
Chapter 62


It only took more than ten seconds from when Tang Qi and the others fell to the time when the door was reopened during the monsoon.

It is impossible for them to reopen a door and leave in such a short period of time, much less leave when the monsoon rains are thrown, but where did they go

During the rainy season, I thought of the task mode - Rubik's Cube.

He observed the room below and found that there was also a small ball suspended in the air of that room, the color of which was the same as the room he was in, both red. In addition, a silver-white ladder appeared below the open hole, which could help people go to the room below smoothly. Tang Qi and Li Chun fell directly because they didn't have time to react.


To go, or not to go

After thinking about the monsoon rain, he bit down on the zipper handle of his own clothes with his teeth.

There was nothing on him, let alone a pen, the only way he could make a mark. Holding the small zipper handle with his fingers, he forcibly carved a "seven" on the floor.

In case other teammates come to this room after they left, at least know that they came and left, and won't waste time here.

After the engraving, the zipper handle was put back in the pocket during the monsoon, then grabbed the ladder and went down step by step to reach the new room.

Just as he stepped on the ground, he heard a "di-" sound.

Immediately afterwards, a circular opening and a ladder appeared on the left wall, and a door opened to this new room.

someone is coming.

Will it be Tang Qi and Li Chun? !

Pupils shrink during the monsoons.

The first person to appear at the entrance of the cave was a woman.

Caucasian, blonde with blue eyes, hair cut short, wearing black and gold tights. She climbed down from the ladder and fell to the ground in three or two steps. She was a little taller than when she was in Ji Yu, and she looked extraordinarily handsome-if it wasn't for when she pointed a gun at Ji Yu.

When the monsoon rains, he took a step back and raised his hand.

There was a man behind the woman.

This is a black-haired oriental youth who wears the same uniform as them, but in a different style. The Dongfang youth's face was stained with blood, and the hair was sticking to his face with blood, and it was about to dry.

The black-haired youth was startled when he saw Ji Yu, as if he didn't expect that there would be someone here.

"Search his body." The woman spoke, in English.

"Okay," said the black-haired youth.

The uniforms of the two are not the same, and they don't look like teammates. The black-haired youth has no weapons, so it is obvious that they have to listen to the words of women when they speak.

The black-haired youth first politely said sorry, and then searched Ji Yushi from head to toe, only to find a medicine box and a game console, and nothing else.

"The inspection is over, it's safe," said the black-haired youth.

The woman put away the gun and started walking around the house, looking for something.

When the rainy season, he put his hand down: "Can you give me the things back?"

"Ah?" The black-haired youth looked up and met Ji Yushi's eyes.

Those are a pair of very beautiful and clear eyes. The long eyelashes half hide the emotions in the eyes. With a particularly outstanding face, it should be amazing. At this time, the black-haired young man felt a coolness on his body. cold.

"My stuff." Ji Yushi said again, "please give it back to me."

"Oh oh oh!" When the black-haired young man hurriedly returned the things in his hand to Ji Yu, he apologized again, "Sorry! I'm really sorry!"

During the rainy season, I put away the pillbox and the black-and-white game console, and put them back to their original positions like obsessive-compulsive disorder.

"No sign," the woman said, standing not far away. "We haven't been here."

After speaking, she took out a delicate dagger from the girdle and carved a mark on the ground.

Seen from a distance during the monsoon, she engraved a Roman numeral 8.

Because of the exact same structure, it is difficult for people to tell where they are inside the Rubik's Cube, and they can't even tell from memory during the rainy season, let alone these ordinary people. Human thinking is common at some levels. During the monsoon season, they can quickly think of marking to remind teammates, and others can naturally think of marking themselves to remind themselves.

The black-haired youth said, "I just saw your game console. I've seen it online, but it's hard for anyone to buy it in reality. What era do you come from? Could time travel have been invented so early?"

When the monsoon rained, I got my things back, and my expression was a little slower, not so cold.

He answered the black-haired youth's question: "In interpersonal relationships, when you ask where others are from, you should introduce yourself first."

The black-haired young man let out an "ah", because he knew he was wrong because of the body search just now, and apologized again and again: "I'm sorry! It's not mine! My name is Morita Yu, I come from 2140 AD, I was admitted to the sky this year, just now The guardian who worked for 3 months!"

