Miss Cannon Fodder Wants To Escape Death Flags

Chapter 73


Ning Ning's heartbeat was a little chaotic.

Luan City was full of traffic at night, but Pei Ji didn't like crowds and noise, so when she sent him back to the inn, she deliberately chose a secluded lane.

At this time, the sky was dark, and there was no one around. The night was like a roll of ink on rice paper, pouring out from the sky. The gray clouds are set against the stars, like fine quicksand falling one by one, turning into inextinguishable lights between the buildings, interspersed with the long and bright Milky Way.

And they were shrouded in the shadow of the high wall, the wandering clear light caressing the quiet night, everything is hazy, such as the noisy human voice on the street, a few faint dog barks in the distance, and Pei Ji Like a whisper.

He was very tall, and when he stood in front of Ning Ning, he blocked all the bright or dim lights. When she opened her eyes, she could only see Pei Ji's deep pupils.

Like a black curtain that is too heavy to breathe.

He was calling her "Ningning", not the "senior sister" who had been indifferent and alienated.

She felt that something must be wrong with herself.

There are so many people calling her name around, why is it that when Pei Ji utters these two words... her heart beats faster for no reason.

This is obviously just a trivial matter.

"... Pei Ji."

Ning Ning was thin-skinned. He was staring at him shyly, and he was worried that someone would pass by by chance. Seeing the ambiguous posture of the two of them, he pressed the palm of his chest a little harder, trying to push Pei Ji back a little: "You stand up first. it is good."

Pushing like this, I couldn't help but stagnate.

Because it was summer, Pei Ji's clothes were very thin, and through a layer of soft fabric, she could clearly touch the heat of the other person's skin.

Especially when he used his hands hard, he could even feel the firm texture of his muscles, as well as his violent heartbeat.

Ning Ning was shocked by this strange touch, and her ears were hot.

Pei Ji was drunk, and she was pushed back and staggered, but the hands on her shoulders did not loosen.

A house next to the alley turned on its lights, and the light was silent like mist, soaking in the angular cheeks of the young man.

Because he had been drinking, there was a circle of pink around his eyes, like peach blossoms soaked in water in spring, spreading from the end of his eyes to his face, getting lighter and more scattered, making the moles of tears hanging like blood droplets. , again like a tear stained red.

Pei Ji still looked down at her, her expression was cold, but there was a bit of grievance in her tone: "You hate me?"

After being drunk, his thinking was simple and straightforward. When he saw that he was pushed away by Ning Ning, he subconsciously felt that he was disliked.

Ning Ning was not stupid, and quickly understood the reason why he said this.

No matter how strict Pei Ji's own logic is, she can't reason with a person who is delirious, so she can only answer according to his meaning: "How can I hate you?"

Pei Ji frowned.

His eyes were pure black, and he was dizzy under the influence of the alcohol, but he seemed more innocent and harmless. Ning Ning heard him say in a low voice, "You... you push me."

"Do you just hate you when you push it away?"

She had also drank a little before, but she didn't feel much drunk.

At this moment, I don't know if it's because of the aftertaste of Jiuzhou's Spring Return, or because of the fever in the panic, Ning Ning said with his palms closed, lightly grabbed the neckline of Pei Ji's chest, and pulled him to his side, funny. : "Then I pull you over, do I like you?"

Pei Ji was slightly taken aback.

Ning Ning watched his white jade-like face quickly turn red, and then hurriedly lowered his head, as if he was quite shy, and hesitantly replied "uh".

Ning Ning has one head and two big.

- You are so embarrassed to "uh" what "uh"! That's not what she meant! This is a rhetorical question, a rhetorical question!

It was a joke, but she forgot, drunk people don't understand jokes, they always take it seriously.

Thanks to Pei Ji's blessing, Ning Ning also felt an invisible fire burning from the back of his head, burning his already hot face hot.

"I didn't mean that... I just wanted to say, I don't hate you."

Ning Ning was afraid that he would think crooked, and explained in a serious tone: "In any case, absolutely not."

Pei Ji's strength finally decreased, and her expression was almost "cautious": "Really?"

Ning Ning nodded vigorously: "Really!"

After a pause, he added tentatively: "How about you let go of your hand first? I'll take you back to the inn to rest, we can't stand here forever."

The boy who was immersed in darkness hesitated for a moment, then lowered his head and moved his hands away.

No one ever liked him.

His mother called him a bastard, and his peers laughed at his bloodline. Even when a stranger saw his demonic attack when he was wandering alone, he would be scolded and called "monster".

He didn't care about those people's love, and he couldn't ask for the slightest concern from them. Even if he was alone all his life, he would still be able to live on.

