Miss Cannon Fodder Wants To Escape Death Flags

Chapter 57


"So," Ning Ning stood up from the ground and finally glanced at the unconscious Mirror Ghost, "After Qiao Yan's father died, the two clans soon started a war. The fox clan should indeed have fought against the whole clan, and It made the demon cultivator difficult to resist, his vitality was severely damaged, and he had to hide in the water mirror formation to survive."

- However, if you want to seriously damage the demon cultivator, the spirit fox must also suffer heavy losses, not only exhausting his spiritual power, but also being taken advantage of by the demonic energy when he is extremely weak, degenerating into his current appearance.

The formation of water mirrors, yin and yang interact.

Ning Ning once asked Qiao Yan about the formation, and the little fox recalled for a moment and told her: "Aura is yang, and magic is yin. A decent person can use this formation to trap monsters in the mirror; if the demons use this technique, It will also put itself in the water mirror, mostly used to avoid enemy attacks, which is a way to save life."

Demons can only stay in the mirror on the negative side, so no real sunburning bow will appear in this space.

"Qinniang" is well aware of this matter, but since there is no jade pendant, she does not know what the current situation is in the secret room.

Maybe there will be a false bow and arrow, so Qiao Yan will definitely take it to the sunny side and discover all the truth;

Or it is empty, and there is no reason to explain the whereabouts of the sunburning bow, which will also lead to suspicion.

No matter what the possibility is, it is not a good thing for Mo Xiu, so they will try their best to prevent Qiao Yan from obtaining the jade pendant and persuade her to leave as soon as possible.


The more Ning Ning thought about it, the more wrong it became: "Why do the demons care about Qiao Yan so much? With so many clansmen in the Linghu lineage, why did they leave her on purpose?"

"Perhaps it wasn't 'deliberately keeping her'."

Pei Ji said coldly, "It's just her."

only she-

Ning Ning's heart moved.

After the war, the fox clan and the demon clan suffered heavy casualties, and those who managed to survive were also seriously injured and had no spiritual power. Not to mention that the magic cultivators have exhausted their remaining strength to create such a vast mirror world.

Although this secret realm is a fiction, it can be seen that the people in the village are weak, but they can't be played no matter what.

They are not familiar with the entire secret realm, and they are too sick to walk. In such a desperate predicament, someone has to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of the whole family.

And Qiao Yan was the one who was chosen.

Or rather, a tool to assist them in their recovery.

She has grown up in a secret realm since she was a child, and has a clear understanding of the terrain and the distribution of spiritual plants. Because she witnessed the death of her father, she was in a coma with a high fever during the decisive battle. .

- Qiao Yan also personally said that the clansmen were seriously injured and weak, and it was with the treasures she picked from heaven and earth that they could barely hang their lives.

It's ironic when you think about it.

When Qiao Yan woke up, all her family and friends were seriously injured and dying because of the so-called "formation". She is just a little girl in her teens. She has worked hard day and night for the spirit fox lineage. Not only did she travel through mountains and rivers, searching for medicinal herbs in secret places to continue her life, she even willingly risked her life to go to Xishan to get the jade pendant, vowing to eradicate the evil ghost in the mirror.

However, she doesn't know that everything is a lie, and the enemy she hates so much that she gives everything to protect; the one who she desperately wants to get rid of is the clan she loves the most.

"If they kept Qiao Yan to make use of it," Ning Ning lowered her voice, as if she could hear her own heartbeat, "then her neighbor's little brother, Xiao Zhao, who was still a baby during the war... Can any reason be left behind?"

Of course, the demons would not be merciful to support their children. There is only one possible explanation: that little boy is also the incarnation of a demon.

But in this way, a new problem inevitably arises.

Pei Ji obviously thought about it with her, lowered her eyes and said solemnly: "The rest of the demon cultivators are still in an extremely weak state, but he has been able to move freely and is no different from ordinary people. There may be something tricky about it."

As soon as Ning Ning thought of the child's innocent smile, he subconsciously felt terrified. After a while, he seemed to think of something, and a little excitedly pulled the sleeve of the boy next to him: "Pei Ji, do you remember Qiao Yan mentioned that to us before? Child, what did she say?"

Pei Ji lowered her head, looked at her without saying a word, and waited patiently for the next sentence.

"She said, 'Xiao Zhao was so weak after the war that he was no different from the rest of the clan. He almost lost his life several times. Thanks to his good life, after taking medicine for a while, he finally recovered.' ."