Saying that, he took out the necklace hanging around his neck to show his identity: "Please advise!"

A simple pattern is engraved on the necklace nameplate, which is the mark of the sky.

Morita Yu

Ji Yushi said in Japanese: "My name is Ji Yushi, from Xingyuan 1456."

Reciprocal exchanges, Ji Yushi also pointed to the sign on his chest.

The word "7" on the black combat uniform will appear dark lines under some special light, showing their identity as guardians.

Both sides confirmed the identity of the other party.

Morita Yu repeated: "Xingyuan 1456?"

After speaking, he reacted to something that surprised him even more, "Senior, can you speak Japanese?!"

"Yes." Ji Yushi has worked in the sky for three years and is worthy of this senior.

However, 2140 AD? This era is completely different from their world. Therefore, the Morita Yu in front of him came from a completely different time and space than him.

Morita Yu's focus was on the game console: "Senior, are you still playing that kind of game console in your time?"

Even the time travel can be mastered, but still playing such a game console, Morita Yu is very concerned about the asynchronous development of this kind of technology.

Before Ji Yushi could answer, the woman interrupted them: "Speak English."

She looked at them and was concerned that they communicated in a language she did not understand: "Since you both speak English, it is fairer to communicate in English here."

Apparently she had forgotten what happened when she just pointed a gun at Ji Yu, and now she has the guts to demand fairness.

Morita Yu hurriedly told her: "zoe, this traveler is from Xingyuan 1456. The era of the era sounds the same as yours. Are you from the same time and space?"

"1456?" The woman looked at Ji Yu with a shocked expression, "The traveler 70 years ago?"

Shocked, she pulled up her sleeves.

I saw that in the skin on her wrist, the symbol belonging to the sky was glowing like a shadow.

Jiyu frowned.

He knew that this tall female traveler named zoe came from Xingyuan 1526, from the same time and space as him, from 70 years later.

The so-called recruitment of "Sky in the Sense of All Times" was as expected by the seven teams, and it was simply a hijacking.

It brings together guardian teams from different time and space who are on a mission to travel, and stuffs them into this mission. Whether they want to or not, here they have to keep moving towards the mission goal until someone completes it. until the task is completed.

Cast a wide net, catch more fish, and follow the best.

Very typical mechanical thinking, cold and inhuman.

What Ji Yushi couldn't understand for the time being was that he thought that since there was competition in this mission, the mission must be started at the same time, but the three people in the room arrived at different times.

"Since I was kidnapped, I've been here for four or five hours and walked through four rooms." Morita Yu is very interesting. He speaks in English, but uses Japanese when addressing Ji Yu, "How about you, senior?"

When the monsoon rains, he said: "One hour and twenty-three minutes."

Zoe, who has handsome short hair, said: "About a day."

Zoe has been here the longest.

According to her, since arriving here, she has been to twelve rooms including this one. And the "8" in Roman numerals that she just engraved on the floor was the eighth one she started to mark after she met Yu Morita.

You only walked through twelve rooms in one day

It seems that zoe has some experience here.

Ji Yushi asked Morita Yu: "Why is there so much blood on your face? Are you injured?"

Speaking of this, Morita Yu's face suddenly paled a lot: "Yes, is there a lot?! God, I thought I wiped it clean."

Zoe's face that has been tense since just now is even more ugly.

Morita Yu wiped his face and said, "It's not my blood, it's someone else's."

He talked about what had just happened.

It turns out there is a reason why they point guns at monsoon as soon as they come in. After Morita Yu and his teammates separated, he didn't meet Zoe alone. Zoe also had a teammate named chuck. The three walked together, and after passing through a room, they met another traveler.

The traveler has been here for two days and looks very tired.

In that new room, facing the option of 6 directions, the traveler suggested to choose the one in front of him. His teammate just left him and went in, and he wanted to catch up with his teammate.

Chuck climbed up the ladder first, Morita Yu followed behind him, but when Chuck leaned into the room, the tragedy happened instantly: his upper body was smashed on the spot, blood and internal organs were splashed on Morita Yu's head and face, It made him almost cry.

Zoe jumped off the ladder and found that the proposed traverser had quickly entered another door - he was very likely to know some kind of law, and he could not choose between the two doors until he waited for them and used them as an experiment. And chuck became the victim.

