Mister Big

Chapter 199: The final clue


While I was holding the note in a daze, Monk Shi jumped onto the altar and asked, "What are you doing?"

Monk Shi was also stunned when he saw the note: "Isn't the Seventh Shui Lan the Ghost King? How could she help us? Besides, how could she plan every step ahead of us?"

Seventh Shui Lan is the strongest fortune teller I have ever seen. She can deduce a matter to the point where she can see it clearly, and the next step is to be meticulous. According to legend, fortune tellers who can reach that level can already be honored as immortals.

We appeared behind the gate of hell, and every step we took was calculated by Seventh Shuilan. I even had an illusion that Seventh Shuilan was like a god floating in the air, looking down at me struggling in the ring with a smile, and occasionally saying a word or two to give me some kind of hint.

Didn't she know that I was against the Hell Gate? Or did she just give me a chance to survive in order to make the game more exciting, so that I could continue to struggle desperately according to the script she arranged

I tapped the note on my hand twice: "No matter what, we have to go to Corning Hospital. Let's go!"

I put the broken Buddha statue back in place, took Monk Shi down from the ruined temple, and walked back along the road. Not long after we walked, I saw two lights flashing in the bushes by the roadside, as if a car was parked in the bushes with its hazard lights on.

After Shi Heshang and I exchanged a glance, we immediately separated and surrounded the car. When we got closer, we found that the car abandoned in the bushes was the taxi that brought us here.

All four doors of the taxi were knocked off by external forces and thrown randomly near the car. The money we gave to the driver just now was like paper money thrown into a graveyard. Although it was also colorful, it exuded a dead aura that could not be used by living people.

I just took a step forward, and a gust of wind came from left to right, and the banknotes scattered in the car were blown up by the wind and blew towards me. I slightly turned my body, and the banknotes blown up by the wind suddenly split into two streams beside me and passed by me without touching me at all.

There's a ghost carrying money!

The older generation said that if the paper ashes blown by the wind move around people when visiting the grave, and do not stick to the person visiting the grave, it means that the ancestors have come to take money, and they move around people to prevent their descendants from being contaminated by bad luck.

This statement is only half right. According to the theory of Taoism, the Yin energy brought by ghosts cannot resist the Yang energy of people, so it is blocked by the Yang energy half a foot away.

But, no matter what, it was definitely a sign that there was a ghost nearby.

I quietly opened my ghost eyes and looked in the direction where the money was flying, and soon found a human figure in the grass. It seemed like the person was squatting in the grass with his back to me, with only a part of his head exposed, staring at something motionlessly.

When Monk Shi and I walked towards the bush at the same time, Monk Shi made a gesture to me and slowly pushed aside the grass branches blocking our way with one end of his long stick. After Monk Shi and I saw the man clearly, we couldn't help but take a breath of cold air at the same time.

Behind the bushes was indeed the driver, but only a human head was left. The head that had just been cut off was stuck on a branch that was casually broken off and was more than one meter above the ground. The blood on the head had already drained out, and there was no smell of blood in the air. The face of the head looked extremely pale under the flashing lights of the car.

I only glanced at the head, and the latter's eyes suddenly opened wide, and looked at my face with bloodshot pupils, and suddenly let out a sharp scream. When I instinctively took a step back, I suddenly felt my feet go soft, as if I stepped on a layer of loose soil.

Oh no! Just as I was about to lift my foot, I felt a pair of hands suddenly grab my ankle and twist it from left to right.

The thing in the soil was trying to break my ankle! I didn't have time to think about anything, and I turned around in the direction of the ghost hand, spinning half a circle on the spot. Before I could stand firm, my back was exposed in the direction of the head, and at the same time, a gust of wind suddenly hit me from behind.

Is there an ambush behind me

My left foot was still under the control of the ghost hand, and there was another enemy behind me. Even if I wanted to draw my sword now, it was too late. I had no choice but to roll forward. When I pressed my hands on the ground, rolled on the spot and squatted on the ground again, the soil in front of me exploded from the inside out and rushed to the sky.

I knew that there must be deadly danger behind the explosion of earth waves, but I couldn't move anymore.

At that time, not only had I exhausted my strength and was unable to get up and fly again in an instant, but a pair of hands suddenly appeared from behind and pressed down on my shoulders.

My hands were already pressing on the ground, and with someone holding my shoulders like this, I couldn't even stand up, so I could only raise my head instinctively.

