Miss Cannon Fodder Wants To Escape Death Flags

Chapter 66


"What? Big scuffle?"

Tian Xianzi had been sitting all night, and this was when he was full of energy. As soon as he heard these three words, he was overjoyed and moved forward to look at the picture projected in the profound mirror.

"Ningning's arrow made a lot of noise last night."

Qu Feiqing stared at him lazily, with a smile on her lips: "Many people searched for that sword light to find the waterfall, and then wandered around in confusion, didn't they see the village of the fox clan?"

Last night, the water mirror array was broken, the vitality of the demons was severely damaged, and most of the disciples went back to their rooms or caves to sleep. Eating melon seeds and enjoying the trial process.

At this time, it was He Zhizhou, who was also eating melons and watching the show, reflected in the mirror of the Xuanxu Sword Sect.

He adhered to the healthy creed of going to bed early and rising early and never wavered. After waking up, he helped Qiao Yanman find more than a dozen demonized fox clans in the secret realm.

After finally being able to take a rest, I went out to hang out with Xu Ye to relax, but I didn't expect to directly bump into the scene of the chaos among the disciples of various sects.

After surviving in the woods for so long, the water in the lakes and rivers is still useless. The living conditions are so bad, the young talents in the cultivation world have long since disappeared from their bright and out-of-this-world appearance. The first part of the story of rural immortality.

It is very down-to-earth, and it is very suitable for the big stage of the people.

According to the clothes, the group of people is divided into five factions, from left to right are Fanyin Temple, Suwentang, Wanjianzong, Taxuelou and Lumingshan.

That is, Buddhist cultivation, sound cultivation, medicine cultivation, sword cultivation, and talisman cultivation.

The trial was originally intended to encourage the disciples to fight and snatch each other. Now, when several sects collide suddenly, they naturally dislike each other, and the war is about to break out.

Most of the disciples were unfamiliar faces he had never seen before. The two bald heads of Fanyin Temple were particularly familiar. As for the female cultivator of Wanjianzong, standing alone under the ancient sycamore tree in the distance, with black hair in a white dress and sword energy Chilling—

It turned out to be the senior sister Xu Ye was thinking of, Su Qinghan.

As a salted fish with no ideals to pursue, He Zhizhou planned to escape the moment he noticed that the situation was not good. Unexpectedly, Mingkong's fellow raised his eyes and caught a glimpse of him. His forehead lit up and he said with a loud laugh, "He Shizhu!"

He Zhizhou almost suffered a myocardial infarction, so he wished that he could do a spiral kick and Tianma Meteor Fist on the spot, so that this stinky boy could feel the cruelty of the adult world.

Mingkong didn't see the difference in his expression, and continued to say sincerely: "Senior brother and I noticed that there was a difference in the sky, lest you have a problem here, so we made an appointment to come here to find out. You can be safe and sound, we can rest assured. ."

What is safe and sound, He Zhizhou just wanted to say "stay safe" to him.

As long as they don't come, he'll be fine; as soon as they show up, he'll have to join the beating family barrel with these two braised eggs.

The other gangs confronting Fanyin Temple didn't notice He Zhizhou at first, but when the little monk's horn-like mouth opened, several pairs of cold eyes suddenly looked at him in unison.

Like a barbecue on a skewered skewer, Pa Pa Pa poked him and Xu Ye into a sieve.

He Zhizhou: …

"You are all major disciples, and it is a rare fate to meet you here today."

The young Fu Xiu in white squinted and smiled, his tone was lazy, but his words were aggressive: "I know that everyone is interested in competing for tokens, so don't be polite, just do it."

"That's Senior Brother Bai Ye from Luming Mountain."

Xu Ye introduced in a low voice: "He is a rare talisman genius. He is best at the five elements of yin and yang. His techniques are unpredictable and difficult to deal with... The third opponent that Senior Sister Su wants to challenge."

All in all, this is a master.

"Haha not bad!"

The tall Jianxiu, who was holding the giant sword, laughed when he heard the words, and agreed with it: "If you want to fight fast, don't be long-winded."

He was burly, slovenly dressed and covered in dust. He didn't look like a famous monk, but like a social animal who came home with a prop sword after a hard day of street performances.

