Mister Big

Chapter 171: Look up and see the coffin


The coffin with the two ropes broken was still hanging in the air, swaying back and forth. Apart from signs of decay, there was nothing strange inside the coffin.

Xiao Baitang said, "Look carefully, there is a human-shaped shadow at the bottom of the coffin."

I shone the flashlight at the coffin and looked at it carefully for a while, only to find that there was indeed a dark red mark on the bottom of the coffin. I just thought it was rotten wood, but now it seems that it was the mark left by the grease from the corpse seeping into the coffin.

I turned and asked, "Where's the body in the coffin?"

"No." Xiao Baitang shook his head, "I didn't see the body when I hid in the coffin, so I felt strange."

According to common sense, even if the body has been decomposed for a long time, there should be some bone remains. If the body in the coffin has decomposed into red mud after thousands of years, then the coffin should also decay. Now the appearance of the coffin is still intact, but the body is missing, which can only mean that the body disappeared not long after it was placed in the coffin.

When I turned to look at the coffin lid, I saw a fist-sized hole on it. Although the coffin had been severely decomposed, the edge of the hole was clearly gnawed by insects. Something must have gotten into the coffin, eaten the body, and then broke out and crawled to another place.

After a moment's hesitation, I stood up, holding up the flashlight and walked forward for more than a hundred meters, until I reached the edge of the fork in the road, where I saw another coffin hanging in the air.

How could the coffin be hanging in the air

The first thing that came to my mind was the Feng Shui idea of "looking up and seeing a coffin". That is a Feng Shui sorcery that uses a coffin to suppress the luck of the living. Of course, they don't use a real coffin, but a magical instrument similar to a coffin, or simply a coffin nail.

According to legend, nailing coffin nails on the beams of a house can cause a family to die suddenly one after another. In fact, this is also a form of "looking up and seeing a coffin".

However, "Looking Up and Seeing a Coffin" can only be used to suppress Yang residences. There is not even a single person in the secret realm of Shenzhai. Who can it be used to suppress

I looked up for a long time before I shook my aching neck. At this moment, I caught a glimpse of the body kneeling on the ground with the lamp in its hands.

An idea suddenly flashed through my mind. If the lamp panel was removed, wouldn't the sorcerer be kneeling on the ground with his hands raised to the sky, with his palms pointing right under the coffin

According to ancient etiquette, this posture was a great gift for the ancestors to offer sacrifices to the gods. When the ancestors held up blood and food with both hands to offer sacrifices to the gods and pray for the gods' blessings, if the offering was too heavy to be lifted over the head by one person, then only the wizard responsible for presiding over the sacrifice would be in the correct position, while others would hold up the blood and food on the left and right sides.

The body was just to the right of the coffin, and there was an empty space opposite it where someone could kneel. I took a few quick steps and found that there were four adjacent holes carved out on the rock walls on the left and right sides of the coffin. The positions of the lamp panels above the holes were also closer than the distance between the two torches in the cave, which was obviously a deliberate space.

Judging from the direction of the hands, if the distance between him and the coffin is ignored, the hands of the corpse are just holding up the coffin.

I walked quickly to a lamp panel, reached out and grabbed a handful of soil from the ground and rubbed it back and forth a few times. Sure enough, there were bone fragments in the soil.

In the past, living people must have knelt here. They all died kneeling in the corridor of the secret realm like the sorcerer. After several years, their bodies turned into soil, but the vessels they used to hold the sacrifices remained in the cave.

Those discs half-mounted on the wall were definitely not oil lamp discs, but vessels for sacrifice. However, in order to conceal their existence, someone tampered with the vessels many years later, making them look more like oil lamps.

Gu Piaoran deliberately placed the corpse on the lamp holder. Could it be that he was trying to give some kind of hint to people who came after him

Did he know I would follow

No, unless Gu Piaoran is also a Half-Life Daoist, he should not be able to guess who followed into the secret realm. The person he wants to remind is not me!

But how could he be sure that the Great Winter Wizard waiting outside would let in the person he was waiting for

Just when I was puzzled, Xiao Baitang whispered: "Did you see anything? What if those people come back?"

Xiao Baitang reminded me.

No matter how many doubts I had, I couldn't just stand there and not do anything, let alone bet that Sun Xiaomei and the others would be able to find a way out.

My head raced and I suddenly shone the flashlight towards the top of the hole above the coffin. Sure enough, there was a hole as big as a wellhead.

"Xiao Baitang, wait for me for a moment." I ordered the other party, immediately rushed forward a few steps and jumped up, grabbed the coffin hanging in the air, climbed to the edge of the hole along the rope, and slowly put my head into the hole.

