Miss Cannon Fodder Wants To Escape Death Flags

Chapter 84


Ningning was very careful when she returned to the inn.

Pei Ji was seriously injured in the battle with Luo Yuanming. Since the elders heard the news, they were immediately sent to the hospital for treatment. If you count the time, you should be back by now.

After their group explored the secrets of the city lord's mansion, their experiences were lavished by the storytellers, and they portrayed everyone in Tianxianzi's sect as heroic warriors who worked hard and had foresight.

The speed of the reversal of this reputation can be called the face-changing of Sichuan Opera, which is faster than the surrender of France.

There was an endless stream of people who came to the inn to watch the fun, and the rescued girls came one after another to thank them.

Fortunately, Tian Xianzi, who is a master, is already awake, and a generation of kendo masters incarnates as a welcome brother, listening to others with dazed faces about how Xuanxu Sword Sect punishes evil and eliminates evil, and how this strategy was unexpected.

The little head is full of big question marks. He can't answer any questions, he can only keep smiling and sit still in the chair. Do not move.

It is very mysterious, very indifferent, and has the temperament of a world-renowned man who does not fight or grab, and is indifferent to his aspirations.

- After all, if you want to ask about Elder Tianxian's feelings after the war, this person will only say the last sentence sincerely: "Jiuzhou Spring Gui is really delicious!"

Ning Ning's face was covered with a simple mask to ensure that it would not be seen by the people who were not cultivated enough in Luan City. In addition, with a light figure, he quickly came to Pei Ji's door and raised his hand to knock on the door.

There was an extremely short silence in the room, and then a cold young voice sounded in a low voice, without any emotion: "Come in."

The door was unlocked and left open.

This is not Pei Ji's style.

Ning Ning was puzzled, but he didn't think too much. With a little force on his right hand, he pushed the door open.

With a creaking sound, the scene in the house slowly appeared in front of him.

Ning Ning was slightly startled.

Although Pei Ji is afraid of darkness, she doesn't like too much sunlight. It was noon at this time, and he used to draw the curtain in front of the window, so that the whole room was enveloped in a layer of dark light that seemed to be absent.

In front of the round table in the center of the room, there is a thin and tall shadow of a young man.

- Pei Ji is sitting on the round stool in front of the table, looking down and removing the layers of gauze wrapped around her upper body.

Oh, the gauze removal means that he took off his shirt.

He seemed to be a little disturbed by the layered bandages, or because the stitches were rudely removed, and the wound was accidentally opened again. At this moment, he frowned impatiently, and when he heard the sound of the door being pushed, he paused, his expression on his face. He turned his head coldly.

Then the indifferent expression froze for a moment, although the expression did not change much, the pupils shrank obviously suddenly.

Pei Ji never thought that Ning Ning would be knocking on the door.

He felt that the hospital was noisy, and he didn't like to deal with others, so he went back to the hotel room after wrapping the gauze. It happened that an elder of Suwentang had nothing to do, and upon seeing this, he reached an agreement and came to change his medicine at noon.

He closed the door, thinking that the elder was standing outside the door, but he looked up, but he was caught off guard to see another face.

Pei Ji held the gauze's right hand tightly.

He… was not wearing a shirt at this time.

"Are you changing your medicine?"

Ning Ning went through the basketball court with his future. He had seen countless male students who took off their shirts and ran like monkeys. In addition, he often surfed the Internet to cultivate his sentiments. He was not surprised by the sight in front of him. Attention, my heart skipped a beat.

However, Pei Ji didn't think so.

He has lived in a village lacking spiritual power since he was a child, and the common people around him are not as open-minded as the world of self-cultivation, let alone as open as the 21st century.

According to the habit of the residents, between men and women of the same age, only husband and wife can see each other's appearance of removing their clothes.

Later, he entered the Xuanxu Sword Sect to practice kendo. Although he knew that it was normal for the same sect to heal each other's wounds, his memory was deeply ingrained when he was young, and secondly, Pei Ji lived alone and never revealed his injured body to others.

