Miss Cannon Fodder Wants To Escape Death Flags

Chapter 90


"Bone Demon... Is this gone?"

Xu Ye was stunned by this ferocious operation: "This, this is too—"

In fact, if I have to say it, Ningning's strategy is not so high-end and elegant, and it is even too concise and clear.

Who would have thought that a demon with a cultivation base of Nascent Soul would actually be defeated on the ice

But she could not only think of this method, but also did it meticulously and step by step. It was the simplest, but also the most useful.

As expected of the person who once played Niguang Island all over the place, he still does not take the usual path as always.

Xu Ye took a cold breath, secretly glad that he didn't stand on the opposite side of her.

"The cliff below is bottomless, it just slides down like this, it is estimated that it is gone."

This Ning Ning is super strong but overly cautious. Even if the bone demon has a high probability of returning to the west after free fall, he still stares at the end of the river, and seems to be uneasy: "I will go to the edge of the cliff and take a look."

Xu Ye nodded blankly.

Seeing Ning Ning walking further and further, he was stunned when he suddenly heard the rustling sound of clothes rubbing against him. Looking at the sound, only to find that the young man on He Zhizhou's back opened his eyes at some point.

Four eyes facing each other.

The man's face gradually became hideous, his facial features twisted into a twist, and three hoarse words were squeezed out from the depths of his throat: "Xu - drag - uh -"

Xu Ye was so frightened that the branches trembled: "Senior Brother Zhou, spare your life!"

"Good job! Zhou Zhao finally woke up!"

Outside the Xuanjing, not far from the Xuanxujian faction's station, an elder of Wanjianzong slapped his thigh hard, and his words seemed to point to something.

"This child has been careful and tenacious, and now he is about to break through the Golden Core Stage, and his strength is extraordinary. What is playing with cleverness? It's time for some people to see what a real sword cultivator is!"

Tian Xianzi knocked on the melon seeds and let out a dry laugh: "Brother Bamboo Pipe is awake, and using that pipe with Xu Ye shouldn't have been suffocated, right?"

The elder Wanjianzong who faced him at a distance had long been accustomed to the secret rivalry between the two sects. Hearing this, he snorted: "It's useless to just play tricks. Elder Tianxianzi might as well keep your eyes open—"

When he said this, he suddenly closed his mouth with a stern expression. Before Tian Xianzi could stare, his eyeballs were almost squeezed out of his sockets.

Zhou Zhao in the mysterious mirror got down from He Zhizhou's back without hesitation, and said to Xu Ye, holding back the anger in his heart: "Tell me, what kind of bad idea did you come up with? I've fought bone demons for three hundred rounds - eh? Bone demons?"

Xu Ye made this pit miserable enough, and now he can only aggrieved Baba without saying a word. He stretched out his right hand and pointed to the end of the river.

Zhou Zhao didn't see the shadow of the bone demon, he glanced at him in confusion, and took a step forward without thinking much.

Just stepping on the ice of the river.

Xu Ye: "Wait!"

He Zhizhou: "No!"

The two voices were caught in the throat, and before the two could finish speaking, the white-robed swordsman who had a temperamental temperament on the ice took the first step.

Before he was carried by He Zhizhou, there were many snowflakes on his feet.

As we all know, snow melts and turns into water.

Just as Zhou Zhao heard the sound and looked back, the plum blossom bloomed for the second time.

At this time, Ning Ning on the edge of the cliff finished his investigation and turned around with relief.

Then the smile instantly froze.

Who can tell her why that stranger who she had never met suddenly lay in the river, spinning around like a bowling ball, repeating... Carp hits hard

Zhou Zhao's hands and feet were slipping, and when his hands and feet were flying around, he actually jumped out of the floor movement in the street dance, and when he stretched his legs, it was a 720-degree Thomas spin.

Xu Ye was so frightened that he hurried forward to help him. Unexpectedly, as soon as he stretched out his right hand, he was grabbed by the opponent forcefully and rushed forward uncontrollably.

So the two of them slid back and forth hand in hand, bared their teeth and swayed, and danced a pair of tap dances together.

Tian Xianzi looked at it and laughed like a little piglet who was about to breathe: "My God, what a dancer fighting for hegemony. Is this the sword repairer?"