As soon as I showed my head, a cold light flashed in the corner of my eye. I was so scared that I broke out in a cold sweat and quickly lowered my head to squat on the coffin. I waited for a long time but didn't hear the sound of wind that should have appeared. Then I slowly raised my head with a flashlight and looked towards the place where the cold light flashed.

The first thing I saw was a corpse sitting cross-legged near the cave entrance. The cold light just now was the long knife in his hand. When I looked closely, I found that the corpse was not sitting cross-legged, but had lost its legs.

Several of his sternums were obviously broken, and it looked like something the size of a fist had pierced through his chest, killing him instantly. He must have wanted to swing his knife to kill the thing coming out of the cave, but before he could do anything, it pierced his chest and he died here.

When I looked around again, I discovered that the entrance to the cave where I was standing now was a large space that looked like a suspended ceiling. The top of the cave was divided into two layers, one below and one above. The height in the middle was just enough for a person to crawl forward on all fours.

After I climbed up with my hands on the edge of the cave, I immediately felt a bone-chilling chill. The temperature in this space was much lower than that below, no wonder the body was preserved so intact.

Before I had time to look to the side, I heard hurried footsteps coming from nearby. Are Sun Xiaomei and the others back

I quickly turned around, hooked my legs around the edge of the hole, and leaned out of the hole with my upper body hanging upside down. I waved to Xiao Baitang, "Come up quickly!"

Xiao Baitang ran a few steps, jumped up and grabbed the coffin, stepped on the coffin, grabbed my hands and crawled into the cave. As soon as we lay down, we saw Sun Xiaomei and the others coming back with Dongbao.

Sun Xiaomei said coldly: "Put Dongbao in!"

Although I didn't see how many people were missing from Sun Xiaomei's team, I saw that some people were injured, and the faces of several of them looked extremely ugly. However, their attitude towards Gu Piaoran seemed to be a little respectful.

It seemed that they must have been through a tough battle just now. Gu Piaoran also skillfully used ventriloquism to make Sun Xiaomei and the others worship him as a god.

When several Mirror Sorcerers rushed over, they couldn't help but exclaimed: "The girl's body is gone!"

Xie Jingwen scolded angrily: "Why are you shouting? Didn't the cave god just say that he took the girl's body? What's so strange about this?"

Gu Piaoran had indeed calculated that Xiao Baitang would "come back to life", and he had even thought of how to explain her disappearance.

"Take the thing out of Dongbao's mouth." Gu Piaoran said in a deep voice, "Dongbao, I have no choice but to sacrifice you. Just say whatever you want to say! If you have any unfulfilled wishes, I can help you with them."

Dong Bao looked at Xie Jingwen sadly and said, "Xie Lang, I'm leaving, please take care of yourself. Although I can't be a Han Chinese with you, and be your husband and wife, we are still together after all... Xie Lang, hug me!"

Xie Jingwen walked up and hugged Dongbao: "You go, I will be here soon! After I send Master's wife out of the secret realm, I will come to accompany you."

Dong Bao slowly raised his head and kissed Jie Jingwen's lips. Just as their lips were gently touching, Jie Jingwen suddenly pushed Dong Bao aside and retreated several meters: "Catch her!"

Several Mirror Warlocks drew their swords at the same time and pressed them against Dong Bao's neck without deviation: "Don't move!"

Dongbao vomited blood before she could say anything. I clearly saw a wriggling poisonous insect in the blood she vomited.

Xie Jingwen said coldly: "It turns out that you didn't have time to cast the life and death Gu on me, causing me to worry for a long time in vain."

Dong Bao suddenly looked up at Xie Jingwen and screamed in disbelief, "Xie Lang!"

"Don't call me Jie Lang, it makes me sick!" Jie Jingwen's true colors were revealed at once, "Do you think I really like a woman like you who deals with bugs? Don't dream! In my eyes, you are also a bug, a poisonous bug."

"If I didn't want to enter Miaojiang, I wouldn't even bother to look at you. Which woman I've slept with isn't prettier than you? If it weren't for your ability to cast a spell, would I have been so affectionate with you?"

Although Dongbao is not a beauty picked out of thousands, she is also a natural beauty. Xie Jingwen deliberately belittled Dongbao just to show others that he actually made a "sacrifice".

Dongbao screamed: "You just said..."

Xie Jingwen said with a ferocious look on his face: "Just now? Just now I was tricking you into dying! If you didn't surrender, how much would it cost us to capture you? Now, if you are willing to lie down in the coffin obediently, we will save ourselves the trouble."

"And you'd better not mention those two words to me again. If I wasn't afraid that you had cast a life and death Gu on me, who would have said those love words to you that even I find disgusting! I'm telling you, I was lying to you from the beginning, do you understand?"

"You..." Dong Bao only said one word, and blood spurted out of his mouth. (To be continued)