Mister Big

Chapter 116: Go up the mountain


Of course I understood what Monk Shi meant, but I had to go up the mountain.

The Heaven-Defying Hand is related to my grandfather's will and even more so to the secret of the Half-Life Path. I cannot just watch the Heaven-Defying Hand slip away before my eyes.

I said in a deep voice, "This time, I have to go. Monk, Ye Jin, you stay and protect Boss Heng. If I don't come back within three days, you must leave immediately and don't bother with anything anymore."

"No!" Monk Shi said, "If you must go up the mountain, then I will go with you. Old Ye is enough to protect Boss Heng."

Guo Huaxin sneered and said, "Are you sure that the guy named Ye can keep the people?"

My face suddenly darkened. We didn't bring Hengfei up the mountain because we were afraid he would become a burden to us, but Guo Huaxin was obviously forcing us to bring Hengfei with us. In this way, we would be exhausted from protecting Hengfei and would be more likely to fall into a trap.

I said in a deep voice: "Monk, you stay here to protect Boss Heng, Ye Jin and I will go up the mountain."

Monk Shi hesitated for a moment before whispering, "Be careful!"

"Remember what I said..." While I was packing up, Ye Jin handed the monk a note and whispered, "Contact these people when necessary. They might be able to help you a lot."

I called Ye Jin and returned to the top of the mountain. The narrow path we took when we came down the mountain became overgrown with weeds in just a few hours. The weeds more than one meter tall almost covered the entire mountain path. Ye Jin and I could only use a knife to push away the grass leaves and move forward slowly. After walking for almost an hour, we still hadn't reached Shangbao Village. I couldn't help but feel irritated, and the speed of swinging the knife also increased a bit.

After the blades of grass that blocked the road were blown away by the Rakshasa several times, I became extremely annoyed and slashed at the weeds with my knife. After the sharp blade of the knife cut off several grass stalks in succession, a figure suddenly stood up on the mountain road.

The opponent raised his head and approached Luosha's blade. If my blade didn't change, his head would fall off in an instant.

I was so shocked that I couldn't retract the blade and could only watch as the cold light of Rakshasa slashed towards the opponent's neck.

The moment Rakshasa was about to sweep towards the opponent, the idiot who had been following me suddenly jumped up on the spot and hit my arm. I raised my palm and raised the long sword into the air. The three-foot sword light swept across the opponent's head.

When I took back the Rakshasa, I could see the other person's face clearly: "Guo Huaxin, what do you want to do?"

"Revenge!" Guo Huaxin sneered, "From now on, no matter what you want to do, I will not let you do it. If you want to save people, I will not let you do it; if you want to go up the mountain, I will lead you to a dead end. Unless you die, otherwise, I will follow you and make you face the dilemma of life and death."

Guo Huaxin's eyes full of hatred made me furious. I suddenly retracted the Rakshasa and used my inner strength to shout: "My fellow immortals, Mr. Wu Zhao from the Northeast has something to say. The grudge between Qingfeng Immortal Guo Huaxin and me must have been witnessed by all the immortals. I have been tolerant again and again, but the other party has been pushing forward. As the saying goes: Three times is the limit. I respect all the great immortals and will let Guo Huaxin go again. If Guo Huaxin continues to be aggressive, Wu will have no choice but to offend him."

Although I spoke loudly, the nearby forest was completely silent, with no response at all. The immortals on the mountain were obviously "taking sides" and ignored my words.

I turned to look at Guo Huaxin, who was sneering and silent. "I'm warning you for the last time. If you keep pestering me, I'll kill you even if it means offending all the immortals. Is it worth it to sacrifice a hundred years of cultivation and turn it into ashes just because of your paranoia? Think carefully about it."

Without waiting for the other party to speak, I reached out and pushed Guo Huaxin aside, then waded through the weeds towards the mountainside.

Ye Jin whispered: "Zhaozi, why don't you take action?"

I said in a deep voice: "My goal is to save Lu Xiaoying, not Jie Jingwen. Strictly speaking, Lu Xiaoying and Jie Jingwen are not the same kind of people. Perhaps, I can get Lu Xiaoying out without offending the immortals."

Ye Jin shook his head and said, "You are relying on luck. There is no room for luck in the martial arts world."

I also know that my idea is a bit unrealistic, but in this area of Northeast China, I really don't want to offend the immortals. Once I fall out with the immortals, even if I can escape by luck, I will not be able to move forward in the magic of Northeast China.

After I walked a few hundred meters in silence, a bare hill suddenly appeared in front of me. According to the distance, we should have reached Shangbao Village by now. It must be that Guo Huaxin used a secret method to disrupt our vision just now, which made me take a detour.

When I turned around and wanted to move forward, the original weed-covered path had turned into a loess road. The weeds that originally covered both sides of the road seemed to have been cleared away completely, without even a blade of grass left.