Wan Jianzong Elder: …

The elder Wan Jianzong held down the middle of the crowd and patted the shoulders of the colleagues next to him: "Water... Give me a glass of water."


"This is Senior Brother Zhou Zhao, Jin Dan is complete."

After finally leaving the ice, Xu Ye walked forward with his head bowed in grievances, while introducing the identities of several people present in turn, when he caught sight of Zhou Zhao's dull gray eyes, he shrank in a conditioned reflex.

"It turned out to be fellow Daoist Ning Ning."

Zhou Zhao seemed to have been severely beaten, and he kept his face paralyzed with eyes and eyes, and he could compete with the robot male protagonist in a youth idol drama with poor acting skills: "I have heard a lot about Ning Daoyou's deeds, and I have always thought about it. I'll have a fight with you. Hehe."

These two dry "hehe" didn't show the slightest smile, Ning Ning's back was numb, and he always felt that they should not appear here and now. If Brother Zhou attended the funeral of his nemesis one day, this tone would be quite right. Suitable.

She drew a polite smile from the corner of her mouth and asked curiously, "The two of you came earlier than us. I wonder if you have found anything?"

Xu Ye wilted like a delicate flower: "Senior Brother Zhou and I walked all the way, except for those few orchids, we didn't see anything useful."

According to Xu Ye, the two of them were fortunate enough to find the precious spirit plant drinking blood orchid at the foot of a mountain. They planned to pack it and take it away, but unexpectedly met with love at the corner of the bone demon. When they were defeated, they had no choice but to flee in a panic.

And now, it was Xu Ye who led the crowd to the place where the blood-drinking orchid was located.

"Daoyou Ning, Daoyou He."

Zhou Zhao said: "I will not participate in the division of the blood-drinking orchid. I also ask the two of you to hold your hands high and forget what happened on the ice just now. If you can keep the secret, you are my reborn father and mother."

Ning Ning choked.

Your father and mother are so easy to recognize, so spineless.

"Blood-drinking orchid."

He Zhizhou touched his chin: "I heard that this kind of flower is very rare, it only grows in places with deep resentment, and uses the blood of hundreds of people as nourishment - what happened in this place to grow such evil. stuff?"

"Just looking at the environment here, it doesn't seem right."

Ning Ning raised her head and looked up at Xu Yu, frowned by the dead aura condensed everywhere.

The deeper you go, the darker the sky gets.

At first, the dark clouds were just light-colored cotton wool, pressing heavily on the sky, and the faint sunlight fell silently from the gaps, like inconspicuous gold shavings, and shattered into an extremely shallow halo when they fell to the ground.

Immediately, the black ink dipped the clouds a little, and the eyes were full of dull dark gray. The outlines of the clouds were blurred and intertwined, just like the mountains that were layered and indistinguishable, hanging heavily under the sky.

The withered old trees around them have different shapes. At first glance, they look like countless sharp claws waiting to grab their souls. In the darkening surrounding environment, the black fog-like deadness was reflected, making it even more uncomfortable.

The foot of the mountain mentioned by Xu Ye was not far from the river, and the group quickly arrived at their destination.

The whole body of the blood-drinking orchid is dark red, like layers of blood stains coagulated on the petals and rhizomes. Ning Ning picked one flower and smelled it carefully, but what lingered on the tip of her nose was not the dull fishy smell, but the elegant and sweet orchid fragrance.


Zhou Zhao frowned and said, "First, there are bone demons formed from the energy of death, and then there is this cluster of orchids that eat blood... It stands to reason that where they are there, there must be many bones and bones, but why do we only see boundless snow. ?"

"Since the demons in the Demon Refinement Tower are real, it seems that monsters that can kill so many people are rare, right?"

Xu Ye shuddered: "Just a bone demon is enough. How terrible is the culprit that caused all these tragedies? Is it really only fifty floors here?"

Ning Ning put the blood drinking orchid into the storage bag: "The area we have explored is very small, and if we go further, we will definitely discover more. Have you noticed? Death and magic are getting stronger and stronger. ."

She said it well.

In addition to the increasingly dark and gloomy sky, the surrounding dark fog is also getting thicker and thicker. The air is filled with the smell of rot, and the black smoke gathers and disperses with the cold wind, like a ghost floating in the air, sometimes it even seems to have an entity, and it is heavy on the chest, making people unable to breathe.

