Mister Big

Chapter 237: Blood Letter 2


When I heard what the waiter said, my first reaction was not to open the door, but to kick over the table, then fall to the ground with Xiao Baitang in my arms and pin her under me.

As Ye Jin fell down with the cat in his arms, the sound of bowstrings suddenly rang out from outside the door. A moment later, countless crossbow arrows pierced through the door and flew across the sky. Like locusts flying through the sky, the crossbow arrows whistled over our heads with a buzzing sound and nailed into the wall with a loud thump.

I lay on the ground and counted two breaths in silence, then tentatively raised my head. Just as my eyes passed over the table and fell on the shattered door, the whistling sound of the crossbow arrow breaking through the air came again. I clearly heard that the whistling sound of the arrow was suppressed a little this time.

When the cold light on the arrow flashed in my sight, I suddenly lowered my head to the ground, and the sound of the crossbow arrow piercing the tabletop suddenly sounded. When I saw a long arrow breaking through the tabletop and flying in the air towards my nose, a cold light suddenly flashed on my jaw, and a cold light swept from bottom to top and broke the arrow in two at the moment when the arrow tip was close to my nose tip - it was Xiao Baitang who used the short blade that popped out of her sleeve to cut the arrow in mid-air, so that I could avoid the danger of being pierced by the sharp arrow.

The broken arrow suddenly flew in front of me, and I reacted, grabbing Xiao Baitang and rolling sideways. As soon as we left our original position, the table where we were hiding was torn into pieces by the crossbow arrows as dense as a rainstorm.

I rolled over twice on the ground with Xiao Baitang in my arms, and then lay on my back at the foot of the wall on the right side of the door. The third wave of arrows also shot from the outside to the opposite wall. Just a moment later, I saw more than ten crossbow arrows penetrate the mud wall and fly past my head. It was not until the crossbow arrows were nailed into the inner wall of the room that the wall dust brought up by the arrows fell on me.

I lay there and asked in a stern voice, "Lin Jingyuan, have you had enough fun?"

Lin Jingyuan's voice also came over: "Brother Wu, you can get up now. To avoid misunderstanding, please bring the corpse at the door into the house yourself! We will talk when we meet."

I patted Xiao Baitang gently, signaling her not to move. I tentatively stood up and looked towards the door.

The door of the room was blocked by crossbows three times, and even the walls on both sides of the door were riddled with holes under the crossbows' attack. However, the waiter holding the plate stood at the door unharmed, respectfully holding a bloody human leg: "Sir, the lamb leg you requested is here."

I said in a deep voice: "Put it at the door, I can get it myself."

"Enjoy your meal, sir." After putting the huge tray on the ground, the waiter slowly stood up, turned to look at the murderous warlock of the Mirror Division, and said to himself, "The lamb can still be used, but the sir didn't order it. Let's keep it. Maybe tomorrow someone will order a roasted whole lamb."

I watched the waiter walk step by step towards the room of the sorcerer from Xuan Jing Division, and he seemed to have completely ignored the red-eyed master from Xuan Jing Division who had already drawn his weapon and held talismans in his hand.

Sun Xiaomei, who was standing next to Lin Jingyuan, shouted angrily, "Shoot him down!"

The hanging mirror sorcerers who had already loaded their crossbows lined up in a short moment and fired arrows at once.

The roaring arrows instantly intertwined in front of the waiter into an impenetrable arrow net. In just a moment, more than ten long arrows pierced through the waiter's body and nailed into the wall. However, the waiter walked slowly and leisurely amid the buzzing arrow feathers. His right hand hanging behind his back seemed to subconsciously pull out the sharp knife for slaughtering sheep, and his left hand gestured as if he was thinking about how to cut.

Lin Jingyuan, who was standing in the distance, still had no expression on his face, but Sun Xiaomei screamed, "Prepare the talisman! Use the thunder and fire talisman, quickly!"

At Sun Xiaomei's command, the sorcerers around her drew out their talismans and waited in concentration. But I frowned at this moment - I have seen the power of the Xuanjingsi crossbow formation. Their crossbow arrows are engraved with runes, and they will definitely burst out a fierce red light when they collide with the yin energy. But when those arrows penetrated the waiter's body, only cold light burst out, no red light, which can only mean that the waiter has no evil spirit. Will the thunder and fire talisman that is specially used to suppress evil spirits be useful to the waiter

As soon as this thought flashed through my mind, countless talismans rose into the air. Pushed by a few internal palm powers, they rolled like snowflakes towards the waiter who was walking slowly forward.

Although the talismans were dancing wildly, the sound was amazing, but the talisman paper did not burn. For a moment, I even thought that those yellow pieces of paper dancing in the air were not the famous talismans, but paper money thrown into the air by someone at random.

Sun Xiaomei shouted sternly: "Ignite the talisman!"

"No!" Although Lin Jingyuan shouted to stop him, he was still a step too late. The pure yang finger force released by the master of Xuan Jingsi had already penetrated the energy that was raging in the sky and hit one of the talismans.

