Miss Cannon Fodder Wants To Escape Death Flags

Chapter 79


Ning Ning covered Pei Ji's eyes with her hands before, but then she fell asleep and lost her strength, so she put her right hand on his shoulder. Now that Luan Niang got up, she was subconsciously shocked, and poked his thin side face with her finger. .

"There is a problem with incense."

Pei Ji actually used his divine sense to transmit sound, and his cold voice was as cold as winter snow in the night, inexplicably a little lazy and tired: "Luo Yuanming should have fallen asleep at this time, you don't need to care about him."

That incense should be mixed with sleeping ingredients, so she and Pei Ji felt a sudden sense of drowsiness.

Ning Ning slowly gathered consciousness from her body, trying to make herself more awake. At the same time, she asked him quietly through voice transmission: "Mother Luan is out - let's go out and have a look."

Pei Ji replied in a low voice, "Yeah."

She has never been ambiguous in her work. After she agreed, she planned to leave immediately. However, when Ning Ning pushed the cabinet door slightly open, just as she was about to leave the wooden cabinet, she found that she was tightly bound by something and could not move forward. .


Her heart skipped a beat, and when she lowered her head to look, she felt that Pei Ji behind her was also stunned.

At that time, she was moving around in the cabinet to touch his cheeks and eyes, and Pei Ji suddenly lowered her head and said "don't move" in her ear.

And as if to restrain Ning Ning's movements, he put down the palm of his hand covering her lips when he made a sound, moved down quickly and calmly, and wrapped his arms around the girl's soft waist.

Later, the incense became stronger, and the lights went out in the room. The two of them had their own thoughts and tiredness, and they forgot about it for a while.

Now that the door of the cabinet is opened, the moonlight falls between the eyebrows of the young man, as cold as a transparent blade, making Pei Ji wake up in an instant.

He couldn't see Ning Ning's expression, but felt that the body that was so close was unreasonably warm. Her arms were very close to her waist and abdomen, and through a thin layer of clothes, she seemed to be able to touch the slender waistline and the soft, boneless flesh.

The heat that bored him came up again.

"Pei Ji?"

The place where he was hugged was warm and hot, and Ning Ning was dizzy due to the aroma lingering on the tip of his nose. Seeing that Pei Ji didn't move, he was panic and shy, and subconsciously blurted out: "You release first, we can later- "

- What will you do next

Ning Ning:…

Pei Ji: …

The sleepy worm in his head disappeared because of these words. Ning Ning was embarrassed to see anyone, so he wanted to grab the ground with his head and buried his head in the soil. .

Pei Ji didn't speak, and let go of the hand on her waist without a word;

Cheng Ying rarely spoke, and shrunk the entire spiritual body into a ball like a soft worm. While twisting and twisting, a strange "guru" laughter came out of his throat.

Luan Niang put medicine in the incense, and got up in the middle of the night after Luo Yuanming was asleep. Ning Ning knew that he couldn't be delayed, and he didn't care about the shame and remorse in his heart. He forced the excess emotions back to the bottom of his heart, and said sullenly, "Let's go."

Luo Yuanming really slept very deeply, and through the bright moonlight, he could see the unguarded handsome face of the man when he was asleep. He fell asleep with a faint smile, his body turned to the inner side where Luan Niang was before, and he stretched out his hand in a hugging gesture.

It's a pity that the person beside the pillow swiped that hand mercilessly and disappeared long ago.

Ning Ning sighed for a while, and cast a simple blindfold on himself and Pei Ji.

For people with the same level of cultivation and above, this technique is useless and completely ineffective, but for ordinary people like Luanniang who have no cultivation level, even if they look at each other from a distance, it is difficult to find them.

The woman seemed to be a little afraid of Luo Yuanming. After leaving the bedroom, she turned her head back to confirm that there was no difference in the room. Ning Ning slowed down and followed her with breathing, and when she saw that Luan Niang was not far ahead, she stopped and stood in the shadow of the corner of the courtyard wall.

The bright moonlight illuminates her side profile, and it really can be described as ice muscles and jade bones, and her skin is like cream.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but compared to the previous few times, Luan Niang at this moment seems to be more beautiful and fairer, with a pair of soul-sucking eyes looking forward to life, and her silky and delicate skin is wet by the moonlight, as if The flowers and trees make snow, like a banshee born under the moon.

