Miss Cannon Fodder Wants To Escape Death Flags

Chapter 85


Ning Ning always felt that something was wrong with her system.

Let’s call it smart, it only ding dong every time when the task is released, not only the plot prediction given is extremely unreliable, but also there seems to be no reasonable criteria for judging, even if she deviates the plot a thousand miles away , it still passed.

But to call it stupid, judging from the few exchanges she has had with the system, although this thing has a very bad temper, it definitely has a certain ability to think and can communicate with people unimpeded.

However, the top priority is not to speculate on the tricks. As a conscientious and conscientious Party B who suffers from PTSD, Ning Ning paused for a moment after hearing the ding-dong sound, and quickly turned his attention to the words that appeared in his mind.

She doesn't remember the specific content of the original book very clearly, and she can only vaguely recall the general plot.

When she recalled it at this time, even Ningning herself felt very surprised. This book was clearly not her favorite type, but she could read it all without omission.

"Sword Breaking the Sky", as a major male protagonist, is a work that is escalating. It repeats the endless cycle of suffocation, upgrading and face slaps. Most of the plot is spent in the secret realm. It tells how Pei Ji broke out of the siege, with The speed that shocked the entire comprehension world soared into immortality.

And what appeared in her mind at this time was the plot after the first round of the Fa conference.

According to the direction of the original book, Pei Ji, as Ning Ning's incompatible rival, naturally cannot go to the secret realm with her.

He has always been a loner, acted ruthlessly and decisively, and won countless tokens in the secret realm.

At this time, it was naturally her turn to act as a vicious female partner.

Ning Ning, the man in the original book, lived under the aura of much-anticipated attention since he was a child, and was determined to come out on top in the dharma meeting, but he did not expect that all the limelight would be snatched by Pei Ji, and he failed to stir up the slightest splash.

She has long held grudges against this cheap junior brother, and her anger has erupted until today. When Pei Ji was healing, she broke into the room, not only verbally humiliated, but also shattered the Xianquan he used for healing.

The vicious words and the fierce behavior can be called arsenic mixed with chili peppers, poisonous and spicy.

This is over.

The more Ning Ning looked, the more frightened he felt, and his consciousness stayed on the last paragraph.

[The crisp sound of the broken medicine bottle is like a blade slicing through the eardrum, Pei Ji looked at her coldly, the dark tide surging in the dark pupils, full of undisguised disgust. ]

Every word was really suffocating. She was still taking a deep breath, when she heard the system prompt sound as cold as a small pudding popsicle in her ear:

[Please complete the task as soon as possible, read the lines according to the established plot, and smash the elixir. ]

Ning Ning's daze was quickly noticed by Pei Ji. The young man who was sitting on the bed raised his eyelashes and glanced at her very quickly. He stretched out his hand with a dim light, and picked up the porcelain bottle containing the elixir from the bedside. .

"If you find it inconvenient, I can do it myself—"

His voice is very low, and he hides all his emotions when he speaks, which is no different from his usual indifferent and gloomy tone, except for the small tail that droops like a strip, which is inexplicably a bit lost.

"No, no."

Ning Ning was upset and confused, and couldn't think of a reasonable way to explain it, but the system was still frantically counting down the countdown in a mourning tone. In a hurry, she had to break the jar and threw the first line in her mind. —

"What if he wins the first round of the dharma meeting? It's not an embarrassing piece of trash."

… Um

Wait, that doesn't seem right.

Before time was running out, Ning Ning only had time to glance at all the lines, but did not know the specific content of each sentence.

Now that I read the first sentence myself, I suddenly remembered:

No, because the plot is so messed up that even the author can't recognize it, the first place in this secret realm trial seems to have changed from Pei Ji to herself.

That line is... I scold myself

Pei Ji didn't understand why she suddenly said such words, and there was a little confusion and hesitation in her eyes.