But... When Ning Ning said he didn't hate it, Pei Ji still felt an unprecedented happiness.

He is not a dog who is wagging his tail and begging for mercy. He will not give up because of a little favor. The reason why he feels happy is probably because it is she who said this.

As long as she doesn't hate it, that's enough.

If he can, he is still secretly begging for a little bit of love, as long as a little bit is fine.

"Pei Ji?"

Seeing him in a daze, Ning Ning habitually poked Pei Ji's arm: "Will you go back with me?"

His consciousness was chaotic, and he nodded confusedly.

Then Ning Ning grabbed the sleeve and gently pulled it.

The thick darkness in front of him dissipated in an instant, and the boy was pulled out of the shadow of the alley by her and placed under a dim yellow light.

His footsteps were unsteady, and he staggered forward a few steps along the strength, and just fell into Ning Ning's arms.

Because of the contact just now, she seems to have been mentally prepared for it to become like this.

However, this time Ning Ning did not push Pei Ji away without any explanation, but patted his back lightly, his voice very close to his chest, whirling between the folds of his clothes, a little stuffy and a little helpless: "Okay. Alright, can you stand up by yourself?"

She knew that Pei Ji was especially sensitive and inferior because of her childhood experience, and she didn't want him to feel disgusted again, so she didn't hesitate to push it away.

It was so gentle that he was overwhelmed.

Even if she was drunk, Pei Ji instinctively felt her heartbeat speed up, and her consciousness outside her consciousness was barely pulled back.

"I'll still support you."

He seemed to be calmer than before, Ning Ning stretched out his hand and took advantage of the situation to support Pei Ji's arm.

The young man's arms are slender and powerful, with strong and taut muscles due to years of practicing swordsmanship.

After all, she is a good-looking young man who grew up in the 21st century. She is not as strong as the ancients, but she still feels nervous when she walks closely with him like this.

As he gradually walked into the alley, the surrounding voices gradually became smaller and were swallowed by the rich ink color.

Pei Ji walked staggeringly, Ning Ning followed him carefully, and was caught off guard when he suddenly heard a slightly hoarse voice from a young man.

"... You don't always stay with Senior Brother He."

It was extremely quiet, and Pei Ji's voice was also very abrupt and clear, like a rough scrub passing through the eardrum, causing a series of inexplicable itching.

Ning Ning was stunned for a while.

She wondered if it was her hallucinations after drinking, and raised her eyes in confusion, just to meet Pei Ji's eyes.

Seeing Ning Ning stunned, he thought she hadn't heard clearly.

So he put his face down again and repeated every word very seriously: "You don't always stay with Senior Brother He."

As soon as these words came out, even Chengying felt that something was not right. If this kid continues to talk wildly according to the current trend, maybe he will do something earth-shattering, I am afraid that on the second day, he will not even have the courage to see Ning Ning.

-Although it does have a little bit, I want to see Pei Ji's appearance.

As a good brother and a good mother who have been through thick and thin for many years, Chengying felt the need to remind him, and immediately lowered her voice and asked tentatively: "Wait, wait, Pei Xiaoji, do you know what you are talking about?"

According to his usual habits, Pei Ji should have replied to it silently in his heart.

Unexpectedly, he looked directly at Ning Ning, opened his mouth and said solemnly: "I know what I am talking about, very clear - very clear."

Ning Ning was startled again.

Then he looked at the black-clothed boy in front of him, his eyes swayed, and finally stopped in front of her. The end of his eyes and the corners of his eyes were extremely red, and he said vaguely but seriously: "I can also... accompany you."

Chengying: …

Cheng Ying didn't see it, and closed her mouth with a twisted expression. Later, she couldn't help snickering, so she just let out a sound of music and flew freely in the sea of consciousness.

Even if Pei Ji wakes up tomorrow, maybe he will kill it in anger, for the happiness of this moment, it will be worth it, hee hee hee!

"I can cook, do housework, play with you, and fight and cut people—"

Halfway through his speech, he probably felt that "fighting and beheading people" was not suitable for speaking out in front of girls. For a while, he appeared flustered and swallowed the later words.

With such a tone and demeanor, it was almost coquettish.

Ning Ning listened in a daze, her mind was in chaos.

—Is this a drunken truth or nonsense? Pei Ji actually cares about her being alone with He Zhizhou? And those who cook and cut people with swords and housework... What is it

In a trance, she heard Pei Ji's rustling voice again, much smaller than before, like a cat whispering softly: "So, you can come and see me occasionally, don't always be with Brother He."

Ning Ning:…

Ning Ning's face exploded red.

