Miss Cannon Fodder Wants To Escape Death Flags

Chapter 80


This alley is very shallow, and it didn't take long before we came to the corner.

In the silent alley, the mellow night solidified into a solid black air, and the silver moonlight sprinkled on the ground, reflecting the shadow of weeds.

All the people around have turned off the lights, and only one inconspicuous dilapidated wooden house is lit.

As soon as Ning Ningfu stepped forward, a breeze was blowing. The dark and heavy gauze in front of the wooden house was lifted by the night wind, like a wisp of water rising in the air, with ripples one after another, revealing some dim candlelight in the gauze.

That's the "behind the curtain" mentioned in the note.

Pei Ji has always been cautious. Holding the sword, he opened the curtain first, and then pulled Ning Ning into the black tent when he leaned over to confirm that he was safe.

Before she came, she had imagined many so-called "behind the curtain" scenes, but she could not help feeling a little surprised when she stepped here in person.

As far as the decoration is concerned, it is not much different from other houses in the slum block.

It is cramped and old, narrow and dull, dim candlelight fills every corner, and it is entangled with the night that is unwilling to disperse. Looking around, it is full of dust, cracks and crumbling spider webs.

Rows of shelves are cluttered and displayed, making the already narrow space even more impassable. When Ningning took a closer look, she could see talisman papers and classics scattered on the shelves, as well as many strange things she had never seen before.

Several crooked paintings were hung on the wall, Ning Ning looked curiously and was attracted by one of them at a glance.

The painting is an endless sky, and the light and pale sunlight penetrates through the layers of clouds, revealing a gentle and soft goose-yellow color like a veil.

Under the painting, a few large characters were written impressively, and she read it out word by word: ""Xian Ning Po"-similar to Song Xian Ning's name."

"The shop doesn't dare to touch that lady. What do you two want?"

A strange male voice suddenly sounded, Ning Ning looked up and found a young man sitting on a stack of books in the books scattered all over the floor.

Although she saw that this was a shop, she didn't know anything about the products in the shop. Just as she was thinking about how to answer, she heard Pei Ji beside her say, "Have the lady of the city ever been here?"

He was really polite and straight to the point.

The young man's expression changed when he heard the words, and he still maintained the posture of sitting cross-legged, with his back slightly straightened.

He looked only in his twenties, but he had already given birth to a lot of white hair and heavy eye bags. The black and white hair was matched with earth-shattering dark circles under his eyes. He sat on the ground, like a national treasure.

"The Lady of the City Lord?"

The man yawned: "Which city lord's wife are you talking about?"

Ning Ning was startled: "You mean... Both of them have been here?"

The other party stopped talking.

"If you tell the truth, we will pay you."

She remembered that she was pitiful, and frantically tested the purse that was on the verge of not leaving a drop every day. She gritted her teeth and continued, "I wonder if Your Excellency can reveal some information?"

"Just kidding, am I the kind of person who loses principles because of money? The privacy of customers must be completely protected. This is the creed of my shop!"

The young man smiled: "But if you are willing to give more, it's not no—"

Before he could finish his words, he saw a beam of white sword light coming towards him, cold as ice, just brushing a few strands of his drooping hair.

The young man's mouth twitched.

The little girl who entered the store late at night was kind and beautiful, her tone and demeanor were gentle and gentle, but she didn't expect that the young man beside her was like a mad dog, and when she drew her sword, it was a direct threat. He was terrified enough.

Recently, it was the ten method meeting. The two young men who carried swords with them looked like little disciples of Xianmen. Although they were all dressed in black, their hearts were as white as paper.

His original intention was to be reserved and polite, and slowly raise the price of intelligence, so as to confuse these ignorant famous and decent people. 's party.

Which sect's apprentice is this? Could it be…

The illustrious name of a certain sect slowly emerged in his mind, and the young man couldn't help but tremble for a while: "Are you guys, disciples of the Xuanxu Sword Sect?"

