Mister Big

Chapter 241: Run away


"What's wrong with the bloodstain?" When Xiao Baitang squatted down and looked at the wall in a daze, I suddenly stood up, grabbed Xiao Baitang's collar with my left hand, and slammed the window frame with my right hand. I also crashed into the flying window and shouted loudly: "Ye Jin, run!"

Ye Jin and I have always been together. Just now, when I was squatting under the windowsill, my back was completely exposed to Duan Yunfei and the others. Ye Jin could choose the best position to protect the vital parts behind me without any instructions, so he must be not far away from me.

As soon as I landed on the ground, Ye Jin followed me out of the window. What I didn't expect was that Ye Jin threw a bullet into the house before he even stood firmly.

I didn't bother to see the result behind me, and I dragged Xiao Baitang and ran out quickly. After we ran more than ten meters, a fire suddenly broke out in the inn, and the collapsed window frames flew towards us in an instant.

I held Xiaobai in one hand and pulled Luosha out half a foot from the sheath with the other hand. The three ghost coins on the blade started spinning wildly. "Ye Jin, are you following me?"

"I'm here, Maozi is here too!" Ye Jin's voice was only about three feet away from me, but I couldn't see his face clearly. I said in a deep voice, "Xiao Baitang, I have a string of mother-and-child green fly darts on my waist. Take one off and give it to Ye Jin. Ye Jin, I'll go forward and you follow behind. If you can't keep up with me, just follow the direction indicated by the green fly darts and don't get lost."

As soon as I finished speaking, I walked forward quickly.

The reason I was able to escape successfully just now was entirely because I took advantage of the psychological loophole of Duan Yunfei and the others.

It was pitch black outside the inn, and the Man-Eating Well had just appeared outside the window sill. None of them would have thought that I would jump out of the door rashly at this time, so they did not take any precautions. If they wanted to chase me, it would only take three or four seconds to make a round trip at a distance of more than ten meters.

I've said too much. If we don't leave now, the other party might rush up and surround all four of us.

As I walked quickly forward, the ghost money on the blade suddenly stopped. I reached out and touched the blade, whispering, "Ye Jin, follow me closely, don't touch anywhere else."

Ye Jin took a quick step forward and pressed the tip of his shoe against my heel: "Let's go!"

After I took a step forward, Ye Jin also raised his foot. The tip of his shoe seemed to be attached to my foot. I took a step forward and he followed. Even the speed of landing was exactly the same. I just took two steps and my heart sank: "Ye Jin, are you behind me?"

"I'm behind you." Ye Jin's voice came from behind me.

I asked in a deep voice, "How did you leave?"

Ye Jin was surprised and said, "If you lift your foot, I will lift my foot. I will follow you step by step. What's wrong?"

"Are you okay?" As I spoke, I suddenly planted my right heel on the ground and turned around abruptly. According to common sense, even if Ye Jin used the "close-fitting" skill to turn around with me, there should be a process of moving, but the moment I turned around, I felt a gust of cool wind blowing behind me, as if something was following me and turning half a circle, sticking to my back.

The person behind me is not Ye Jin!

As soon as this thought flashed through my mind, a layer of cold sweat broke out on my forehead.

How long can a person's foot be? If I stand with my toes touching his heels, how close can he be to me

Who is behind me

Who is Ye Jin following

A slight chill soon rose from my back, and I kept feeling as if there were two hands hanging a few inches away from my back, as if they were about to touch me but had not yet touched me.

I said in a deep voice: "Ye Jin, there is something on my shoulder, help me take it off."

"I know!" Ye Jin said impatiently, "I won't move!"

This time, I clearly heard Ye Jin's voice coming from beside me.

He should be diagonally behind me, and the person he was following should be standing right next to my shoulder on the side where I was holding the knife. Ye Jin also just ran away from me by one person.

As soon as Ye Jin finished speaking, I felt someone move behind me. The other person slowly raised his hand and gently touched my ear. After confirming my exact location, he immediately lowered it to my shoulder.

In just a short moment, the hand swept back and forth across my shoulders three or four times. After a palm like a cold wind passed across my shoulders, my hands clenched involuntarily.

When the other person's hand was taken down from my shoulder, I was shocked again: I almost clenched my hands into fists just now, why didn't Xiao Baitang say anything

"Xiao Baitang, Xiao Baitang..." I called out twice, but Xiao Baitang beside me didn't say anything. The little hand I held in my palm gradually became a little cold, as if what I was holding was not a little girl, but a cold corpse.

