Mister Big

Chapter 113: Old Wolf tells a story


Heng Fei said quickly: "I can't be wrong, it's right here!"

I also think that Hengfei couldn't have remembered it wrong. The experience of encountering the wolf that year has been imprinted in his mind and even become his nightmare. How could he remember the most critical positions wrong

Ye Jin said: "Zhao Zi, take a closer look. If there is no Feng Shui tomb, it's almost the same if there is a tomb guardian!"

If the story left by the black wolf in the village is true, then this should be the place where the old wolf was suppressed. It would be correct to have a Feng Shui town.

I shook my head again and said, "There is no police station here. You two help me hold the fort."

I moved between the two of them, took out three green fly darts, shook them in the air a few times, and threw them to the ground.

I just deliberately hit the black wolf with a hidden weapon just now, just to track the target - if I don't use the ghost eye money, I may not be able to calculate the position of the old wolf, but I can calculate the position of the green fly dart. This is the characteristic of "mother and child green fly".

Legend has it that after a period of separation, the mother and son of the green fly will definitely reunite, so there is a saying that "the green fly is looking for its mother". Therefore, the method of using the green fly dart to calculate the position and track the enemy is always effective, but the premise is that the green fly dart cannot leave the opponent's side.

Not long after the three green aphid darts landed on the ground, I was shocked - the hexagram showed that the opponent was very close to me.

I suddenly stood up and looked around. There was nothing but grass, trees and rocks within a hundred meters, and no one was visible. No matter where I looked, it was just empty forest, but I felt like there were people hiding everywhere.

Monk Shi whispered, "Old Wu, do you feel like someone is watching us?"

Before I could say anything, Ye Jin said, "That person is behind the tree!" When I turned around, I saw that there did seem to be a figure squatting behind the big tree on Ye Jin's left.

Monk Shi immediately said, "Why do I feel like it's behind the mound?"

There did appear to be a person lying on the mound to the southeast behind Monk Shi.

Ye Jin whispered: "How about we..."

Before Ye Jin finished speaking, Guazi, who was following me, suddenly barked wildly. When I looked in the direction of Guazi's barking, I saw a hunched figure on the stone over there.

Old Dongtou? I couldn't help but gasp.

Just now, the black wolf pretended to be Old Dongtou and was talking to us in the house. He claimed that he was wearing human skin. After he showed up, the human skin disappeared. Now he is wearing human skin again

As I was concentrating and on guard, the old man slowly said, "Boy, do you want to listen to my story?"

Just as Shi Heshang was about to make a move, I waved my hand to stop him: "You guys keep an eye on Boss Heng, I'll go over and take a look."

As I walked towards the old man, he also moved his body and motioned me to sit next to him. After a little hesitation, I sat down next to the old man. From the moment I sat down, the old man's two furry ears stood up on his temples, and the tips of his ears with a little white hair trembled twice in front of my eyes, without any shyness.

The old man said to himself: "Have you ever heard of Old Wolf telling stories?"

"Some old wolves can no longer run or walk, and can't even beat adults. But they can't starve themselves to death, right? So they pretend to be humans and squat at the edge of the village, waiting for children to come and tell them stories."

"When the children are fascinated by the story, they turn around and say..." As the old man spoke, he turned his head and came straight to my face. I saw a furry and pointed beak sticking out half an inch from his face. But before the other party showed his fangs, he turned his face away again, lowered his head and lit his pipe: "I'm telling a story, do you dare to listen?"

My hand on the knife handle only moved for a moment before stopping: "If there's anything you're afraid to hear, just tell me."

"Have some courage!" The old man looked at me with his eyes slanted, and his green eye swept across my throat twice, then looked at the pipe in his mouth again.

The old man smacked his lips and said, "Are you looking for the old wolf's grave? I tell you, the old wolf's grave will move. It would have moved to the river by now!"

I said in a deep voice, "Are you talking nonsense? Why haven't I heard that a grave can move on its own?"

The old man said in a deep voice: "The old wolf has never really died. The gentleman just pressed it into the grave. I don't know what method the gentleman used, as long as it moves, the grave will follow it. Wherever the wolf moves, the grave will move there, without any error."

"If the people of the old Heng family hadn't ruined the old wolf's plan, it might have come out a long time ago."

I said in a deep voice: "What do you mean?"

The old man chuckled and said, "Back then, the old wolf had to work hard to move his grave here, hoping that someone would use it as a Feng Shui treasure land and dig it up to bury someone. As long as someone moves the stones on top, the old wolf will come out."

"What a pity! The Feng Shui experts have already arrived at the mountain pass, but Heng ruined their plans. Look for yourself, if there's one more bumpkin over there, wouldn't the Feng Shui here change?"