Ning Ning worked hard to put away the stun in her heart, moved her consciousness stiffly, and came to the second line of the line: "Even if the limelight was flourishing before, but now the spiritual power is greatly damaged, and you can't do anything - your injury must be very painful. Bar?"

Not right, this direction is not right.

Obviously these are all extremely vicious lines, but once the subject is changed... Why does it suddenly become like a confession in Qiong Yao's drama!

Especially the phrase "it must be painful".

If you are in the context of the two people in the original text, the effect of these five words will definitely explode. With a yin and yang sneer, it is called a ruthless mockery, and it can attract all the hatred from Pei Ji in minutes.

But now... it seems that she is scolding herself for being powerless and unable to treat him properly.

It is not! The garbage system destroys the innocence! Reading the lines in this way, it seems that she has some shameful thoughts towards Pei Ji, and she obviously doesn't worry about it at all—

All right.

Although she did have a bit of worry, she really only had a bit of it.

Ning Ning never thought that one day she would be so ashamed that her ears turned red when she recited a vicious female supporting line.

"Baby Ningning, why is this!"

Chengying was so moved that she almost shed two lines of tears belonging to her old mother: "Pei Xiaoji, go and comfort her! How can such a kind girl feel so guilty for not being able to protect you... My My heart is about to melt!"

It looked at the little girl in front of the bed, and saw Ning Ning's complex expression, her ears glowing with light pink, and her heart softened.

Looking at her broken-hearted look, to be able to say these words must have used all the courage in her body, so young, so cute, so touching.

If Ning Ning could hear its voice, Cheng Ying would have raised her voice and told her loudly, "Don't blame yourself, dear! That stinky boy Pei Ji is not worth it! As the first place in the dharma assembly, you are the best!"

Ning Ning stepped into another hell from one abyss, resisting the urge to blushed, and continued to look down.

The previous few words were barely able to cause misunderstandings under the circumstances, but the next plot was completely unfulfilled.

The original owner's sarcasm was scorned by Pei Ji's lips. He was furious for a while, and rushed into the house from the door, grabbed the fairy spring on the table and threw it to the ground.

The most deadly thing is that in front of Pei Ji, she called out "Evil in the Demon Realm" very bluntly.

Ning Ning felt that it was over.

She was one big and two big. Seeing Pei Ji staring at her in a daze with the porcelain bottle in her hand, she gritted her teeth secretly, and even her voice became a little hoarse: "Give it to me."

Pei Ji didn't know her inner entanglement, so she handed the bottle forward without thinking much.

"Strange. Pei Xiaoji, don't you think there's something wrong with Ning Ning's expression?"

Chengying scrutinized her expression carefully and thoughtfully: "Since not long ago, she has been staring at this Xianquan."

Pei Ji naturally noticed this trick.

Since he picked up the porcelain bottle from the bedside, Ning Ning's eyes became more and more gloomy, as if he had something to say, but he always hesitated. Now that she took the bottle, she stared at the elixir inside without saying a word, wondering what she was thinking.

He had never seen such an expression on her face.

Just when I was in doubt, I suddenly heard Ning Ning's voice: "It's just the evil spirit of the demon world—"

Demon world evil.

He had heard these four words in countless people, but never thought that this word would be uttered by her.

There are only the two of them here, and Ningning could only be referring to him.

Pei Jing's heart stagnated, and her right hand tightly clenched into the bed sheet.

The little girl in front of her lowered her gaze and stopped looking at him. She took a deep breath and continued, "How dare you do it in ten ways!"

Then there was a screeching sound.

Ning Ning broke the porcelain vase containing the fairy spring.

The room was dark and quiet.

The ear-piercing cracking sound of the ceramics echoed with the sound of the spring water pouring on the ground, like a sharp blade piercing the silence.

Then, there was a faint gasping sound.

This time, not only Pei Ji, but even Ning Ning was stunned.

According to the system prompt, she broke the porcelain bottle according to the original plot, but at the moment when the bottle shattered, it was not Xianquan that rushed out.

