowning suspiciously, Zheng Weiqi patiently said: "Buddha Tower! The higher the floor, the greater the possibility of dropping high-end treasures. If you are lucky, you don't have to worry about food expenses for the whole year— Didn't you get the priceless Ghost Orb?"

Seems to be.

But she gave it to Pei Ji.

"Although the chance of encountering hidden plots is very small, even the things dropped in ordinary levels are not low in value. Let's find another person and go directly to the fantasy realm in the extremely difficult mode. After one fight, there will definitely be a lot of gains. ."

Zheng Weiqi smiled and said: "As the saying goes, three people become tigers! The new words I learned, learn and use them, they are amazing!"

Ning Ning:…

Ning Ning was heartbroken: "Senior sister, 'three people become a tiger' is not used like this."

—Is this what you call "superiority"? Can you really pass this test, sister? ?


It was raining and misty.

The illusion gradually emerged in front of him, and the first thing Ning Ning felt was a chill that went straight to the bone marrow.

Zheng Weiqi deliberately selected the notoriously difficult floors in the Buddha Tower, and they came in together with the notoriously poor He Zhizhou and the notoriously vicious Pei Ji.

Unlike the last time when they were separated from each other after entering the pagoda, the four of them appeared in the same place this time.

It is very much like a town in the south of the Yangtze River during the rainy season, with thick smoke and dark rain, weaving a big net that falls from the sky, and hangs straight from the cloud to the light green clothes of the weeds.

It should be in the evening now, and the twilight will not fall, and there will be no sun or moon in the sky, only cotton-wool clouds pile up into groups, blocking the sky.

They were standing on a long embankment, not far from a quiet river, dyed a misty dark gray with milky white smoke. The willows cut the wind, lightly provoking the spring mist and showers, and the cool wind blows gently, wrinkling the long river of jade color like a cold mirror.

A stone bridge spans the river. Looking back, it is a low-rise building with blue tiles and white walls.

Rather, it was like a smudged black ink on the rice paper, which seemed distant and unclear.

Ning Ning took a breath of air, the cool sweetness mixed with the smell of grass and trees, like a refreshing dessert tasted in summer, refreshing.

This illusion was not mentioned in the original work, so she didn't know the specific plot. She only heard from Zheng Weiqi that she had stumped many Jindan and even Yuanying disciples.

She was addicted to going down the mountain to set up a stall, and rarely came to the Buddha Tower. She heard that this level was extremely difficult, so she never came to try it.

A cry came out of nowhere, as mournful as if you had accidentally lost a five million lottery ticket.

Ning Ning used the spiritual energy to block the dense rain, and followed the sound.

There were few people on both sides of the embankment, and the closest to them was a young girl in a long emerald dress.

The girl held up an oil-paper umbrella embroidered with lilac flowers, and was sobbing softly with her head down. Although she covered her face with her hands, she couldn't see her face clearly, but judging from her swaying figure and the faint outline of her face, Should be called beautiful.

She seemed to be trying her best to suppress her cries, and each sob was fragmented, like debris blown away by the wind, beating randomly on the eardrums of others. The well-deserved indifference, desolate and melancholy, can properly make a cameo appearance in "Rain Lane".

"She cried so sadly."

He Zhizhou pondered: "As far as I know, in almost all the plots of the storybook, this kind of plot of a person walking in the rain and shedding tears originated from a sad feeling - this requires me, a beautiful young man who is surrounded by the wind, to appear. Give her a little comfort."

Zheng Weiqi is worthy of being an old fritter, glanced at him lightly, and clenched the long sword at her waist: "As far as I know, in almost all the stories of the Buddha Tower, that girl will only be an out-and-out demon—you can Don't fall for the beauties, you will be sent out as soon as you come in."

"What about the demon." He Zhizhou was worthy of being an otaku who was proficient in all kinds of beautiful girls' love games in his previous life. After hehe smiled, he was full of confidence: "I will tell you the story of Bai Niangzi and Xu Xian when I go back. With my personality charm, even that It is a monster, a monster, and it can also reverse the pattern and become a beautiful love legend."

"Just you?"

Ning Ning was also accustomed to scolding him: "When it comes to love legends, my little junior brother's face is more suitable for being the hero."

Pei Ji pursed her lips and said nothing.

