Mister Big

Chapter 177: God Gu 4


Just a moment later, a bloody bubble exploded at my feet. The splashing water instantly raised a puff of white smoke on my trouser leg. The moment the shuddering burning pain came from my leg, I reached out and picked up Little White Sugar and held her on my shoulder. With my other hand, I suddenly grasped the handle of the Rakshasa Knife: "Find an opportunity to break through!"

Xiao Baitang was stunned for a moment before Xie Jingwen sneered, "What a pair of dogs and bitches, still being affectionate before death! I must make you die together! Prepare for me..."

The moment the warlock of the Mirror Division pointed his crossbow at my weak spot, I also began to draw the Netherworld Qi. As the dark wind swirled around my feet, I suddenly heard a sound of surging water behind me - the pool was flooding

I was pinned down by my opponent's powerful crossbow and didn't dare to look back at the situation behind me. However, Xie Jingwen laughed and said, "No one move. I want to see how he falls into the water and how nothing remains!"

I took advantage of the situation to pull out the Rakshasa, pointed the knife at Li Jingwen, and the three ghost coins on the knife suddenly started to spin.

I knew that I would be dead, no one could stand after having their feet corroded by something like strong acid. Even if I could hold out longer than those warlocks, what would that do? It would only allow me to live a little longer in the excruciating pain.

However, this period of time may allow me to find a way out for Xiao Baitang.

As I glanced at Xie Jingwen coldly, the three ghost coins on the knife suddenly stopped, and the hexagrams presented by the ghost coins were full of vitality! Could it be that Xie Jingwen was destined not to die? Then I...

Just when I was about to give up, I saw Jie Jingwen jumping up and down and yelling, "Go ahead, go ahead! Shoot them all into the water! I..."

"Stop!" Gu Piaoran shouted coldly, "No one is allowed to move! The man who is about to die may be our lucky star. Keeping him here will be useful to us."

"What kind of lucky star is he!" Xie Jingwen shouted angrily, "He just stood in the right position, what does it matter whether he is dead or not?"

At this time, Sun Xiaomei said coldly: "Put away the crossbows and no one is allowed to shoot."

Although Xie Jingwen was filled with hatred, he did not dare to disobey Sun Xiaomei's wishes.

After the Xuanjing Division's subordinates put away their crossbows, I breathed a sigh of relief and subconsciously looked down at my feet. It turned out that the water that was supposed to surge up actually went around my feet and flowed along a channel-like ditch on the ground toward the cave entrance.

Just now my attention was all focused on Xie Jingwen, and the cave was filled with sour air, so I didn't notice the changes under my feet at all. No wonder Xie Jingwen said that I was just standing in the right position.

Now I noticed that the water flowing past my feet had turned back to its original clear and transparent state. The only evidence that it had swallowed several lives was the clumps of hair floating along the water.

Sun Xiaomei said calmly, "Wu Zhao, you can see that this pool of water has probably turned into an acidic venom under the stimulation of something. We are about fifty meters away from the other side! I think life is on the other side. What do you think?"

I said calmly, "You want me to go in and see under what circumstances the water will turn into poison, right?"

"It's easy to talk to smart people." Sun Xiaomei smiled and said, "If you can swim to the other side successfully, I hope you can swim back. I need to accurately measure the time when the water in the pond becomes poisonous, instead of relying on guesswork, do you understand?"

Sun Xiaomei obviously wants me to die!

Sun Xiaomei smiled brightly: "Of course, you can choose not to go and let the little sister you are carrying go down. But after she dies, I will still force you to go into the water. Because her skills are not as deep as yours, she can't figure out the secret of the water. If you can complete the mission well, maybe I can let her go."

Xie Jingwen smiled and said, "Master's wife is wise! Wu Zhao, aren't you always willing to sacrifice your life for love? Go down!"

I gently put down the little white sugar: "Be careful!"

"Wu Zhao!" Xiao Baitang held my arm tightly, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Don't worry, I may be fine!" At this point, I can only say things that even I don't believe.

I gently pushed away Xiao Baitang's little hand and was about to step into the pool, but suddenly I saw Dongbao floating up from the water.

Dongbao was still wearing her original clothes, but her flesh and blood had completely melted into the water, leaving only a body of white bones. Dongbao's white bones turned her head slightly, stared at Xie Jingwen with a pair of dark eyes and said, "If any of you come down, don't even think about figuring out the secret of the water. But if he comes down, I can tell you the secret of the magic poison."

Xie Jingwen screamed, "Master's Wife, don't believe her! She is a ghost, and ghosts' words cannot be believed!"

Sun Xiaomei asked in a deep voice: "Are you a human or a ghost?"

