Miss Cannon Fodder Wants To Escape Death Flags

Chapter 81


The two walked all the way to talk, and unknowingly arrived at the door of the inn. The light in He Zhizhou's room was still on, and when Ning Ning knocked on the door to enter, he saw Lin Xun with big dark circles at a glance.

The little white dragon never stayed up all night, and last night's wild run had consumed almost all of his energy and stamina, and now he was lying on the table like a dead worm.

When she and Pei Ji entered the house, she finally showed a little anger that belonged to living creatures: "Senior sister and brother! How's your investigation?"

Ning Ning sorted out her thoughts in her mind, and told everything about the portraits of Luan Niang and the strange boy, the results of the night visit to the city lord's mansion, and the store owner's words.

He Zhizhou opened his mouth and stared, and finally slapped his thigh: "I see!"

Ning Ning nodded obediently, waiting for his performance.

"I did the real thing today."

He Zhizhou took out a small notebook from the table, and when he carefully opened it, he could see a lot of notes covered on the pages: "I met a grandma by the river and asked her about the grievances of the three in the City Lord's Mansion. The entanglement has made a shocking discovery."

Pei Ji leaned against the wall with his sword in his arms, and listened to him with a light expression: "Four years ago, during the Huahui, several big families in Luancheng held a party on the cruise ship on the Longyin River in the depths of hundreds of flowers. Song Xianning and Luo Yuanming both held a party. Yes. Miss Song was very happy when she returned home, and it took a long time for someone to find out that she was in close contact with a man, and was scolded by her parents. "

He Zhizhou said with a sip of saliva: "The most important point is that not long after this incident, Song Xianning married Luo Yuanming—what does this mean? It means that the man who made her mind must be the city owner! When the love was discovered, the parents of both parties hit it off and decided to get married."

Ning Ning answered: "But the relationship between the city lord and his wife is not good."

"This is about Lady Luan."

He Zhizhou was serious, showing a somewhat distressed look: "Why did the city lord fall in love with her at first sight, and why did he suddenly quarrel with Song Xianning and be extremely indifferent? It must have been Luan Niang who replaced his memory. Luo Yuanming thought that he loved Luan Niang, In fact, it was the ex-wife he abandoned like dregs. Poor Miss Song, who married her with hope, ended up like this—poor!"

Ning Ning couldn't help clapping his hands after hearing this: "The thunder is rolling, this is directly pouring blood into my mouth. Brother He, the author of the abuse in the future is not you, I will never read it."

"Like the store owner, I also think that Mother Luan is Song Xianning."

Lin Xun said: "Do you still remember? The reason why Luo Yuanming fell in love with Luanniang at first sight was because she was exactly the same as the goddess in his dream. As the city owner, it was naturally impossible for him to publicize his dream, the only one who knew this. The only thing that matters is the person next to you."

But this reasoning doesn't make sense, and it can be overturned by just one object.

—The painting that was bought by Luan Niang.

If she wasn't herself, she certainly wouldn't be so interested in that painting.

Also suspicious was the reason why Luan Niang blocked Song Xianning's bedroom.

No one has set foot in that house for a long time, and Luan Niang should not have done anything with it. Since it wasn't for herself, and it didn't look like it was for Luo Yuanming, she went round and round to see, could it be for...

Song Xianning, who has passed away

Ning Ning sat up abruptly.

Yes, they have always been obsessed with the love and hate between Luanniang and Luo Yuanming, and they have never considered her and Song Xianning.

The thoughts in my mind floated one after another, and under this premise, it seemed that what many people had said became traceable.

"Luanniang has never been to a school, so she can't be literate, but she often opposes the city lord by reciting poems, and she writes beautifully with calligraphy."

Song Xianning has been studying since childhood, and her handwriting is clear and meaningful.

"Luan Niang grew up in the Nuan Yu Pavilion since she was a child, and she seldom left the door. Where did she get the news about my shop?"

Song Xianning knew it.

"You would never have imagined that Luan Niang's temperament had changed drastically, that she was caught in the middle of the night passing letters, and that the last city owner's wife was seriously ill... at the same time."

"She seemed to know what kind of woman the city lord would like, and completely transformed herself into that type."

What if Luan Niang was the one who delivered the letter in the middle of the night? The friend was seriously ill and had many doubts, until Song Xianning died, the truth could not be found, and Luo Yuanming was undoubtedly the most suspicious one—

"She has always worked hard, and once she has made up her mind, she will definitely not let go."

She really didn't let go, and abruptly turned herself into a completely different person and became the city owner's wife.

Finally, there is the words of Mr.

"Since birth, the city lord has suffered from damage to the sea and weak spiritual power. Thanks to his travels around the world, he found an unexpected opportunity in the frontier sand barrier city."

What if this opportunity was not Lonely Moon Lotus, but witnessed the scene where the evil cultivator used a woman as a sacrifice to refine the soul

Ning Ning could feel his heart beating faster.

In those days, when several big families cruised on Huajie, what Song Xianning met was not Luo Yuanming, but Luan Niang who grew up in Baihuashen since childhood.

What was the name of the painting she saw in that shop

"Fiber Condensation Broken".

The sun on the painting penetrates the clouds.

Fiber is the cloud.

"He Zhizhou!"

Ning Ning felt something, and asked sternly: "Have you heard, what was Luan Niang's real name before entering the flower building?"

