Mister Big

Chapter 19: Between truth and falsehood


I threw a living person weighing over 100 pounds several meters away and he hit the wardrobe with a bang.

The unsupported wardrobe was instantly knocked to the ground, and both the man and the wardrobe fell on Lao Zhang, who immediately became motionless.

By the time I got in front of the other person in a few steps, wisps of green fire had already overflowed from Lao Zhang's seven orifices - the soul attached to him had dissipated.

Lao Du got Chen Liu down from the wardrobe, and only breathed a sigh of relief when he realized that I had not been cruel enough in that blow.

At this moment, Jiang Yi's weak voice came from the closet behind me: "Mr. Wu, can I go out?"

"Wait a moment!" I just said four words, and I heard Jiang Yi's trembling voice: "I... why do I feel... Shiyu... Shiyu is dead..."

Jiang Yi and Wang Shiyu were in the same closet, separated only by a wooden board. If there was any movement from Wang Shiyu's side, Jiang Yi could hear it clearly.

As soon as Jiang Yi finished speaking, Wang Shiyu banged on the door and shouted, "Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu, help! Jiang Yi is dead, she is dead..."

"No!" Jiang Yi screamed, "I heard Wang Shiyu die, I really heard it..."

"Don't believe her, don't believe her!" Wang Shiyu's voice had changed. "She's dead! Jiang Yi is really dead! She was lying on the partition looking at me, there was blood in her eyes, there was blood in her eyes!"

Lao Du held the pistol in both hands and pointed it back and forth between the two door panels, but he didn't know where to point the gun: "Xiao Wu, what should we do?"

I said in a deep voice: "Didn't you all say that the other person was dead? If anyone of you can prove that the other person is dead, I will release her."

Jiang Yi screamed, "I can't prove it. I just feel that Shiyu is dead! The person sitting in the closet is dead!"

At this moment, Wang Shiyu's voice suddenly became extremely gloomy: "Why do I feel like you are dead? I seemed to hear you breathe your last just now."

"Nonsense!" Jiang Yi screamed, "You were kicking the door hard just now, you weren't..."

"How can I kick the door?" Wang Shiyu's voice became increasingly shrill. "My back is to the partition, and I can't even turn around, so how can I kick the cabinet door? But you..."

"Who said you had your back to the partition?" Jiang Yi screamed, "I clearly saw you facing the partition as you entered the closet!"

The more Lao Du listened, the more he felt something was wrong: "Xiao Wu, what are they doing..."

When I squinted my eyes and looked at the cabinet door, although I appeared to be extremely calm on the surface, I was torn in my heart, and the dagger in my hand began to waver.

Just when I was silent, Chen Liu shouted weakly: "Captain Du, Captain Du, save me... I can't hold on..."

Lao Du's face suddenly changed. The knife I gave Chen Liu didn't injure his vitals, so he wouldn't die immediately. At most, it would temporarily make Chen Liu lose his ability to move. However, if I didn't stop the bleeding in time, he would still die.

Lao Du pressed his hands tightly on Chen Liu's wound: "Xiao Wu, hurry up! If you don't send Chen Liu to the hospital, he will die soon, and you will be guilty of murder."

When I turned to look at the closet, the door had already been shaken open by Jiang Yi's crazy impact. Jiang Yi's slightly pale fingers flashed before my eyes: "Mr. Wu, help! You must believe me, believe me..."

“Mr. Wu…” Wang Shiyu’s voice also began to sound tearful, but she did not bang on the cabinet door.

Lao Du said sternly: "Xiao Wu, hurry up!"

I immediately turned around and reached out to grab Chen Liu. Old Du was relieved when he saw me trying to save him. Before he could stand up, my hand suddenly turned into a knife and slashed at the back of Old Du's neck. He fell to the ground without a sound, but I quickly took out a red rope and tied Old Du up tightly.

I threw Lao Du aside and found a clean sponge mat to sit on. "If you two have the ability, come out by yourselves. Otherwise, just sleep in the closet for the night!"

The two girls suddenly became motionless, and no one knew whether they had given up struggling or had died in the closet.

Chen Liu, who was lying on the ground, said weakly: "Wu... Brother Wu... We have no grudges against each other, you... you..."

I looked coldly at Chen Liu's gradually pale face: "At this point, are you still going to pretend?"

“Brother Wu… save… save me…” Chen Liu’s pupils had begun to dilate, and after a moment he was completely silent.

I also closed my eyes slightly and sat quietly in the space filled with blood and fragrance, waiting for dawn.

A few hours later, I finally heard the sound of someone smashing the wall outside the door. Xiao Li quickly rushed in with a large number of police officers. When he saw Lao Du tied to the ground by me, his first reaction was to draw his gun at me: "Put your hands up!"

