Mister Big

Chapter 235: doubt


I opened the door and reached out to take the roasted lamb leg in. The waiter asked again, "Sir, do you want anything else?"

"No need for now." After I put the roasted lamb leg on the table, Ye Jin and Xiao Baitang stared at the lamb leg in a trance, and no one dared to touch it. But I pulled out a dagger and cut the lamb leg twice. What was strange was that the lamb meat I cut apart didn't emit any fragrance, as if it was just a prop.

I asked, "Does anyone smell the fragrance?"

Ye Jin raised his head and said, "I smell it. It smells really good!"

Little White Sugar shook his head: "I don't smell anything at all. I don't like mutton. I feel like vomiting when I smell mutton. This lamb leg must not be real!"

The three of us stared at the lamb legs for a long time before Ye Jin said, "I'll eat what I ordered. It's better than starving to death."

"Wait a minute!" I raised my voice and shouted, "Waiter, come here!"

Just a second later, the waiter's voice sounded at the door: "What do you want, sir?"

I knocked on the table and said, "I want to eat the secret bear paw. Can you make it?"

The waiter responded, "You can eat whatever you want, I guarantee you will be satisfied."

I smiled and said, "The bear must be an old black bear from the mountains of Northeast China, the paw must be the front paw, and the honey must be black honey from the deep mountains, preferably a honeycomb that has just been knocked down from a tree. Go and do it!"

I asked the waiter a difficult question. Northeastern bear paws are the best of the mountain delicacies, especially wild old bear paws, which are very difficult to find these days; the front paws of old bears are soaked in honey because they eat honey all year round, and are the best of the best.

Black bees are one of the few poisonous bees in Northeast China. They are rarely seen in ordinary places, and even if they can be found, they may not be able to remain fresh.

The dish I ordered would have to be prepared in advance even if it was for a state banquet. I ordered it so rashly, and I don’t believe anyone can serve it to me except in a fantasy world.

What I didn't expect was that the waiter just said "Please wait a moment, sir" and turned to go to the kitchen. I walked a few steps to the door and looked down through the crack in the door, only to see the waiter coming out of the kitchen with a silver tray.

I couldn't help but be secretly surprised, but the waiter suddenly appeared at the door: "Sir, the secret bear paw you ordered is here."

It took me only one or two seconds to get from the table to the door, and it also took me two breaths from seeing the waiter walk out of the kitchen to him appearing in front of me, but he brought the secret bear paw right under my nose.

When I took the slightly hot bear paw expressionlessly and sat back at the table, Xiao Baitang's face had already turned pale.

I lifted the silver cover on the tray and pointed to the crystal clear bear paw inside and asked, "Can you smell it?"

The bear paw on the plate was clearly fragrant and mouth-watering, but Ye Jin and Xiao Baitang shook their heads. I couldn't help but mutter to myself, "Am I the only one who can smell the fragrance on the plate?"

Xiao Baitang said in a trembling voice: "I heard that whoever came up with the idea knows it best. Are we...are we...are we already dead?"

Ye Jin comforted him, "It's just a separation of souls at most. If our bodies can remain intact, it will be easy to go back. Don't worry, Dou Ma and Lu Xiaoying are still outside. If Lu Xiaoying predicts that we are in danger, he will definitely take action..."

I slapped the table and said, "I want to try again. Waiter, come here!"

"Sir, what can I do for you?" Sure enough, the waiter reappeared at the door within a moment.

I said coldly, "I want to eat lamb legs."

The waiter habitually asked, "How would you like to eat, sir? I guarantee you will be satisfied."

"A lamb leg, eaten raw! I want fresh, freshly chopped lamb legs." As soon as I said this, Ye Jin was shocked: "Brother, don't make it so big! If you really bring this up, won't Xiao Baitang be scared?"

Two-legged sheep do not refer to sheep, but to people who were eaten as food in bloody wars. There are many records in ancient books of past dynasties, especially in the war years, when people were living in poverty and had difficulty making ends meet, some armies would use prisoners and even civilians as food to supplement their rations when they were short of rations. These innocent people who died in vain were called "two-legged sheep".

The waiter at the door responded, "Sir, please wait a moment."

This time, the waiter left and didn't come back for a long time. Ye Jin waited for a long time before whispering, "Zhaozi, could it be that the waiter went to chop off his legs?"

I sneered and said, "The Soul Separation is indeed fake. Someone is deceiving us."

“Fuck it!” Ye Jin slammed the table and stood up, “How dare you scare me!”

Ye Jin pulled out a gun from his backpack and fired a shot at the outside of the house. The furious gunfire instantly blew away a lantern in the hall. Before the lantern exploded into countless fireballs and completely fell to the ground, the people from Hell Gate and Xuanjing Division rushed out together.