At this point, the warlock wanted to stop but it was too late. The talisman that was rolling in the air was instantly ignited by the force of his fingers, and the lightning and fire that swept in all directions instantly detonated the nearby talismans. The raging fire and rolling thunder instantly covered the corridor, and the waiter's figure was completely covered in the flames.

But what I was looking at was not the figure covered by the flames, but the warlock who made the move.

At the moment when his finger force exploded the talisman, a flame that twisted and ferociously like snake venom flew in the opposite direction along the route of his finger force. With that man's cultivation level, he could obviously avoid the fire snake, but it was as if someone was holding his body down forcibly. He was forced to stand there with his hand raised, watching the fire snake hit his fingertips.

In just a moment, the man's palm began to burn into a ball of fire along his fingertips. The flames were extremely vicious and rushed along his wrist to his forearm.

Lin Jingyuan turned around suddenly, took out a short blade from his hand, and cut the man's burning arm into two pieces along the elbow. After half of the flaming arm fell to the ground, the man began to scream and retreat.

"Heal him." Lin Jingyuan retracted the short blade expressionlessly, put his hands behind his back and looked at the thunder and fire that were still rolling in the corridor.

At this time, the waiter who still seemed to be in a trance had walked out of the lightning and fire shadows in a daze. Although he was walking on fire, there was not even a trace of being burned by the lightning and fire on his body.

Sun Xiaomei shouted: "Prepare for close combat..."

Before the magician from the Xuanjing Division could draw his weapon, Lin Jingyuan shouted in a deep voice, "Stop! Let him come over."

The Xuanjing sorcerer, who had already had his weapon in hand, immediately retreated behind Lin Jingyuan without hesitation, making way for the waiter.

The waiter didn't seem to notice the group of warlocks standing less than five meters away from him, ready for battle. He was still thinking about how to make the move.

When the other person walked past her, Lin Jingyuan slowly stretched out her hand and tentatively touched the waiter's body - her fingers were like pressing on a ghost, touching the other person's arm without any hindrance. The latter also passed by Lin Jingyuan without noticing and walked straight into the room.

Just a few seconds later, a scream was heard from the room, and soon after, the waiter came out of the room dragging a corpse with only one leg left. Blood was still dripping from the corpse's broken leg, and there was a dagger piercing the neck on the throat. The exposed handle was still trembling slightly, but the waiter dragged the corpse down the stairs in full view of everyone and disappeared behind the kitchen curtain.

Lin Jingyuan then looked at me and said, "Mr. Wu, can we talk now? If Mr. Wu is interested, please bring the corpse in front of your door to the restaurant for a chat."

I nodded to Ye Jin, who picked up the person at the door and walked down the restaurant with me. As soon as we got downstairs, someone put four tables together, making it look like a three-party meeting.

Lin Jingyuan and Duan Yunfei simultaneously raised their hands to point to the right seat: "Brother Wu, please take a seat!"

In this case, they gave up the main seat, which was a high courtesy, but it also meant that they wanted something from me. Didn't this put me at a disadvantage from the beginning

After I sat down at the main seat without any courtesy, the people from Hell Gate and Xuanjing Division all appeared in the restaurant and stood in two camps. Lin Jingyuan took a quick look at the faces of the people from Hell Gate before slowly saying, "Brother Wu, what do you think of what happened just now?"

"I can't see it." I was telling the truth, because I didn't understand anything, but someone behind Lin Jingyuan said coldly: "Wu Zhao, are you a little too crazy?"

I looked up at Xie Jingwen who was speaking: "Do you deserve a beating again? If you want to die, just say the word."

Lin Jingyuan raised his hand and said, "Xie Jingwen, when you are not needed to speak, you'd better shut up."

Although Lin Jingyuan was scolding the other party, he did not have the intention of punishing him at all, and I did not think much about it.

Lin Jingyuan hesitated for a moment and said, "It seems that thing has not appeared yet. Someone, serve tea."

Soon someone placed the tea in front of me. I frowned and looked at the tea in front of me: "Did Master Lin come here specially to invite me to drink tea?"

“No.” Lin Jingyuan shook his head. “We entered the ghost realm before Mr. Wu. If there is no evidence, it is hard for you to believe what we experienced. I am waiting for the evidence to appear.”

As I frowned slightly, I suddenly heard the disappeared waiter say loudly: "We have freshly slaughtered mutton in the store. Would you like to have some, dear guests?"

I clearly saw Duan Yunfei and Lin Jingyuan startled slightly, but someone in the crowd shouted at this time: "Bring us a roasted whole lamb."

Duan Yunfei said angrily: "Who is talking? Stand up!"

The person who was speaking obviously came from the direction of the Hell Gate, but Duan Yunfei's men were all looking at each other, and no one was willing to move forward.

At this time, who would dare to stand up and say that they are the one who caused the trouble? (To be continued)