When I looked in the direction of the old man's finger, I was slightly stunned. If there was a hill or a naturally formed mound of earth at that location, the Feng Shui here would really be different. At least...

While I was still thinking about Feng Shui, I suddenly felt a chill on my neck, as if a dog had put its nose against my neck and moved it a few times, it felt wet and chilly.

When I felt the two canine teeth slowly opening against my neck, I couldn't help but feel a sense of regret - I knew that the other party was an old wolf, so why did I turn my head as he wished? Isn't this equivalent to exposing my vital points directly to the wolf's fangs

When cold sweat suddenly broke out on my forehead, Ye Jin and Shi Heshang rushed a few steps towards me at the same time, and the wolf fangs on my neck gently moved back at that moment. After just a moment of hesitation, I waved my hand to signal Shi Heshang not to act rashly, and turned to look at the old man again.

The other person licked his lips twice with his tongue, then said, "The old wolf's plan failed, so it started to move slowly up the mountain. There is water over there. If it moves the grave into the water and lets the mountain water wash away the grave, it can still get out. So many years have passed, I guess it should have moved to the riverside!"

I asked in a deep voice, "Are you talking about the river where the warlock was buried?"

The old man chuckled and said, "Apart from that place, are there any other rivers?"

I asked, "Why doesn't it move the grave down the mountain?"

The old man said as a matter of course: "It can't go down this mountain. If it could move the grave three steps away, it would have run away long ago."

There seemed to be something behind the old man's words, but I just felt strange at the time and didn't figure out what he wanted to say.

I stared at the old man's wiggling ears and asked, "Are you a wolf or a ghost?"

The old man laughed and said, "Can't you see? I came out to tell you a story..."

Before the old man finished speaking, I suddenly heard several piercing whistles coming from three different directions. I didn't react at first, but when a cold light forced its way into my sight, two words popped into my head - "crossbow arrows"!

Did Xie Jingwen and the others take action

The enemy's crossbow arrows shot at the old man from three directions, but they only let go of my position. When the old man suddenly raised his head and looked at my face, I subconsciously grabbed his collar and lifted him up with all my strength. With the force of my palm, he turned upside down in the air and fell far away.

In the blink of an eye, the crossbow arrows shot from the left and right crossed in front of my eyes, and the crossbow arrow in front of me went straight to my chest. I didn't have time to think about anything else, so I just leaned back and lay directly on the ground. The crossbow with a cold flash flew close to my face and flew away.

When I wanted to get up again, countless powerful crossbows had already come from all directions. If I stood up now, I would immediately become a target for the crossbows, and I could only lie on the ground and watch the arrows flying in the sky.

After countless cold lights crossed in front of me, a sharp wolf howl came from not far away. Xie Jingwen shouted angrily: "Quick, quick, use the iron hook! Don't let him run away!"

Oh no! When I suddenly stood up from the ground and tried to stop the other party, the old wolf that ran to the edge of the forest had been pulled back by someone with a hook.

The iron hooks used by the other party are extremely special. Once they pierce the animal's fur, they will penetrate firmly into the flesh. Coupled with the other party's fierce dragging, if the injured animal does not want to retreat with the iron hook, it will have to endure the severe pain of its fur being torn by the hook. Only by retreating step by step can the pain be relieved.

But what I didn't expect was that the old wolf actually tore off its own flesh and skin while screaming and rushed towards the bushes in the distance.

“Stop him!”


While Xie Jingwen and I were shouting in unison, the subordinates of Xuan Jingsi who were lying in ambush in the bushes had already stood up and pointed two copper tubes at the fleeing old wolf.

"Stop—" Before I could finish my second roar, two fire snakes spewed out of the copper tubes in the hands of the two warlocks.

The old wolf ran towards the bushes towards the warlock and wanted to dodge but it was too late. The flames swept from the top of the head to the tail without any preparation. In the blink of an eye, the old wolf was burned into a ball of fire.

The old wolf screamed and rushed straight to the bushes guarded by the Xuanjing Division's subordinates. It was the nature of wolves to hurt the enemy before dying. It knew that it was going to die, so it wanted to drag the enemy to the grave together.

The two warlocks retreated calmly after breathing fire, without showing any panic. When the old wolf was about to catch up with the two, two more warlocks stood up from the bushes, holding long spears and poking at the old wolf's chest, forcibly lifting the old wolf into the air.

The old wolf, which had turned into a burning ball, rolled over several times in the air before landing not far from me, screaming and rolling on the ground.

I shouted urgently: "Put out the fire!" (To be continued)