Xu Ye added: "This is Senior Brother Lu Minghao, who is stepping on the snow tower. No one can stop the giant sword. When he is in the peak state of energy, he can have the power to break the mountain and break the water."

Needless to say, this is also a master.

"There are also Senior Sister Wei Lingbo and Senior Brother Cen Ran from Suwen Hall over there. They are superb in medicine and poisoning. They can kill people invisibly. You must be more careful."

… This is still a master.

He Zhizhou felt a chill in his heart. He asked Ning Ning for help on the communication talisman, and asked him seriously, "Did you bring incense? I don't want the body to stink when I was beaten to death."

"Senior Brother He, how can you be so arrogant!"

Xu Ye sternly interrupted him: "Senior sister told me that even if you are not the strongest, you can still have a way to win the championship - you should be optimistic, I will not disappoint senior sister." He said it firmly, and He Zhizhou also Thinking that this silly child had come to his senses, he came up with an unexpected plan. Unexpectedly, I saw Xu Ye take a step forward and shouted in a high voice, "I agree too!"

He Zhizhou's back froze, and he had already vaguely anticipated the end of the matter.

"This little fellow Daoist and I are sword cultivators, why don't we have a test first."

Lu Minghao laughed loudly. Although he still looked sloppy and lazy, his eyes were full of vigor and sharp edges. He was obviously an uncompromising fighting maniac. The giant sword in his hand let out a deep sound when he spoke, as if he couldn't wait to unscabbard.

Xu Ye had heard that this senior brother was a sword addict, but he never expected that he would be regarded as his number one opponent.

He is very clear about his own strength. Although he is not at the top of Jindan stage, he is definitely not weak. If he goes all out, he may be able to win.

Xu Ye took a deep breath and met the female cultivator in white standing far away under the old tree, making up his mind at that moment.

He has always been under the care of his senior sister. Today, he finally waited for the opportunity to compete fairly with other disciples. He must let senior sister Su understand that her junior brother is not a coward.

The young man drew his sword out of its sheath and shouted in a deep voice, "Come on!"

Different from the talisman poison weapon, the duel between swordsmen is not fancy, it is purely the collision of blades on the bright side, the most hearty and most thrilling.

Xu Ye held his breath and recalled the teachings of Master and Senior Sister over and over again in his mind. The pure sword intent of water suddenly filled his whole body, causing the whole body to burst into a gust of wind, blowing away the bleak blood-colored demonic energy.

"This kid is very talented!"

Tian Xianzi outside the mysterious mirror said: "The spiritual power is so clear, it is a rare good seedling, but I don't know how the swordsmanship is."

After he finished speaking, he closed his mouth and stared at the figure on the mirror with all his attention, and raised his eyebrows thoughtfully.

The white light was like day, cutting off the inexhaustible demonic energy like threads, and Xu Ye suddenly opened his eyes and slowly raised the long sword in his hand.

"Nine-nine return to one, endless life-"

As the sword art was recited in a deep voice, Xu Ye's whole body was even brighter, and the wind was like a knife, cutting a broken branch. When he was about to shout the next sentence—

A heavy sword was swiped suddenly, and smashed directly on him, without saying a word, Xu Ye was thrown three feet high!

The elders distorted their facial features one after another, and invariably uttered "Ah-".

He Zhizhou: …

Help! When Lu Minghao was reading his skills, he directly smashed the giant sword on his back! Why does Xu Ye need a skill reading for a sword cultivator, do you think you are a magical girl transformed! ! !

Lu Minghao didn't make a heavy move, and only used his sword energy to shoot Xu Ye far away.

The poor boy didn't realize what was going on until he took off in the air. He spiraled into the sky with a dazed face, and the long sword in his hand drew a dazzling white light, and accompanied him to dance a waltz of love in the air. .

When Ning Ning received the summons, he happened to see him crying and falling in front of him.

He Zhizhou: Well, as expected of your cultivation world.

He Zhizhou had a doubt since he was a child. Since the reading time of each skill is so long, why would the enemy not take advantage of the situation and defeat the protagonist directly during this time.

Now the comprehension world told him by example that those who read the skill readings in the duel had a problem with their minds.

Ning Ning didn't understand what happened for a while, and was startled by Xu Ye's crying, so she quickly helped him up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Lu Minghao was quite innocent. He frowned and scratched his head: "What is this little brother... doing? It's not my fault. He insisted on standing still and was beaten by himself."