Ning Ning saw that this person wanted to deceive people, but did not stop Pei Ji, and nodded with a smile: "Yes! How did you see it?"

He wanted to cry without tears.


Except for the Xuanxu Sword Sect, no sect can fly the head of a disciple on a boat, which is called the pinnacle of magicism, and it is impossible to accept it.

This horror sect has long been in trouble, and it has become the material of ghost stories that scare children. Today is a blessing accumulated by three lives. It is true that he can meet these two people.

In terms of the degree of brutality, the Xuanxu Sword Sect is invincible in the world.

Pei Ji has never been very good-natured towards strangers, not to mention that the store owner has shown a crooked mind. Holding the sword, he did not change his face, and repeated Ning Ning's previous words: "Have the two city lords and wives been here?"

"If you have something to say, talk about it! I've been here, I've been here!"

The young man hurriedly replied, "What do you want to inquire about?"

The girl was still smiling. Seeing her companion draw her sword, she had no intention of stopping her: "What's so special about this store? What have they all done here?"

He finally saw it.

The hearts of these two people rolled through the same coal pile.

"Most of the goods I have here are spells and talismans."

Seeing Ning Ning's expression of disappointment, the young man hurriedly said, "These spells are very different from the decent ones! In my shop, the word 'evil' is the most important."


Ning Ning's eyes narrowed slightly: "Witchcraft?"


The young man reluctantly straightened up from the stack of books, and his tone was subconsciously excited: "The right way of thinking is mostly about the mutual generation of the five elements and following the proper way. As for mine, hey - jumping out of the five elements, how can it be useful and how can it be used."

There are many techniques and factions in the cultivation world, and the Xuanxu Kendo that Ning Ning has come into contact with is only a drop in the ocean. Of all the cultivation ways she knew, the spells were the most treacherous and changeable.

The intention is to put the pen first, swipe down the paper, point, horizontal, and fold. Even if it is misplaced, it may be different from the original intention. However, the brush and ink are danqing, cinnabar soaked in blood, and the raw materials used to draw the spell will be different, and the effect will be very different.

"I think the two of you are sword cultivators, maybe they don't know much about spells."

The young man was very polite and grinned at Ning Ning: "Evil methods are mostly related to curses, prohibitions and souls. They can take people's lives thousands of miles away, and they can also turn others into puppets that can be manipulated. Only you can't think of it, no It can't do it."

Ning Ning replied seriously: "It's quite evil."

"There are even more evil ones!"

The man was interested: "I heard that in the old days, the demons also had a life-changing technique, which could use the luck of others to offset their own ills. Once it succeeded, it would be hidden from the sky, and even the way of heaven could not help you at all. More than that. —”

Halfway through his talk, he noticed Pei Ji's impatient gaze, knowing that he had gone off the rails, and coughed a little embarrassingly: "Let's get down to business, that Mrs. Song came to me to ask about soul-changing."

Ning Ning's heart tightened, and he continued to say, "She didn't have a good relationship with the city lord at that time, and her face was gray when she came to me. Changing souls is a taboo to change your life against the sky, although there are records in ancient books... but After all, I'm a small shop owner, so how can I know the specific method, I can only tell her that I can't help."

Ning Ning replied thoughtfully: "Besides this, has she asked anything else?"

"She seemed a little hesitant to speak, but she didn't ask until the end. A few days after leaving here, she suddenly fell seriously ill."

The young man rolled his eyes, leaned forward a little, and lowered his voice: "This is not the most bizarre—not long after Song Xianning's death, when Luan Niang was not married to the city lord, she actually entered my house one day. In the store, ask if there is a way to reshape musculoskeletal muscles and cultivate spiritual power.”

He spoke for a while, his mouth seemed to be dry, and he picked up the teacup beside him and slammed it: "It's not surprising that you say it's strange, my shop has always acted in a restrained manner, and there is very little wind, and many people come here. High-ranking officials, ordinary people rarely find out the details. However, Luanniang grew up in the Nuanyu Pavilion since she was a child, and she seldom even went out. Where did she get the news?"