In any case, the first time you see you take off your shirt and change your dressing, you will inevitably feel flustered.

Not long ago, the young man, who was still cold and estranged, warmed his ears, leaned sideways towards the head of the bed, and tried to grab the clothes on the bed.

However, he moved in a hurry, causing the wounds all over his body to burst suddenly, and the piercing pain instantly invaded his internal organs, and in a trance, he fell off the round stool.

No help, no help, not only was the girl's upper body looked at, but the remedial measures were in a mess, Pei Xiaoji was embarrassed to see Ning Ning this time.

Chengying's spirit body curled up into a round ball, and a pair of eyes quietly emerged from the gap in the ball.

In fact, in its view, the most effective line at this moment should be "you have to be responsible for me when you look at my body". There is no reason to refute it, and it can definitely be cooked with raw rice, breaking all the barriers between the two in one fell swoop.

It's a pity that Pei Ji, this incompetent brat, can't say it.

Pei Ji endured the pain and covered her flushed face with one hand, while the other hand barely stretched to the head of the bed and covered herself with her shirt.

"What are you doing?"

Ning Ning was so frightened by him that he watched as the wounds were all ruptured due to this action, overflowing with scarlet blood.

Without any scruples, she hurriedly pushed the door behind her and came straight to Pei Ji's side.

Even if he fell to the ground, he still had to use his clothes to cover his upper body, but now... he seemed to be more embarrassed than before.

The long jet-black hair was roughly tied by a hair band, and the hair band was loose at this time, and most of the black hair poured lazily on the cold floor, and some brushed the young man's white jade-like face and slender eyes. Ling San, but also added a bit of ambiguous color.

Not to mention the rich red on the base of his ears and the anxious gaze.

The smell of rust and the fragrance of wood plants in the hair blended with each other, and the messy clothes rose and fell gently with his breathing, because Pei Ji moved in a hurry, and only roughly covered most of the skin on his chest and arms. The muscles on the shoulders and the white waist are faintly visible, and it's really a bit—

If he sat motionless on the round stool, Ning Ning would definitely not have any other thoughts.

But now that she was close, seeing Pei Ji's appearance, she felt a dull heat in her heart.

"The wound is all open. Don't move, I'll help you up."

She squatted down and was about to stretch out her hand, but saw Pei Ji gritted her teeth and propped herself up, one hand still pressing on the clothes at the collarbone.

His face was gloomy, and he managed to stop the trembling caused by the pain, and took a shallow breath: "...you go out first."

Ning Ning lifted her eyelids to look at him.

Pei Ji deliberately avoided this line of sight, trying her best to restrain her pounding heartbeat. Before she had time to speak, she quickly heard her voice: "What are you going to do? Waiting for you to get dressed so that the wound will crack deeper?"

Ning Ning seemed to be a little annoyed, and her tone was very anxious: "I even pulled your hand, what can't you see now!"

As soon as the voice fell, Rao herself couldn't help but froze in place.

Now there is nothing to see.

- How can she be so carefree now

It's just holding hands once, even if it is rounded up, it will never become a naked and candid meeting! What's more, this is also Pei Ji's body, she—

Ning Ning's mind was a mess, she just wanted to find a coffin and bury herself quietly.

She had never discovered before that the two ordinary words "body" could be ambiguous enough to make a person's face turn red.

Pei Ji was stunned for a while, wondering if he was taken aback by the words of the tiger and wolf, his face was blank and expressionless, but the red tide on his ears rushed towards his neck.


Chengying sighed from the bottom of her heart: "Ning Ning is she so fierce?"

"That, that is, I mean, as brothers and sisters from the same sect who are in love with each other, we have a good relationship, so don't worry too much about this kind of thing."

Ning Ning tried her best to organize language, trying to restore her image that was crumbling in the eyes of her younger brother, just hoping not to be regarded as a shameless female hooligan.

Thinking of Pei Ji's heavy fall to the ground, she subconsciously stretched out her right hand and gently touched the back of the other's head: "Is it hurting here?"

Her movements are clumsy, but the gentle and soft touch on her palm is extremely reassuring.