Duan Yunfei said coldly: "Ye Jin, what do you want to do?"

Ye Jin roared, "Duan Yunfei, Lin Jingyuan, come at me if you want to do anything. Don't play dirty tricks on me. You've pissed me off. What the hell, I don't care if it's a duel or not. I'll fight you first!"

Duan Yunfei's face darkened and he said, "Ye Jin, this is in the ghost realm, I am not in the mood to argue with you. If you were outside, I would kill you just based on that shot you fired!"

My brows raised slightly.

Duan Yunfei always gave me the impression of being calm and composed, smiling and killing, and he would not show anger even when confronting someone head-on. But now Duan Yunfei's face was as gloomy as water, and he even looked like he wanted to get angry, which showed that he was extremely annoyed.

They only entered the ghost realm an hour or two earlier than me. What made Duan Yunfei so upset

Just as Ye Jin was about to speak, Lin Jingyuan said, "Can I ask Brother Wu, what caused you to suspect that we were secretly plotting something?"

I stood up and told him what happened after I came in: "Master Lin is always good at guessing other people's minds. He would naturally think that Xiao Baitang would think of washing her face before entering the room, so you prepared hot water in advance."

"As for what Ye Jin likes to eat, you have already prepared it, so you can take out a roasted leg of lamb in just a few seconds. Ye Jin has doubts about the food, and we will definitely follow his line of thought."

"The next person to speak is either me or Xiao Baitang. Xiao Baitang is timid and more than 90% of the time he won't think of anything else. I'm the only one who can open his mouth to test it. And I'm from the Northeast, so apart from the Northeast's wild delicacies, the only thing I can point out is river fish. The level of wild delicacies may be even greater, because bear paws are the hardest thing to find near the Western Regions."

I kept staring at Lin Jingyuan's face while I was talking. "It's not difficult for Master Lin to prepare some things in advance; it's not difficult to let two people with similar looks and figures swap positions. But I don't understand why Master Lin insisted on making me believe that I have left my soul."

Lin Jingyuan smiled and said, "I have to say that Brother Wu's inference is reasonable. But have you ever thought about this question? How many ingredients should I prepare to deal with whatever you order? You don't have a recipe, so I can't control the range of ingredients. What if you want to order dragon heart and phoenix liver? What can I use to deceive you?"

After my brows twitched slightly, Lin Jingyuan said again: "There is another more important question, which is why should I let you believe that you are in a state of soul separation? This does not do me any good."

Lin Jingyuan's words made sense, but my inference seemed far-fetched. I really couldn't find any evidence to prove that Lin Jingyuan was secretly doing something wrong.

I asked in a deep voice: "Then can Master Lin help me explain what happened just now?"

After a brief silence, Lin Jingyuan said, "Some things, even after I explain them, you may not believe them. Only when you see the facts will you believe an almost absurd explanation."

Lin Jingyuan changed the subject and said, "But I can tell you frankly that because of your test, someone will die tonight. That waiter will definitely chop off someone's legs, and he won't stop until he achieves his goal. Brother Wu, you'd better make preparations early."

After Lin Jingyuan finished speaking, he turned around and went back into the house. The sorcerer from the Xuan Jing Division added several more defensive talismans on the door that was already full of restrictions.

Duan Yunfei said coldly: "Brother Wu, I just hope that the loss of a life now can make you believe that we have no intention of scheming against you now. We are both trapped in a dead end this time, whether it is you or me! Take care, Brother Wu!"

After Duan Yunfei finished speaking, he also retreated back to the room with his men.

After Ye Jin turned around, I asked, "Why do you have a gun in your hand?"

Ye Jin said: "Dou Ma put it in there. I guess she wanted us to be on guard when we are on the hang glider."

"No wonder Dou's mom said you can use the things in the backpack." I put my hands behind my back and turned around a few times. "You showed your gun, and the referee on the other side hasn't bothered us yet. Do they have no time to care about the game?"

Ye Jin smiled disapprovingly and said, "Those two referees are just for show. Why don't you figure out where the waiter went?"

I took out three fortune-telling coins from my pocket and said, "It's no use calculating his fate. Even if he's mixed in with the crowd, we have no evidence to identify him. I'd better calculate whose leg will be lost tonight!"

After I threw the fortune-telling coins on the table, three large coins stood on the table at the same time. Ye Jin asked in surprise, "What's going on?"

"The hexagram can't tell who the person is, not even the basic location." I replied, "If it's a random killing, then everyone in this inn tonight may become the lamb to be slaughtered. Be careful." (To be continued)