Miss Cannon Fodder Wants To Escape Death Flags

Chapter 91


"Huh? Ningning, they are going to challenge the Shadow Demon?"

Lin Qian came to hear the wind, holding a big white rabbit in his hand: "If I remember correctly, the Shadow Demon should be at the level of the Nascent Soul, right? Can a group of them do it?"

"That little girl seems bound to win."

Tian Xianzi leaned back on the wooden chair and looked away from the mysterious mirror. He didn't know where he was looking from a distance. When he said this, he suddenly chuckled: "The battle of Qiongshan... I still remember it."

Lin Qian nodded and raised her eyebrows, "After all, Elder Tianxian is also one of the people who set up the formation."

Back then, the war was imminent, and people everywhere in the world were struggling to live. In order to subdue the Shadow Demon as soon as possible, the elders of the various sects set up the Thousand Light Returning Yuan Formation in Qiongshan, supplemented by the vertical and horizontal sword qi, and they finally hit it hard when the two intersected.

In order to prevent the aura from spreading to the world, the head of Kunshan incorporated the entire Qiongshan Mountain into the mustard seed world and stored it in the Demon Refining Pagoda. If you have any regrets...

Lin Qian turned to look at Xuanjing. In the picture, Ning Ning was leaning against the tall and straight mountain wall, staring at the spirits left by the soldiers.

The strong thoughts of the deceased can be accommodated by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the fragments in the memory are projected over and over again. The untouchable shadow is called "spiritual thoughts".

There are so many warriors who sacrificed in Qiongshan, and the strong mentality remains in the closed space of the Demon Refinement Tower, which cannot be dissipated or weakened. Of course, many phantoms have been formed, and they have appeared from time to time in the heavy snow.

Lin Qian's eyes dimmed a little, and she didn't make a sound.

The only regret in the battle of Qiongshan was the common people who sacrificed their lives to help each other. In the overwhelming tide of magic, they were unable to resist and almost annihilated the entire army.

That memory was too far away, she thought she would gradually forget it, but now that she recalled it, it was vivid in her mind.

Both the comprehension world and the orthodox army suffered heavy casualties. The team called "Jiancha" was composed of civilians from all over the world.

Among them were men and women, butchers, scholars, and martial arts masters. I heard that there were even several brothel servants, and they were so tired all day and night that they complained.

At the beginning, Qiongshan's death energy was soaring, and it was necessary to collect the demon tower as soon as possible, and the elders were exhausted, and they didn't even have a chance to collect the corpses for the soldiers.

Lin Qian's eyelashes drooped slightly as she quietly stared at the picture in the profound mirror.

I don't know today... if they can succeed.

"Qiongshan back then wasn't like this, was it?"

After a long silence, she said again: "Qiong Mountain is like a jade, and the top of the mountain is the most suitable for watching the sunset and sunrise."

Ji Yunkai propped his chin in his hand and yawned: "The demonic energy is raging, it is inevitable."

He said absent-mindedly, and raised a sarcastic smile from the corner of his mouth: "The shadow demon is ugly, if you can't see the light, you have to make it invisible to others. I remember that it has the ability to swallow the sky and cover the sun, and it has the will to fight. The stronger it is, the darker it will be, and the colder the weather will be, and it will be chilling to the bone when there is a fierce battle... For those children, it is not a good weather."

"I have ten percent confidence in Ning Ning."

Tian Xianzi grinned: "Should we make a bet?"


Ji Yunkai stuffed a piece of jujube candy into his mouth, and raised his light-moon-shaped eyebrows: "Everyone present, I'm afraid they don't want to see her fail."


Inside the Demon Refining Pagoda, He Zhizhou shivered from the freezing temperature.

Since the battle plan was negotiated with Ning Ning, Xu Ye and Zhou Zhao gathered together to discuss for a long time, and finally came to the conclusion:

Although I can't figure it out or understand, according to Ning Ning's serious description, this method seems to be quite useful.

Of course, the premise is that her "serious description" is true.

"Why, are you still looking at the spirits left by those soldiers?"

Seeing her fascinated, He Zhizhou walked up to Ning Ning with a bit of curiosity: "The reason why you insist on defeating the Shadow Demon is because of that letter?"

