Mister Big

Chapter 231: Fengling River


Duan Yunfei's smile clearly contained a hint of provocation...

Neither of us is fighting alone. When two armies confront each other, momentum also plays a role. If I give in now, it will inevitably leave a shadow on our minds. With Ye Jin's character, he will never swallow this breath. He will try every means to retaliate, and Duan Yunfei will easily gain the upper hand.

I glanced at him calmly and said to Ye Jin, "Protect me. I want to deduce."

Ye Jin just nodded, and Lin Jingyuan said: "My two brothers are not leaving, so I have to go first. See you in the ghost realm."

When I turned around, Lin Jingyuan had already led the Xuanjing Division's gliders on horseback into the mountain wind. Several gliders quickly formed a pyramid shape in the air. A bright yellow glider led the charge into the mist of Fengling River, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Duan Yunfei laughed: "Since Brother Wu still needs to deduce, I won't bother Brother Wu. Let's go."

After Duan Yunfei called out, he led his men into the air and soon disappeared into the fog. However, he and Lin Jingyuan did not take the same route.

The two of them obviously didn't intend to give me time to deduce. If I didn't chase them now, they would set a trap for me after they landed safely, waiting for me to run into it. Only by following them closely can I be relatively safe.

Ye Jin said urgently: "Zhao Zi, there are two gliders that can be used. How should we chase them and where should we chase them?"

"Don't chase anywhere, just go in from the front. I'll take Xiao Baitang with me, let's go!" I held Xiao Baitang in my arms, got on the hang glider, ran a few steps quickly, and flew out of the cliff in the direction of Fengling River.

I had never done anything like hang gliding before. After flying out, it took me a long time to stabilize the glider that was shaking from side to side. However, I had already deviated from the original route and was flying much closer to the direction of the Hell's Gate.

Little Baitang was so scared that he stuck to me and dared not open his eyes, but I couldn't help but look at the situation on the ground.

When I looked down at the ghostland from a high altitude, I felt that the bizarre scenes kept changing in front of my eyes. In the layers of fog behind the Fengling River, the sound of the waves was deafening. I didn't know what kind of danger was hidden. The only thing I could feel was that the roaring river seemed to be rising steadily, because the waves seemed to be getting closer and closer to us, as if they could break through the fog at any time and sweep us into the river.

As I was flying, I could vaguely hear Ye Jin shouting desperately behind me, but I couldn't hear what he was shouting. Just as I was wondering why, I suddenly saw a big bird like a petrel flying through the fog in the sky and rushing to the other side of the Fengling River.


Why is the cat here

Maozi is one of the immortals I brought out from the old wolf's grave. His true form is an owl. It suddenly appeared. Could it be to send me a message

I watched as Maozi plunged into the fog and soon turned back. Maozi's voice rang in my ears: "Turn around quickly, there's an ambush ahead!"

Turn around? How do I turn around

I'm not very experienced with hang gliding, and I've already reached my limit of being able to maintain a stable flight like I am now. If I try to force a U-turn, I might end up crashing into the river.

Soon after the cat flew close to us, I heard a series of sounds like arrows breaking through the wind. When I looked down, I suddenly saw dozens of chains over ten meters long made entirely of arm bones extending out from the dense mist. At the tip of each chain was a sharp claw of a human or animal.

In just a blink of an eye, more than a dozen ghost claws grabbed towards my chest and lower abdomen like hawks hunting.


I clearly saw the ghost claw approaching, but I didn't know how to control the hang glider. All I could do was to quickly push Xiao Baitang away a little and move towards the ghost claw.

At the critical moment, Xiao Baitang suddenly shouted, "Quickly press the joystick and turn sideways!"

Xiao Baitang didn't explain it clearly, but I understood what she meant. I slapped the joystick hard and suddenly urged the hang glider to flip half a circle in the air. I also turned to the right with my face, and several ghost claws whizzed past me.

Before I could move again, the sharp claw that had just passed by me suddenly retracted, and the claw tip with five fingers bent into a hook went straight to grab my face.

At the critical moment, I simply let go of my palms, letting the hang glider roll in the air according to its original trajectory, and I lay on the hang glider, relying on the less than three feet between my body and the hang glider to barely avoid the fatal blow. But the handrail I used to support my body was broken into several pieces under the ghost's claws and collapsed in mid-air.

After the successful attack, the ghost claw withdrew quickly. I was lying on my back on the hang glider and had no time to see the situation nearby until I heard the whistling wind coming again. It took less than three or four seconds.

At that time, I didn't have time to think about anything else. I just knew that I had to avoid the opponent's fatal blow.