The liquid was colorless and odorless, and there was no sign of it from the outside. When it splashed onto her calf, it was like extremely corrosive sulfuric acid, bursting with unbearable scalding heat in an instant.

Immediately, demonic energy overflowed from the wound, and the light and black mist was like an invisible snake, and it penetrated into the body with biting pain.

"No, Xianquan has been replaced!"

Cheng Ying restrained her smile and exclaimed, "Pei Xiaoji, hurry up—"

Before it could finish a sentence, he saw Pei Ji roll over and get out of bed, and he picked up Ning Ning horizontally and put him on the bed he was sitting on just now.

Ning Ning's whole head was dazed.

It was never mentioned in the original book. She should have swaggered out of the room after dropping the porcelain bottle, but this magical energy came from nowhere—

It's really evil in the demon world.

So why did Xianquan become such a thing!

She couldn't think in pain.

So Ning Ning gave up thinking and leaned his head on the bed with Ge You's paralyzed posture. After meeting Pei Ji's brief gaze, he suddenly remembered something and raised his hand to cover his entire face.

"You, you, don't look at me!"

She endured the pain when she spoke, and finally brought her scattered consciousness back together: "My expression now must be very—hiss!"

Chengying was so distressed that she trembled: "My God, if Ning Ning hadn't noticed that Xianquan was different, wouldn't you be finished? Who replaced Xianquan?"

No wonder she had been staring at Xianquan before, no wonder she showed such a complicated look, and no wonder Ning Ning blurted out "the evil in the devil world".

What this bottle contains is not a life-saving elixir at all, but a highly poisonous poison infused with demonic energy.

Pei Ji looked cold, took out the wound medicine and cotton cloth she had prepared from the storage bag, and gently lifted the hem of her skirt.

The girl's calf was slender and slender, but at this time, her mouth was red and bloody. He forcibly suppressed the maddening killing intent in his heart, and the knuckles of the medicine bottle turned white.

Ning Ning covered her face, and in the darkness, she noticed that something soft brushed the edge of the wound gently.

She was in great pain because she didn't want Pei Ji to see her plasticine-like twisted features, so she only opened a small gap between her fingers and looked at him quietly between the gaps.

He seemed a little angry, and his brows were furrowed.

But his eyes were clearly mixed with a lot of inexplicable emotions, like a stormy night, the waves in the deep sea surged wildly.

Pei Ji's fingers trembled slightly.

Ning Ning heard his voice, so hoarse that it was almost impossible to hear clearly: "...why help me?"

She was stunned for a moment: "What?"

"You don't have to wait for me here, I—"

His brows were full of sinister expressions, not towards her, but towards himself.

Those few simple words were rolling on the tip of the tongue, and when they finally said it, there was an inexplicable disgust of self-sacrificing: "I have nothing to give you."

Pei Ji really didn't understand.

He is withdrawn and gloomy, and his background is low. Others either keep away from him, or make no secret of mocking him, but Ning Ning is different.

She always approached him with a smile, like everyone around her.

Even if he was taciturn and clumsy, and often Ningning said a lot of things, but could only reply a few words bluntly, she never had a moment of impatient.

As for the holding hands that night, those hasty hugs, and the words she said today—

Why do you always help him, why do you treat him so well.

Pei Ji couldn't figure it out.

It was like he didn't understand why he was so upset that he was going crazy after seeing Ning Ning injured.

"Want to know why?"

After a short silence, a voice that belonged to her suddenly sounded in her ears.

Ning Ning's voice was gentle and clear, and because of her smile, she added a bit of approachable and charming. When Pei Ji heard the sound, she raised her head and actually met her close eyes.

In order to facilitate the application of medicine to the calf, Ning Ning sat on the bed with her knees bent.

At this time, she leaned forward, her chin was against her arm, and her arms were wrapped around her knees, and she was extremely close to him in an instant. When the corners of her lips curled into a smile, light pear eddies floated on her cheeks.