When she spoke, her fingertips were cold, but her heart was scorching hot. As she approached the truth step by step, Ning Ning's speech became faster and faster: "Since he is also weakened by the war, his condition should be the same as that of other demons. The family is almost the same. There are two possibilities for the reason why it can recover so quickly.”

Ning Ning made a "two" gesture towards him as he spoke, probably feeling gloomy all over, and quietly leaned against Pei Ji:

"First, his strength is extremely strong, and his recovery ability is much faster than other demon cultivators; second, his status is extremely high, and other demon cultivators willingly donated most of the medicinal materials to him to help him recover. No matter what the reason is Either explanation, or both, it is not difficult to come to a conclusion that the identity of the person must be not simple."

No matter what, she couldn't figure it out before, the boss behind the scenes would actually be that kid.

"That's why they let Qiao Yan leave the secret realm."

Ning Ning's thoughts gradually became clear, and he continued to analyze: "Linghu is attacked by demonic energy, it will lose its reason and attack others for no reason. Such an attack. Now that Xiao Zhao's strength has recovered to most of the time, he only needs to wait for Qiao Yan to leave the water mirror array, and then attack the fox clan in one fell swoop. the contents of the bag.”

As she spoke, she couldn't understand: "In fact, the matter has come to this point, Qiao Yan has no much use value, they can kill her directly... What is the reason for taking such pains to persuade her to leave? Will you be grateful to Qiao Yan?"

That's too different from their style, and it's not playing "Devil's Repayment".

Pei Ji shook her head and replied in a deep voice, "I can't figure this out either."

Ning Ning listened to his clear voice through the evening breeze. She was still trying to think about the tricky things, but she suddenly took a breath and looked up at Pei Ji: "Oops, He Zhizhou and the others are still in Linghu's settlement!"


The methods of magic cultivators are all kinds of strange, often bloody and cruel. Most of them use the lives of other people as the guide and the soul as the core to sacrifice this disgusting method of sacrifice, and the poor people who are used as sacrifices can connect around the earth twice. lock up.

The secret realm is closed all the year round. The group of demon cultivators have not seen strangers for a long time. In addition, they are extremely eager to restore their spiritual power.

In the secret realm, you can't fly with your sword, and it's too slow to travel with your legs. In order to prevent accidents during this period, Ning Ning specially prepared two communication talismans before rushing back to the settlement, and passed them to He Zhizhou and Xu Ye to inform them of the matter. the truth.

As for Joey...

Ning Ning didn't know if she should know everything. If she knew that the Mirror Ghost who was mercilessly shot and killed was actually a compatriot of the Fox clan, the little girl would definitely collapse on the spot.

When the communication talisman arrived in He Zhizhou's room, Xu Ye happened to be by his side.

What's even more coincidental is that in addition to the two brothers and sisters, there are two other shadows standing in the house, one tall and the other short.

It was the boy Xiao Zhao and Qiao Yan's crush in a wheelchair.

He Zhizhou dragged his voice and laughed: "Oh - so it's Young Master Yan Qing, a good name!"

Ning Ning and Pei Ji didn't know where they went, these two fox clansmen came to visit suddenly when he and Xu Ye were discussing the acceleration of kinetic energy, under the pretext of chatting.

It was only now that He Zhizhou knew that Qiao Yan's childhood sweetheart was named Yan Qing.

It didn't take long for Ning Ning's communication talisman to be received.

At that time, Xu Ye was busy pinching the ear of the fox child. He Zhizhou leaned on the chair lazily and opened it. He thought it was an unimportant letter, but after reading the first sentence, his eyes almost popped out. —

[Except Qiao Yan, the fox clan are all pretending to be magic cultivators, don't come into contact with them. ]

The impact of these words was too great, He Zhizhou resisted the urge to shiver, and glanced at Xu Ye, who was happily touching his ears.

And Yan Qing and Xiao Zhao who laughed weirdly.

He took a deep breath and continued to look down.

If the previous sentence was a heavy mallet, mercilessly smashing him into a dizzy mind, then the next sentence is a pot of sour white rice, which can't help but pour directly into his mouth, almost killing a good young man. scared to vomit.

[Xiao Zhao's identity is not ordinary, it is likely that he is the leader of the magic cultivator, and his strength has recovered more than half. Remember to be careful in everything, and Pei Ji and I will be back soon. ]

...it's a ghost story!