I simply sat up on the floating hang glider, then suddenly lay down, and forced the flying hang glider to fall several feet. I flipped my body to the left, and used my body weight to flip the hang glider over. I hid myself under the flying glider, grabbed the middle wooden pole of the hang glider with my hand, and slid madly into the depths of the fog.

But before we slid far, I heard a cracking sound from the wooden pole.

Oops, there’s something wrong with this hang glider too!

hurry up!

Hurry up!

My only hope now is that the glider can get us to the edge of the ghost zone before it completely breaks.

Unfortunately, the ghost claws in the fog didn't want me to get what I wanted, and after a while they were nearly five meters behind me. Four chains made of arm bones flew out of the fog, and the withered ghost hands at the front of the chains opened their five fingers and grabbed my back fiercely like eagle claws.

I heard the sound of wind behind me, and suddenly pressed the glider down, diving three feet. Although I avoided the fatal blow to my vest, the glider above my head was torn into several pieces by the ghost hand. Without the support of the glider, I immediately fell into the water like a stone.

"Zhaozi, be careful!" Ye Jin, who caught up with me from behind, used a heavy weight to push the glider down several meters and grabbed my wrist.

"Brother, are you still good? Haha..." Ye Jin's laughter faded, and suddenly there was a loud "crack" sound from under his palm. The glider, which was already badly damaged by Ye Jin's heavy fall, could no longer bear the weight of three people and broke into two pieces in mid-air. Ye Jin, Xiao Baitang, and I fell from the air at the same time.

"It's over! I should have eaten less..." Only at this time did Ye Jin realize that he had eaten too much.

I didn't have time to say anything to him, I fell to the ground, rolled several times on the ground before I got up. I didn't let go of Xiao Baitang's hand until I landed, she was lying not far from me, fortunately she was not seriously injured.

Ye Jin also ran over from not far away: "Brother, are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" I looked around...

We landed not far from the Fengling River. The Fengling River, which was roaring and surging a second ago, had gradually calmed down. After just a moment, the river water that had once been high in the sky became unusually docile, quietly surrounding the ghost area.

Ye Jin said in a deep voice: "Is there any restriction on this river?"

"It must be!" I gasped. "The Fengling River should be sealing off the ghost realm, preventing people from entering and preventing evil spirits from escaping. We should be locked up by the Fengling River now. I'm sure that as long as we go out, we will be blocked by the things in the river."

As I was talking, there was another sound of birds flapping their wings in the sky. When I looked up, Maozi had already flown towards me. I stretched out my hand and let Maozi stand on my arm. Maozi immediately communicated with me through telepathy: "Po Dou said that there was a traitor in Jiuchong Pavilion, and asked me to come here to tell you the news: Fengling River is the strongest from the front, so don't break through it easily. But when I came, you were already in the sky."

I said in a deep voice: "Who is the traitor?"

"I don't know." Maozi said, "Shen Fengyin gave the information to one of his subordinates and asked him to pass it on to you. That person is dead now, and Doupo and the others are looking for that person's whereabouts."

I nodded and said, "How is Lu Xiaoying doing?"

Maozi said quickly, "Lu Xiaoying is fine. Doupo told you to wait patiently. She will try to send the remaining immortals and Guazi in to pick you up. Look behind you!"

I heard the cat's scream and turned to look towards the ghost realm. The buildings and streets behind me began to turn into bright green phosphorescent fire one after another and quickly disappeared into the sky, as if a giant hand of a demon was erasing the picture originally reflected in the desert bit by bit.

As I was stunned, I suddenly felt a chill under my feet - the water of Fengling River had quietly spread to my feet without me noticing.

The originally calm river once again surged with waves that crossed the river surface. Although there was no earth-shattering roar, the waves rolled down like a ladder, and although there was no earth-shattering roar, they implied a might that could explode at any time.

I can even feel that the river water can remain calm as it is now, just waiting for the opportunity to surge and roar. Once the river water can no longer bear it and suddenly rises up, it will shake the world and swallow up everything.

"Oh no! Run!" I just took a look at the river, then pulled Xiao Baitang and ran wildly into the depths of the ghost realm.

Because, at that moment, a thought flashed through my mind—the Sealing Spirit River would shrink the scope of the siege according to the size of the ghost domain. The ghost domain was disappearing rapidly, so didn’t that mean that the Sealing Spirit River would soon surge to the beachhead and surround the remaining ghost domain

Before I ran far, I heard a loud bang behind me. I just looked back and a layer of cold sweat broke out on my forehead... (To be continued)