Mister Big

Chapter 224: liquor


I don’t know what others think, but Guan Qingyan’s words came as a sudden shock to me.

I was right, it was shocking!

Fortunately, Ye Jin pressed my acupoints, and fortunately, Dou Ma covered my face with talismans. Otherwise, even if I didn't run away, I wouldn't dare to look at Guan Qingyan.

If I still can't see Guan Qingyan's thoughts, I'd be a fool!

But what should I do? What can I do

Dou Ma was silent for a long time before she said, "You guys go back! I'll try to persuade the monk. As for Wu Zhao, let nature take its course!"

Dou Ma looked at Guan Qingyan and said, "Girl Guan, to be honest, you are not a sorcerer. It is best not to give your heart to a sorcerer. That is a sin."

Guan Qingyan raised her head and blinked, as if trying to control herself from crying: "Thank you, senior!"

Guan Qingyan left, but no one in the room spoke. Dou Ma was silent for a long time before she reached out and untied the acupuncture points on me and Shi Heshang.

Monk Shi yelled at that time: "Dou Ma, you are too cruel, look at how Lingling is crying!"

"Get lost—" Dou Ma grabbed the monk by the collar and threw him out the door, "You are hopeless! Get out of here now, or I won't be annoyed by you!"

Dou Ma turned to look at me and said, "Zhaozi, what do you think?"

"I don't know." I thought for a long time before saying, "I really don't know!"

"Yes!" Dou Ma said, "I am happy to see the monk and Nangong Ling succeed. They are both sorcerers and can fight side by side in the future. But you and Guan Qingyan are not the same kind of people!"

"I understand." I lit a cigarette and took a deep puff. "If possible, I don't want to tie up Guan Qingyan. But I swore a blood oath, I..."

Before I could finish, Dou Ma waved her hand to stop me, saying, "Don't talk about the blood oath. As far as I know, the oath can be lifted. At least, the old liar has that method. But... forget it, there are some things you have to figure out on your own!"

Dou Ma patted my shoulder and walked out.

I lay in bed for a whole day. There are some things that make me more upset the more I think about them, and the more upset I get, the more I think about them.

I compared almost everything about myself with Guan Qingyan, and surprisingly, I discovered that there was nothing similar or similar between us.

I have never known Guan Qingyan's interests and hobbies, but just in terms of personality, there are too many differences between Guan Qingyan and me.

I can draw my sword in a rage, but she always keeps her cool.

I never weigh the pros and cons, but she always starts from the most advantageous direction.

I don't worry too much, but she has too many ties and concerns.

What exists between her and me is just a status, but what does this status represent

Maybe it is a burden to me and to her!

After I repeatedly denied Guan Qingyan's motives for forcing me to leave, I suddenly sat up from the bed: "Ye Jin, go have a drink with me!"

When Ye Jin and I want to drink, we don’t care whether we are injured or not. When the wine is at our lips, we feel uncomfortable if we don’t drink it.

Ye Jin and I wandered aimlessly along most of the street before we found a roadside stall. I had just finished half of a bottle of wine when I was stunned holding the bottle - Guan Qingyan came, and with her were Nangong Ling and Shi Heshang.

When Shi Heshang saw me, he smiled and said, "Look, what did I say? Go to the barbecue stall and you'll definitely find him! Boss, give me some skewers and open a case of beer."

Monk Shi pulled Nangong Ling to sit down. I picked up a bottle of beer on the ground and flicked off the cap: "Miss Guan also eats at a roadside stall?"

Guan Qingyan pulled a plastic stool over and sat at the table, then picked up the beer I had just opened: "I'm here to buy you a drink as a thank you."

I looked at him with a half-smile.

I don't believe that the daughter of the Guan Group would sit at a roadside stall and drink from a bottle. What I didn't expect was that Guan Qingyan actually raised the bottle and drank most of it in one breath: "I toast to you!"

I didn't look at the bottle of wine Guan Qingyan was holding in the air. I reached out and took out a cigarette and lit it up: "Miss Guan, don't you feel wronged sitting here?"

Nangong Ling's face suddenly darkened: "Wu Zhao, Qingyan came to thank you, you are so sarcastic, is it interesting?"

"Lingling..." Monk Shi gently touched the other person, "Don't you see that Wu Zhao is saying that they are not the same kind of people?"

Guan Qingyan seemed not to have heard their conversation: "I'm here to buy you a drink, that's all! And by the way, say thank you."

"No need to thank me. I owe you this for both personal and public reasons. Just think of it as me repaying you a favor." I said calmly, "There is no unbreakable magic in the world. Within three years, I will find a way to break the oath. Then, I will set you free."

Guan Qingyan still held up the bottle of wine: "I said, I'm here to treat you to a drink. You wouldn't dare to drink even a glass of wine from a little girl like me, right?"

I raised the bottle and clinked it with Guan Qingyan, then raised my head and drank the whole bottle: "Miss Guan, please!"

Guan Qingyan drank the entire bottle in one breath, then picked up two more bottles and placed them in front of us: "Men should be fair when drinking. You had already drunk one bottle before I came, so I'll drink one bottle after you."

