Mister Big

Chapter 151: Suspicion


"two… "

When the man's cold voice came out for the second time, I suddenly exerted force with my hands that were on Yu Shitong's thighs, and lowered my body forward, throwing Yu Shitong away.

After I threw Yu Shitong, I immediately stood up and shouted, "Lu Xiaoying!"

Before I could finish my shout, I heard a sword whistle behind me. It was the result of Lu Xiaoying slashing at my back from two meters away. I felt the cold sword energy sweeping from my collar to my waist, and the clothes I was wearing flew to the left and right under the sword energy.

The clothes that were cut by the sword energy flew up behind me like wings, and immediately hung down to both sides of my body. Immediately behind me, I heard the sound of an insect falling to the ground with a "click".

Lu Xiaoying's sword was not only extremely fast and accurate, but also measured just right. Not only did it cut my clothes, it also split the gecko clinging to me in half. In order to prevent the gecko from struggling to death, she also used her sword energy to blow my torn clothes to the sides.

It wasn't until the broken gecko fell to the ground that I heard the girl's scream behind me. I didn't see what Lu Xiaoying did to her when he drew his sword, but from the sound of her scream, Lu Xiaoying must have done a very dangerous move just now.

However, I didn't have time to pay attention to Lu Xiaoying, but instead turned my attention to Yu Shitong who I threw out.

Yu Shitong, who was supposed to smash into the snakes, floated in the air like a piece of paper. It seemed that Yu Shitong was lying on his back in the air, with his back flat on his back and his limbs drooping limply to the ground.

Is someone holding Yu Shitong

After this thought flashed through my mind, I suddenly opened my ghost eyes, and saw a ghost figure squatting on the ground, holding Yu Shitong's back with his hands towards the sky, lifting her in the air.

The ghostly figure grinned as he looked at me and said, "What a decisive sorcerer! You were supposed to protect your employer's life, so why did you throw her out?"

"If you don't do it, someone will catch her. If you don't believe me, you can let go now and try." I was referring to Xiao Baitang standing at the door. If the ghost didn't go to catch her, as long as Xiao Baitang could help me kick Yu Shitong back, I could also catch her before she hit the ground.

"Catch it!" The ghost suddenly threw the person into the air, and the unconscious Yu Shitong drew an arc in the air and fell straight on my head. When I raised both hands to the air at the same time, Yu Shitong, who was falling downwards, suddenly accelerated and crashed into my arms with the sound of wind.

I instinctively hugged her, but under her impact I took three steps back. When I stood firm, waves of piercing pain suddenly came from my legs.

As I was retreating continuously, I had no time to pay attention to the poisonous snakes under my feet. I was actually stepping on the snakes' bodies and retreating backwards. In just a short while, at least five angry poisonous snakes bit my calves.

As I gritted my teeth and held Yu Shitong, the ghost suddenly appeared in front of me. Its eyes stared at mine with interest, and it said slowly, "Not bad. See you next time."

Before I could react, the ghost suddenly disappeared from my sight. In the distance, Xiao Baitang waded through the poisonous snakes and rushed back: "Take the antidote quickly."

Xiao Baitang stuffed two pills into my mouth and said, "Hurry, get out and find a safe place to remove the poison from him."

Now is definitely not the time to stop and heal. We can only follow Xiao Baitang and move out of the village step by step. Groups of poisonous snakes are like surging tides, one after another following us to the village gate, almost following us to the village gate. It was not until we stepped out of the gate of the Miao village that the snakes stopped, and they crowded around the door and refused to move out.

After I came out of the gate, I looked back twice to see what was happening in the village. The first time, I could still see layers of poisonous snakes struggling to survive. But when I looked back the second time, countless poisonous snakes disappeared without a trace like pieces of paper blown away by the wind, as if they had never appeared in the village.

I wanted to look back, but Xiao Baitang urged me to go further. She led us to run two miles before stopping at an open space near the woods: "Sister Xiaoying, quickly cut open Wu Zhao's wound and remove the poison. Brother Ye Jin, come here to protect us."

After Ye Jin drew out his long knife, Lu Xiaoying and Xiao Baitang had already cut open my wounds, slowly forcing the poisonous blood out of my body...

The two of them were busy detoxifying me, but my mind was still thinking about the ghost.

What was its purpose in appearing? Was it just to stop me and threaten me to help it kill people? If that was the case, why did it suddenly let go when it had an absolute advantage

The ghost appeared inexplicably and did things inexplicably.

There are ghosts who like to play pranks, but I don’t believe they suddenly appear in the Miao village just to play a trick on people.

I hesitated for a long time before asking, "Xiao Baitang, were those poisonous snakes just now wild snakes, or domesticated beasts?"