Ning Ning, with his hands behind his back, frowned in the freezing cold as he leaned against the mountain wall.

"Of course the score to kill it is also an important factor. We can't be free wage earners."

She leaned the back of her head against the stone wall and said calmly: "I just think that if those soldiers who slaughtered demons gave up their lives and gave everything, they would end up being the ones they hated the most..."

"how to say."

Ning Ning said: "I'm not a fairy or a hero, which makes people feel very uncomfortable."

He Zhizhou smiled.

When he rarely restrained his expression, at this time a pair of dark eyes quietly settled down, and Jun Xiu's eyebrows reflected the snow: "The battle between the immortals and demons was so tragic back then, and the number of good people who could not end in a good way is too many to count."

Neither of them had experienced that time, and they could only glimpse old things through the mouths of others.

Rivers of blood and bones all over the place are all old words that I have heard many times. Until today I saw the scenery of Qiongshan with my own eyes, and it was the first time that I felt the cruelty and despair.

"It's no wonder that the world has such a big prejudice against the Demon Race."

He Zhizhou sighed: "An enemy that is undeniable."

Ning Ning was fascinated by the wind and snow, and somehow suddenly thought of Pei Ji.

He was born at the end of the Immortal Demon War, when people hated the demon cultivators the most.

In such a long childhood, how did he spend the day after day with the bloodline that everyone hated.

She didn't dare to think deeply, just thinking about it so shallowly would make her heart feel stuffy subconsciously.


Ning Ning put Lingsan's messy thoughts behind her, stood up straight, and raised her voice slightly: "Are you ready?"


Xu Ye geared up, his eyes lit up: "If Senior Sister Su knows that I defeated the Shadow Demon... eh, eh, eh."

Zhou Zhao glanced at him with "no promise" clearly written in his eyes, and looked at Ning Ning very seriously.

"I don't want any honor in this battle, I would like to give you all the credit - but please keep that secret on the ice, dear mother."

... In the end, you even called "Dear Mother" without hesitation, even more useless than Xu Ye! She's a young girl, so she doesn't want such a son of five and three rough!

"This confrontation is very dangerous. Everyone, be careful and don't fight."

This group of teammates didn't seem to be very reliable, Ning Ning said with a forehead: "If we lose the match, we will run away immediately. The teammates are birds of the same forest, and they will fly separately when disaster strikes."

This sentence has a very visual sense. Due to the strong sense of substitution, He Zhizhou already felt that he was defeated by the Shadow Demon, and that he was defeated and fled.

"No matter what the outcome is, I will do my best."

Ning Ning stretched out her right palm forward, and two small pear vortexes smiled on her cheeks: "Everyone, come on, let's take down the fifty floors completely."

He Zhizhou's blood boiled, and he put it on the back of her hand: "Come on! Our journey is the sea of stars!"

Xu Ye took a deep breath: "Senior sister, I, I can do it!"

Zhou Zhao finally covered his hands: "For the sake of my respected father and mother, I wish you two endless long lives."

Ning Ning:…

So stop calling!


Shadow Demon has the power to swallow light and heat, and the place where he lives is as dark as night. In the spreading death fog and demonic energy, he can only feel the deep cold and suffocation.

"Although we can rely on the Turtle Breath Pill to temporarily avoid the attacks of those bone puppets," He Zhizhou probed his head and lowered his voice, "But once the shadow demon is alerted, it can also manipulate the bone puppets to attack us."

Zhou Zhao blew a strand of black hair that fell down, stretched out his thumb and pointed at his chest twice: "Wan Jianzong's strength is absolutely nothing to say - Xu Ye and I can definitely stop them."

For them, shadow demons and bone puppets like Corpse Mountain are huge threats.

After some discussion, it was decided that Ning Ning and Zhou Zhao, who had the highest level of cultivation, would deal with Shadow Demon and Bone Puppet respectively, and He Zhizhou and Xu Ye would divide the work to assist.

In the face of the dark Lingtian giant shadow, it would be a lie to say that he is not nervous. Ning Ning took a deep breath, barely stabilized her pounding heart, and looked at the three next to her in turn: "Let's start."