"Ah? Oh, that grandma seems to have mentioned it once."

He Zhizhou probably understood the meaning of her question, and answered honestly: "We were on the river at the time, and she looked at the boats and said that few people know that Luanniang has it in her real name - her name is Meng Tingzhou. Although there is also one The sound of 'Zhou' is completely irrelevant to Zhou Yun."

"Why can't you get along?"

Ning Ning smiled in relief: "The painting grandmother said that she often saw two teenagers dressed in men's clothes walking side by side. Since one of them is a woman dressed as a man, why can't the other one?"

He Zhizhou and Lin Xun were both stunned.

"Do you still remember? When grandma recalled the boy's name, what she said was—"

The heart slammed violently against the chest, and Ning Ning's tone of voice rose a little unconsciously: "They are a man and a woman, the girl sometimes calls the boy 'Zhou', and sometimes it becomes 'Yun', if this is not a full name, but What about the names of the two?"

"Two people?"

Not only Pei Ji, but Cheng Ying was also very fascinated. Hearing this, he was stunned for a moment, then he quickly realized the crux of the problem, and let out a long inhalation sound: "I understand! I will always love Ningning! As expected of you!"

Pei Jing listened quietly, her eyes never leaving her bright eyes like stars, and she automatically blocked Chengying's passionate cry in her heart.

"'Zhou' is not 'Zhou', but 'boat' in Luanniang's name; as for 'cloud' - 'Xianning' is another name for cloud."

Ning Ning was suddenly enlightened, and her tone became much lighter: "Song Xianning is an official lady, and her family will not allow her to enter or leave Huajie; Luanniang is very famous in that street, if she calls her name in public, It will also cause unnecessary trouble - so the two of them can disguise themselves as men and call each other a name that others don't know, so that it will be much easier to communicate with each other."

And the grandma who sold the paintings always just watched them from a distance, and never had actual contact. Once both of them were wearing men's clothes, they could only hear their voices when they were talking.

She determined that it was a man and a woman, and automatically attributed the voice of the girl she heard to the same person, so she mixed up her first and last name, sometimes "Zhou", sometimes "Yun".

And these two words have never appeared in one population at the same time. So when Song Xianning was seriously ill, Luan Niang was seen and often communicated with others.

Therefore, after Song Xianning's death, Luan Niang would block her former residence and prevent Luo Yuanming from setting foot there. The people in the city thought she was narrow-minded and could not tolerate sand in her eyes, but the reason was the exact opposite—

She knew that Song Xianning's death had something to do with Luo Yuanming, and she didn't want that man to pretend to sully the corner where her friend once lived.

Ning Ning's heart beat faster and faster.

That's why Luan Niang asked for the painting of the two of them sitting side by side by the river.

One is because she and Song Xianning first met by the Longyin River, and the other is because...

They were all women, and the picture that they looked back at clearly split the two into a man and a woman walking side by side. Only when they were dressed in men's clothes did they look no different.

From beginning to end, this is not a love drama that is constantly cut and unorganized. What is hidden under the layers of curtains is just a very common little thing that only two girls know about.

One is a frail girl who is destined to be used as a marriage weight, and the other is a dancer who sells laughter for a living and doesn't know where to go.

They are not cared by other people, and they are trapped in a certain place all their lives, but they are all yearning for freedom, eager to break free from their shackles like a bird. Until one day the two meet and become each other's best and only friends.

Perhaps Song Xianning had taught Luanniang calligraphy, poetry and Taoism, or maybe they had gone out in men's clothing several times, talking about the future and hope by the Longyin River, and later found out by the Song family, who married Song Xianning hastily to Luo Yuan. Knowing things, they can only separate the two places and use flying pigeons to send messages.

However, Song Xianning died inexplicably in the city lord's mansion.

So the girl who had always been vulgar and heartless changed her face, turned herself into a completely different person, approached Luo Yuanming step by step, and found out the truth bit by bit.

All doubts became clear.

The reason why Song Xianning's relationship with Luo Yuanming deteriorated was because he noticed that he had done shameful and scandalous things in secret; and the reason for her sudden illness and death was probably inseparable from the city lord.

But she didn't tell anyone.

Ning Ning could not help frowning. Now Luan Niang must know everything, but why did she not disclose the truth to the public like Song Xianning back then

The shopkeeper once said that evil methods are mostly related to curses, prohibitions and souls, and it happens that Luo Yuanming is the so-called "genius talisman"...

Could it be that some kind of prohibition was imposed on them, prohibiting outsiders from mentioning the matter of soul refining

If this is the case, for Luan Niang, this situation is tantamount to the torture of life rather than death.

She came to investigate the truth, but was trapped in the truth. Knowing all the dirty and blood-stained realities, he could avenge Song Xianning, but he couldn't say a word to others, he could only stand by and watch, and let the murderer act recklessly.

The same is true for Ning Ning today.

All inferences are based on assumptions, and there is no useful evidence and clues. Even if you report to the elders or the Criminal Court, you may not get any results.

But maybe... In addition to Luo Yuanming, Luan Niang is also secretly making arrangements.

Everything that happened today is too coincidental, such as Jiuzhou Chungui who was drugged, Meng Jue happened to fall in front of the grandma who sold paintings, and passers-by whom He Zhizhou met by the river "inadvertently" mentioned Luanniang's real name.

If it was she who was deliberately leading them to discover the truth—

What's Luan Niang's next plan