Ren Jiyu had seen a lot of bloody and tragic scenes, and he couldn't help being shocked when he heard this.

He tried his best not to think about those pictures. He felt that Zoe was in a better mood, so he asked, "So, what's the difference in that room?"

"The ball in that room is yellow." Morita Yu said, "We followed the killer's footsteps into another room and found that the ball in that room was red. Coincidentally, we walked all the way along the way. The red room I passed through. I think the same color room is safer? However, there are four doors waiting for verification in the room where the tragedy happened. The bad thing is that even if I want to go back, I will not necessarily meet room."

That's why they started marking.

"You must know this conclusion..." Ji Yushi thought for a while and said, "Using the color of the 4 sides of the Rubik's cube as an example, let's assume that there are 4 balls of different colors in the room here. Test the room where the ball of each color is located. , at least 4 times are needed, and the guess that 'the same color room is safer' requires 1 more experience with the same color. Then, he has seen at least 5 rooms before waiting for you to verify. According to From my observation of the different spheres in the 6 surrounding rooms just now, the 4 colors do not come together in the 6 surrounding rooms. That is, it is likely that behind the 6 doors there are 3 red and 3 yellow. So… There will only be more rooms he tries."

When the two of them looked at Ji Yu in unison, they seemed surprised by his meticulous and quick logical thinking.

After the rainy season, there was a moment of silence.

These analyses are not enough to help the opponent get the information to complete the task, in fact he has no clue and is not afraid of being preempted.

He was just surprised by himself that he had become a person who was no longer self-enclosed.

He continued to ask, "How many teammates do you have on your team?"

Morita Yu: "Four."

Zoe wiped his face: "Plus chuck, 6th place."

"We are 7." Ji Yushi said, "taking a conservative middle value, we assume that the traverser is a team of 5, then there may be 14 traversers active at the same time here. According to the three of us, The number of rooms that the traveler experienced is calculated together, and there are 22 known rooms here. If the 22 rooms are arranged in parallel lines, they are calculated with six sides... Except for the connected sides, there are also 90. But I think it should be Much more than that.”

What are the chances of meeting your teammates again here

Don't know when it rains.

Morita Yu was already shocked by the monsoon season.

Knowing many languages and analyzing, such a smart and extraordinary person must not be easy.

"That." Morita Yu asked, "Senior, you are so strong, you must be the captain, right?"

Ji Yushi looked over, his eyes were calm, and he just said lightly: "No, our captain... is a stronger person than me."

The author has something to say: here it comes.

As I mentioned in Chapter 59, this dungeon was inspired by "cube", but the rules and settings are definitely not related to the movie, so you don't have to worry about not understanding it.

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-04-19 20:03:39~2020-04-20 20:00:06~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: rubbish concave you ma told you to roll 3; Qi Xiaojiu, Liangliang, Yu Fei, Yaoyao, aninfinity, why, Yudengdeng, Kangkang, Zhuangzhi, Yixuan., Zi 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 100 bottles of muyaa; 76 bottles of custard wrapped in custard today; 70 bottles of Li Qing and Jiang Ting; 51 bottles of Lu Die; 30 bottles of Yan enthalpy; , fish lamp lamp, 21300512 20 bottles; Huayuan flour, leviathan, Xiaotian, just think of it as a dream, his year is like my shadow, Huayu Gummy, are you Ruan today, Xiaoxi, yuuuuuuuuu., havoc 10 bottles of , Chen, Lanyang, and Xiao Wulijing; 8 bottles of Huibuo, Sheng Lingyuan said coldly, 8 bottles of lychees; 5 bottles of liu, rubbish concave, qingshan, and Bumengxizhou; onika, Eat melon netizen Xiaolu sauce 4 bottles; its rain, it is real 3 bottles; let me Kangkang, simply, zjiyan, 2 bottles of cats in the rainy season; xz you are the most mushy, sprite, wood ganoderma, Joy, Stem Sixteen, Yan Yuncheng, Yanming Key, Baihuosheng, Honorary Graduate of Xinghai College, Eudemonia, Liuliu Liuhe, Thinking Up Lin Chen, Su Embroidery, Dihydrogen Monoxide, Xie Xia, Comers Do not refuse, xz will never paste 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!