Mister Big

Chapter 269: The Power of the Magic Box


After Dou Ma answered the phone, her expression changed several times: "There's trouble at Jiuchong Pavilion, I have to rush back immediately. You guys should be careful. Monk..."

The only thing Dou Ma was worried about was the monk. With red eyes, Monk Shi forced a smile and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

"That's good! Live well! Whoever of you dares to die, I will whip your corpse three hundred times before burying you." Dou Ma threw down a sentence and jumped away.

The trouble to Jiuchong Pavilion came neither earlier nor later, but chose to come at this time. It should be that the forces outside Xuanjingsi adjusted their plans.

This time in the Celebrity Contest, it is not us who are competing against each other, but a contest between Xuan Jing Division and Jiu Chong Pavilion.

It seemed like both sides were playing a big game of chess, and we were just the pawns crossing the river in this game.

As for Monk Shi, I'm not too worried. After all, he is a man of the underworld. He wouldn't be like the people in TV dramas, hiding in the house and feeling sad when there's a lot of fighting going on outside, right

I greeted them and reached a hilltop on the left side of the manor. I had planned to observe the interior of the manor from here, but I didn't expect that there was a turret-like building here. Standing on the top of the building and looking down with a telescope, the view just covered the entire manor.

Ye Jin turned around and said, "There used to be a large crossbow here, and there are traces of heavy machine guns. Look here, there are bullet holes on this side, there was a gunfight here before. This turret should be the sentry of the manor, it can monitor the movements of the manor from inside to prevent monsters from escaping, and it can defend against the invasion of powerful enemies from outside..."

As Ye Jin was speaking, Monk Shi suddenly pointed to the opposite side and said, "Look over there."

I raised my telescope and looked across. Sure enough, there was another artillery tower on the opposite hill across from the manor. The warlock of the Mirror Division guarding the artillery tower had no intention of hiding anything and had blatantly set up magic tools and guns on it.

I moved the telescope slightly and saw Sun Xiaomei, the leader of the team. After the other party saw me, he knocked on the gun tower three times with his fingers in a very subtle way.

She asked me to meet her in the evening

I didn't say anything, and returned to the turret, saying, "Take a break, and we'll see the results in the evening."

When I looked down from the turret, Lu Xiaoying, Yaohu and the others had already retreated into their own rooms. No one set up defenses or arranged formations in front of the door. They just faced the opponent with the windows and doors wide open.

This situation continued until nightfall, when they each closed the doors and windows.

I sat in the watchtower until 11 o'clock, which was the third watch in ancient times, and then I quietly slipped out and walked around to the opposite watchtower before stopping. I waited for a long time before I heard Sun Xiaomei's voice nearby: "Wu Zhao, follow me."

I carefully followed Sun Xiaomei to a hidden cave, and she took off her veil and said, "I need your help."

I said in a deep voice: "What do you mean?"

Sun Xiaomei said: "Sun Yifan sent five women this time, actually just to send us to our deaths. The four of them don't know, but I know."

"You?" I couldn't help but frowned.

Sun Xiaomei said: "I know this secret because of Xie Jingwen. Don't worry about it. Anyway, if you don't take action this time, I will definitely die. If you are willing to help me, I can provide you with the greatest convenience."

Sun Xiaomei’s words made me doubt.

When they were in the ghost realm, Lin Jingyuan said that Sun Yifan deliberately set up a killing spree to force Sun Xiaomei to death in order to marry her.

If Sun Yifan wants to sacrifice one woman in exchange for Lin Jingyuan, I still believe it. But if he wants to exchange five women for Lin Jingyuan, is this "deal" worthwhile for Sun Yifan

Sun Xiaomei said, "I don't have time to explain too much to you now. Anyway, we will both benefit if we work together, but we will both suffer if we separate. On the periphery, I will do my best to delay you; inside the manor, tell Lu Xiaoying to be careful of Hua Yanyu, the most beautiful woman in the crowd. That woman's origin is unknown, so you must be careful."

"Some of the people I brought with me are also monitoring me. I have to go back quickly. Also, you have to be careful of Jie Jingwen. He has a special identity and can even influence Sun Yifan. Give me your phone number and I will find a chance to contact you again."

After leaving a few words, Sun Xiaomei hurried back to her own camp. As I hurried back, I kept thinking about Hua Yanyu.

Dou Ma said that Hua Yanyu had a problem, and Sun Xiaomei also said that she came from an unknown background, but it seemed that her position in the Xuan Jing Division was not high. If she wanted to hide, why did she expose herself to our sight from the beginning; if she was in control of the overall situation, why did she seem out of tune with the Xuan Jing Division

While I was thinking, Monk Shi said, "Old Wu, come here quickly, there is movement in the manor..."