Luan Niang didn't hesitate, she lowered her eyebrows and raised her sleeves, she actually took out something that Ningning was quite familiar with from her sleeves.

Fangzheng is thin, and the talisman is thinly outlined with cinnabar, which is the messenger used by cultivators for instant messaging.


Ning Ning immediately noticed something was wrong: "The girl in the Nuanyu Pavilion said that Luan Niang had entered the Hualou since she was a child and had never practiced immortality... How could she know how to use the communication talisman?"

Is it really like what those girls said, although Madam Luan's body is still there, her inner core has been changed, and she has become a completely different person

But if this assumption is true, why did she buy that painting on purpose? Only the real Luan Niang would care so much about the past when she was a teenager, right

Seeing her confusion, Pei Ji said softly: "Luanniang has spiritual power in her body, maybe someone has taught her some techniques."

Although she was blindfolded, Ning Ning was inconvenient to be too close to her, and she had no way of knowing the content of Luan Niang's message in the middle of the night.

She wrote in a hurry, and after reciting the formula to send the spell, she quickly got a reply. The reply was very short, probably only a few sentences, but Luan Niang raised her lips and gave a satisfied smile.

This smile is somewhat creepy.

Ning Ning watched as the woman under the moon read the letter, and at the end leaned thoughtfully in the corner of the wall, with a flash of fire on her fingertips.

- The dark blue flames did not appear very abrupt in the night, and gnawed at the bottom of the letter like a ghost fire, and then burned more and more intensely, until the entire page was swallowed up, leaving only the ashes lifted by the wind.

Ning Ning was startled again: "Is this a spirit fire?"

Different from the communication talisman, the cultivation level required by the spirit fire is more advanced, and with the degree of Luanniang's use, it should already have the level of the initial stage of foundation building.

Although Foundation Establishment is the same level as the entrance to Immortal Dao, it is already an incredible state for a layman like her who has never contacted Immortal Sect.

The people of Luan City are all Mrs. Dao, who is just an ordinary person. No one has ever said that Luo Yuanming is teaching her to practice immortality. The most important thing is...

Ning Ning frowned.

Even if Luan Niang was talented and talented, and she was a rare talent for cultivating immortals, and Luo Yuanming taught everything she had learned, but the two of them had known each other for less than a year, and it seemed unlikely that they could master the spirit fire in such a short period of time.

After burning the letter, Luan Niang hurriedly glanced at both sides, then wrapped her clothes tightly and left in the direction of the bedroom.

The city owner and his wife were both in the room, so Ning Ning naturally couldn't go back to that bedroom. Pei Ji's voice was still a little hoarse, she glanced at her quickly when she spoke, and then quickly looked away: "Go?"

"There's another place that I'm a little concerned about."

Ning Ning shook his head, a glimmer of light flashed in the bottom of his eyes, raised his eyelashes and smiled mysteriously at him: "Do you remember? The last city owner's wife left nothing... Except for a bedroom that was blocked by Luanniang's order."


Luo Yuanming's ex-wife was named Song Xianning. It was said that he had always had a estranged relationship with him. Later, there were frequent disputes, and he moved into a secluded courtyard in a fit of rage.

The relationship between the couple went back and forth, good and bad, but Miss Song's illness was getting worse day by day, and she died at a young age with regret. Now, her name is no longer heard in the mouths of the people of Luan City.

Shortly after Song Xianning's death, Luan Niang lived in the City Lord's Mansion. Luo Yuanming was a modest gentleman after all, remembering the relationship between husband and wife in the past, he left the residence in the corner of the mansion.

Luan Niang should be jealous, and ordered the small courtyard to be sealed off, including Luo Yuanming, and no one was allowed to enter or leave.

Pei Ji didn't quite understand why he wanted to search that house.

"I think so."

Ning Ning said: "Luan Niang thought that she was innocent at first, and asked people to search the bedroom and study to no avail, so there should be no tricks in those two places - don't you think it's strange that she ordered the blockade here?"

"Song Xianning died unexpectedly. The so-called husband and wife in one day are blessed with a hundred days. It is only natural for Luo Yuanming to leave her former residence, not to mention that the two are famous in the whole city for their discord. Where did Luanniang come from? 'jealousy' at all?"

