Mister Big

Chapter 258: Heaven's destiny


Is this the way of heaven

When my grandfather taught me the secret method of the Half Life Dao, he once said:

People are under the control of Heaven, and they can only let Heaven control them and go with the flow. If they are unwilling to follow the destiny that Heaven has arranged, they can only float in the boundless void until they are reduced to ashes. However, the reason why Half Life Dao thinks that it has mastered half of its destiny is because our secret method can control its direction in Heaven!

But I never understood what he meant. Even he didn't know what the Wu family's most powerful secret method was used for.

I understand now. Because apart from the ancestors, no one in the Wu family has ever truly walked into the Heavenly Dao, so there is no such thing as walking in the Heavenly Dao.

I reached out and grabbed the big coin beside me, and threw it into the sky: "Ghost money leads the way, build my road!"

The big coin in my hand just flew into the sky and exploded into countless pieces. Instead of supporting my body, it pushed me farther away.

"Ghost money leads the way and builds my path!" I didn't give up yet, and roared again, throwing half a string of big coins into the air at the same time.

Who would have thought that hundreds of huge bills would fly into the sky and spread out across the sky like stars, hanging above my head.

When I looked up at the big money, all the copper coins floating in the air suddenly exploded with dazzling flames at the same time. Before I could dodge, the rolling clouds of fire rushed towards me. I instinctively used my arms to protect my head and face, and the whole person was like a stone blown away by the fire, flying straight towards the chaotic thread of fate.

The threads of fate in the distance have always been loose on the outside and tight on the inside, with only a few scattered threads floating in the air on the periphery; the closer to the center, the denser the threads appear; the threads at the core have almost been tangled into an airtight ball.

If I keep flying like this, I will definitely hit the core of the silk thread.

When I was close to the edge of the thread of destiny, I subconsciously stretched out my hand to hold one of the threads to steady myself, but as soon as my fingers touched the edge of the thread, the five fingers of my right hand seemed to have hit a sharp blade and were all cut off.

I watched my fingers fly into the air and couldn't help but feel a chill in my heart.

After a person's yang soul leaves the body, it is not immortal. Once the soul is damaged, even if it can return to the body, it will become a disabled person. Simply put, if someone cuts off my limbs now, even if my trunk can return, my limbs will lose their function from then on and I will become a disabled person; if the yang soul is reduced to ashes, my body will not die immediately, but it will become a vegetable and wait for death slowly.

The thread of fate cut off my fingers and I couldn't stop. I could only watch myself collide with the thread of fate that was like a mountain of knives.

It's over now!

I closed my eyes and waited for death to come, but I heard a sigh from the air: "It is so!"

When I suddenly opened my eyes, I saw a gentle man in scholarly attire floating in the air. He just gently stroked my hand and pulled me back to my original position.

I hung in the air and bowed, "Excuse me, senior, who are you?"

"This old man is Zhan Wuxiang!"

The other party's answer made me gasp. When I looked at him carefully, his face became extremely blurry. I always felt that he was very familiar, but also very strange.

Zhan Wuxiang! Is he really invisible and formless

Zhan Wuxiang said: "You don't have to care about my appearance. If you have the opportunity, Ning Nitian and I will eventually meet you; if you don't have that opportunity, there is no need to remember what I look like."

Zhan Wuxiang said: "You are the descendant of the ghost vein, but unfortunately, you haven't even learned 10% of Ning Nitian's cultivation. Who taught you the secret method of building roads with ghost money?"

I said bluntly: "It's my grandfather."

"It is as expected!" This was the second time Zhan Wuxiang said "It is as expected".

Zhan Wuxiang didn't wait for me to ask and continued, "The secret method you learned is wrong. Not only did you learn the wrong secret method, but even the method of casting the ghost eye coin in your hand may be fake."

I suddenly said, “Isn’t it possible?”

Zhan Wuxiang said: "Let me ask you, can the soul in your ghost eye money connect to the outside world, or even enter and exit freely? Each calculation requires the consumption of soul power to help you see through yin and yang?"

I nodded and said, "Yes!"

"That's wrong!" Zhan Wuxiang said, "Real ghost eye money doesn't need to consume soul power, as long as it coexists with you it's enough. Therefore, even if the soul in the ghost money can see the outside world, it can't come in and out freely, let alone influence your thoughts."

I couldn't help but gasp.

How come I never thought of this

In the eyes of sorcerers, fortune-telling money and ghost eye money are just tools. People can control tools, but when will the tools control the sorcerer? If ghost eye money can influence the sorcerer based on his emotions, then is it the person who is calculating, or the money

What is more important is that there are huge hidden dangers hidden in the Ghost Eye Money.

People are afraid of death, ghosts are afraid of their souls being scattered. Who can guarantee that the soul of the ghost eye money will not suddenly break free from the ghost money and escape when its soul power is about to be exhausted and turned into ashes? In that case, where will the sorcerer who predicts the fate be placed

Zhan Wuxiang said in a deep voice: "I broke the agreement between Ning Nitian and I and left Banming Dao alone because we found a traitor in Banming Dao. Not only was he destroying Nitian's plan, he was also killing the descendants of the Nine Veins step by step."