Ning Ning nodded: "This 'muscle-bone remodeling'-"

These few words were obviously asking the point, the young man suddenly grinned and leaned down to lower the volume: "It's not the art of refining the soul! Nourish your body and body with the soul power of others, not only can you maintain your appearance, right? Cultivation improvement is also of great benefit.”

After he said that, he smiled grimly: "Don't you think it's very similar to the recent disappearance case?"

Pei Ji glanced at him coldly: "You think the disappearance case is related to Luan Niang."

He used a very firm statement tone, and the young man did not refute after hearing it, shrugged and replied: "You should be investigating this matter? This is just my own opinion, believe it or not."

Ning Ning thought of the safety of the big sister, and did not talk nonsense with him: "Do you think... Mother Luan is probably the late Song Xianning?"

"Otherwise she asked what the soul-changing technique was for? How could Luan Niang find this place?"

The young man raised his eyes and looked outside the door. After confirming that there was no one in the silence, he continued: "And I heard that Luan Niang's temperament is very different from the previous one. Isn't it because she has been completely changed!"

Xu Shi had never talked to him about this before, and the young man said more and more vigorously: "If you want me to say it, it should be like this: Song Xianning couldn't love the city lord, and it happened that she couldn't live long because of her ill health, so she simply didn't. After doing it endlessly, I used the soul-moving secret technique in a fit of anger and attached it to Luanniang."

He took another sip of water: "Luan Niang is exactly the appearance that the city owner likes, but if she hasn't practiced immortality, her face will always grow old one day, so Song Xianning used the method of refining the soul again, trying to keep her appearance forever, cultivate vigorously, and let her face grow old. The city owner is more and more infatuated with her."

This reasoning is reasonable.

The gloom in Ning Ning's eyes never subsided, and he asked him in a deep voice, "Shopkeeper, have you heard of "Spirit Myrtle"?"

"Mrs. Song bought a copy, and the real person Ziwei is the power of sorcery."

The young man smiled half-heartedly: "As for that book, it happened to talk about soul-changing, but it was very shallow and didn't have much effect."

At this point in the conversation, it seems that many things have suddenly become clear, and there are no topics to continue talking about.

Ning Ning remembered Zheng Weiqi, whose whereabouts were unknown, she frowned and said solemnly, "Then how should the soul refining technique be operated?"

"It's very simple. It's nothing more than living people, spells, and formations."

The young man glanced at her, as if remembering something, and showed a slightly mysterious expression again: "Soul refining is very interesting. The more souls sacrificed at the same time, the greater the reward. The same number of souls, The effect of refining one by one is far inferior to offering sacrifices at the same time—perhaps the missing girls are not dead yet, and the murderer behind the scenes is waiting for a great sacrifice at the right time and place.”

This reminded Ningning of the Goose City in the Buddha Tower.

The evil cultivators of that year also gathered the souls of the whole city together, waiting to be refined together. If it's true as the shop owner said, the girls who disappeared mysteriously are still alive...

As long as they find out the truth as soon as possible, they may be able to save everyone including Zheng Weiqi.

"Are you two having fun?"

The young man timidly looked at Pei Ji's expression, raised his right finger and pointed to the shelf beside him: "For the sake of my talk for so long, do you want to buy something?"


After all, the disciples of the Xuanxu Sword Sect were not demons. Ning Ninghe thanked the shop owner in a kind manner, and then chose some useful gadgets before leaving the shop with Pei Ji.

The atmosphere between the two has always been extremely subtle because of the confused holding hands before.

I didn't feel it when I listened to the owner talking about Dashan before, but now it's so quiet that I can even hear my own footsteps and breathing.

As Ning Ning walked towards the inn, she lowered her head, trying to sort out her chaotic thoughts.