She didn't know Pei Ji's true thoughts, but in this quiet and drowsy lane with only two people, such words seemed too ambiguous.

The palm of his hand on his arm was hot, as if every moment she spent with the boy beside her would warm up her body.

Ning Ning wanted to stay away from him, but was worried that Pei Ji was drunk and would fall unsteadily if there was no one to help him.

Ah... Really.

At this time, she is still thinking about him so carefully.

The girl standing in the alley lightly pursed her lips, and her whole body was shrouded in the tall shadow beside her.

She hurriedly avoided Pei Ji's sight, and responded in a low voice, "Okay."

This section of the road was extremely long, and I finally got to the inn. When Pei Ji was put on the bed, Ning Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

She hasn't felt so nervous for a long time. Pei Ji will wake up when she thinks of tomorrow. If he can remember what happened tonight...

It just makes people dare not think about it.

At this moment, the drunkenness subsided, replaced by a strong sense of tiredness. Pei Ji obediently washed up and went to bed, burying her whole body in the soft quilt. Just as she wanted to say goodbye and leave, she was grabbed by her sleeve.

The boy lying on the bed has lost his hair rope, and his black hair is pouring down on the snow-white sheets like a waterfall. Pei Ji stared at her with her peach blossom eyes that were slightly raised, and looked at her motionlessly, with half of her cheeks hidden in the sunken pillow, like a quiet deer.

As usual, he still had no emotional ups and downs when he spoke: "I'm afraid of the dark."

He didn't hesitate to say this at this time, how stubborn he was before, saying "it's just that he doesn't like darkness".

Ning Ning nodded clearly: "When I leave, I won't turn off the lights."

But Pei Ji shook her head, staring at her firmly without blinking.

She was shocked, and then she understood what the other party meant: "Do you want me to stay?"

This, this, this is not good.

Although the two of them have had the experience of sleeping together in a cave before, but in the middle of the night, a man and a woman are in the same room. These words are combined, no matter how you think about it... It's not good!

Pei Ji didn't respond, only a pair of unrelenting black eyes stared at her.

He is not as coquettish as he used to be at this moment, and he is somewhat similar to usual, even asking for help is cold and indifferent, without expression.

But there was a hint of vague anticipation and timidity.

"Then you...you have a good rest in bed."

Anyway, this is not the first time, and Ning Ning is the easiest to be soft-hearted, and quickly lost in such eyes, he pointed stiffly at the table and chair beside him: "I am sitting here to practice meditation."

People who cultivate self-cultivation use the spiritual energy of heaven and earth as nutrients, and use meditation instead of sleep, which not only allows the body to get adequate rest, but also improves cultivation, which is of great benefit.

After listening to Pei Ji, she didn't know what she was thinking, and after a long pause, she nodded lightly.

His expression was hesitant and slow, and suddenly he pulled Lanning's sleeve again, and when the latter looked down, he pulled the corner of his mouth up nervously, revealing a jerky smile.

"I practiced looking in the mirror for a long time...not smirking."

There was a night wind blowing from the window, he moved his head, and his hair brushed against his white face.

Lying on the bed, Pei Ji raised the corners of her lips to her, smiling softly and shyly, the water in her dark pupils was like a spring rain of apricot blossoms, revealing a bit of pure beauty for no reason: "If you are here, , you can turn off the lights."

Cheng Ying took a deep breath and rolled his eyes, like a rocket launched at the beginning, spinning up into the sky.

Ning Ning stood aside, thankful that Pei Ji was drunk at this time and would not notice her embarrassed and panicked appearance.


She nearly covered her face with her hands to stop the boiling blood.

... This look seems to be really cute, and it just stabbed in her heart.

Ning Ning quietly took a deep breath, held back her pounding heart, and quickly turned around to turn off the light.

In the darkness, the little girl pretended to be calm and stiff: "Good night."



Ning Ning sat on the wooden chair, buried her head in her arms, and tried her best to close her eyes.

She was so upset that she couldn't sit still or fall asleep. She could only lie on the table and count sheep over and over again. The more she counted, the more flustered she became.

Pei Ji slept peacefully without making a single sound. When she thought of the words he said unconsciously, her heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably.

—Even knowing the gibberish that was probably drunk, it was still embarrassing.

The wind brought the sound of rustling leaves from outside the window, accompanied by a word or two of indistinct passersby's conversation. Ning Ning lay motionless on the table, and suddenly heard footsteps.

Getting closer.

It was Pei Ji who got out of bed and was gradually approaching her.