As soon as Ning Ning finished speaking, he heard the sobbing in his ears suddenly stop, and then came the sound of splashing water from something falling to the ground—

It turned out that the rain was slippery, and the girl in green fell to the ground crying, and the oil-paper umbrella was blown away by the wind, leaving her alone in the rain, struggling to get up.

The green shirt provokes water, like a blooming duckweed.

And her appearance finally became clear in the rain and fog, her eyebrows were like mountains in the distance, and her pupils were cut in autumn water.

"It's my turn to appear at this time! Pei Ji, study hard, you will definitely be able to use it in the future."

He Zhizhou lowered his voice: "I have seen this plot, nothing more than helping her up and asking for warmth, and then introducing the plot in the conversation. You can watch it carefully."

After a pause, he said again: "Do you think that her skirt spreads out like now, like a round green onion pancake? Makes me a little hungry - can I eat in the fantasy?"

Ning Ning:…

As far as your mental awareness is concerned, it doesn't seem like you can develop a love story at the level! Please go directly to the stall to fry green onion pancakes. Thank you!

For some unknown reason, she suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart, and even started to worry about that girl faintly.

He Zhizhou did what he said, without hesitation at all, he immediately stepped forward, and exaggeratedly shouted in harmony with the plot: "Girl, what's the matter with you!"

He didn't hold an umbrella, and the soles of his feet swayed in the puddles, sometimes stepping on the moss on the shore, and involuntarily swaying to the left and right.

Not like a handsome boy, but like walking on a duck's pace.

This is destined to be a love story of duck and green onion cake.

When the woman in green saw him, she raised her eyes with tears in her eyes, stretched out her right hand tremblingly, and called out, "Young Master."

And Ning Ning had vaguely guessed the ending and sighed inwardly.

—He Zhizhou ran very fast, so he would never have noticed that there was a huge wet moss near where the girl in green slipped.

In the next moment, he will personally interpret what is meant by "brace".

Moss said, shoes kiss me with pain, but I reciprocate with song.

He Zhizhou's movements were comparable to the Philippine National Diving Team. After a Ten Thousand Buddhas Dynasty, he fell on his back with his hands up and his legs straight. Just like the girl in green, he fell into a big somersault.

He thought things couldn't get any worse.

But the sledgehammer of fate finally fell on the weak shoulders of this beautiful young man.

- Before he fell, he ran in the direction of the girl in green.

Newton's coffin board is still there. According to the laws of mechanics, under the action of inertia, even if she falls to the ground, it will continue to slide towards her.

Q: The girl in green kept standing still, and He Zhizhou slipped down on her feet. What would happen

Answer: I can't bear to answer.

His legs were straight forward, and the soles of his feet just fell on the girl's shoulders.

Then he kicked her far away.

Or the kind that spins around and keeps sliding into the distance.

It was foggy and rainy today, and He Zhizhou met a girl who was spinning and slipping away like a spinning top.

She has the same color as a spinning top, the same fragrance as a spinning spinning top, and the same sadness as a spinning spinning top.

She slid past, dream-like, mournful and confused like a dream. Like a top in a dream, he slid past the girl beside him.

She silently went far, far away, to the bank of slumps.

and many more.

by the shore.

He Zhizhou suddenly widened his eyes, stretched out his right hand in vain like a loach in the rain, and let out a heroic cry: "No!"

He originally thought that in this script, he could become a handsome male protagonist in the midst of thousands of flowers. I didn't expect to guess the beginning, but I couldn't guess the ending.

He is not Xu Xian, but a gyro rope.

And the woman in Tsing Yi who was kicked away by him turned around and slid straight to the end of the long embankment.

The moment he completely fell into the river, He Zhizhou saw her expression.

As if she had finally found the person who stole her five million lottery tickets, she was shocked, frightened, angry, and so on, more abstract than abstract paintings.

In the distance, I don't know which passerby screamed in shock, his voice was so loud that it could pierce the fog, and he flew up to the sky and stood side by side with the dark clouds: "Help - life - ah! Kill - people - ah!"

Who would have thought.

Obviously it's an intricate plot-oriented adventure game, but the player has taken a different approach and murdered an important NPC directly at the beginning.

Zheng Weiqi really didn't see it, and let out a long sigh.

Ning Ning covered her face with her hands and choked silently.

There was a bit of confusion in Pei Ji's eyes, and he didn't seem to understand why He Zhizhou's "study hard" was like this.

If Buddha Pagoda could speak, it would be furious and say the famous saying—

Make no mistake, you guys are the worst class of students I've ever had!