The strangest thing was that the dirt road was divided into nine parts about three or five meters away from me, winding in different directions.

I don't know why, but I felt that what I was walking on was not a dirt road, but a nine-headed poisonous snake sleeping on the ground. I happened to be standing on the snake's neck, and if I took a few steps forward, the snake would be woken up.

I tried to move forward, and suddenly there was a wave-like vibration under my feet - is this road really alive

Before I could make another attempt, Guazi suddenly let out a low growl. When I looked in the direction where Guazi was looking up, I saw an old lady sitting cross-legged on the ground.

The old lady turned around, looked at me with burning eyes and said, "Listen to your grandmother and go down the mountain. Things here are not yours to interfere with. If you go forward, every road will lead to a dead end."

I said in a deep voice: "I will go to the dead end too!"

The old lady sighed softly, turned around and rushed into the woods behind her. When I chased after her, I only saw a black fox flying into the woods. I knew that was the last chance the immortals gave me. If I didn't turn back, I would have to fight them to the death: "Ye Jin, go back! I..."

"Ye Jin!" I turned around suddenly, but found that Ye Jin had disappeared. Did he disappear right under my nose

I quickly took out the fortune-telling money and threw it on the ground. The hexagram showed a very bad omen. Is Ye Jin in danger

I pushed the idiot next to me and said, "Look for Ye Jin, hurry up!"

Guazi sniffed the ground twice, but then turned around in circles. Guazi was so anxious that he kept whimpering, but he couldn't find the place where Ye Jin disappeared. I couldn't help but sweat on my forehead.

The hexagram is ominous, Guazier's sense of smell is impaired, unless I use the ghost eye money, otherwise, don't think about finding Ye Jin's location. But if I use the ghost money now, who will protect me

I patted Guazi'er's head and said, "I'm leaving my life to you. Don't let anyone disturb me later!"

When Guazi licked my palm with his tongue, the three ghost coins on the Luosha Knife started to rotate at the same time. Someone moved the ghost eye money

After I was slightly startled, the three ghost coins stopped in the same direction - were the ghost coins showing me the way

As soon as this thought popped into my head, the fortune-telling money that I had thrown on the ground just now also flipped into the sky at the same moment, flipped a few times in the air, and then fell to the ground again.

Good luck!

The fortune-telling coin turned from bad luck to good luck. Was it the ghost money that affected Ye Jin's hexagram? Was it telling me that as long as I followed the direction indicated by the ghost money, I could find Ye Jin

But I clearly didn’t touch the ghost eye money. It was the ghost money that was psychic and automatically helped me find a way to survive

Do you believe in ghost money or in yourself

At that time, I clearly felt that I should sit down and calmly use the ghost money to re-divine Ye Jin's position, but I strongly refuted this idea. The ghost money contains the souls of my grandfather and my father. They can't hurt me. The path they point out must be a way to survive.

My grandfather always told me that a good man can sacrifice his life for justice. They knew that Ye Jin was in danger, so there was no way I would abandon him.

But I always felt uneasy about the sudden rotation of the Ghost Eye Money.

When I turned my head and looked at the dark woods in the distance, I finally gritted my teeth, raised the Rakshasa, and ran quickly in the direction indicated by the ghost money. When I approached the edge of the woods, the ghost money suddenly changed direction again, and I ran along the woods to the north again.

But there was no light at all, and the whole forest was getting darker and darker. Even my ghost eyes could not see things two meters away. But the ghost eye money on the Rakshasa kept turning, guiding me forward.

It was not until the Ghost Eye Gold changed its position for the third time that Guo Huaxin's cold laugh suddenly floated to my ears: "Aren't you afraid of death? Why are you still running on the road to rebirth? You don't even care about your own brothers?"

"Get out—" I roared, "I told you, if you come out again, I will kill you!"

Guo Huaxin laughed and said, "What? Are you angry because of shame? Isn't what I said the truth? From here is the way to survival. If you go a little further, you will have to go down the mountain. How are you going to explain to that monk when you go back? Will he say that you are afraid of death and left your brothers on the mountain?"

"Guazi'er!" I roared, and Guazi'er suddenly pounced on the bushes on my left. I raised my knife and chopped down on the right side of Guazi'er. Guazi'er and I cooperated, blocking Guo Huaxin's way out. No matter which of us succeeded, the other party would not get any advantage.

After I slashed with my sword, I took a step forward. In just one step, I felt that I was stepping on a palm-sized space like a plum blossom pile. My toes and heels were all suspended in the air, and only the soles of my feet felt like they were on solid ground.

When I looked down subconsciously, the scenery around me disappeared in an instant, leaving only an empty darkness, and one of my feet was stepping on Guo Huaxin's raised hand!

There's a cliff behind me!


Thank you all for your support, and stay tuned for the next episode!

Thanks for the Doudou reward! Yesterday a friend gave me a stamp, but I couldn't see who it was. Thank you for your support here. (To be continued)