Zhou Zhao deeply implemented the erratic machismo in his heart and insisted on taking the lead and walking at the forefront. Ning Ning followed behind him, holding her breath, quietly passing through the surging and dense bone puppets.

The heavy snow seemed to fall down like goose feathers, and even in such a dark environment, it still reflected an unusually bleak white.

As for the two cliffs and mountains next to the Shadow Demon, because they were covered with snowflakes, they were like two white ghosts floating silently in the dark night.

There was no noise around, only the tragic whistling of the gust of wind swept past his ears without interruption. Surrounded by bone puppets, Ning Ning was inexplicably reminded of the whimpering of a seriously ill person before they died.

The shadow demon's huge shadow was about to move, as if he was aware of it, he squirmed and let out a low throat.

- Immediately, a howling wind blew up, and after a very short silence, Manshan Bone Puppet moved in response!

The mighty army rushed in, Zhou Zhao twitched the corners of his mouth with black lines on his face, and pulled out his long sword from his waist.

In an instant, the sword light overflowed, like a blade tearing the boundless darkness.

"Let these guys go to us."

There was a smile in his words, and the sword energy was as fierce as fire, bursting with hot air, and forcefully repelled several bone puppets who were trying to get close: "The shadow demons will ask you two."

Ning Ning replied hurriedly, and also drew his sword out of the sheath, and in the slamming sound of the blade and the bones, he and He Zhizhou rushed forward.

They came here with the help of the Turtle Breath Pill, and they were very close to the Shadow Demon, and the surging bone tide behind them was stopped by the Wan Jianzong two.

Shadow Demon is particularly sensitive to breath, Pang Ran's body struggled to turn to her position, the turbid giant shadow moved suddenly, and several slender shadows broke free from the chains and attacked her!

Those shadows were like poisonous snakes spitting out letters, full of suffocating melancholy demonic energy. When they passed the mountainside, they set off continuous snow waves, mixed with strong winds and flying sand.

Ning Ning put all the spiritual energy on the sword, and when the sword was blocked, the black shadow was suddenly cut off by the snow-white sword light.

The half-dangling demon trembled violently as if it were going mad, and the chains rattled loudly. Ning Ning clenched his teeth and shivered.

"The Shadow Demon is angry."

Ji Yunkai said: "The temperature will get lower and lower... If we can't defeat them as soon as possible, I'm afraid they will freeze to death in the demon refining tower."

What he said was true.

The moment the Shadow Demon roared, the temperature on Qiongshan dropped sharply. The dense snowflakes almost filled the entire sky, and in the vast darkness, embellished with eerie white.

It didn't take long for the temperature to drop below what she could bear.

- but not enough.

"Strange, what exactly is she going to do?"

Qu Feiqing from Niguang Island next door also came to join the scene, frowning when she saw this: "I see her posture, it seems that she has been passively blocking. It's not good for this to continue."

Tian Xianzi touched his chin: "She should be waiting."

"Wait for what?"

Even the elders of Wanjianzong couldn't help but interjected and asked, "Wait until the snow covers the mountains and it's so cold that people can freeze to death?"

Ji Yunkai lay on the table and watched intently. Hearing this, he laughed loudly, "Maybe it's true."

Inside the Demon Refinement Tower, Ning Ning was still fighting with layers of shadows, but He Zhizhou, who was supposed to be by his side, disappeared.

He Zhizhou said before that this monster has no entity, and it is difficult to kill it by ordinary methods. Now it seems to be the case, even if the outstretched shadow is chopped one by one, it can always quickly give birth to new shadows as fillings.

It's hard enough.

It was getting colder and colder around her, and she could feel her lips trembling involuntarily, and a gust of magical breath swept through the wind, which was like a hurricane, sending her flying into the air in one fell swoop.

Suddenly, He Zhizhou's voice sounded in his ears: "Ningning!"

She was so cold, her voice was hoarse as never before, she heard the sound and drew her sword, took a shallow breath: "I know!"

The sky is snowing, and the night is vast.

In the boundless darkness, Ning Ning concentrated his energy, the majestic spiritual power was like a broken bamboo, and the sword light suddenly rose, but in a blink of an eye, a surging wave of white light was set off.

