Mister Big

Chapter 107: Mystery 2



I plucked up the courage to look outside. Under the flower scarf, there was a nose about half a foot long, and the wet nose tip smelled of blood. The old people said that when a wolf just took out a person, its mouth would be stained with blood. Could this wolf be...

"Bang, bang"... the old wolf stretched out its claws and slapped my door twice. The sound was exactly like someone knocking on the door!

The wolf knocked on the door! That was the wolf knocking on the door! If the people in the house opened the door carelessly, the wolf would drag them out!

I was so scared that I covered my mouth tightly, afraid that I would scream out.

The old people said that after the wolf knocked on the door, it would tilt its head to listen to the movement in the house. If there were adults, the old wolf would not dare to come in. If there were only children and girls, the old wolf would rush into the house. I didn't dare to make a sound because I was afraid that the wolf would come in.

I watched the old wolf outside turning its head to listen to the noise, and I was so scared that I kept backing away. However, the old wolf outside stopped banging on the door, and instead used its claws to scratch at the crack in the door.

I heard from the older generation that if a wolf knocks on the door three times and fails to open it, it can use its claws to scratch inside and then lift the bolt to get into the house.

The door of my house has never been changed. My house is the only one in the whole village that has an old wooden door that opens in two directions. The gap in the door is big enough for the wolf's claws to get in. After a while, I saw a furry claw reaching in from the gap in the door, pressing on the bolt and pushing it to the side a little bit.

If I let this in, I'll be finished, right

I don't know where I got the courage from, but I turned around and ran into the kitchen, grabbed a kitchen knife, and chopped the wolf's paw hard against the door. The paw fell to the ground with a "click".

"Oh my god—" But there was a sound of someone outside the door.

I was so scared that I dropped the knife on the ground - there was a human voice outside! Could it be that the old wolf had turned into a spirit

The wolf had even opened the crack of my door, so I could see outside without pushing the door. The person floundering on the ground with his arms folded was not a wolf, but Wang Dagui.

But I just saw an old wolf wearing a flowery turban, scratching the door with its claws...

When I looked down at the ground, I saw two bloody fingers, one of which had a gold stud. Wasn't that Wang Dagui's finger

Did Wang Dagui turn into a wolf, or did the wolf turn into Wang Dagui

The thing that Wang Dagui gave me during the day couldn’t be a wolf’s tooth, right

I was so scared that I didn't know what to do. I just felt that if I had a weapon in my hand, I would feel a lot more at ease. I didn't even bother to see what was happening outside and just looked for a kitchen knife on the ground.

I was just touching the kitchen knife with my back to the door when I felt the door open behind me. Someone was standing behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. I was so scared that I almost collapsed on the ground, thinking that this was the end!

I thought I was going to die, but when the wolf was about to grab me, I suddenly heard my grandfather shout something, and the wolf on me retracted its claws. When I got up from the ground and looked outside, I saw my grandfather whipping a man with a whip.

I guarantee that what I saw at that time was a person, not a wolf. The man was beaten to the ground by my grandfather, but the sound he made was obviously not a human voice.

I was afraid that if my grandfather continued to beat me like this, someone might get killed, so I called out to him to stop beating me. My grandfather was afraid that I would run out of the house, so he turned around and shouted at me not to run away. However, he was a little slow, and the thing got up and ran away on all fours like a wolf.

My grandfather was so angry that he stamped his feet and chased after him with a whip in hand.

My family made such a big noise at night that all the villagers came out. Many people said they saw a wolf running up the mountain and my grandfather chased it with a whip. Some people took me home to watch over me, while others chased my grandfather with weapons.

That night, the villagers saw that I was very scared, so no one asked me anything. My grandfather didn't come back all night. He didn't come back until dawn. At that time, his trouser legs were covered with mud and blood. I don't know what he did that night

When my grandfather came to the neighbor's house to pick me up, he told people that a wolf had entered my house last night and he had to use a lot of effort to drive the wolf away. He also said that the wolf didn't catch anyone last night, and asked families with children to be more careful.

After that, every household in the village locked their children at home and did not let them go out for more than half a month. The villagers also went all over the mountains to look for the wolf. After three or four days, the villagers dragged back a body from the mountain.

The dead man was Wang Dagui, whose stomach was ripped open by the wolf, his internal organs were eaten up, and his face was gnawed beyond recognition. The villagers were terrified and looked for dogs and traps to borrow. Some even went to the town to ask the police and the army for help. They searched the mountain for more than half a month, and almost searched all the nearby hills, but still couldn't find the wolf.

