Mister Big

Chapter 306: Ghosts in sight


What was Gu Piaoran going to do by suddenly withdrawing

This thought had just flashed through my mind when I heard the sound of a flap on the ship. Just a few seconds later, the outside of the Tiangong Mirror was completely covered by seawater, and the temperature in the cabin suddenly dropped by several degrees.

I couldn't help but blurt out, "We went diving?"

The sailor said, "The Qianlong can dive into the water in a short time. But the diving depth cannot exceed ten meters. At most, it can dive about fifty meters in the water before surfacing."

Diving ten meters and sneaking fifty meters, wouldn't that be just enough to break out of the encirclement of the Hell Gate? Has Gu Piaoran already planned a retreat

I was stunned for only a moment, and then the Qianlong suddenly tilted, and the head and tail shot out of the water like a sharp arrow and reached the sea surface. As soon as the Qianlong flattened its hull, it rushed to the north at the fastest speed.

Before I could figure out what was going on, there was a deafening explosion near the Qianlong. I quickly looked out through the Tiangong mirror, but I couldn't see anything except white water splashes. The only thing I could be sure of was that Xue Wuchang was attacking the Qianlong with firearms.

I asked anxiously, "Are there any heavy weapons on board?"

The sailor shook his head and said, "Brother, this is our country. Where can we get heavy weapons? It's a huge risk to hide the guns. Don't worry, they don't have many heavy firearms."

Gu Piaoran had no firearms, I believe; Hell Gate occupied an underground fortification, how could they not have firearms? As long as the ship could withstand it, they could even bring field artillery on board.

Before I could say anything, I heard two loud bangs behind me. The Qianlong suddenly tilted and almost capsized in the sea. Fortunately, the helmsman controlled the ship in time, and the Qianlong sped away again.

I could see from the Tiangong mirror that the Qianlong was speeding forward amidst dense artillery fire. Although it narrowly avoided the shells several times, it was unable to escape the precarious situation.

If this continues, the Qianlong might be overturned by artillery fire and fall into the sea, turning into a real Qianlong.

I was just about to move my body and stand up from the cabin when the sailor next to me said, "Get out quickly. The mechanism has started to work and the bottom compartment is going to be deformed. If we don't leave now, we will be squeezed to death."

I don't believe him. Even if the bottom of the boat could be deformed, it couldn't be enough to crush us to death. The sailor just didn't want us to see something.

Although I was curious, I couldn't just pry into the secrets of Rumor Sect, so I could only follow him into the cabin.

When I suddenly appeared in the cabin, everyone in the cabin was startled. The grave robber Lao Qiao turned around and shouted, "Wu Zhao, you still have the nerve to stay here! If it weren't for you..."

“Shut up if you don’t want to die.” I pulled out the Rakshasa without waiting for him to finish. Old Joe knew he was no match for me, and he was so scared that he dared not make a sound.

Gu Piaoran shouted sternly: "Hold on tight, everyone. We are about to enter the secret realm."

As the people in the cabin turned around to look for something to grab to stabilize their bodies, I also quickly looked to the front and back of the Qianlong.

A reef that looked like a pillar of heaven had appeared in front of the Qianlong. Through the gaps between the reefs, I could roughly see that behind the reef was a strange-shaped stone forest, but behind the stone forest was pitch black and I couldn't see anything clearly.

I don't know when two V-shaped waves appeared behind the Qianlong. At first glance, it looked like two surging tides converging behind the cruise ship, with the tops overlapping and rushing towards us.

Although the sound of the tide is not that huge, I can vaguely feel that there is an extremely terrifying force contained in the tide. If it gets close, the consequences will be unimaginable.

In a short moment, the V-shaped group approached the Hell Gate ship that was chasing us. Just a breath later, the large ship on the left was lifted into the air by the tide and turned over head to tail. Most of the sailors on the ship fell into the water, and some people held on to the railings of the ship tightly. The desperately struggling crowd was soon turned upside down in the water by the flying hull. In just a breath, the ship and the people disappeared together.

In less than a minute, a large ship and dozens of sailors disappeared in front of us out of thin air. Even their screams before death were drowned in the waves. Anyone who saw it would feel horrified.

The Hell Gate masters who had been chasing us madly just now all stopped what they were doing in an instant and looked in horror at the surging tide behind them.

Xue Wuchang shouted sternly: "Sail at full speed, don't let the tide catch up!"

In fact, even without Xue Wuchang's order, the two ships were still moving at full speed. They had not slowed down since they started chasing the Qianlong, but now the ships seemed to be fleeing in panic.

Hell's Gate was running for its life frantically, and the Submarines was also speeding forward at lightning speed, but the sea water surging from behind us suddenly accelerated and chased us relentlessly.