Xiao Baitang said, "It was originally a beast, but now it must have lost its master and is guarding the village entirely by instinct."

I was puzzled and asked, “What do you mean?”

Xiao Baitang thought for a while and said, "Let me put it this way! You've heard of the legend of the spirit snake communicating with spirits, right?"

"I've heard of it." Snake psychic communication means that some snakes of different species can understand human commands and can even have simple exchanges with their owners.

Xiao Baitang said, "Actually, those are all fake. Snakes cannot communicate with spirits unless they have cultivated to a certain level, let alone understand human commands. Those so-called snake masters are just issuing commands to snakes through their instincts."

"I'm sure that there was a snake-controlling expert in that Miao village in the past, but that person must be dead now. If he is still alive, even if I have the secret medicine, I still can't control the venomous snakes and prevent them from attacking. The snake controller has many ways to awaken the venomous snakes that are paralyzed by the secret medicine."

"When I spread the secret medicine, I actually wanted to talk to the snake accordionist. However, he never showed up from beginning to end."

Xiao Baitang changed the subject and said, "Also, I can be sure of one thing, that is, those poisonous snakes should have been domesticated snakes that have been kept in the Miao village. They will not leave the village. The fact that the snakes sent us to the entrance of the village and then suddenly disappeared is the best proof."

I said in a deep voice: "What's the reason why the venomous snakes suddenly surrounded us?"

Xiao Baitang thought for a moment and said, "I think you must have encountered something that has disturbed or severely damaged the snakes. Although some poisonous snakes may not remember a person's appearance, they are extremely sensitive to smells. If anything that has harmed the snakes appears nearby, they will gather together to retaliate."

"That finger!" I suddenly realized, "It must be that finger that did it! If it hadn't bounced on the table, the snakes wouldn't have appeared."

But can a finger be connected to a group of snakes? They are two completely different things. Moreover, it was the first time I saw a finger that could move on its own. That finger was definitely not a simple thing.

I sat up suddenly and said, "I have to go back to the Miao village. There's something wrong with that finger. I have to go back and look for it."

Lu Xiaoying said: "I will go back with you..."

"No need! I..." I was about to speak when Lao Chang in the bag suddenly said, "Don't talk. Someone is coming. It's the woman surnamed Sun."

"Hide!" I immediately led a group of people into the woods and hid until we were several hundred meters away before stopping. At this time, I also vaguely saw the sorcerer from the Xuan Jing Division coming out of the woods.

Although we were at a safe distance, I couldn't hear what they were saying, so I could only release Lao Chang and let him sneak to the edge of the woods. Not long after, I saw Sun Xiaomei and Jiang Yan rushing to the woods. Lao Chang, who was hooked on a tree branch, quickly used psychic magic to transmit their voices. I heard Jie Jingwen say, "Jiang Yan, are you sure you saw the corpse-carrying here?"

"Yes, it's right here." Jiang Yan said, "At that time, the tour guide said that we could see corpse-driving here, so we followed her here. In the end, we stayed by the edge of the woods for most of the night, but didn't see any corpse-driving people. We went back when it was almost dawn."

It turned out that after Jiang Yan and his friends checked into the Miao village, they did not go out to hunt for beauties, but came here to watch the corpse-driving in Xiangxi. In other words, only a few girls stayed in the Miao village on the first night

While I was guessing, I heard Jie Jingwen scolding, "Why don't you do something else instead of watching corpses being driven? Do you think your life is too long?"

Jiang Yan whispered: "At that time, the tour guide said that he could take us to see the Three Evils of Western Hunan, so we followed him out of curiosity."

Gu poison, corpse driving, and the cave girl are known as the three evil spirits of western Hunan. They have been circulating in this mysterious land for thousands of years. Outsiders can only hear the legends of the three evil spirits, but cannot see them in person, which adds a layer of mystery to the three evil spirits.

I can understand that Jiang Yan and his friends came to watch the corpse-carrying performance in Xiangxi just to seek excitement.

At this time, a magician from the Xuanjing Division came over and said, "Madam, there is no corpse path nearby. This should not be a place where corpse drivers pass by."

The man glanced at Jiang Yan and said, "I think they were deceived by the tour guide..."

"Pa" - the man was slapped by Sun Xiaomei before he could finish his words: "Remember this, in the future, it is enough to do what you are supposed to do. I will judge the rest myself."

The man was beaten by Sun Xiaomei until blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, but he did not dare to show any dissatisfaction. Sun Xiaomei asked: "Where were you waiting to see the corpse driving?"

"We set up the tent over there." Jiang Yan pointed to the tree where Lao Chang was hiding. (To be continued)