Just as I looked up and forward, a figure suddenly jumped out from the flying mud, half-crouching on the ground. With lightning speed, he pulled out a dagger with his right hand and stabbed it straight into my forehead.

The opponent's weapons hadn't arrived yet, but I had already felt a piercing chill. The hairs on my body stood up instantly, and an indescribable despair surged in my heart.

The distance between me and the opponent was less than one meter. According to common sense, his dagger would have pierced my head in an instant, leaving me no chance to roar or wail. But I felt that the deadly coldness of the dagger was gradually increasing. After the coldness from the dagger froze my scalp, the terrifying murderous aura of the opponent rushed into my sea of consciousness. Just that murderous aura was enough to make me lose the idea of resistance, not to mention that I was controlled by him.

What else is left in my heart except despair

Just as the dagger approached my forehead, a figure flashed before my eyes. Whose figure was that? Lu Xiaoying! Yes, it was Lu Xiaoying!

I have heard from others that the figure that flashes through a person’s mind before he dies is the person who is most important to him and the love he will never forget in his life.

I didn't even have time to think about why Lu Xiaoying's image flashed through my mind before the opponent's dagger cut open the skin on my forehead.

I originally thought that this kind of despair would be the last emotion I would have in this life, and I originally thought that Lu Xiaoying would be the last person I would think of, but the opponent's dagger suddenly stopped and stopped at my bones.

Only then did I see the man opposite me clearly. He was wrapped in a black nightgown, even his face was covered tightly, and even the dagger in his hand only had a cold feeling but no cold light.

Is he a killer

Before I could react, I heard the other person say, "He's not, it's a mistake..."

The man obviously didn't finish his words, but he suddenly rolled over and disappeared into the bushes. The man behind me also disappeared in an instant, and when I looked back, I only saw a pit on the ground the length of a person.

The man just now was lying in the pit, and I even walked over him without realizing that I was stepping on someone.

"Monk Shi!" When I turned to look at Monk Shi, I saw him leaning on a long stick and looking at me, with cold sweat running down his head to his chin.

Blood was also oozing out of his brow - Monk Shi's skin on his brow was also torn open by the tip of a knife before the other party suddenly withdrew his hand and spared his life.

When Monk Shi saw me, he stammered, "Old Wu, you're okay... I... I can't even fight back..."

I calmed myself down, stood up, and looked at the bushes behind me again. The head on the stick was still there, but it was no longer moving in the strange way it had just done.

I leaned closer to take a look, and discovered that there was actually a scar between the eyebrows of the human head, as if it had been pierced by a dagger. It was just that someone had covered it up, so I didn't notice anything unusual about the head.

The other party only stabbed the forehead when killing people? No, they wanted to stab something hidden in the forehead. I whispered, "Monk, come and help me."

I asked the monk to hold the head with both hands, and I held a flashlight in one hand and stabbed the dagger into the wound between the corpse's eyebrows with the other hand. It was not until I had completely opened the wound that I saw a trace of green gas coming out of the wound.

As soon as the green gas appeared, it rushed towards my palm along the blade. When I looked at my hand, I found a mark on the back of my hand that looked like an ink spot.

The green "ink mark" stayed on my hand for only a moment before disappearing without a trace right before my eyes.

Did the ink seep into my skin or evaporate

I put the back of my hand under my nose and sniffed twice, and I smelled a scent like sandalwood. I definitely have never touched sandalwood, and that scent should be the smell left by those "ink spots".

Is this what the men in black are looking for? Are they killing people for this

Monk Shi whispered, "Old Wu, look at that green gas just now. Does it look like the thing that came out of the ghost when you rescued Guan Qingyan?"

I was immediately shocked: "Yes, it is that green gas."

Monk Shi exclaimed, "Were those assassins from Hell's Gate? Was that jerk Duan Yunfei using us as bait?"

"It's not Duan Yunfei. If it was him, those killers wouldn't stop halfway." I looked at Monk Shi, "I even suspect those killers are not human."

Monk Shi said, "Isn't that possible?"

"Nothing is impossible." I couldn't explain anything more to Monk Shi. The peach blossom Gu on his body can automatically protect its master. Monk Shi's life was in danger just now, why didn't the peach blossom Gu react? That's because the Gu can only attack targets with flesh and blood, which is the bloodthirsty nature of insects.

However, the poisonous insects cannot sense ghosts which have no flesh, no smell, and no temperature. Even if someone is commanding them, the insects cannot do anything to the ghosts.

What were those things just now? (To be continued)