Just when I was about to let go, I grabbed her hand back. I hadn't let go of her hand since I jumped out of the inn. It couldn't be someone else I was holding. But why didn't Xiao Baitang say a word

"Xiao Baitang, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me..." I was halfway through my words when Xiao Baitang suddenly fell forward. I felt my palm sinking and subconsciously raised it up.

Xiao Baitang's body suddenly hit my leg sideways. I could feel her little face against my leg and her other hand hanging on the edge of my shoe.

What I hold in my hand is not sugar!

Even if Xiao Baitang had an accident, it was impossible for her body to become so stiff in such a short moment!

Just as I was about to let go, Xiao Baitang's voice suddenly came over: "Brother Wu Zhao, I'm fine! I was right next to you, and you were still holding me."

Oh no!

Xiao Baitang's voice was about one meter away from me. Isn't this distance just enough for a person to stand

There was someone on my left, separating me and Xiao Baitang.

Xiao Baitang said, "Brother Wu Zhao, why don't you leave?"

"I'm determining my position!" I was surrounded by ghosts on three sides, but fortunately they didn't make any special moves, so I still had time to think of a solution.

"Brother Wu Zhao, why do I feel like the Man-Eating Well is right in front of us!" As soon as Xiao Baitang said this, I shuddered. Xiao Baitang had already moved, and her voice had moved forward a lot.

I subconsciously took a step forward and said, "Don't leave in a hurry. I'm trying to find a solution."

After I took that step, I didn't dare to go any further. I clearly felt like there was a gap in front of my feet, as if someone had deliberately moved a well not far in front of me, and if I took another step forward I would fall into the well.

When my spine suddenly tensed, Ye Jin suddenly said, "Zhaozi, move forward, quickly!"

"There is a well ahead..."

"The well is behind, coming from behind!"

Xiao Baitang and Ye Jin shouted almost at the same time. Although Ye Jin was a little slower, his voice soon drowned out Xiao Baitang's.

Before Ye Jin finished speaking, I felt the person standing behind me suddenly put his hand on my shoulder, and with the force of pressing my shoulder, I floated lightly in the air.

But the tip of his shoe still pressed against my heel. Was there nothing under his feet? Was the Man-Eating Well spreading forward behind us

At the same time, my toes suddenly sank, as if someone was lying on the ground, holding down the toes of my shoes. I clearly felt a finger pressing down on the back of my foot, and the direction of the force from the hand was from bottom to top, just like a person about to fall into a well reaching out to grab the only thing on the edge of the well.

"Brother Wu Zhao, don't go any further!"

"Zhaozi, hurry up and leave, if you don't leave..."

When Xiao Baitang and Ye Jin spoke at the same time, I felt like I was pushed forward by someone. My feet, which were originally rooted in the ground, slipped a few inches. My heart suddenly tightened, and my whole body swayed back and forth twice as if I was standing on the edge of a cliff, and then I subconsciously stepped back.

As a result, just as I took half a step back, I felt something suddenly empty behind my heels. My left foot sank a few inches as if it had stepped on empty stairs. My right foot, which was supporting the ground, also bent slightly unconsciously, and even the small piece of white sugar in my hand fell a few inches.

I quickly straightened my body, pulled my feet back, and when my feet were together, I suddenly bumped my heels together. The soul-breaking thorn hidden in the tip of my shoe suddenly burst out.

After the Soul-Breaking Spear was pushed forward two inches, a piercing ghost cry rose into the sky in front of me. The phosphorous fire from the ghost's shattering soul instantly shot up more than half a foot high from in front of my feet, and then collapsed to the nearby area.

As the dancing phosphorous flames spread to the ground, I suddenly pulled up Xiao Baitang in my hand. Before Xiao Baitang fell, I quickly let go of her wrist, reached out to touch her back, and tapped her back with two fingers as fast as lightning.

Just a moment later, a sword energy suddenly appeared in the direction of Xiao Baitang. Although the sharp and whistling sword light did not appear in the air, it circled around my body three times in an instant. The moment the sword energy swept past, several balls of green flames burst out around my body.

I also used the firelight to see the positions of Ye Jin and Xiao Baitang. Ye Jin was standing slightly behind me, but Xiao Baitang never left my side. I reached out and grabbed one of them, then ran away in the southeast direction.

Ye Jin asked in confusion: "What happened to Zhaozi just now?"

"No time to explain, hurry up!" After I ran about 200 to 300 meters, I suddenly felt something appear in front of me. I quickly said, "Ye Jin, reach out and touch what's in front of you!"

Ye Jin slowly stretched out his hand: "There is a wall in front of us, what should we do?"

"Don't move yet." After I let go of Ye Jin, I pulled out the Rakshasa again and activated the ghost money on it. This time, the ghost eye money only turned twice and stopped... (To be continued)