Mister Big

Chapter 29: Ghosts appear


I wiped the blood from my eyes and looked out again. The sofa backrest above Wenxin's head had been shattered into pieces by the bullets fired by two people. Wenxin lay on the sofa with his head tightly covered, not daring to move.

"Shoot!" I yelled again, and the policemen reacted and fired at the sofa. Most of the bullets hit the back of the living room, and only a few lifted the back of the sofa.

"Stop!" I waved my hand and everyone stopped. The sofa cover that was blown off by the bullet instantly fell down, covering Wen Xin who was curled up like a blanket.

Everyone gasped at the same time at this moment—they all saw the outline of a human figure on the sponge of the backrest.

That's right, there was indeed a human-shaped groove squeezed out of the sponge of the sofa back. At first glance, it looked like a dead body had been sewn into the back, but who knows how many people leaned on that dead body to chat and talk, until a human-shaped groove was squeezed out of the sponge in the back.

At this time, Wen Xin, who was covered by leather, twitched his body and smiled like a woman, "What can you do if you find me? You still have to listen to me. Get out now, and I can pretend that nothing happened. Otherwise, even if you are government officials, I will come to your house one by one to claim your lives."

Everyone present couldn't help but shudder. I said in a deep voice, "Tan Lang, shoot under the sofa!"

The policeman standing at the position of the greedy wolf squatted down, pointed the muzzle of the gun at the bottom of the sofa, and fired a shot with his eyes closed. Soon after the bullet rubbed a string of sparks on the ground and flew under the sofa, Wen Xin laughed again: "Is it useful for you to shoot like this? Didn't the little sorcerer tell you that ghosts are not afraid of guns? When you run out of bullets, it will be your death."

The reason why ghosts are afraid of guns is the same as the reason why ghosts are afraid of fire. Some say they are afraid, some say they are not. In fact, ghosts are not afraid of fire, but yang energy. The burning of fire will produce a certain amount of heat, which is what we usually call yang energy. Ghosts themselves are yin objects, so they naturally cannot withstand the invasion of yang energy.

However, whether the flame's Yang energy can drive away the ghost depends on the other party's cultivation. Resentful ghosts and evil spirits have strong Yin energy and resentment, so they can come and go freely even in a fire, so it doesn't matter whether they are afraid or not. However, this is why ordinary wandering ghosts may not dare to approach a red lantern.

Bullets also generate high temperatures during their flight. The principle is the same as that of fire. When encountering a ghost, an ordinary pistol is not even as good as an old foreign cannon stuffed with cinnabar, but it is still deadly enough to hit a ghost.

In addition, when using a gun to kill ghosts, it also depends on who holds the gun. In the hands of ordinary people or even sorcerers, it is useless, but in the hands of soldiers, it is a different story. Bows and arrows in ancient times and firearms today are sharp weapons in the hands of the army. Combined with the mighty military power and the natural murderous aura of the military, they are enough to kill ghosts. Some people even say that a 100,000-man army can kill ghosts and gods, which is also derived from the word "military power".

I couldn't help but sneer, "You are a coward who hides his head and shows his tail, and you think you are worthy of threatening the police? Come out and try. If you can survive five bullets, I will turn around and leave immediately."

The ghost was startled for a moment, then suddenly laughed and said, "I'm out now, right? I'm on Wen Xin, try to shoot him five times!"

Director Wang tightly grasped the pistol and said, "Xiao Wu, can you find a way to force him out? My hat can..."

I said in a deep voice, "Everyone stand still, no one moves. The Seven Star Formation is here, so the ghosts outside can't get in, and he can't run out either. I want to see how long he can hold out!"

From the beginning I felt that the ghost haunting Wen Xin was hiding in the villa, so I set up the Big Dipper formation in the house.

The radiation range of the Big Dipper formation is all concentrated in the living room of the villa. If we don't move, we can suppress the ghosts in the house; on the contrary, as long as one of us leaves our original position, the ghosts controlled by us are likely to escape.

As I shouted angrily, the ghost hidden in the dark suddenly sneered and said, "Since you are seeking your own death, I will grant your wish."

As soon as the ghost story ended, I suddenly felt a palpitation in my heart.

Although the object in front of me did not change at all, I had a feeling in my heart that something wanted to stand up from behind the sofa.

At the same time, I clearly saw a black shadow spreading out from behind the sofa and climbing towards the wall. Just a moment later, a ghost with two horns on its head appeared on the wall.

The sofa in front of me seemed to be pressing on the entrance to the underworld. The demon of hell was climbing out from the open door and could appear in front of us with a hideous face at any time.

"Don't move! Stand still!" When I saw that the first few people were about to be unable to bear the psychological pressure and instinctively wanted to retreat, I raised my hand and threw out three green aphid darts. When the three hidden weapons hit the opponent's body with a dull sound, the three policemen also knelt on one knee on the ground involuntarily, but fortunately they did not move away from their original position.