I looked in the direction that Monk Shi pointed, and there was indeed some movement on the side of the Xuan Jing Division, but it was only a brief commotion before things went quiet.

I hesitated for a moment, then sat cross-legged on the ground and communicated with Guazi. Lu Xiaoying and the others soon appeared in my sight. They were also guarding the door as if they were facing a great enemy. It seemed that there was a lot of noise coming from Xuanjingsi just now.

I let Guazi quietly jump onto the table and slip out from the window. As soon as I jumped out of the house, I heard Xiao Baitang shout, "Guazi..."

Before she could finish her words, Lu Xiaoying blocked her mouth: "It was that bastard Wu Zhao, not Guazier."

My face suddenly darkened, and I turned and slid towards the direction of the Xuanjing Division. When I reached the door, I started to worry. Melon seeds can't fly, so how can I check the situation in the house

When I was worrying, Guazi suddenly jumped up, put its two front paws on the wall and kicked hard a few times, then climbed up the wall like a cat and fell straight to the roof.

Guazi'er scared me to death - there were so many top masters in the room, and if it stepped on the tiles, wouldn't it expose itself immediately

But now I am just communicating with Guazi. Although I can let it know my thoughts, I can't control its behavior. I can only let Guazi act recklessly with a worried look on my face.

What I didn't expect was that Guazi landed on the tiles as lightly and softly as a civet cat, without making any sound. I had never paid attention to Guazi's claws before, so I didn't know if they had cat-like pads. But its control over its body shape was no weaker than that of a civet cat, and even stronger. Is this the power of a spirit dog

While I was wondering, Guazi had already moved to the middle of the room with small steps, gently pushed open a tile with his mouth, and looked into the room with his eyes tilted.

The fox demon Sun Yue was sitting in the brightly lit hall and slammed the table and shouted angrily: "Why are you all silent? Who can tell me where the magic box is?"

The faces of the people gathered in the hall were all livid, and no one could say a word. The demon fox roared, "None of you touched the magic box, could it have flown to Lu Xiaoying by itself?"

The fox demon Sun Yue ordered without further ado: "Disperse immediately and find the magic box for me!"

"No!" The spirit snake Sun Qiong stopped them, "No fewer than three people can touch the magic box alone, otherwise, no one can withstand the temptation of the magic box."

The fox demon Sun Yue suddenly retorted: "If we can't find it, it will cause even greater harm! We must find the magic box before dawn, otherwise..."

Nangong Ling suddenly said, "I put some powder on the magic box. Anyone who touches it will have traces of poison on their palms. Since our people are here, why don't you check it out?"

The fox demon Sun Yue was slightly stunned and said, "Stretch out all your hands, one by one."

After the warlocks of the Xuanjing Division walked past Nangong Ling one by one, the other party couldn't help but frowned: "No one's hands showed any reaction to the poison. How could this be? Are all our people really here?"

The fox demon Sun Yue gritted her teeth and said, "They are all here, not one is missing."

"That shouldn't be the case!" Nangong Ling suddenly looked at a petite warlock and said, "Take off your shoes."

The other party was slightly stunned and asked: "Why do you want me to take off my shoes?"

The fox demon Sun Yue said coldly: "I told you to take it off, so take it off. Do you want to disobey the order?"

“But…” The man had just said two words when the fox demon Sun Yue waved his hand violently, and the surrounding sorcerers immediately drew their weapons and surrounded the man.

The man hesitated for a moment before nodding and saying, "Okay then!"

In full view of everyone, the man stepped on the heel of his other shoe with one foot, slowly pushed the heel apart, and pulled out a blackened human hand from the shoe. The surrounding sorcerers exclaimed and pointed their weapons at the other party at the same time.

The man looked calm, and like a monkey, he stepped on the blackened hand and gently lifted his trouser leg: "Don't you want to see my feet? Then don't be afraid!"

Only then did I see clearly that the man's feet had been cut into two parts at the ankles and replaced with a pair of human hands. I was too far away from him, and apart from seeing a red line at the cut, the only thing I could be sure of was that the connection between the human hand and the ankle was very smooth. If there was no red line, I would even think that the man had a pair of human hands growing on his ankles.

Nangong Ling whispered, "There are traces of poison on her hands, no, on her feet. She took the magic box."

The fox demon Sun Yue said coldly: "Catch her for me!"

The warlocks surrounding the man simultaneously grabbed the man's joints, trying to subdue him on the spot. In a short moment, seven or eight hands pressed on the man at the same time. Who would have thought that as soon as one person exerted force, the man's body suddenly disintegrated in the hands of several people, turning into more than a dozen corpses that were pulled in all directions by the hands of the warlocks.

In the blink of an eye, all the warlocks were holding a piece of corpse and standing in different directions with horror on their faces.


Thank you all for your support, and stay tuned for the next episode!

Thank you Doudou for the reward! (To be continued)