He Zhizhou raised his head and glanced at Xu Ye again, listening to his heartless smile: "Xiao Zhao is so cute! Hahaha look at those little ears—"

His gaze this time was different from the previous one, and it was completely reduced to looking at a dead body.

"Xu Ye. Don't look at me, don't talk, keep laughing, keep rubbing."

After reading the brief letter, He Zhizhou raised his head forty-five degrees, trying hard not to let the tears fall, and then walked to Xu Yi's side to open the voice transmission: "Ning Ning came to the news, saying that these spirit foxes, except Qiao Yan, It's all pretending to be demons."

Just like the severe poisoning of the face after a lot of Botox, Xu Ye's expression froze for a moment, and he heard He Zhizhou continue his voice transmission: "This little boy you rubbed is probably the leader who led the way back then."

Xu Ye:…

Xu Ye's current mood is as if he had lost fifty consecutive qualifying matches in the middle of the night. He wanted to order a takeaway to comfort himself, but not only did he not send chopsticks, but after eating half of it, he found that a ball of rice had become moldy and turned a weird green color. , and finally called his girlfriend to complain in annoyance, but heard the voice of his good brother from the other end of the phone.

Painful, probably so.

Xu Ye's expression was complicated, and he looked at the big furry ears that he was holding in his hands, and then looked at Xiao Zhao's innocent face.

The little boy laughed brightly, and when he saw his expression changed greatly, he giggled: "Big brother, what's the matter?"

cluck cluck, are you an old hen that has become fine.

Although Xu Ye is a sister and a precious boy, he is still an orthodox Immortal Sect disciple. He immediately answered: "Nothing! I-I am, it seems that my stomach hurts a little."

Yup! He and He Zhizhou have no reasonable excuse to leave this place at this time. If they pretend to be unwell, they can go back to the room logically!

Xu Yefei quickly exchanged glances with He Zhizhou, covered his stomach with an "Ow", his facial features twisted into a blooming chrysanthemum, and stretched out his hand tremblingly: "Senior Brother He, my old disease has relapsed... Quick, bring me back to me Get medicine from the room!"

He Zhizhou understood, and implemented the basic qualities of a good actor in the 21st century to the end, and slapped his thigh: "Junior brother! I told you not to work too hard, but you won't listen!"

Then he turned his head to look at the other two people beside him, with apologetic expressions on their faces: "I'm sorry, my junior brother is not in good health. After we go to his room to get the medicine, we will discuss with the two of you in detail."


Unexpectedly, the young Linghu boy in a wheelchair smiled lightly, and took out a small porcelain bottle from his arms: "Don't panic, two. This bottle is filled with elixir for abdominal pain. There will be a rebirth effect.”

Xu Ye only spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot, and scolded him in his heart for not knowing how many times. Just when he was desperate, he suddenly saw He Zhizhou's right hand trembling in front of him.

This tremor that started from the right hand was like a small snake and gradually spread to every bone in the body.

But seeing He Zhizhou's mouth and eyes were slanted, his eyes were slanted, his hands and feet were spasming, and his whole body was twitching.

That gesture and eyes, like a wild wolf in the wind, even added a voice to himself, which is no different from the voice of a 90-year-old mortal old man: "medicine... medicine..."

Xu Ye naturally understood what he meant immediately. He didn't forget to cover his stomach and shouted in a crying voice: "Senior Brother He! Why are you sick? Brother He! Don't worry, I'll take you back to your room to get-"

Halfway through speaking, he suddenly closed his mouth in horror.

-Isn't this your room! Play a stick, you idiot!

The proud disciples of Xuanxu Sword Sect and Wan Jianzong were playing in public. Yan Qing and Xiao Zhao in the secret realm sneered again and again. Very embarrassing.

"Do you two know the real purpose of our visit?"

Xiao Zhao smiled, his white face was still full of childishness and innocence. Seeing that the two of them stopped moving and said nothing, he knocked on the table with great interest: "We just happen to be short of materials for sacrifice... Because, the soul of human cultivation cannot be less."

He actually pointed it out without any hesitation.

Xu Ye's heart was terrified, and he felt his heart beating wildly, almost jumping into his throat.

Before, these two magic cultivators would still be polite to them, but now they are straight to the point, obviously they don't want to continue to pretend, and plan to go straight to work.

And he and He Zhizhou were the first victims.

"You must have noticed something was wrong, right?"

Xiao Zhao got up and took a step forward, and raised the corners of his mouth meaningfully: "It's too late. Let me introduce myself... I'm the Demon Lord Qi Han."