- The long sword hummed like a dragon, and in the blizzard, it gathered into several ice walls in the blizzard. The ice wave flies into the sky, the sword shadow is like a rainbow, and the slender girl swings the sword.

A giant sword suddenly appeared in the snowy sky behind her.

Followed by the second and third.

Zhen Xiao made a rare voice: "Wan Jian Jue. Could it be that she wants to... "

In the mirror, there are already three long swords lying in the air above, the sword light is like a star, and Ning Ning frowned, the star-scarred sword draws a subtle arc—

Those three giant swords burst into a dazzling trend, and at the end of the sky, there were once again a few lines of white like a galaxy!

"This is… "

Lin Qian was taken aback for a moment, "The difference between Wanjian Jue and Jianguang?! It's very difficult to use only one of them based on her cultivation level. How can you—"

"She is fighting with all her strength."

Tian Xianzi restrained his expression: "But it's still not enough."

The differentiation of the sword light pays attention to the method of separation and separation, the sword shadow is heavy, and the white light is vertical and horizontal, but even so, it is not enough to deal with the shadow demon.

The temperature has reached the end of its capacity.

Ning Ning swallowed the fishy sweetness in his throat, and said hoarsely, "He Zhizhou!"

As soon as the voice fell, a loud noise without warning sounded in the profound mirror—

The two snow-capped mountains beside the Shadow Demon were slammed by a huge force, and snowflakes fell in an instant.

"It's He Zhizhou."

Qu Feiqing's heart also raised: "His hand... seems to be holding Zhang Fengfu."

Just now, He Zhizhou attacked the mountain with sword energy, but it did not cause a violent avalanche like he did with the bone demon before.

Because the wind talisman was attached to the sword, the heavy snow that fell one after another flew into the sky and swirled in the gust of wind.

To everyone's surprise, an extremely strange scene was formed on Qiongshan.

The temperature continued to drop, and the blizzard that fell from the sky almost filled the entire space. Looking around, it was a piece of white snow. If you look closely, there are little snow particles flying in the strong wind.

The entire field of vision is pure white.

Suddenly, a bright light passed through the layered fog and the vast snowflakes, like a sharp sword, piercing the chaotic dark tide.

The second, the third...

Countless chaotic sword lights poured down, piercing the shadow demon's huge body together, and between the snow waves—


Rao Shitian Xianzi was also slightly stunned, and all the attention was attracted by the picture in the mysterious mirror: "What's going on?"

The elders naturally do not understand what "diffuse reflection of light" is.

Why is snow white.

Not because of the so-called "forgetting its original color", but because snowflakes are composed of many grains, and light is difficult to penetrate and can only be reflected. When it reflects light of all colors, it naturally becomes the purest white.

Therefore, in the vast snowy day, the sky is equivalent to a large number of reflectors floating in the sky. There are incoming and outgoing light in all directions and angles, just like a mirror, which diffuses the light in all directions.

And when the temperature drops sharply and the sky is full of snowflakes, it is also the time when the diffuse reflection is at its strongest.

In the same way, the heavy dark clouds in the sky used to cover the sun have intensified the reflection of light, condensing the sword light under one side of the sky.

- Shadow Demon used to restrict the opponent's strength, but in the end, it became its most vulnerable handle.

As a result, the snow was blowing, the cold current surged wildly, and the sword energy was turbulent, and the white light made a big splash.

The snowflakes in the entire sky were covered with a layer of gentle whiteness, and then the light gradually spread to the dim and dull mountain tops, the vast snowfields, and the horizon swallowed by dark clouds.

Strings of fine white light rose up from the girl's sword body, and the top of Qiongshan was like daytime for a while.

I have been away from the day for too many years.

Ning Ning was secretly concentrating, and the few soldiers who had seen in the snow before coming here for no reason came to mind.

They still retained the appearance of their lives, with different ages and different identities, but they put on military uniforms together on Qiongshan and held a long chat with the wine jar.

"I was born with no ambitions. I have lived for more than 30 years, and I am just a pig-killer."

A man of five or three thick said: "I live at the foot of this mountain. I have a son and a daughter at home. They are very cute. I'm not afraid of your jokes. In fact, I came here for selfishness. God listens to some chivalrous words, I have been useless all my life, if someone asks them what kind of person their father is - say killing pigs? No, no face."