Why did Song Xianning ask about soul-changing? Luan Niang's temperament has changed drastically, is it really related to her? And, did she really take the initiative to hold Pei Ji's hand before

The last thought appeared unexpectedly, causing the speculation in her mind to stagnate for a moment. Ning Ning moved the tip of her left finger awkwardly, as if she could still feel the firm touch on the back of the young man's hand, as if she was dreaming.

I can't figure out why she would do that action subconsciously, and the phrase "this is the way to hold hands"...

The wife is too active!

It is still a long way from here to the inn where the Xuanxu Sect is located. In order to avoid the atmosphere becoming more and more awkward, Ning Ning bravely spoke to Pei Ji: "Junior Brother, what do you think?"

She was nervous, and the words blurted out without much thought. Unexpectedly, Pei Ji didn't answer immediately, but turned her head to look at her in silence.

He is very suitable for the night, his dark hair is blown to his forehead by the evening wind, and a few distant light spots in the distance are like falling stars, hanging in a pair of gloomy and deep black pupils, reflecting a halo of light and dark, like the shadow of the moon in the deep pool It scattered like that.

When Ning Ning looked at him like this, his heart felt dull unconsciously.

Pei Ji's tone was cold and unbearable, and every word was bitten very clearly. Although he deliberately pretended not to care, it also contained a hint of hesitation. The ending sound was like the drooping tail of a cat, gradually becoming lower: "Senior sister used to call me by my name."

Ning Ning choked.

Wow, this man!

After holding hands, I began to learn to measure! Isn't she nervous and wants to use this title to make herself look more serious! Why do you have to say it so bluntly! childish!

Ning Ning kicked a stone in front of Fei Fei, a little unconvinced: "Didn't junior brother also call me 'senior sister'?"

She pronounced the word "Junior Brother" very heavily.

Chengying burst out with a schadenfreude laugh: "Hahaha, isn't it! Pei Xiaoji, are you acting like a spoiled child? You were actually brought back by Ning Ning, hahahaha!"

Pei Ji turned her head back.

Ning Ning noticed that he looked away, so he took the opportunity to raise his eyelashes and look at him calmly.

The moonlight softened Pei Ji's angular outline a little, and when she looked from her point of view, she could see the other's tight jaw. Long black eyelashes as long as crow feathers fell in front of his eyes, making his eyes darker and darker.

She couldn't see what Pei Ji was thinking at this moment, only that he frowned.

Then Pei Ji opened her mouth slightly, as if she wanted to say something, and at the same time turned her head to meet Ning Ning's clear eyes.

The two looked away at the same time.


Ning Ning heard him speak in a low voice, and stopped abruptly after just one word, followed by a shallow inhalation.

Pei Ji's voice seemed to rush out from her chest. Although it was only two short words, it was extremely jerky and clumsy when he read it.

Fortunately, he finally got it out.

Pei Ji said, "Ningning."

Ning Ning, it sounds pretty good.

Ning Ning was walking on the dimly lit path. For some reason, she suddenly felt that her footsteps were much lighter, and she even flew up with a heart, and she couldn't catch it.


She pursed her lips and suppressed the smile on her lips. When she walked with her hands behind her back, she had the urge to jump up, pretending to be serious and serious: "Little Pei Ji, what do you think of this?"

Chengying covered her mouth and smiled and said, "Pei Xiaoji, she is saying you are naive."

After a pause, he laughed even more: "You can't admit defeat! Listen to me, call her 'Ning Ning darling' or 'Ning Ning Xiaoqin', hee hee hee she will never dare to do it again I'm making fun of you. Men just have to be proactive and strong!"

If she really called out like that, she really didn't dare to make fun of him, but he was no different from dying directly.

Pei Ji's face was sullen, his right hand with sharp joints clenched the sword tighter, although there were a few impatient murderous aura in his eyes, the corners of his lips stretched into a straight line, and the upward arc was quietly suppressed.

It turned out that her name came out of her mouth, and it would feel like this.

The thin overlapping sound is gentle and light, just uttering that name...

It would make him nervous, but he couldn't help but want to raise the corners of his mouth, so happy that he couldn't help it.

He was really helpless.