He probably thought she had fallen asleep, her movements were incredibly light, and when he stood beside Ning Ning, he didn't even make the sound of breathing or rubbing clothes. She was wondering what Pei Ji was going to do, and without warning, she felt a hand covering her back.

Then the whole body hangs in the air.

Unfamiliar heat instantly enveloped his body, and the tip of his nose was Mu Zhixiang, who belonged to Pei Ji. He held her in his arms and walked forward step by step.

Ning Ning didn't dare to move or open her eyes, she always kept the appearance of falling asleep, and it didn't take long before she felt that she was gently put down and lay in a soft place somewhere.

There is still a reassuring residual warmth under him, and the familiar aura surrounds him. This is the bed that Pei Ji had lain on before.

"Pei Xiaoji, don't you want to share the same bed with Ningning? You can't do it!"

Chengying was frightened and twisted by this action: "When she wakes up tomorrow, she will definitely be frightened! Calm down!"

It screamed wildly in his heart, but Pei Ji ignored it, standing quietly in front of the bed, with long eyelashes hanging down, silently looking at the little girl with her eyes closed.

There was endless darkness and unknown around him, and he did not leave. Ning Ning was so nervous that she clenched the sheets tightly, not knowing the other party's next move.

Suddenly, a gentle wind swept across her ears, and after a while, she realized that it was Pei Ji's breath.

Ning Ning's heart beat like a drum, and she didn't move.

The warm air slid down her face, getting closer and closer to her, and finally stopped by her ear. This is an extremely sensitive area, but when it was blown lightly, an invisible electric current rushed into the blood, causing her back to go numb.

There was still a smile in Pei Ji's voice, and the smile was so sincere that it seemed to overflow from the bottom of her heart. He read each word very slowly, as if he was dealing with precious treasures, not willing to let them be damaged in the slightest.

Pei Ji was close to her ear and said in a very small voice, "Good night."

Then the airflow suddenly came close, almost against her skin.

There is a soft and warm touch on the earlobe.

Not like a finger, but something softer.

Ning Ning's beating heart suddenly thumped, and she held her breath subconsciously.

No way.

… no, no no no no!

Her heart seemed to explode suddenly, making her dizzy in an instant, and her whole mind turned into a white piece, and it was like the magma in a volcano surging, breaking out of the ground at this moment.

If he wasn't pretending to be asleep, Ning Ning would immediately cover his face and shrink into a ball.

Pei Ji kissed... kissed her earlobe while she was sleeping

This action ended quickly, and the person who was close at hand seemed to be discovered by her. She quickly got up and left, and sat down on the wooden chair that Ning Ning had stayed at before.

He hadn't sobered up yet, and he was walking staggeringly, making a muffled thud when he touched the wooden table. In order not to wake her up, he quickly stopped.

Because of this, Pei Ji would never notice. Ning Ning, who was lying upright on the bed before, quickly covered his entire head with a quilt, bending his body into a shrimp.

She should have hated the touch.

At this time, he thought dizzily, since Pei Ji dared to kiss...

Why only in that kind of place.


It was almost noon when Pei Ji woke up. He was used to getting up in the early morning. When he opened his eyes and saw the sunshine in the sky, he couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

This is the guest room where he lives. At this time, it is empty except for him. The quilt on the bed is neatly folded into a tofu block. It looks stunned and stupid.

Pain in the back of the head.

last night-

Last night, he went to Tianxiang Tower with everyone from his division, blocked the wine for Ningning under Chengying's push, and then—

Pei Ji's expression froze suddenly.

Cheng Ying in his heart deliberately pretended to be dead, lying on the side and motionless.

Pei Ji: …

Pei Ji: "I called her name?"

Chengying finally twisted like a worm, her voice was inaudible: "That, um, ah."

Pei Ji closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and continued to ask, "I also told him not to interact with Senior Brother He... stay with me more?"

Cheng Ying couldn't hold back a smirk. After realizing that this behavior would only make Pei Ji more embarrassed, his buddy sighed with loyalty: "It seems that there is such a thing."

There was silence.

It noticed that Pei Ji's ears were a little red, but her voice was still cold, and after hesitating for a long time, she asked in a low voice, "I—"

He couldn't continue after saying a single word, gritted his teeth as if he was extremely ashamed, and said in a cold voice, "Did I kiss her secretly?"

This time, it can't be blamed. Anyone who thinks of that scene can't help but smile.

It's just that Cheng Ying was exaggerating, and he let out a happy goose call.

Seeing its performance like this, Pei Ji understands what happened last night. Those chaotic and fuzzy memories in his mind are not fake, he takes it seriously—

"Pei Xiaoji, it's alright, although you are indeed telling the truth after drinking, but Ningning doesn't know. As long as you pretend to be stupid and say you are drunk and talk nonsense, she won't mind."