When he said this, his expression suddenly froze: "No, there is something wrong with the surroundings!"

"Finally found out?"

Not far away came the woman's light smile. It was Su Wentang Wei Lingbo: "This poison is my latest product. It is colorless and odorless. It can be scattered around when the wind blows."

She cultivates both medicine and poison, and is notoriously eccentric. She likes to devote herself to studying medical books in a small dark room, and then make some weird gadgets by herself.

But the poison this time is by no means a "gadget".

"Once you are exposed to the poisonous gas, not only will your whole body become weak, but your spiritual power will gradually be blocked, making it difficult to use. In fact, its toxicity is not very strong, and your cultivation will not be affected by it... But thanks to these magical powers, It's at least five times more effective."

She was leaning lazily on the broken wall, her whole body was very thin, and her eyes were marked with dark circles, as if they were dyed with ink: "Do you think... I'm running out of strength? It's a pity me and my junior brother Having taken the antidote in advance, I cannot experience such pleasure."

Although Yaoxiu is known for his skillful hands and benevolence, there is a consensus in the cultivation world that everyone knows: no matter what, don't provoke Yaoxiu easily. Once he was stared at and poisoned, he didn't even know how he was doing his braids.


He Zhizhou tried to mobilize the spiritual power in his body, but there was not much left. The poison is very strange, and it seems to have some hypnotic effects, which made his eyelids tremble involuntarily: "Even the devilish energy is helping her, this is clearly the right time and place... We won't all be folded here. Bar?"

Ning Ning looked around, thought for a moment and then said softly, "I have a way, I don't know if it will work."

She seemed a little hesitant, and simply organized a sentence: "According to the principles of physics, when the airflow passes through the upper surface of the arch, the flow rate is fast and the pressure is small; when it passes through the smooth lower surface, the flow rate is slow and the pressure is large. In this way, There is a pressure difference between the upper and lower surfaces, creating an upward lift."

He Zhizhou was taken aback for a moment: "And then?"

"This is how bamboo dragonflies and helicopters take off. Do you think that the shape of the upper arch and the lower flat is very similar to our scabbard?"

Ning Ning held the star-marked sword, raised his hand and stretched it out in front of him: "Although our spiritual power is weak, we can easily do the two things of jumping into the air and rotating the scabbard. As a propeller on a plane, when you take it and spin it into the air, you will definitely be able to roll up a huge sword wind—"

He Zhizhou suddenly realized: "And the sword wind can blow away all the demonic energy, so the power of the poison is very small!"

Xu Ye was confused about the principle of that paragraph, but he still barely understood what Ning Ning meant, that is, let them keep turning their long swords in the air to force the poison back with the sword wind.

"I see!"

He Zhizhou lightly patted her on the shoulder: "Isn't it similar to Jingle Cat's bamboo dragonfly! You've exhausted your spiritual power before, so you shouldn't take action. Leave this to me!"

Xu Ye had no face to look at the senior sister in the distance. In order to save the image that was left in her heart, he immediately raised his right hand: "I'm coming too! The number of people is great!"

So inside and outside the mysterious mirror, dozens of pairs of eyes witnessed an incredible miracle at the same time.

Xu Ye and He Zhizhou raised the long sword above their heads at the same time, urging the remaining spiritual power in their bodies to leap high, and at the same time reciting the sword art in silence, making the sword spin at high speed in their hands.

This was originally a powerless action. In their current state, it is even more impossible to fly in the air. However, to everyone's surprise, there was an obvious upward trend when the airflow gathered and swirled.

- The two of them only used a trivial amount of spiritual energy, and they actually broke away from the shackles of the ground and slowly rose into the air in the snow-white airflow!


Tian Xianzi was agitated: "What is the principle of this?"

But seeing that the long sword was turning faster and faster, the sword qi was like a hurricane coming from the center and scattered away from the center to both sides.

The demonic energy and poisonous fog could not withstand such wind and waves, and they retreated layer by layer in the middle of the humming sound of sword whistling, until they dissipated completely, and it was difficult to find a shadow.

The red blood mist gradually faded, and the sun shone on the eaves of the decadent house after a long absence, and this corner of the place finally saw the light of the sky.