How could Pei Ji guess through the woman's mind, An Jing held the sword and listened to her continue: "What's more, from the descriptions of the Nuan Yuge girls, Luan Niang is a smart woman who knows how to be likable. Now that she has finally become the wife of the city owner, and she has just gotten married and made such an accident, isn't it because she gave herself a sly hat, whether it is in the eyes of Luo Yuanming or the common people, the impression will be greatly reduced."

Pei Ji followed her train of thought, and her brows narrowed slightly after listening: "So you think she has other plans for blocking the courtyard."

Ning Ning chuckled and raised his head: "Other places in the house may be exposed to the public's eyes, only there will not be disturbed. Maybe we can find some useful things in Song Xianning's room."

This was her initial guess.

For Ning Ning, Luanniang's act of blocking the small courtyard is really illogical. From the information I have now, the only feasible explanation is that the other party has other plans and regards this place as an unknown secret base.

As for what Luan Niang did there, you will have to wait until she enters the room to find out.

Whether it is character, temperament or life trajectory, Song Xianning, who has been pampered and is introverted and gentle, is completely different from Luan Niang.

I heard that this eldest lady has been reading poetry and books since she was a child. Ning Ning didn't know much about her, let alone her appearance, so she could only draw a thin, slender, indifferent image of a sick beauty in her mind.

She and Pei Ji easily climbed over the wall and entered the small courtyard. The flowers and plants in the courtyard were left unattended for a long time, but they grew more and more luxuriant, spreading their branches and leaves, swayed by the breeze and the moonlight, and the shadows that fell on the ground were also swaying. It was as if the stagnant water was empty and bright, and the shadows were even horizontal.

The door was locked, but the window was not closed. The moment he opened the window and entered the room, Ning Ning first smelled a strong aroma of old book pages.

Song Xianning's bedroom is more like a study room, with books piled up. The air was filled with the smell of dust, and to her surprise, there was no trace of anyone else entering or leaving the place.

There was a thick layer of ash and gravel piled up on the ground, and when Ning Ning walked carefully, he left very obvious footprints.

It is also the only set of footprints, and no one has ever been there since.

That long paragraph of painstaking reasoning before... No, all, overturned, right.

Ning Ning only felt suffocated for a while, looked around blankly, and her doubts deepened.

Did Luan Niang really never enter this room again? She is so smart, why would she not hesitate to make herself a "wicked woman" in the eyes of the common people for a very narrow reason

This is also the wife's love brain!

She was puzzled and checked the drawers, wooden cabinets and beds in the bedroom one by one, but found nothing unusual. When she was a little frustrated, she suddenly heard Pei Ji whisper, "Senior sister."


Ning Ning turned around in response, and saw him standing in front of the bookshelf, handing over a book of "Spirit Myrtle Technique": "Open it and take a look."

His tone was very light, Ning Ning did not hesitate, and obeyed the other party's words obediently.

The rest of the books were covered in dust, and Pei Ji wiped them carefully before handing them to her, so they wouldn't look messy and impossible to do.

As she read it carefully, she listened to the young man beside her: "Although there are many books on the shelf, they all have traces of being read many times, only this one is still brand new, maybe it was bought by Mrs. Song shortly before her death. Turn it on—"

Here he stopped.

Ning Ning's expression was also startled.

Little by little, I opened the "Lagerstroemia Magic Record", and when I passed through one of the pages, the strength of my fingertips changed.

As Pei Ji said, this book has no traces of being flipped, it looks very flat, and between the pure white pages, there is a thin yellowed note.

She raised her eyes to look at Pei Ji, held the note in her hand without saying a word, and with the help of the bright moonlight, she could see the writing on the paper very clearly.

Those few words are small and beautiful, as clear as bamboo, and written in an orderly manner: [Baihuashen, Lingluo Lane, walk ten steps to the left at the corner, behind the curtain. ]


"Lingluo Lane, turn the corner and walk ten steps to the left - where would that be?"

The Baihuashen in the middle of the night was lively, and there was no light in the alleys in it. Thousands of households hid their voices, and there were only a few barks that sounded from time to time.

Ning Ning followed the path on the note, and took a breath of the quiet and cold night wind: "Pei Ji, do you think Luan Niang was fascinated by Luo Yuanming late at night, who did you write to?"

She was walking on a tree trunk that was felled to the ground, spread her arms to keep her balance, and Pei Ji looked at her side calmly, lest the little girl beside her would fall unsteadily.