Later, even the police were helpless and could only tell the villagers to be more careful and call the police if they saw a wolf. I remember clearly that at that time, the town specially sent a policeman to live in our village for a long time.

However, the wolf never appeared again, and the villagers gradually forgot about it. I am probably the only one who still remembers it.

Heng Fei paused here: "As far as I can remember, this is the only time my grandfather offended Lao Lang. Does that incident have anything to do with the ghost encounter in my family?"

I said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid this matter is not that simple. Is there any legend about the old wolf in your hometown?"

"Yes!" Hengfei said, "The place where I live was renamed after the land reform. It was not called Sandaogangzi before, but Laolangfen. Even now, some people still call it that. Only when we registered our household registration did we write Sandaogangzi."

"Old Wolf's Grave?" I couldn't help but frown. "Where did this come from?"

Heng Fei shook his head and said, "I don't know either. Even the people in our village can't explain how the place got its name, Laolangfen. Anyway, the older generation called it that, so we followed suit."

"Got it." I nodded and said, "Just wait for the news. I'll go prepare some things. I have to go to your hometown in a few days."

"Monk, you stay here to accompany Boss Heng. Old Ye, come with me." I dragged Ye Jin out of the house. "Old Ye, do you know any dog dealers? I want to get a good dog, preferably one that can fight and is not afraid of tigers. Can you get one?"

If you want to hunt wolves in the mountains, you must have an excellent hunting dog. Moreover, the ghost wolf that appeared twice also made me feel an unprecedented crisis. I don't know why, but I always feel that there may be a greater danger hidden behind that wolf.

The female ghost that appeared in the community elevator was very close to me, but I mistook her for a real person.

At that time, not only did I not feel the slightest bit of Yin Qi, even the magic weapon on my body failed to give a timely warning. If we only use "ghost materialization" to explain this result, it is difficult to explain it.

Ghost materialization, to put it simply, means that the Yin Qi on the ghost or its cultivation has reached a certain level, condensing its soul into a physical entity, and it is difficult to tell whether the other party is a human or a ghost with the naked eye. However, after all, they are still ghosts, and it is impossible for me not to sense the Yin Qi. There must be something else going on.

The strangest thing is, why did the Husky that rushed out from the opposite side of 608 crash into the dressing mirror opposite regardless of everything

I kept thinking about this question as I walked back, and I could only come to one conclusion: the Husky sensed the Ghost Wolf's true location.

At that time, the ghost wolf must have entered 608. Monk Shi and I still didn't feel the ghost wolf's presence. The husky rushed to the dressing mirror desperately, probably wanting to use its own death to buy a glimmer of life for its owner.

Unfortunately, his owner backed off at the last moment. If that person had rushed to his beloved dog regardless of everything, maybe Monk Shi and I could have saved each other. Unfortunately, when someone is facing a disaster, even if the chance of survival is right in front of them, it is difficult to grasp the fleeting opportunity.

However, the husky reminded me that dogs might be more sensitive to ghost wolves than warlocks. So, I need a fierce hunting dog.

Ye Jin thought for a moment and said, "I do know quite a few dog dealers, but the dogs they sell are fine for taking people for a stroll, but they wouldn't even dare to open their mouths if they met a thief, let alone a tiger..."

Ye Jin suddenly slapped his thigh and said, "Why didn't I think of that guy! Come on, I'll take you there now."

Ye Jin dragged me into the car and drove to the suburbs. "I know a guy, his nickname is Bai Yubao, we all call him Lao Bai. He has no other hobbies in his life except raising dogs. He doesn't care even if his wife divorces him. He insists on living with dogs for the rest of his life."

"He made a lot of money in his life, and he spent it all on his dogs. His family has 50 or 60 famous dogs, some of which are really good at fighting and killing..."

Ye Jin drove the car to the outskirts of the city, then pointed to a high wall with barbed wire that looked like a prison and said, "That's Lao Bai's doghouse. Some of the dogs were too fierce, and he was afraid that the dogs would run out and hurt people, so he built this weird thing."

When I followed Ye Jin to the yard, I saw at least four warning signs on the side of the road that said "There are vicious dogs inside, beware of hurting people." It seems that Lao Bai really has some good dogs.

Ye Jin walked to the door and just pressed the doorbell when a dog barked in the yard. Ye Jin simply stretched his neck and shouted outside: "Old Bai, get out of here quickly, I am Ye Jin! Are you still alive?"

"Shut up, shut up!" Someone in the yard shouted twice, and the deafening dog barking stopped.

It seems that Old White not only likes to raise dogs, but also has the skills to train them. He can silence a group of dogs with just two shouts, which is something that ordinary people can never do. (To be continued)