It was the first time that Pei Ji was touched on the head, and the severe pain of the back of her head hitting the floor was relieved, like a heavy ice cube slowly melting, turning into a stream of water and gradually dispersing. A warm feeling brought just the right amount of strength, a little comfortable, but also a little itchy.

In the bottom of his heart, he scolded himself for twitching. He planned to remove the clothes, but when he thought of the body under the thin shirt, the action was stopped.

If this body is flawless, Pei Jing will happily let Ning Ning see it, even with anticipation.

But it's not.

He grew up being beaten and scolded by his mother. The latter hated the demon cultivator who abandoned her, and was so paranoid that he was almost insane. When Pei Ji looked more and more like that man, the revenge would become more and more ruthless. .

In his more than ten years of life, the things he has come into contact with the most are the empty and narrow black house, the blood-stained whip and stick, and the merciless slap in the face by a woman.

She has always used him as a tool to vent her anger. She has never healed her only child. She will only occasionally drop some cheap gold sore medicine for him to apply on his own, so that he will not die.

Those shoddy medicines are naturally unable to heal the wound completely.

Unlike other people's smooth and clean skin, Pei Ji's body is covered with terrifying, centipede-like old marks. Later, he joined the Xuanxu Sword Sect, and during the competition, many of the same sects united to deliberately target him, which caused him to add several sword injuries.

Even the doctor in today's medical center rubbed the medicine for him, he couldn't help sighing to himself, he had never seen so many scars on one person.

Whether it is injured or scarred, it is commonplace for Pei Ji.

He was never ashamed of this, even if the doctor showed surprise after seeing it, he was just indifferent and ignored it.

But at this moment, hesitation and fear spread rapidly from the bottom of his heart, like layers of airtight vines, shackled all his movements and thoughts.

... He didn't want Ning Ning to see the pale and ugly body under the clothes.

It doesn't matter to anyone, only she can't.

"What's wrong?"

Ning Ning noticed that his eyes dimmed, and stretched out his hand to pull the thin shirt that was covering Pei Ji's body, but saw that he was clenching the corners of the shirt even tighter, and said coldly, "You go out."

Chengying guessed what the child was thinking, with a rare serious tone, he hesitated and said, "Pei Xiaoji..."

Pei Ji's expression softened for a moment, but Ning Ning was confused by this sudden change, and his thoughts were fruitless, and he heard him repeat in a hoarse voice: "I can do it myself, I don't need—"

However, Pei Ji didn't have time to finish speaking, and all the words were stuck in his throat.

Even Chengying was taken aback and let out a shriek like a toilet bowl.

-Ning Ning grabbed the uninjured part of his back, hugged him in his arms, and then with a little force, he picked up the young man who was much taller than her.

The strength of practitioners far exceeds that of ordinary people. Ning Ning hugged him effortlessly and in one go. After feeling Pei Ji's extreme stiffness, he stood up and put him on the bed beside him.

Then, while he was in a daze, he took off the thin layer of clothes.

This operation was like a wolf like a tiger, Rao Shi Chengying was also shocked and stood on the spot, seeing the little girl who was close at hand with a stern face, sitting on the edge of the bed and lowering her head.

"If you want to make trouble, wait until I wrap up the wound."

Those old blood-stained gauze were all scattered after he fell, Ning Ning carefully opened them little by little, and kept saying, "If the blood doesn't stop, you will suffer. Tomorrow is the Lantern Festival in Luan City. Do you want to--we hang out with you?"

She said it seriously, watching the gauze falling down layer by layer, frowned and said nothing.

Luo Yuanming's evil formation was very ruthless, like countless flying knives stabbing him with a thousand-thousand-power, blood was blurred everywhere, and because of Pei Ji's previous movements, they burst into pieces, overflowing with dark red blood.

In addition to these shocking bloodstains, there are many old wounds all over his body.

Some were like welts, while others were burns, indiscriminate and in different shades, laying on the pale skin like a dazzling crack on the rough jade.

Ning Ning really changed his expression.