"It was really successful?"

Lin Qian was stunned when she saw it, and her heart moved: "Then Xu Ye and He Zhizhou—"

When she spoke, her eyes moved upward, and when she saw the two figures in the air, she couldn't help but look terrified, unable to say a word.

At the same time, Ning Ning also thought of something, and his breathing stagnated.

They only cared about generating wind and eliminating poison before, but they forgot one of the most basic and most serious issues.

When the sword is spinning at high speed, their bodies will also keep spinning.

Even a sword cultivator couldn't bear such an uninterrupted circling.

She seems to have trapped He Zhizhou and Xu Ye.

- The sword body kept rotating and moving upwards, and they were also thrown back and forth in the air, like two pendulums that were at a loss in the gust of wind, drawing one natural circle after another with the soles of their feet.

But now as the rotation is getting faster and faster, the figures of the two people are fleeting, and they can only see the afterimages that flashed by in the distant horizon, and it can be vaguely seen that they are human figures.

Ning Ning:…

Unprecedented supernatural phenomena, the disciples were stunned when they saw it, the elders were all silent after seeing it, and the entire cultivation world was shocked, not seeing that it was not a cultivator!

He Zhizhou and Xu Ye actually twisted and swirled to the sky with only one person and one sword, and achieved a day-to-day ascension in front of everyone! These two sons are so terrifying! ! !

Lin Qian saw her scalp go numb, and hurriedly urged, "Quick, quick! Quickly call up the highest sighting spirit and see how the two of them are doing!"

Tian Xianzi obeyed obediently, and the hand that fell on the mysterious mirror trembled slightly.

The first thing that broke into everyone's eyes were two big faces with their eyes closed and swaying from the blow.

His face swayed from side to side in the gust of wind, like a cloth bag wrapped around a bone. When the wind opened it, bright red gums and quivering teeth were exposed. The facial features can no longer be seen clearly, and all of them have been blown to the side, which is very terrifying.

Ning Ning's voice faintly came from the ground, full of anxiety and worry, and it was crisp and clear to the ears of everyone present: "The devilish energy has dissipated, you all stop!"

But their journey is the sea of stars, and a new storm has emerged, how can they stagnate here.

In addition to pressure differences, there is another powerful and magical force in nature: inertia.

The two of them spun hundreds of thousands of times, and they were already dizzy and unconscious, and the spiritual power in their bodies surged out unconsciously, causing the long sword to turn faster and faster.

When He Zhizhou heard her voice, he planned to reply with a crying voice, but he never expected that there would be nausea and nausea on the spot, his mouth bulged, and a large mouthful of water was spewed out like a rotating fountain.

Fortunately, the cultivator can convert food into spiritual energy, so there is no dirt in his body. His current appearance can barely be called "the goddess scattered flowers", not a vomit maker.

The appearance of these two children was so miserable that Lin Qian couldn't bear to look at it any longer, and was heartbroken: "It's just a trial, why is this...! Is this the sword cultivator!"

Even the initiator Wei Lingbo couldn't bear to look directly, and was rarely shocked, shivering in a daze.

The elders of other sects in the attic heard about the big event, and they rushed over to hear the wind. The moment they saw the picture of the mysterious mirror, they all showed a shocking look.

So under countless attentions, the two swords continued to lift into the air under the increasing pressure difference, and the two bodies drew an extremely beautiful arc, accompanied by the bursts of water sprayed by the rotating jets, together forming a An unforgettable shadow of adulthood for all present.

After an unknown amount of time, when not a single drop of spiritual energy remained in the body, two groups of twitching dead flesh finally fell from the air.

"Senior sister... Don't look, I'm dirty woo woo, I'm so dirty... Why, why is this happening... "

Xu Ye was in complete despair, and his eyes were dimmed with tears streaming down his face. He vomited and cried, with water taps in his eyes, and water gushing out from his mouth, vividly explaining what "men are made of water".

He Zhizhou seemed to be on the verge of death, his whole face was like a huge purple potato, and he took a deep breath tremblingly: "Don't fly, don't fly, don't fly..."


His eyes widened as he spoke, and he shook his head at Ningning with all his strength: "Ascension is a big lie, we've all been deceived... Outside the atmosphere... There is not enough oxygen... "