Mister Big

Chapter 314: Deter the prisoners


I gasped in shock at the sight of the talismans dancing in the direction of the camp, while the masters of the Hell Gate were also retreating. Only they knew how powerful the talismans they had spread were. Once the talismans were ignited by the Yin Qi, the consequences would be disastrous.

The speed of the talisman's reversal was so fast that the Hell Gate's vanguard had no way to avoid it and could only bite the bullet and face the counterattack of the talisman. However, the following troops dispersed in an instant, leaving enough space for the vanguard to move.

What was unexpected was that the talismans that were flying all over the sky did not explode as imagined, but instead became like waste paper blown away by the wind, sticking to the Hell Gate Warlock one by one.

When several Hell Gate masters subconsciously reached out to grab the talisman paper on their faces, the ghost yamen runner suddenly stepped forward and swung the iron rod to hit the Hell Gate warlock's head. The dull sound of the iron rod hitting the head was heard, and more than a dozen warlocks were knocked to the ground. Some rolled on the ground with their heads covered, while others were silent all of a sudden.

A ghost soldier raised an iron rod and said in a cold voice "I'll come back to deal with you bastards after I kill you guys", then he walked away with his men without even looking at the sorcerers, as if they were not facing the famous Hell Gate sorcerers, but a group of prisoners with no ability to resist.

Xue Wuchang's expression changed slightly and he said sternly, "Go out and save people!"

The Hell Gate Warlocks who had been scattered gathered together again, and charged in the direction where the ghosts left, covering each other. But before they could rush out of the camp, they were blocked by an invisible force. The Blood Impermanence who was rushing in the front was like a fly hitting the glass. After a slight "bang" sound came out of his body, he retreated several steps before he could stabilize his body.

Someone supported Xue Wuchang who was still standing and shouted urgently: "Wuchang, don't rush, we are trapped, this is a prison!"

My heart suddenly skipped a beat, and I quickly looked in the direction of the Hell Gate camp. There was a white line as wide as a palm outside the camp. At first glance, it looked like someone had painted a square grid on the ground, enclosing the entire camp in the middle. That was Xing Kui's signature skill - "drawing a line on the ground to make a prison." Unless the people of Hell Gate could break Xing Kui's secret method, they could only stay in the prison and wait to die.

Xue Wuchang said sternly: "Find a way to break the prison, quickly!"

"Wait a moment." Gu Piaoran stopped him, "Now is not the best time to break into the prison, we can't act rashly. Wait..."

Before Gu Piaoran could finish his words, a scream was heard in the distance - the red-clothed ghost soldier did not take the Hell Gate Warlock far before stopping. He tied the man's hands tightly to a reef, leaving only his back exposed.

Two ghosts in red tore off the man's clothes. A ghost who looked like an executioner stepped forward with a sharp knife in his hand, stabbed the tip of the knife into the man's back, and slashed down his spine. The man's screams instantly rose to the sky.

Is this for peeling

As soon as the horrifying thought came to my mind, Xue Wuchang could no longer sit still. He stood up and shouted at the top of his lungs, "Break the formation! Break it with all your strength!"

The subordinates of the Hell Gate took out a large number of lightning and fire talismans at the same time and blasted them towards the edge of the "prison cell". The thunderstorm and fire that poured out like a flood rolled towards the prison cell with shocking power, but were blocked by the invisible wall. The raging fire and the flashing lightning climbed up the wall at the same time, like a fire wall several meters high on the beach, but they could not break out of the indestructible prison cell.

The executioners in the distance turned a blind eye to the Hell Gate Warlock's crazy breakout, and continued to methodically skin the warlock alive. At this time, two ghosts had already grabbed the skin on the man's back and lifted it up one foot to both sides along the direction of the knife. The lifted skin was like two blood-stained butterfly wings rising from the man's back, and the man's voice had changed. As the hoarse screams echoed violently in the air, Xue Wuchang also shouted angrily: "Let him go again! Even if all the talismans are used up, you have to blow open the cell for me!"

The Hell Gate Warlock kept sending talismans into the rolling wall of fire as if adding fuel to the fire. The raging fire also climbed into the air at an incredible speed, reaching a height of five or six meters in just a few moments.

Gu Piaoran exclaimed: "No more can be added, the thunder and fire can no longer support it..."

Xue Wuchang roared angrily: "We must blow up the prison, otherwise we will be finished!"

Before Xue Wuchang finished speaking, the already shaky wall of fire collapsed with a bang as the Hell Gate Warlock desperately added to it. The flames that rolled back were like the tongue of a demon hanging from the sky, rolling towards the Hell Gate master from top to bottom.