"Luan Niang gave medicine in Jiuzhou Spring Return, if the purpose is to find a female cultivator who can be sacrificed—"

He answered without hesitation: "Then she must be discussing with her accomplices when to deal with Senior Sister Zheng."

Ning Ning gave him a terrified look, his feet slipped, and Gulu fell directly.

Pei Ji was reluctant to let her fall, but her own words became the fuse. Seeing Ning Ning fall in the opposite direction from where he was, Pei Ji stretched out his hand without thinking much and grabbed her wrist.

The girl's wrist was much weaker than he imagined. He didn't dare to use force. When Ning Ning stopped falling, he pulled it up gently.

When Pei Ji held the Millennium Treasure Jade in her previous experience, she was not so serious and careful.

"thank you."

Ning Ning was startled by his words, until now her heart was pounding in her throat. After thanking Pei Ji, she continued to say, "Don't worry too much. Most sorceries They are all sacrificed by strangers, since Mother Luan is still discussing with that person, it means that Senior Sister Zheng is safe and sound."

As expected of Pei Ji, even comforting people is so well-founded and unconvincing.

She nodded after listening, and was about to speak again, but found that something was not right.

Ning Ning had already put down the stake, and the right hand that Pei Ji had held on her wrist... still didn't let go.

His hands were not as well-kept and flawless as the children of an aristocratic family, but had calluses and scars everywhere, and when they landed on Ning Ning's wrist, it brought a slightly rough rubbing feeling.

Pei Ji's body has always been icy cold, but now there is a faint heat in her palm. Unexpectedly, she didn't feel conflicted, she just felt inexplicably flustered, her eyes moved to and fro with a pretense of calmness, and finally she mustered up the courage to turn her head to look at him.

Aware of Ning Ning's straightforward gaze, the strength on Pei Ji's right hand was obviously lighter.

He never held hands with anyone.

In the past, Pei Ji felt that this action was cumbersome and troublesome, and he did not like all physical contact with others. However, when I met Ning Ning, I couldn't help but want to get closer and step forward.

Not releasing his hand from her wrist was a gamble that exhausted all his courage.

Ning Ning might hate the scars and calluses on his hands, and break free with disgust on her face. She might not be willing to accept his touch. She smiled awkwardly and retracted her left hand, but perhaps she would gradually accept it after a brief moment of surprise—

In that case, it will make Pei Ji feel that maybe the relationship between them is not that far away.

He has not felt at ease for a long time, even though he has always been cold and arrogant and gloomy, he still has the low self-esteem and self-loathing that has gradually spread since birth.

Pei Ji didn't know what she would do.

His fingers felt hot, and he had never been so nervous.

"That... Pei Ji."

Ning Ning's dry voice came from his ears, he suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and when he lifted his eyelids, his long eyelashes cast a thick shadow on the bottom of his eyes.

She hesitated, as if she had made a decision, and stopped slowly.

Then he stretched out his other hand, lowered his head and placed it on Pei Ji's right hand, gently removing the boy's pale and slender hand.

Pei Ji's heart was empty.

Lost and helpless smashed down overwhelmingly, and the heart seemed to be beating wildly, but it seemed to hang motionless in the chest. The scorching heat swept through his body in an instant, causing him to drop his eyelashes in embarrassment.


He never thought that his voice would become so hoarse, like a stone slicing across the ground, rough and unpleasant.

However, Pei Ji only said this word.

When the word "apology" rushed to the tip of his tongue, he saw Ning Ning carefully grab his right hand and move it down awkwardly.

And her left hand approached slowly, first her fingertips landed on Pei Ji's raised knuckles, and then her fingers pressed down, her fingertips, finger pulps, and even the entire palm of her hand were touching his skin, wrapping his scarred right hand. most of them.

Like a ball of warm cotton, it is very tamely caged in his hands.

Heart thumping thumping.

Full of joy, panic, and unbelievable emotions, it swept up like a tide.

Pei Ji's heart was trembling and she couldn't breathe.

Along with the sound of the heartbeat, there was also the girl's soft, soft voice.

Ningning held his hand and continued to walk deep into the alley as before, and said to him seriously, "That's what we call holding hands."

Pei Ji: …

Pei Ji lowered her head and covered her red ears with her hair: "Well."