"Going forward, the danger is likely to be far beyond our imagination."

He Zhizhou gently brushed off a snowflake from the tip of his nose, and said in a serious tone, "I suggest that we go and have a look first. If we find it too hard to resist, it's not too late to leave this tower."

Zhou Zhao heard that there was a fight, his eyes as dim as a rag doll immediately lit up, and he clenched the hilt of his sword and responded, "I agree! It is impossible to run, and even a little devil dares to be presumptuous here, and he must be beaten. Seven in and seven out!"

- His chance to save face has finally arrived!

As soon as Zhou Zhao finished speaking, he heard Xu Ye shouting loudly beside him: "Look, what is that!"

Ning Ning also noticed the difference and made a defensive gesture subconsciously.

They were in the vast sea of snow, the sun was hidden, the mountains were hidden, and the peaks that rose from the ground cast shadows. Among the snowflakes, black fog and shadows, in the chaos with extremely low visibility, several figures appeared silently.

When those "people" walked, their bodies were hunched over, and their bodies seemed to have little strength. When they dragged their legs forward slowly, they looked a bit like walking corpses in horror movies.

When they gradually approached, she finally saw the appearance of the visitor.

It was a few soldiers in rotten armor, all their clothes were stained with shocking blood, and they were covered with stab wounds and burn marks.

And their bodies turned out to be completely devoid of flesh and blood, with only the bones left, and they raised their heads abruptly when they sensed the breath of strangers.

Murder suddenly appeared.

Ning Ning clenched the sword in his hand.

"It's a bone puppet!"

He Zhizhou did not live up to the room full of miscellaneous books he bought, and immediately exclaimed: "I heard that human corpses are infected with strong demonic energy, and they will degenerate into monsters that are not human or ghosts... But it is possible to do this. Demon, how come you are also in the Spirit Transformation stage!"


It is on the same level or even higher than the elders of the various sects.

Bone Puppet sensed the breath of the living, and the slow and slow movement suddenly stopped. After an extremely short stunned moment, a thin black mist appeared in the eye sockets.

Immediately, like a puppet with a string, the joints moved violently.

Xu Ye drew his sword out of the scabbard: "They are here!"

The Bone Puppet is much faster than the Bone Demon, but in the blink of an eye, it deceives itself at an astonishing speed.

Ning Ning hid in time, but He Zhizhou beside him was unlucky. The tail of his hair just brushed lightly with Sen Bai's sharp claws, and it was instantly cut off in the wind.

Their strength is beyond imagination, but in any case, the predecessor of the bone puppet is only a mortal with meager spiritual energy.

Ning Ning's sword was very fast, and when the long sword hit the pale skeleton, the surging sword energy spread like thunder, making a loud noise. The bones shattered in response, turned into powder in an instant, and melted into the snow.

The battle ended quickly, and He Zhizhou felt lingering fears when he touched the chopped ends of his hair: "It's so dangerous, so dangerous, how can this thing bite people like a mad dog?"

"Not good."

With a bitter face, Xu Ye squatted on the ground and stared at the skeleton: "What kind of monster is imprisoned in this tower? Just relying on the magical energy it exudes, such a powerful bone puppet can be cultivated... There are really five The tenth floor?"

He paused, then asked curiously, "Ningning, what are you doing?"

"The demons imprisoned here have all been suppressed by major sects. This person should have been severely injured and his cultivation base has been greatly damaged, so he is on the fiftyth floor."

Ning Ning leaned over and lowered her head, carefully groping through the clothes of the various bone puppets, but she didn't seem to find anything useful, showing a somewhat miserable look: "I want to see if there is anything on them that can prove their identity and time, Used to determine the identity of the monster."

As soon as she finished speaking, her arms suddenly stiffened, and a bright color appeared in her eyes: "Ah."

Xu Ye was even more curious: "What did you find?"

He looked down and saw a token in the little girl's jade-like hand.

The token was stained with blood, and it was difficult to distinguish the engraved words. Xu Ye frowned and looked intently, and slowly read out the two vague words: "Jian-Shen?"

This time He Zhizhou couldn't sit still: "Jiancha?!"