I calmly raised my hands above my head and squatted on the ground with my head in my hands. Xiao Li quickly took me back to the criminal police team. After I took a nap in the interrogation room, Lao Du also pushed the door open and walked in. The first thing he said when he saw me was: "How do you know Chen Liu is dead?"

I looked at Lao Du: "What did the forensic doctor find out?"

Lao Du threw the forensic report in front of me: "The forensic report shows that Chen Liu died of excessive shock. The knife you stabbed into the gap between his internal organs is not a fatal injury. And judging from the wound, it is obvious that you stabbed the body after death."

I looked at Lao Du with a half-smile: "Aren't you afraid that I may have tampered with the corpse?"

Lao Du frowned and thought for a long time before saying, "I don't think so. At least, I can't find any evidence right now. But why did you make that choice last night?"

I said, "Because I think it was a ghost that entered the room."

"There are many kinds of ghosts in the world, but in the eyes of sorcerers, they are divided into only a few categories. One of them is the ghost that specializes in bewitching people. We call them bewitching ghosts. Bewitching ghosts may not be able to kill people with their own hands, but they are the best at bewitching people. Some bewitching ghosts can make people lose their judgment or reason and kill themselves; while some bewitching ghosts confuse others and make them go to their own death."

After listening to this, Lao Du raised his eyebrows and said, "You mean, we encountered a bewitching ghost, and everything that happened last night was fake?"

"Is it true or false?" I shook my head. "Last night, some of the ghosts that entered the room could kill people, while others could only confuse people."

"After I sealed the skylight and all the wardrobes, the other party gave up the attack and tried to force me to leave the room. At the beginning, you were confused by Xiao Li's voice, and I thought it was the work of a bewitching ghost. Because the bewitching ghost has the ability to see through people's hearts, the stronger the obsession in someone's heart, the more information it can capture. Your obsession is a certain case, right?"

"I..." Lao Du hesitated and said, "Let's talk about it after this case is over!"

I didn't force Lao Du to do anything, and continued, "Later, Lao Zhang kept trying to disrupt our thinking, including the screams of the two girls, which were not from themselves. I put aphrodisiac in the closet before stuffing them in, so they wouldn't wake up. The only ones who could speak were ghosts."

"The biggest mistake made by the ghost possessing Lao Zhang was that he shouldn't have asked us to recall how many ghosts fell from the ceiling. That trick can only be used against ordinary people. When ordinary people are in extremely nervous situations, it is easy for them to be misled and even automatically fill in the blanks based on what others say."

"But you and I are not ordinary people. When you shook your head at me, I knew that you wanted to say that you didn't see the other ghost. I believe in the insight of an old detective."

Lao Du couldn't help but ask, "How did you find out that Chen Liu was dead?"

I said in a deep voice: "I told you, I calculated it, do you believe it?"

Seeing that Lao Du looked confused, I explained, "After entering the room, I secretly calculated the fate of everyone, including you."

I was sitting cross-legged in the room, seemingly resting with my eyes closed, but in fact I was using the Heart Gua to calculate the fate of everyone. The Heart Gua sounds extremely mysterious, but in fact many people have seen it. The simplest Heart Gua is what ordinary people call "calculating with fingers".

However, when a fortune teller uses the Heart Hexagram, he must keep his mind calm and not have any emotional fluctuations, otherwise, the hexagram will inevitably be wrong.

At that time, I deliberately remained silent and put them under psychological pressure in order to prevent them from disturbing me.

I continued, "I had already calculated that Chen Liu and Lao Zhang were doomed, and that they would definitely die. However, I didn't calculate how they would die."

Lao Du said in a deep voice: "So, you just regarded them as objects to be abandoned?"

I didn't pick up on what Lao Du was saying, but changed the subject: "In fact, ever since the skylight was opened by the ghost, I knew that last night's incident would not end well, so I have been secretly observing everyone."

"Chen Liu is a coward. From the moment he was pinned down by the ghost, a look of death appeared on his face. Although he was still able to move at the time, it was only because the ghost had used some tricks on him. I dared to stab Chen Liu because I thought he was dead."

"As for how Lao Zhang died, I really didn't see it."

I paused and said, "Those two girls... Because there is money outside the closet for fighting ghosts that I placed, no one can get in from the outside without the help of a big ghost, let alone sneak into the closet silently, so I am not worried about their safety. As for the shouting of those two girls, it was just the noise made by the ghost hiding under the closet."

Lao Du complained: "Why didn't you say these words at the time? I almost wanted to arrest you!"

I smiled and said, "I just want to see whether those ghosts want to kill me or just want to get rid of me. If they want to kill me, they will attack me without me having to attack Chen Liu, and they will not just use the bewitching ghosts; on the contrary, if they just want to prevent me from attacking, the knife I gave Chen Liu will be enough for them to achieve their goal." (To be continued)