Mister Big

Chapter 182: Stalemate


I solemnly placed Long Zaixing's clothes into the stone coffin behind Xuanming, and after three bows and nine kowtows, I sealed the door to the secret realm. I used Rakshasa to carve "The resting place of the half-life warrior Long Zaixing" on the stone door, and stood in front of the door for a long time without saying a word.

Little White Sugar, who had been moved out of the cave by me, woke up at some point. He walked over to me and asked in a low voice, "Are you burying someone's bones? Who is this person?"

I said in a low voice: "A warrior! A true warrior! He left, like all the people of the Half-Life Path, leaving with honor even though he was defeated."

Xiao Baitang whispered, "Defeated but still honorable, that is, not defeated. How can a person who truly failed leave behind glory for future generations to admire? Just like many heroes who died in battle after exhausting themselves, although they fell on the battlefield, they left behind the name of heroes. Can you say they are losers?"

I suddenly turned my head to look at Xiao Baitang, who was startled by my action: "Did I say something wrong?"

"You're right!" I bowed deeply to Long Zaixing's tomb, turned around and walked out of the secret realm.

Just like Long Zaixing said, one day in the future, I will also fall into the vortex of fate, and like my predecessors in Banmingdao, I will fight to the death to change my fate.

Perhaps, I will also be scared to death.

Before I leave, will I be like Long Zaixing and leave my descendants with a long laugh like singing a song; or will I be like my grandfather and only leave my descendants with instructions over and over again

There are some things I dare not think about, at least not now.

Because, outside the secret realm, there is a world of magic waiting for me!

I was very careful when I entered the secret realm, but it was very smooth when I left. From where I walked, Sun Xiaomei and her team must have had a hard fight with Dongbao, and most of them were left behind along the way. However, I didn't find any of the three people I cared about the most - Sun Xiaomei, Gu Piaoran, and Jie Jingwen. Did they succeed in breaking through

Given Sun Xiaomei's character, if she were allowed to leave the Shenzhai Secret Realm, there would be endless trouble. When I chased her all the way from the Secret Realm to the Shenzhai, I was disappointed.

Winter Witch led all the masters of the Divine Village to form a battle array and confronted the elite troops of the Xuan Jing Division in front of the village gate. Judging from the bloodstains on the ground, they had already had several clashes and it seemed that no one had gained the upper hand.

The leader of the Xuan Jing Division's team was a young girl. Judging from her age, she seemed to be much younger than Sun Xiaomei. However, judging from the position she was standing in, the entire battle formation was centered around her.

She is so young, yet she can lead the Xuan Jing Division deep into Miao territory

When I was wondering, Sun Xiaomei obviously noticed my presence. After she whispered a few words in the girl's ear, she nodded slightly and said to Dong Tian: "Dong Tian, you and I are roughly equal in strength now. I believe you have a trump card, and I also have a backup plan. There is no point in us fighting any further. How about I take Wu Zhao away and we shake hands and make peace?"

Dong Tian shook his head without hesitation and said, “Wu Zhao is my honored guest, I will not allow anyone to hurt my guest.”

The girl laughed and said, "Even if you sacrifice the entire Shenzhai, will you stand up for Wu Zhaoqiang?"

Dong Tian's face darkened and he said, "Lin Yaonu, stop your tricks of attacking people's hearts! We Miao people are willing to risk our lives for our friends, even at the cost of our village."

Lin Yaonu smiled faintly and said, "The confidence of Great Winter Witch probably comes from the other three Gu Gods, right? We have been fighting for this long, but they haven't appeared yet. What does this mean?"

The reason why the three great poisonous gods refused to show up was obvious: they had reached some kind of agreement with the demon girl Lin.

Dong Tian's expression changed immediately: "Do you think Gu Shen will betray the interests of Miaojiang?"

The demon girl Lin laughed and said, "I don't have the ability to make the Gu God betray Miaojiang, but it's easy to make them betray you, Dong Tian."

I couldn't help but secretly said, "What a witch." Regardless of whether Dong Tian would hand me over today, the feud between her and the three Gu Gods was settled. After the witch Lin left Miaojiang, I'm afraid there would be another battle between the four Gu Gods.

Lin Yaonv put her hands behind her back and said, "Great Witch Dongtian, I took Wu Zhao away for your own good. As far as I know, Wu Zhao was the last person to obtain the treasure of the secret realm. Would you be willing to let a Han family member leave Xiangxi with a magical Gu that can restrain all Miao poisons?"

“Hahaha…” Dong Tian laughed loudly, “If the magic Gu was really in Wu Zhao’s hands, I might still feel relieved, but now that it’s in your hands, I can’t feel relieved anymore.”

Lin Yaonu smiled faintly and said, "Since you are worried about the magic Gu, then take it out yourself. How about we just take Wu Zhao away?"

Dongtian's expression indeed relaxed a little, but my heart suddenly tightened.

The focus of the fight between Miaojiang and Xuanjingsi is the divine Gu. Dongtian didn't know that what I got was only the inheritance of Xuanming, not the divine Gu, and she defended me in front of Xuanjingsi without giving in, at least 70% of the reason was because of the divine Gu.