Zhou Zhao also twitched the corners of his eyes: "Isn't it, Jian Cha? Isn't the one in this tower—"

Ning Ning knew very little about the past and past events in the cultivation world. Hearing this, he was confused and asked, "What is the sword brake?"

"Jiancha, it was an army during the battle between the Immortals and Demons."

Knowing her identity, He Zhizhou immediately explained patiently and couldn't hide the complicated emotions in his eyes when he spoke: "The reason why it was formed is to deal with the shadow demon, one of the demon kings."

Ning Ning nodded and listened to him continue: "The shadow demon has a high cultivation base, is willing to kill, and there are many demon soldiers under the seat. The most troublesome thing is that it has no entity in itself, just a demon breath with deep resentment, and ordinary means are fundamental. Can't beat it."

He Zhizhou scratched his head and sighed angrily: "At that time, the war was coming to an end, and both Xianmen and the demon world suffered heavy casualties. Due to the scarcity of monks, in order to resist the demon soldiers, mortals formed an army named 'Jiancha'. '."

Xu Ye added in a low voice: "Actually, it's almost like dying."

"Fortunately, the sword brakes held off the magic tide, which bought the time for the elders to set up a thousand light returning to the original formation on the top of Qiongshan - Shadow Demon Fear Light, I heard that only strong light can make it slightly stronger. Cut back some."

He Zhizhou did not refute Xu Ye's muttering, and continued to say in a deep voice: "The power of mortals is so small, and after the war, Jian Cha is indeed... the entire army has been wiped out."

Therefore, these demonized bone puppets are actually soldiers who fought against the demons back then.

"The Shadow Demon is actually imprisoned on the 50th floor, which is too, too—"

Zhou Zhao is a straight-talker, kicking a puddle of snow on the enclave: "Isn't this cheating!"

"Don't worry, its strength is greatly reduced, and it is definitely not as good as it was in the past."

Ning Ning put the token in the storage bag and looked up at the vast snow field in the distance.

It turned out to be called Qiongshan.

The snowflakes in the sky are getting bigger and bigger, as if it will never stop, and the road in the distance is engulfed by black air, like the abyss opened by a giant beast, just waiting for its prey to fall into its own snare.

... But whether it was self-inflicted or not, no one can say until the last moment.

Ning Ning said softly, "Let's go further, shall we?"


This long road is a gradual change from day to night.

With each step forward, the surrounding scenery becomes darker and bloodier.

Ning Ning kept moving forward in the snow and fog, and unexpectedly saw several translucent figures on the side of the road. It seemed that they were soldiers who were alive back then. As if the war had not yet happened, they were talking to each other or walking slowly in the snow. Forward.

"That's 'spiritual reading'."

He Zhizhou explained carefully: "When a person who has passed away has a very strong idea of something, it will leave such a phantom, which is equivalent to the reappearance of the memory at that time."

Ning Ning suddenly said "Oh", this thing is equivalent to the brain waves of the cultivation world.

Passing through the phantoms that appeared from time to time, when the rotten and dead aura became stronger and stronger, when Ning Ning couldn't help taking the Turtle Breath Pill, everyone finally came to the end of Qiongshan.

On their side is the plain silver and white made of snow.

And as far as the eyes can see, it is foggy and pitch black.

Countless bone puppets hovered above the snow, and the density was like a group of black ants that gathered into pieces.

Surrounded by layers of bone puppets, in the narrow shadow between the two adjacent mountains, an irregular black shadow is suspended.

Compared with the spreading dead aura, the jet-black color around the Shadow Demon is much richer.

It was bigger than Ning Ning imagined, almost as high as an entire building, wrapped in invisible and visible dark gold chains, and roared from nowhere, causing the snow to fall suddenly on the mountain.

The wriggling huge black shadow is like a black hole that can swallow all the light, exuding the breath of death and ominous. Even if other people just look at it from a distance, they can feel stuffy because of the strong coercion and demonic pressure.

Suddenly the shadow moved slightly.

After the four of them retracted the boulder together, they retreated wildly in a tacit understanding.

"No, no, no! My God, have you felt that coercion?"

Zhou Zhao fought back and forth, and slapped his chest: "And the group of bone puppets surrounding it—with that number, if they attack us in a hurry, we won't even think about returning to the sect alive!"