As I watched the tide getting closer and closer to us, I couldn't help but look back at the front of the Qianlong.

The stone forest ahead has become clearer and clearer, and the two huge pillars are like two stone doors blocking us. If the Qianlong does not change direction, let alone the wooden Qianlong, even if it is an ironclad ship, it will be smashed to pieces and the ship will be destroyed and the people will die.

I was about to remind Gu Piaoran when he suddenly shouted, "Turn the rudder and rush back!"

I was immediately shocked by Gu Piaoran's order. If I turn the rudder now, wouldn't that be tantamount to seeking death? Unexpectedly, the sailors on the Qianlong turned the direction without hesitation and steered the Qianlong to crash head-on into Xue Wuchang's vehicle.

"Hide!" Xue Wuchang shouted at the top of his lungs, and the two large ships moved their bows at the same time. Qianlong rushed in between the two ships like a big fish swimming close to the water, brushing against the side of the other ship and rushing towards the direction of the tide.

At the moment when the three large ships were crossing each other, Xue Wuchang suddenly shouted: "Jump off the ship! Jump onto their ship!"

The masters of Hell Gate flew up in an instant, and fell to the sides of Qianlong one after another. Xue Wuchang smashed the cabin door with one palm and rushed directly into the cabin.

Ye Jin and I stood up at the same time and swung our swords towards Xue Wuchang. The two sword lights that crossed each other instantly blocked Xue Wuchang's way, forcing him to retreat back to his original position. The sword energy we swung out of the two of us shattered the cabin door in an instant, and we rushed out of the cabin in pursuit of Xue Wuchang.

Xue Wuchang suddenly rushed onto the boat. He was already unstable and was blocked by Ye Jin and I. He had no power to fight back except retreating. If we two attacked again, it would be enough to knock Xue Wuchang off the boat. But just as we were about to attack, a shadow like a dark cloud suddenly rose up behind Qianlong. When I looked up, the huge waves in the sea had already surpassed the height of the ship's side.

"Retreat quickly!" I no longer had time to chase after Xue Wuchang, and quickly pulled Ye Jin back to the cabin.

As we retreated, the masters of Hell Gate rushed into the cabin in an instant, and the originally spacious cabin suddenly became crowded. Ye Jin and I were surrounded by the masters of Hell Gate. Xue Wuchang, who was the first to be attacked, was even within a sword's reach of us. He only needed to raise his hand and slash with one sword to pierce through Xue Wuchang's body.

Just as I was about to make a move, Gu Piaoran shouted, "Don't move if you don't want to die!"

I had just suppressed the urge to kill when two wing-like planks extended from both sides of the Qianlong.

Gu Piaoran shouted again: "Back twenty steps!"

The Qianlong, which was originally rushing forward, suddenly turned its bow into stern, and after rapidly rushing backwards for about twenty meters, the waves that had originally hit the ship fell into the sea close to the bow, and the hull of the Qianlong was also lifted at an angle.

Gu Piaoran didn't wait for the Qianlong to come to a complete stop before he shouted, "Keep going!"

At this moment, the Qianlong suddenly rushed forward and rushed towards the direction where the waves fell. Just a moment later, the Qianlong was lifted into the air by the waves. Everyone on the ship, except Gu Piaoran, couldn't help but exclaimed.

What no one expected was that the Qianlong actually floated steadily in the air under the support of the waves, and glided straight towards two stone pillars not far away.

I see!

Gu Piaoran had said before that if we missed the last few days, we would have to wait five years before we could re-enter the secret burial. The five years he mentioned was the strange tide that was following us.

We clearly know that there should be a sea full of strange rocks behind the stone pillars, but the Qianlong cannot pass through the gaps between the stone pillars, so it can only rely on the tide to fly over the stone pillars into the secret burial sea.

Tides, the Qianlong, and the timing of the impact tide, if we fail to grasp any of them, we will be swept into the sea and die without a burial place. No wonder Gu Piaoran insisted on forcing his way into the sea at this time.

These thoughts flashed through my mind for a while, and the bat-like Qianlong was already close to the tips of the two stone pillars.

Just when I thought that the Qianlong could successfully fly over the stone pillar, the entire ship became like a kite with a broken string. Although it was still gliding, it suddenly sank a few degrees.

My first reaction was: The Qianlong is overloaded!

Originally, there were not so many people on the Qianlong, but more than thirty people jumped onto the two ships of Hell Gate. Their own weight plus the weapons they carried would not crush the Qianlong floating on the water into the sea, but once the ships were airborne, they would find it difficult to bear the weight of so many people.

Grave robber Old Joe shouted, "The boat is too heavy, we have to throw people down!"

His words immediately made the entire cabin tense, and everyone looked at the enemy or companion around them with ill intentions. (To be continued)