Before I could say anything, Guan Qingyan raised her head and drank a bottle of beer!

Even at a roadside stall, it was rare to see a girl holding a bottle of wine and "blowing the wine". Everyone around us looked in our direction. Guan Qingyan blushed for a moment, then immediately regained her composure and smiled as she opened a bottle of wine: "This time it's fair. Drink on!"

Someone nearby started to make a noise: "Brother, brag to her, we men can't give in!"

Some people started to make a fuss, while others cheered, and the barbecue stall suddenly became a mess.

Just as I showed displeasure on my face, I saw Lu Xiaoying push the crowd and walk over to me: "You have wine, why didn't you call me?"

"Another one, another one!" someone said, "Girl, I've already smoked two bottles in a row! You just came over, don't you want to show your appreciation?"

Lu Xiaoying smiled and grabbed a bottle of beer, raised it in the air, and crushed the bottle with her palm: "If you keep making trouble for no reason, don't say I'm rude."

All the people who were making a fuss just now suddenly became quiet.

I reached out and lifted Ye Jin's clothes, pulled out a machete from behind him, and chopped it into the table: "Get the hell out of here!"

The people who were making a fuss just now were so frightened by my knife that they dared not say a word. They paid their bills and ran away. The boss stood by the stove with a sad face and dared not say a word. Lu Xiaoying took out a stack of red banknotes from his pocket and said, "Boss, I'll take over your stall tonight. Let's go to the bar!"

Guan Qingyan gently pushed away the knife I had chopped on the table: "Let's continue drinking."

When I looked at Guan Qingyan, I didn't know what to say. She didn't seem to have anything to say to me, but just drank with me one glass after another. It wasn't until the floor was full of bottles that we slowed down our drinking. Guan Qingyan tapped the bottle gently with chopsticks: "Wu Zhao, shall we go sing?"

Before I could say anything, Shi Heshang started to make fun of me: "Yes, yes, let's go to another place to continue drinking."

I had drunk quite a bit, but wasn't drunk yet. However, in order not to talk to Guan Qingyan, I pretended to stagger to the KTV, then fell on the sofa and closed my eyes.

When I was pulled up from the sofa by Monk Shi, I heard Guan Qingyan singing: "In the vast universe, I see his figure again, as graceful as a startled swan, with a cold face, and no tenderness in his mouth. His sword kills like the wind, and who can understand his pain... In the bloody shadows, the sword is heavier than his memories... I send the blood and tears in my heart, and he puts the bell in my hand..."

Jin Yi Wei? I've heard this song before. It's the theme song of a movie called "Jin Yi Wei". Guan Qingyan likes this song? Logically, she shouldn't!

Guan Qingyan turned around and looked at me and said, "Wu Zhao, this song is for you. You are my Jinyiwei."

I was stunned. Guan Qingyan held the microphone tightly and looked at the Jinyiwei who was desperately protecting the heroine on the screen: "Perhaps, you don't know that the time you protected me and broke through the siege, holding the knife to fight the ghost has always been lingering in my heart... I don't know how you see me, but you are the only Jinyiwei in my heart, Canglong!"

"The ringing of the bells always evokes inexplicable emotions... The bells are ringing in the wind, and he appears in my mind again, wandering around the world in search of a free and open space." Guan Qingyan gently pulled out a delicate red rope from her collar, and there was a big coin hanging on it.

Greenfly dart! That's my greenfly dart!

Guan Qingyan said quietly: "This is the only souvenir you left me. After encountering the ghost on the mountain that day, I was so scared that my whole body was shaking, but when I held it in my hand, I was no longer afraid..."

When did I give Guan Qingyan the Green Fly Dart? Why don't I remember

Guan Qingyan, who didn't know what I was thinking, said again: "After I was poisoned that day, I was not afraid of death, nor was I feeling wronged. I know that with your intelligence, you will sooner or later find out why I arranged it at that time. What I am afraid of is that I will never have the chance to sing a song "Jin Yi Wei" for you."

"Later, when you held me in your arms and fought your way out of the puppets, risking your life to protect me, I was so happy. Wu Zhao is back! Although I know that you protected me not because of your feelings, but just for your mission, I was still so happy that I wanted to laugh. You are still the same Wu Zhao, the Wu Zhao who risked his life for me!"

The cigarette I was holding in my hand subconsciously slipped from my fingertips.

I remember that when Guan Qingyan knew she was doomed, she tightly grasped something I had hidden in my clothes. Was it the Green Fly Dart that she was holding

Guan Qingyan came over and handed me the microphone: "Can you sing? Can we sing together?"

I stood up slowly. "The ending of "Jin Yi Wei" is that the heroine saw an empty horse running back from the desert. Canglong died in the desert. The heroine is not Jin Yi Wei, she is the eldest daughter of the escort agency."

Guan Qingyan's hands froze in the air, and her face turned from red to white...


Thank you all for your support, and stay tuned for the next episode!

Thanks to Doudou, MarTinI, Changke, and Winterreise for the tips! (To be continued)