He said and took a sip of wine, unable to see what he was thinking: "It's good now! They can pat their chests and say, hey, my dad is a big hero!"

"I-I'm just a student, and I was admitted to a scholar the year before last."

The weak and weak young man next to the man took over the conversation: "Actually, I don't like to study, and I want to join the army. I came here today because I want to do something for the world... Although it doesn't seem to be useful."

Someone shouted: "Can a scholar get a wife?"

The man's face turned red at once: "Not yet. I, I, I... I plan to go to her house to propose marriage in person after the war is over."

"I heard that it is his childhood sweetheart!"

The man next to him smiled and said, "The scholar also wrote a letter to that girl—hey, can you read it to us?"

So the young man scratched his ears and pulled out a letter from his arms, poured a mouthful of daring wine into his mouth, and coughed.

He said: "Miss Ye, although I grew up with you in the opposite door since I was a child, I never said a few words to you. You always say that I am timid, and what I said today is true, please don't make jokes.

You will never think that someone secretly likes you for many years. Every time I see you, I can't help but blush. "

He was originally smiling with a red face.

She smiled and laughed, but tears could not help falling, and she couldn't speak anymore.

Ning Ning knew what he would say next.

He will talk about the moon on the horizon, the fragrance of flowers in front of the house, that girl is like the first swallow that falls on his window in spring, and he likes her so so much.

He will also talk about the greatness of the world, mortals are like mayflies in the sea, please forgive him for leaving without saying goodbye, I am afraid that there will be no time to meet again.

This timid young man had been cowardly all his life, but at the end of his life, he finally became brave again.

If the girl really heard it, she would definitely laugh and joke: "Ah, it's so numb."

But these soldiers are destined to have no chance of surviving.

This love letter will never reach the girl's hands.

"You said," someone asked, "can other people know what we did in Qiongshan today? In the future... will anyone remember our names?"

"That's all in the future and has nothing to do with us."

The black-clothed girl laughed loudly and wiped the sword brake token in her hand: "The battle of Qiongshan is worthy of the heaven and earth, worthy of the heart, that is enough. I am in the world, how can it be a place where the demons are raging."

No shame, no shame.

Ning Ning looked down and saw that the bone puppet was mighty, and the magic was surging.

How did those high-spirited people in those days look like this.

How can it become like this.

The snow was bright, and the bone puppets stopped abruptly, looking up from their empty eyes, unable to see their emotions.

The Shadow Demon struggled violently and roared, and his cultivation dropped sharply.

Yuanying middle period.

Nascent Soul Double.

After that-

critical point.

It's now!

Ning Ning's pupils shrank suddenly, and the sword light burst out in an instant, and the nine floating lightsabers were surrounded by—

In the bright colors as bright as day, he suddenly pierced into the body of the demon!

The whining bursts, and the death is raging. The huge black shadow twisted into a ball in extreme pain, and its figure gradually faded into a fleeting blue smoke.

The bone puppets raised their heads blankly, and the turbid demonic energy in their eyes dissipated silently.

They—they were finally no longer demon-driven dead.

The dark clouds covering the entire sky are surging, and the sword energy as bright as water pulls out the splendid nebula as beautiful as the Milky Way.

A familiar voice sounded in her ears, and on the top of the distant mountain, through the misty snow, she saw several translucent figures.

It is the spirit that remains here.

The tall and thin young man made his hands in the shape of a trumpet, and summoned up his courage to shout, "I-I want to marry Miss Ye!"

The woman beside him had her hips on her hips, and her voice was as clear as an oriole: "I want to save the people and be a hero!"

I don't know who is laughing: "You are a little girl, what kind of hero - oh, why do you still beat people!"

Then the sound became more and more mixed, as the snowflakes fell one after another. Ning Ning listened intently, but everything around him gradually blurred and became unclear.

Suddenly, a warm yellow color overflowed from the clouds. She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, took a breath after a long absence, and raised her head.

The snow was still falling, but much smaller than before.

At the end of the long night, the sun pierced the entire sky.

"Look, the sun is out!"

On the top of the mountain, the girl who wanted to be a hero shouted:

"Sunrise at Qiongshan - good - beautiful - ah!"