Director Wang and Lao Du held their guns tightly and shouted angrily: "Don't move, trust him..."

Someone suddenly shouted, "How can you let me trust him? The man surnamed Wu is standing behind, and he won't be the first to die..."

"Shut up!" After Lao Du roared, he turned his head and looked in the direction where the voice came from.

At the same time, the sofa on the ground suddenly made a loud noise. I clearly saw that the sofa with a person lying on it was lifted up a few inches by some force, and then fell back to the ground. Dark green flames were swept out in all directions under the airflow brought by the sofa. The flames several inches high slid more than half a meter away on the ground and swept directly to the feet of Lao Du and the others.

"Stand still!" I rushed to Lao Du's side and pushed the two policemen who wanted to retreat back to their original positions. The green fire on the ground instantly passed over our feet. The three of us shuddered together. I shouted urgently, "That's Yin Fire. It can't hurt anyone. Don't move!"

Several policemen who were originally planning to retreat stopped when they saw that we were fine.

It's not that Yin Fire can't hurt people, it just can't burn people to death like real fire. People who are entered by Yin Fire will probably get seriously ill afterwards, but I don't have time to explain so much to them now, so I can only use the excuse that Yin Fire won't hurt people.

As the dark fires were blazing all over the ground, a scream suddenly came from outside the door: "Wu Zhao, help! There's a ghost... Help..."

Wang Shiyu! As Lao Du and I stared at each other, someone outside the door shouted, "Director Wang, come out quickly, we are surrounded by ghosts, come out quickly—"

"Not good!" Director Wang's face suddenly changed, "Old Xu and the others are in trouble!"

The Old Xu mentioned by Director Wang should be the policemen who withdrew.

Director Wang shouted with sweat on his forehead: "Xiao Wu, go out and take a look. We are watching here. Hurry up..."

"I..." I just said one word, and Wang Shiyu's scream outside the villa rushed into our ears like a cold arrow: "Help-"

"Wang Shiyu?" Old Du suddenly turned around and looked towards the door. "Why are the two of them here?"

Oh no! I was suddenly shocked. Something happened outside. The sound outside was either an illusion created by ghosts, or the missing Wang Shiyu and Jiang Yi were really led to the door of the villa by ghosts.

No matter what, the cries for help outside are enough to destroy the Seven Star Formation.

I can see that neither Director Wang nor Lao Du is afraid of death, but they are both stubborn. Police duties do not allow them to stand idly by in times of crisis, especially when there are their comrades outside.

While Director Wang and Lao Du subconsciously tried to turn around, I quickly rushed in front of the two men and pushed them back to their original positions: "Shoot! Hit the chandelier! Quick—"

The two of them were stunned for a moment, then looked at me in confusion. I shouted angrily, "If you want to save people, shoot!"

Lao Du suddenly turned around, aimed at the chandelier and pulled the trigger. Director Wang hesitated for only three or four seconds before he also raised his gun and shot at the chandelier. Then, everyone's pistols fired. The golden bullet shells burst onto the ground one by one, and the Yin Fire on the ground melted away piece by piece under the continuously jumping bullet shells, like snowflakes encountering hot water, until they disappeared.

The chandelier hanging in the air was also blown away like an avalanche under the dense rain of bullets. After a few bullets broke the chandelier's bracket, the ceiling gradually tilted outwards...

"Stop!" As I watched a white object slide down from the ceiling, I immediately took a leap, stepped on the edge of the sofa, jumped into the air, and reached out to grab that thing.

Before my fingers touched it, the thing suddenly transformed into a hideous face and opened its mouth to bite my hand.

Although I was in the air, I did not retreat but advanced, reaching into the ghost's mouth with one hand. After half of my palm was inserted into the ghost's mouth, the green fly darts wrapped around my wrist also broke apart. The big coin with a red glow flew from the inside to the outside of the ghost's mouth, tearing the ghost's face into pieces.

I fell from the air holding that object. It was not until I stood firmly that I saw clearly that I was holding a piece of white jade with blood veins.

"Xiao Wu..."

"Don't come over!" I waved my hand to stop Lao Du. The blood jade in my hand was struggling in my hand like a live fish, trying to break free from the restraint of my five fingers.

I desperately clasped the blood jade tightly, and with my other hand I pulled out the ghost-suppressing talisman from my body. When I held the talisman between two fingers and raised my hand to the sky, a ghost face suddenly appeared on the blood jade: "You dare to kill me? Be careful..."

"Be careful you bastard!" I yelled, "If I haven't figured out you're a bewitched ghost by now, I wouldn't have to stay in the art world." (To be continued)