Pei Ji's eyes became darker, and the rich and dark self-loathing slowly surged up, dyeing the entire pupil black with sandalwood. He only felt unreasonably irritable in his heart, and deliberately avoided his eyes and stopped looking at her.

Maybe Ningning will show sympathy and regard him as a pitiful worm with scars; maybe she will be startled by these ugly scars, showing disgust and rejection.

No matter which possibility it was, it made his heart dull.

"... And they always say 'Do it yourself', what about the wound on your back?"

However, Ning Ning did not show any disgust, nor did he show any sympathy or alms. He just approached him seriously, put his hands on both sides of Pei Ji's cheeks, and shook it gently to the left and right:

"Do you have eyes behind your back, or can your head turn 180 degrees back? Let me see—it doesn't seem to work."

Pei Ji didn't have much energy left, and at this moment, she was held in the face by the girl and could only be at her mercy.

And Ning Ning only swayed two or three times, then maintained the gesture of holding his face and moved closer to him.

Not only their faces, but their eyes are also very close together.

The face that was covered between her hands was hot, the skin burned by her breath was hot, and the eyes that met Ning Ning's line of sight were also slightly hot.

Pei Ji was speechless, and the girl's clear, bell-like voice sounded in her ears: "So, do you want me to help you stop the bleeding and apply medicine?"

Pei Ji: …

Pei Ji: "Yes."

Wonderful, wonderful.

Cheng Ying was amazed, Pei Xiaoji was really eaten to death by Ning Ning, after so many years, finally someone could cure his bad temper. With this character, he can't escape.

Ning Ning removed the blood-soaked gauze, and picked up the cotton cloth that Pei Ji had prepared from the wooden table.

Pei Ji is about to become a bloody man, and he has to wipe off the blood that gets in the way.

If you ignore the deep and shallow scars, this body is actually very beautiful.

His body is thin and tall, but he doesn't look too frail. Because he has practiced swords all year round, his arms and abdomen can be seen with uniform muscles. He has the unique slenderness of a young man, but also contains strength everywhere, as if dormant in the middle of the night. the beast.

The cotton cloth was soaked in water, and it first landed on the collarbone, and then a little bit down with a disturbing cold air, to the most seriously injured chest.

Every inch of skin was taken into her eyes, and there was nowhere to hide. Although Ning Ning's gaze was soft, it was like substance, quietly spreading to every hidden corner of his body, like a very gentle knife.

Pei Ji held her breath, her fingertips secretly exerted force, and she grasped the wrinkled sheets tightly.

"If it hurts you, be sure to tell me."

Looking at his wounds, Ning Ning always felt that the same part of her body was also inexplicably painful. She glanced at the dark brown old wounds, and probably understood why Pei Ji insisted on letting her leave.

His self-esteem has always been very strong, and even the fear of the dark will be stubborn, and he will try his best to hide it, so that no one will know.

These wounds are really not beautiful, and Pei Ji definitely doesn't want others to see these scars. Now that she can see them, she must feel very uncomfortable.

Ning Ning decided to praise him.

"Did anyone say that? Your collarbone is beautiful."

She carefully wiped off a cloud of dirty blood, concentrated her efforts not to touch the wound, and continued to say, "The shape of the muscles in the hands is also the same. You must be practicing swords on time every day, right? The fingers and neck are also very beautiful. , is my favorite class—"

Pei Ji's body froze obviously.

Ning Ning's head rumbled open.

The air in the room was stagnant.


She shouldn't be distracted by such things.

-Why do you suddenly tell the truth? This is too dead! What will Pei Ji think of her after hearing this! ! !

It's over, it's over.

Ning Ning was so distraught that he gave up thinking, and simply gave up thinking. The cotton cloth twirled in his heart and went down to the waist and abdomen.

Pei Ji's waist is lean, and her muscles are smoothly tightened inward, and she is a little soft and slender, very beautiful.

It's the kind of beauty that you can't help but want to touch.

The wound in this place is particularly serious. The coagulated blood covers the cracked scar. In order to avoid the wound as much as possible, Ning Ning moved closer when wiping.