"It's a ghost!" Dong Bao laughed hoarsely, "To be precise, I am a ghost summoned by the witch named Dong Bao. I caught her, but I didn't eat her. Instead, I hid in her body."

I finally understood that the ghost was forced to retreat by the Xuanjing Division's formation, so it devoured Dongbao's soul and hid in the corpse. The sound of the ghost chewing human bones that I heard at that time was actually the sound of the ghost forcibly devouring Dongbao's soul.

The ghost claw that appeared again after the ghost threw away Dongbao was most likely an illusion to drive us to escape in the predetermined direction.

Dong Bao laughed like a night owl and said, "Of course, you can also call me Dong Bao. You can keep calling me Dong Bao until I fulfill the little witch's wish to sacrifice herself and eliminate the resentment in her heart."

Xie Jingwen turned pale with fear: "Master's Wife, you heard it too, she is a vengeful ghost. She wants to kill me, don't believe her!"

Sun Xiaomei said in a deep voice: "Do you think I will believe you?"

Dong Bao smiled and said, "I can swear in the name of ghosts and gods that as long as you meet my conditions, every word I say will be true."

The ghosts and gods are willing to swear with their real names, which is just like the blood oath of a sorcerer and cannot be violated. Once the oath is violated, his end will be to be reduced to ashes.

Sun Xiaomei hesitated for a moment and frightened Xie Jingwen so much that he knelt down directly: "Master's wife, you must not believe her! Which ghost or god would be willing to swear an oath with his real name as a guarantee to help a group of people who have nothing to do with him? She is simply lying to you!"

Sun Xiaomei said coldly: "Shut up, I have my own plan."

Xie Jingwen was so frightened that his face turned pale, but he dared not utter a word. He could only look at Dong Bao pitifully, as if hoping that she would spare her life because of their past "favor".

Sun Xiaomei asked, "What kind of ghost are you?"

"A guarding ghost." Dong Bao said disapprovingly, "I don't care if you call me a watchdog. My mission is to guard this secret place and wait for someone to come. I have been here for who knows how many years. No one knows the things in the secret place better than me."

Dongbao's words were probably credible. If the ghost or god that the witch offered sacrifices to was not the god they had always worshipped, then it was possible that it was the ghost or god closest to her.

According to common sense, the witch of the tribe must worship a ghost or god, but the person who worships the ghost or god in the village should be Dong Tian, not Dong Bao. If the ghost or god worshipped by the village is invited to come, it should be Dong Tian who takes Dong Bao as a sacrifice; if Dong Bao offers sacrifice herself, she can only attract the ghost or god closest to her.

Sun Xiaomei naturally knew this truth: "Everyone who came in before died in your hands?"

"No!" Dongbao stretched out a white finger from the water, "They died in the secret place. Well, I've said enough. You can decide for yourself whether you want to hear other things!"

"I can tell you that the people who came here before were no weaker than you. It's just that they made a mistake. They thought that I was the key to the secret realm. Not only did they refuse to listen to me, they also planned to kill me. Hehe..."

"In the secret realm, if I want to hide, no one can find me. By the time they are trapped to death in the secret realm, it will be too late to regret."

Sun Xiaomei stared at the other person and asked, "Can you swear that what you just said is true?"

"What's there to be afraid of?" Dongbao raised a hand to the sky, and a string of strange syllables came out of his mouth.

Is that witch language

Legend has it that when wizards communicate with gods, they cannot speak ordinary language, but can only use wizard language. Over time, wizard language has become a symbol of wizards. Some people also say that wizard language is actually the authentic language of gods, the language used by ghosts and gods to communicate. If even ghosts and gods cannot understand wizard language, how can wizards communicate with ghosts and gods

I couldn't understand the witch language, but Sun Xiaomei kept nodding. She obviously knew what the other party was saying. Could it be that Sun Xiaomei was also from a witch family

I was staring at Sun Xiaomei in confusion, trying to judge from her expression whether she understood the witch language, when Dongbao's last syllable fell.

Sun Xiaomei slowly said, "Jingwen, Dongbao has sworn with her real name, and her words are absolutely true. What do you say?"

Xie Jingwen cried, "Master's Wife, I don't want to die! Master only has me as his disciple..."

Sun Xiaomei looked up at the sky and said, "Because you are my only disciple, I neglected to discipline you and let you become so useless. If I were here, he would choose to step into the pool by himself. Stand up and walk down by yourself. Don't embarrass me."

Sun Xiaomei suddenly added, "You're not even as good as Wu Zhao, are you?"

"How can they be the same!" Xie Jingwen cried, "Wu Zhao is a desperate criminal. He can do anything. But I..."

Sun Xiaomei said sternly: "No buts!" (To be continued)