Until this moment, the surging demonic energy finally suddenly overflowed from behind him. Under this extremely suppressed breath, Xu Ye couldn't help holding his breath, and at the same time he understood the fact—

This person's strength is beyond imagination, and he and He Zhizhou are probably not opponents.

"What are you doing, run away!"

He Zhizhou's voice came from his ears, Xu Ye raised his head in a hurry, and saw his outstretched hand at a glance.

At this time, Qi Han has changed into the voice of a young man, and his body has become more and more tall and burly. Hearing this, he sneers coldly: "Want to run? No way."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, trying to interrupt the connection between the two hands, so all the elders outside the mysterious mirror witnessed a rare scene in this thousand years.

Just like the encounter of fate, the entanglement of fate, if looking back five hundred times in the past life is exchanged for passing by once in this life, then his past life with He Zhizhou must be two super twists entangled together.

Fate, amazing.

When He Zhizhou was about to grab Xu Ye's arm, he turned his head to look straight ahead, and made preparations in the posture of a relay athlete;

The Demon Lord Qi Han stretched out his right hand at the same moment, and by coincidence, it just fell between the palms of the two.

For a time, fingers crossed, and it was hard to part.

- Help! He Zhizhou grabbed the Demon Lord's palm, flicked his tongue and ran out! ! !

Immortal disciples actually do this kind of thing to the devil, men will be silent when they see it, women will cry when they see it, and the men and women outside the mysterious mirror cry silently, like a mourning meeting;

The two people who were left inexplicably in the room looked at each other, and the whole world was quiet.

Xu Ye: Gah

Yan Qing·Gun Edition: Oops

It took a while for Xu Ye to regain his senses, and he looked faintly at the pale-faced young man beside him: "That... I remember, you seem to have lost your spiritual power and have no power to hold a chicken, right?"

two. class. opposite. change.

Yan Qing let out a sneer from the depths of his throat.

Immediately biting the skin of his mouth, a strand of bright red blood spilled from his lips, covering his stomach with a painful expression, lying directly on the wooden table beside him, and began to twitch continuously: "Medicine... give me medicine... stomach hurts, if you don't eat it, you will dead, dead..."

- It seems that his learning ability is very strong, this is actually the combined version of the two of them before.


"This, this," Lin Qian was stunned outside the mysterious mirror, "How can this be good? Although He Zhizhou is indeed a bit of a man, he is also a disciple of the Xuanxu Sword Sect. If this continues, he will definitely die!"

What she said was true, and He Zhizhou had never found out that he had pulled the wrong person until now.

After all, in his perception, the possibility of pulling the wrong little hand is close to zero, not to mention that apart from Xu Ye, there is only a child and a weak patient, no one can accompany him to run. So feisty.

And where did that demon lord ever see such a show, he didn't seem to realize what was going on.

He Zhizhou ran like an old dog, his tongue was thrown high, and his face was particularly ferocious; Qi Han behind him seemed to be dragged behind a sack, and his eyes were full of shock and confusion.

Two people one after the other, forcibly ran out of the eloquent posture, ran to the most distant town, to be the happiest person.

"It's okay Xu Ye! Don't be afraid, those magic cultivators can't hurt us!"

He Zhizhou panted and comforted as he ran: "Boys like us who love to laugh often don't have bad luck."

If this happened before, Xu Ye would definitely respond to him seriously.

But now, for some reason, the other party was only silent for a moment, then laughed in a low voice, and said a terrifying line that He Zhizhou will never forget: "Look back, who the hell am I."

This does not seem to be Xu Ye's voice.

He Zhizhou's heart skipped a beat, and hesitantly stopped.

At the moment when he turned around and turned around, he gasped from his throat, like a flushing toilet. He, the man who loves to laugh, is really not that bad.

Rather, it is so bad that the world is shaking, the universe is invincible, and the word "tai" is not enough to describe it.

His tears shot from the high-pressure jets from his eyes to smash the atmosphere, and the drooping arc of the corner of his mouth pierced the center of the earth. He was silent for a while, most afraid of the sudden silence of the air.

The man in front of him had a completely unfamiliar, sullen face, and his smile was so damn sweet. A pair of triangular eyes raised slightly, licked his lips and said sadly: "Laugh? Are you teaching me to do things?"

And He Zhizhou's facial features are twisted, his mouth and eyes move left and right between circular and wavy shapes, which can be called quantum beeping lips, Schrödinger's facial features, and even his laughter is extraordinarily different: "Hey."