Zhan Wuxiang pointed at me and said, "Just like your ghost vein, the secret method of building roads with ghost money is completely wrong, and the ghost eye money is also ambiguous. Do you think there is a problem with your inheritance, or someone deliberately tampered with the secret inheritance?"

I whispered, "Someone can change the secrets of other veins? Isn't this too... too unbelievable?"

"No!" Zhan Wuxiang said, "That person can even plot against the first generation of Nine Sons, is there anything he can't do?"

I couldn't help but look outside the jade disk. The ten great hatreds were bloody in my eyes. The nine sons failed to defy the heavens and all died. Could it be because there was a traitor among them? That traitor also sacrificed his own life to plot against the nine sons

Zhan Wuxiang gently recalled my severed finger and took it in my hand: "I spent a lot of effort to leave this secret tomb so that the half-life descendants could obtain the complete inheritance and peek into the secrets of the way of heaven before truly defying the heaven. It's a pity that over the years, only a handful of half-life descendants have truly walked in!"

I couldn't help but ask, "Senior, do you also have the inheritance of ghost veins?"

"No." Zhan Wuxiang shook his head and said, "Although the Nine Half-Life Sons are from the same school, they are very careful to guard their own inheritance. Similarly, we dare not learn others' inheritance easily. Inheriting the secret method of another lineage is equivalent to inheriting the curse of that lineage. We are already in trouble, do we have to bring more trouble to ourselves?"

Zhan Wuxiang said: "However, building roads with ghost money is not a secret method of inheritance. I can teach it to you."

"Isn't it a secret method?" I couldn't help but have a hint of doubt in my eyes.

Zhan Wuxiang said: "Each of the Nine Half-Life Sons has the ability to step into the thread of fate. Their methods are similar and there is nothing to hide. Watch my gestures carefully..."

Zhan Wuxiang casually picked up a few big coins and pressed them into the sky one by one. His movements were like flowing clouds and water, and it seemed like he was playing a game with the laws of nature. Every time he dropped a big coin, the thread of fate nearby would be covered a little by the big coin. After a few big coins fell to the ground, it really seemed like a road was paved in the sky.

As I stared at the opponent closely, I found the problem - the ghost money road built by Zhan Wuxiang was different from mine only in the starting move, and the rest were exactly the same.

The secret method of Taoism is not like martial arts. If the opening move is wrong, it can still be used to defeat the enemy later. If the opening move of the secret method is wrong, all the steps afterwards will be wrong; if the opening move is correct, even if most of the things later are lost, it can still exert a certain power. Therefore, the opening move is the least likely to be lost in the inheritance of secret methods.

Could it be that, as Zhan Wuxiang said, someone deliberately tampered with the inheritance of the ghost vein

Zhan Wuxiang said after he finished showing off his money: "I can correct your secret method of road construction, but that doesn't mean I will give up testing you. You still have to go into the thread of fate; you still have to try the secret method of changing fate. If you fail in the thread of fate, you will still die. Ning Nitian doesn't need a waste as his successor."

I said in a deep voice: "I won't lose the face of the ancestor either!"

"Very good!" Zhan Wuxiang said, "If you can pass the test, there are three ghost eye blood coins forged by Ning Nitian himself under the Tiandao Jade Disk. That will be your reward."

I blurted out, "How could the ancestor's ghost money be left under the Heavenly Dao Jade Disk?"

"Hahaha..." Zhan Wuxiang laughed, "I can predict that the descendant of the Half-Life Dao will enter the ghost realm, can't Ning Nitian calculate it? Ning Nitian's method of predicting the future is beyond even my reach! However, I have to tell you that Ning Nitian did not calculate whether his descendant could take the ghost eye money. The Heavenly Dao Jade Bi that we simulated is actually very similar to the real Heavenly Dao, but its power has been reduced countless times."

"I see." I continued to ask, "Is the Half-Life Dao passed down from generation to generation?"

"That's right." Zhan Wuxiang said, "The reason why your last name is Wu is because you inherited your mother's last name. Ning Nitian's first wife's last name was Wu. I have said everything I need to say. Don't ask me about the rest. I am just a remnant of my original body. I only know these. If you want to know more secrets of the Half-Life Dao, you must either find the next secret burial place I left behind, or find the clues Ning Nitian left for you. Otherwise, you will never know the whole truth."

I said in a deep voice: "Are you doing this to guard against the traitors of the Half-Life Path?"

"Yes!" Zhan Wuxiang said one word and then disappeared.

I stepped on the big coins left by Zhan Wuxiang and walked towards the core of the thread of destiny step by step.


Thank you all for your support, and stay tuned for the next episode!

Thanks to A00 Fire Water Tank for the Doudou reward! (To be continued)