Although Jian Xiu is aggressive, he is not stupid. In the face of an opponent who is obviously disparate in strength, it is inevitable that it will not be possible to recklessly and forcefully.

Xu Ye's face was also pale: "Why do I think it is still very strong? What kind of strength is Shadow Demon now, Jindan or Yuanying?"

He Zhizhou glanced at him: "Judging from that coercion, the middle stage of Nascent Soul."

Painful realization.

The three of them all showed expressions of indescribable expressions.

"Hey, Ningning."

He Zhizhou didn't hear Ning Ning's voice. After speaking, he glanced to the side and saw her with her head lowered, looking at the broken piece of paper: "What are you looking at? Martial arts secrets?"

Ning Ning shook his head and handed him the piece of paper.

He Zhizhou took it and whispered aloud.

"You are the moon on the horizon, the fragrance of flowers in front of the house, the first swallow that falls on my window in spring.

If you want to ask me how much I love you, just like a bird loves the blue sky, a pond fish loves clear water, and a butterfly cannot do without the fragrance of flowers, I would like to perch on your branches—ahhh! What a goofy thing this is! "

He got goosebumps all over, and before he finished reading it, he returned it to Ning Ning, his face wrinkled into a bitter gourd: "Which little boy wrote you a love letter? Why is there only half left?"

Ning Ning still shook his head, his voice was very soft: "It's a letter I found on a soldier, it should be written to the girl he likes."

Since she learned the truth, she gave up the title of "bone puppet" and called the dead monsters "soldier".

He Zhizhou was stunned and stopped talking.

Ning Ning carefully put the letter into the storage bag, and a shallow thought crossed her mind.

Too bad he didn't watch it.

After the goosebumps, the man wrote carefully, stroke by stroke:

[You always say that I am timid and cowardly, which is true. I never dared to tell you these truths, and I blush when I wrote it.

Please forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye.

When the demons come to the world, all the people are in danger, we can only stand up and save the world in case.

The common people are big, and the common people are only a mayfly in the ocean. Although their abilities are meager, it is better than escaping and hiding.

I never lie, you are the moon in my heart.

The moon should hang in the sky without wind and waves. ]

He Zhizhou said that the power of mortals is so small, so the destruction of the sword brake is inevitable.

But Ningning didn't think so.

The soldiers of that year knew that there was no life ahead, but they still gathered on the battlefield, dedicated to serving the common people, paving the way for the monks with flesh and blood, and turning the tide of the battle.

Although they are mortals, they also possess unparalleled determination and strength.

But up to now, those who have faith in their hearts and vow to defeat the tide of magic have themselves become monsters spurned by thousands of people, wandering in the dark abyss of the endless snowy sea, never seeing the light of the sky.

It's really unfair to think about it, what's that.

The snow fell one after another, and in the silence, Ning Ning suddenly said, "Are you interested in trying to fight a dozen shadow demons with me?"

This sentence was like a thunderclap, and Zhou Zhao's eyes widened in an instant: "Are you crazy? That was the big devil that made the entire cultivation world feel terrified back then!"

Ning Ning's face did not change: "But it is only at the mid-level of Nascent Soul now."

Zhou Zhao sucked in a breath of cold air: "That's also the middle stage of Nascent Soul!"

He really didn't understand, where did she get the courage to say such words in such a plain tone.

The demons in the middle stage of Nascent Soul were accompanied by such a dense group of bone puppets. With their current cultivation level, let alone defeating it, I am afraid it would be difficult to even get close!

"You think, the 50th floor is just between the golden core and the Nascent Soul, and the shadow demon on this floor should be the strongest evil that can be killed within our ability. In other words, It's the highest score we can get."

Ning Ning said leisurely: "If you don't try, you don't want to win a good ranking in the ten methods? What's more, even if it fails, it is locked in place by a chain, and we can still take the opportunity to escape."

These words are well-founded, and there is a little temptation, Xu Ye swallowed after listening: "But the four of us, can we really defeat it?"

Ning Ning smiled.

There was very little light in the silent snowfield, and a snowflake fell from the tip of her nose, reflecting the pale whiteness on the girl's face.

She raised her finger and pointed to her head, and a bright color appeared in her eyes: "I have a solution."