Chengying comforted her heartily: "And about stealing the kiss, she fell asleep and didn't realize it, so you can just pretend it never happened."

Pei Ji's eyes were grim and she clenched her fist tightly.

It's a pity that the army collapsed in less than a moment, the knuckles spread out without any strength, and the shallow red climbed up from the roots of the ears, and spread to the eye sockets.

For the first time in his life, Cheng Ying felt that this child, who had always been a mad dog and a lone wolf, somehow resembled a red-eyed rabbit with fried fur.

However, Pei Ji was worthy of being Pei Ji, and soon he forcibly pressed the dark tide full of his heart back, and picked up the sword from the table with a cold face.

Chengying was so frightened that the flowers trembled: "Pei Xiaoji, calm down, be calm! It's just a loss of someone, so don't commit suicide!"

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and walked straight towards the door: "Practice the sword."

By the way, this is a sword repairer.

Chengying breathed a sigh of relief: "Practice swordsmanship, you don't want to kill others or yourself!"

Pei Ji ignored it and walked out with a blushing face and eyes. Unexpectedly, before leaving the room, the hidden door was suddenly opened.

Ning Ning walked in.

The raging sword energy around the boy instantly softened.

"Ah, you actually woke up?"

Ning Ning yawned, his demeanor was the same as usual, and went to the wooden table to put something: "I bought you sober soup and breakfast, the soup seemed a little bitter, so I bought sugar and hawthorn by the way. "Do you like sweet or sour?"

How cowardly Chengying was facing Pei Ji at this time, and how overwhelmed Pei Ji was when she saw Ning Ning.

Fortunately, she didn't look strange, maybe she really didn't take last night as a thing, and she didn't notice the thing he secretly did.

When Pei Ji met a wild devil python in the wilderness when she was a child, she was not as nervous as she is now. Her right hand holding the hilt of the sword tightened tightly, and she answered dryly without hesitation: "It's fine."

Ning Ning nodded, took a step back and pointed at the table: "If your head doesn't hurt, you can drink the sober soup. You eat breakfast first. The results of the first round of the Fa conference are about to be announced, so we can't be late."

The back of his head was still aching, because he stood there for a while, and when he stepped forward, the accumulated alcohol surged back to the top of his head again.

Her mind was almost blank, Pei Ji didn't have time to react, she staggered unsteadily in the heavy dizziness, Ning Ning's eyes were fast, and she hurriedly reached out to support him.

This was a subconscious action, stemming from Pei Ji's several falls last night. Ning Ning thought she should have gotten used to it, but when she touched the thin and tall body of the young man, her breathing became dull and stagnant.

... By the way, Pei Ji was not drunk at this time.

When she was awake, Pei Ji was a little less drunk than last night, and more cold like a blade, but her heartbeat was faster and more violent than last night. When her palm was there, she was about to feel numb from the shock.

Strange, could it be that he looked calm, but was actually very nervous in his heart

"Feel sorry."

The chest that was touched was stuffy and hot, and Pei Ji felt dry all over, she quickly stood up, walked to the table and sat down with her back to her.

Later, I thought again, I really shouldn't leave like this, it's like running away.

Seeing him turn his back, Ning Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason why she hid the nervousness in her heart and pretended to be calm to see him, in addition to urging Pei Ji to eat early and drink sober soup, she also wanted to see what he looked like when he was sober.

Fortunately, he didn't seem to remember what happened last night, and he acted as if nothing had happened, even a little indifferent.


Fortunately, Pei Ji didn't know that she didn't fall asleep when she was secretly kissed on the cheek.

Once he found out, she would definitely be ashamed to death.

"Hey, hey, Ning Ning bought it earlier, hehe."

Cheng Ying was elated, regained his vitality, and probed his head to look at the food on the table: "When you become a Taoist partner, that's probably the case, hehehe."

Pei Ji: …

With a straight face, Pei Ji took a bite of the soft custard bun. He rarely eats sweets on purpose, but at this time, the hot milky aroma filled his tongue, making him reluctant to swallow it.

He had done so many absurd things last night, and the most absurd among them was the one—

that kiss.

Just thinking about this word made his heart sink heavily.

Fortunately, Ningning didn't know about that, but once she found out...

This thought hurriedly flashed through his mind, quickly making the boy's face red.

Pei Ji lay on the table and rubbed his face with his arm, but unfortunately this clumsy action did not reduce the scalding heat, but made him even more irritable under repeated rubbing.

Once Ning Ning found out, he would definitely be ashamed to death.