Once the Miao wizards found out that I didn't have any magic poison, but only a kind of inner strength, I would lose my meaning to them - the Miao martial arts are unique and they never learn the magic and martial arts of the Han people. At that time, would Dongtian still fight to protect me

I knew that I couldn't avoid this crisis even if I wanted to, so I took advantage of Dong Tian's silence and walked towards her. Several Miao experts surrounding Dong Tian also immediately took up their positions, staring at my every move with eager eyes.

I naturally walked over to Dong Tian and stood beside him. "Great Witch Dong Tian, there is no magical poison in the secret realm. There is only the martial arts inheritance of a Han family sorcerer..."

I roughly told him about accepting the Xuanming inheritance, and then I extended my hand: "If the Great Witch doesn't believe it, you can check it yourself."

I can see that in the current situation, the use of force is inevitable, but the target of the force can be chosen. Let Dong Tian rest assured that at least I will not be hunted down by the Miao people, and maybe I can take the opportunity to escape deep into the Miao territory and deal with the Xuan Jing Division. If they both list me as a target at the same time, I will definitely die.

Just as Dong Tian was about to speak, someone nearby said, "Let's check it out! For something this important, it would be better if more people could verify it."

When I looked over following the sound, I found three Miao witches between the two groups. Are they the three great Gu gods

Dongtian snorted coldly and stepped aside. The three of them seemed to be relieved at the same time. They gathered around me and shook their heads after checking me from head to toe. One of them clasped his fists to Dongtian and said, "It seems that we have misunderstood..."

Dong Tian said coldly: "You'd better check again, otherwise you will think I am hiding the magic Gu again."

The man suddenly raised his hand and pushed it towards my face. I instinctively stepped back, and a nearly foot long red centipede flew out from his sleeve. I never thought that centipedes could grow wings and fly in the sky to bite people? In just a moment of shock, the centipede landed on me like lightning and coiled around my throat.

Without thinking too much, I immediately released the Xuanming Qi to protect my whole body. The moment the overwhelming coldness poured out of me, the centipede wrapped around me fell to the ground with a "click" like a frozen branch.

The man lost a vicious insect, but he didn't seem to care. He didn't even look at the centipede on the ground. Instead, he clasped his fists towards Dong Tian and said, "We have completed the inspection. He was entangled by the flying centipede, and no Gu worms appeared on his body, which means he doesn't have the magic Gu. Sorry for the offense. Forgive me, forgive me."

The reason why that person used the Gu insect to test me was very simple. If the divine Gu really existed, it would not allow its food to show off in front of it. Even if it did not personally go into battle, it would send out some kind of signal. The process from the appearance of the flying centipede to its freezing to death was enough to prove that I did not have the Gu in me.

The man who put the poison in the dog said earnestly, "Dong Tian, since he doesn't have the magic poison, I think you should just let him go! You and Xuan Jing Si have both lost a lot of people, and neither of you has gained any advantage. It's not a loss to let him go now. If you turn against Xuan Jing Si for a Han Jia Lang, it's not worth it."

When I heard this, a sneer appeared on the corner of my mouth.

I don't want to be put in a situation where I have to fight on both sides, and neither does Miss Lin.

The real purpose of the demon girl Lin was to force me to come out and clarify to Dong Tian that I did not have the divine Gu. She had long known that the three great Gu gods were watching nearby. Only by proving that I did not have the divine Gu could she reduce the number of opponents to a minimum. Going to war with Dong Tian and turning against the four great Gu gods at the same time were not the same concept. Now that the three Gu gods were unwilling to come forward, the demon girl Lin could naturally withdraw the masters who were on guard against them to deal with Dong Tian with all their strength. The situation that was originally evenly matched was easily reversed by the demon girl Lin.

I have already understood this clearly, but I have no other choice. If it were Gu Piaoran, he could make the two sides fall out with just a few words and then escape.

I don't have the ability or conditions to gain the trust of both parties in a short period of time. All I can do is to reduce the opponent to the lowest level.

The demon girl Lin smiled just right and said, "Great Winter Witch, at this point, does the Divine Village still want to protect Wu Zhao with all its strength?"

Dongtian was silent for a moment before he said, "Shenzhai withdraws!"

The demon girl Lin smiled slightly and waved her hand, saying, "Catch me, Wu Zhao."

I took a half step back and reached out to grab the handle of the knife, but Dong Tian walked out from beside me and said, "I, Dong Tian, will not allow anyone to touch a hair of Wu Zhao. I said, no one is allowed to hurt my guests."

When I looked at Dong Tian in surprise, the demon girl Lin couldn't help but frowned: "Great Witch Dong Tian, you have to think clearly about what will happen to the village without the Great Witch."

Dong Tian smiled faintly and said, "I have thought it through very clearly. The purpose of the existence of the God Village is to protect the secret realm. Now that the secret realm has been broken, the God Village should naturally be disbanded. Besides, I may not lose."


Thank you all for your support, and stay tuned for the next episode!

Thank you Doudou for the reward! (To be continued)