So when the cotton cloth was gently wiped, the girl's soft breathing also spread out silently on the skin, like a warm feather, slowly sweeping across the waist.

The touch is more numb than electric current, can't be seen or left.

Pei Ji's breathing froze and her body trembled.

Ning Ning looked up at him, and the movement in his hand suddenly stopped: "Does it hurt?"

He took the sight blankly, and a hoarse voice overflowed from his throat: "...Itchy."

"Are you still itchy?"

She was full of worry and finally lessened. Hearing that, the corners of her mouth curled slightly, with a playful smile in her eyes: "Then when you were in the hospital for treatment, didn't you make the doctor's head big?"

Not so.

Pei Ji silently refuted her in her heart.

Others healed him, no matter how badly he was injured, he never made any sound from beginning to end. Even if it was really unbearable occasionally, he would just grit his teeth and groan.

Even the elders of Su Wentang said that he looked like a dead corpse when he didn't move and didn't speak.

Until I bumped into her this time, her body became different from usual.

… too weird.

Naturally, it was impossible to tell her such words in person. Pei Ji didn't say anything, and hurriedly lowered her gaze, her eyes quietly falling on the face of the little girl in front of her.

Ning Ning lowered his head, and from his angle, he could only see the girl's smooth forehead and the delicate and straight bridge of the nose. The room was drowsy and silent, her thick and dark long eyelashes drooping down, like the fluttering wings of a butterfly.

She has never suffered since she was a child, her skin is fair and soft, without the slightest blemish, like a soft white jade cake.

I don't know how it would feel to touch it.

Pei Ji was slightly stunned by this sudden thought, and it was at this moment that a cool and cool wind blew on his waist.

The wind came unexpectedly, and it happened to land on the place where he was most sensitive and the most painful.

Just like the long-term drought met the long-lost rain, the stinging pain that penetrated into the bone marrow dissipated, turned into an itch that scratched the lungs, and hit the whole body along the blood in an instant.

Pei Ji used up almost all the remaining consciousness before pressing the urge to utter a low voice back in her throat, only the fingers pressing on the sheet tightened, and the knuckles turned pale.

Ning Ning went to the most seriously injured part of his waist and blew lightly.

"Pei, Pei Xiaoji."

Chengying shivered, carefully scrutinizing his reaction at this moment: "Can you hold on? Hold on, you must hold on, think about your swordsmanship, your storage bag, your ideals... Don't be impulsive!"

He has enough self-control, and certainly will not be impulsive,

The spiritual energy in his body moved like flowing water, dispelling the thick and dry heat in his heart. Pei Ji didn't make any sound, and looked intently, seeing Ning Ning raised his head again, still smiling at him.

"I think you have the deepest wound here, and it should be quite painful - does it feel better to blow it like this?"

He did feel better.

But in a way, it's getting worse.

This kind of unintentional provocation is the most tormenting. Pei Ji's Adam's apple moved slightly, and after a while, he replied in a hoarse voice: "... um. Thank you."

"Thank you for that."

Ning Ning smiled, her round almond eyes curved into a shallow arc, and her voice seemed to be dipped in sugar: "Actually, last time you put a fairy in my hand, it was quite comfortable."

She was talking about the fact that she was injured in the secret realm, and Pei Ji was instigated by Chengying to gently blow air on the wound.

That cool breath still revolves around his waist and abdomen, pulling out bursts of dryness that are the opposite of it. Pei Ji didn't even have the strength to answer, so she buried her head even lower.

Ning Ning's eyes continued to move downward, clearly without a body, obviously pure and without the slightest impurities, but his heart could not help but tremble slightly.

He felt like he was going crazy.

Ning Ning wiped her mind completely, unaware of the reddishness and the slightly trembling breathing of the young man in front of him.

She carefully wiped off the half-coagulated blood, and was about to pick up the wound medicine from the table, when she heard a very clear ding-dong sound in her ears.

There was an ominous premonition in Ning Ning's heart.

It was the long-lost system prompt sound, and it suddenly sounded at this time, it must be a bad thing.