"I don't want anything from you."

Ning Ning said, "Will you be nice to those you hate?"

He shook his head.

"That's right! On the other hand, if you really want to be nice to someone, it must be because—"

Pei Ji pursed her lips indifferently, only he knew that the heartbeat under his chest was maddeningly fast.

He heard Ning Ning say, "Because I like it."

Cheng Ying held back her voice and laughed silently, her entire spiritual body wrapped into a ball.

"You, look."

She seemed a little shy because of the word "like" and buried her chin lightly in her arms.

"There are many kinds of likes in the world, family affection, friendship, teacher-student affection, and the comradeship between the two of us - I will not casually get close to the brothers and sisters around me. The reason why I am willing to help you is because of you. It's Pei Ji."

The dark tide in the bottom of my heart was woven into a secret but turbulent love. Pei Ji was completely stunned by the last few words, and the black color in his black eyes deepened.

"It's you who asked me first, don't say I'm nauseous."

The wound on her leg was still hurting, but Ning Ning forced herself to endure the pain and continued to laugh softly.

The self-loathing in Pei Ji's eyes couldn't be more obvious. She had read the original book and knew what kind of life he lived from childhood to adulthood.

Abandoned by his mother, isolated by his family, and no one who is willing to agree with him appears around, all the values he receives express the same consensus: he is a monster with impure blood and should not be born.

He must be bored with himself from the bottom of his heart, so he separates himself from the world and is obsessed with kendo.

Only when practicing swordsmanship, you don't have to be distracted and take care of other things.

Ning Ning wanted to give him a hand.

Even if her strength is meager, and the cognition that has been ingrained in his heart for many years cannot be easily changed, she still wants to tell Pei Ji.

"Pei Ji is better than many, many others."

Ning Ning said: "If you can be happy without any thanks, I will also feel very happy."

These are words that do not appear in a dream.

Pei Ji couldn't breathe.

Maybe it's because the heart beats too fast and too violently.

How could she... say such a thing nonchalantly.

The young man was silent, because the hairband was loose, and the messy long hair fell quietly in front of his eyes, covering the unknown emotions that gradually rose like dark clouds in his pupils.

Unfamiliar but strong feelings are like vines growing wildly, entwining in circles around the heart, Pei Ji seems to have the answer to the previous question.

About why he was upset because Ningning was injured.

There was a strange, never-before-seen feeling that emerged from the bottom of my heart.

He heard the sound of his heart beating.

"Wow - it hurts! It's a little bit!"

"...I haven't touched the wound yet."

"Wait wait! Let me change your dressing first! There's blood on your shoulders again - what are we two, the disabled help each other?"

This time, Pei Ji responded with a particularly heavy tone: "Fellowship."


When Elder Su Wentang Mu came to the inn, he found that Pei Ji's door was open and not closed.

He knew that this was the door specially reserved for him, and he was about to knock on the door when he saw the scene inside the room through the tiny gap that was open.

Pei Ji closed the window screen, and the room was filled with a thin light as soft as water. The slender teenager sat upright at the head of the bed, his body had been changed into gauze, and on the bed, lay a familiar girl who had fallen asleep quietly.

He recognized that it was Ning Ning from the Xuanxu Sword Sect.

Since Pei Ji's back was facing the door, Elder Mu couldn't see his expression at this time. He only knew that the other party stood by the bedside for a long time without saying a word.

Just as the breeze was blowing, the moment the window screen was blown, it also sent down the light.

In the soft light for a moment, he saw Pei Ji bow gently and lowered his head cautiously.

- The young Jianxiu, who has always been decisive and savage, made a gesture similar to surrender for the first time, leaning over quietly, and quietly lowered his eyelashes.

His eyes were pitch black, and his thin lips were flushed with a peach blossom-like light red.

In the leisurely breeze and sunshine, Pei Ji gently kissed on the girl's bandaged calf.