Several frontline warlocks were caught off guard and instantly engulfed in the flames. Flames appeared all over their bodies, and they screamed heart-wrenchingly as they ran around aimlessly in the sea of fire.

Xue Wuchang led a large group of people to retreat several steps before shouting loudly: "Separate the fire and don't let them out!"

The remaining Hellgate Warlocks immediately began to attack their companions who were on fire, pushing back those who had already rushed to the edge of the sea of fire. The warlocks who were still struggling in the flames soon knelt down one by one, curled up in the flames and gradually gathered into burning balls of fire...

“Put out the fire… Put out the fire…” Under Xue Wuchang’s continuous orders, the Hell Gate Warlocks quickly put out the flames with sand, but a chilling scene appeared before their eyes.

The red-clothed ghost had already peeled off the sorcerer's skin completely. He carried the bloody skin on an iron rod and walked slowly in front of us. Then he turned the skin over and covered it on a stone with the blood facing outward.

The skinned warlock was not dead, but he was only breathing weakly. A demon cut the rope between his hands with a knife, grabbed his arm and dragged him to the seaside, throwing him into the cold sea.

The man was not completely dead yet, and without his human skin, he was suddenly thrown into the sea, which was like being thrown into a frying pan. He immediately jumped out of the sea with a scream. But he lost his strength before he could struggle a few times, and finally sank slowly into the water... The last thing I saw was his hands stretched out on the dark sea, reluctant to enter the water.

The red-clothed ghost standing on the beach sneered at the sinking corpse, then turned and walked towards the camp of Hell's Gate.

The leading ghost pointed at a sorcerer whose head was still bleeding and said, "Pull him out!"

The two red-robed ghosts immediately stepped out, stepped into the cell without any obstruction, and walked straight towards the sorcerer. Xue Wuchang instinctively wanted to intercept them, but as soon as his palms touched the other person's body, it was like grabbing an illusion and passing through the man.

Xue Wuchang was slightly stunned when he saw his empty palm. Four or five more sorcerers grabbed the ghost at the same time. Their palms with the sound of wind fell into the air every time. No one could stop the ghost.

Two ghost soldiers walked up to the man, one on the left and one on the right, and dragged him out. After a while, they threw him out of the cell. The ghost leader glanced at the sorcerer lying on the ground and said coldly, "Kill him!"

The ghosts behind him immediately pulled out their iron rods and hit the man with them. After just a few hits, blood spurted out of the man's mouth, but he was still lying on the ground and desperately crawling towards the cell. Perhaps he thought that he could only be safe if he ran to a crowded place, but he was knocked to the ground by the ghosts before he could crawl far. The jailer who was swinging the iron rod had no intention of stopping, and the iron rod with the sound of wind continued to rain down on the man. After a short moment, the man's back was beaten into a piece of rotten flesh, and the bright red blood slowly spread out along the man's face.

The leader of the demon soldiers made a stop gesture and then slowly said, "Did you see it? If anyone dares to cause trouble again, he will be the example."

The leader of the ghost soldiers sneered at Xue Wuchang and the others who clenched their fists, and said to his men, "Just leave the bodies here to teach those bastards a lesson. Come and change their cells tomorrow morning. Anyone who dares to move will be killed on the spot."

After the ghosts responded loudly, they followed their leader into the night and soon disappeared into the darkness.

After I saw those people disappear, I took a tentative step forward, but I was immediately blocked back by an invisible force.

Am I also trapped in this prison

Is this a prison cell

Are those ghosts the jailers

Beating people to death with sticks was a form of lynching in ancient prisons. In ancient times, prisons would not easily kill people. For jailers and prison bosses, prisoners were a kind of resource, and they had to make money from them on a daily basis. However, they would not show mercy to prisoners who made trouble. Beating people to death in front of prisoners was also a means to deter prisoners.

Everything that happened before my eyes was exactly the same as the prison camp in the legend. Could this island be a prison camp

As I slowly sat down while thinking, I heard Ye Jin shouting, "Zhaozi, we are out of food and water!"

"What?" When Lao Qiao and I came here, we didn't bring any food with us, but we brought two bottles of water. When I heard Ye Jin shouting, I immediately turned around and reached for my backpack. Who would have thought that the two bottles of water I had placed on the side of the backpack had disappeared at some point.

I subconsciously asked, "Where did the water go?"

Old Joe was so scared that he waved his hands repeatedly: "It's not me, it's not me, I didn't touch the water."

I stood up and called to Su Youran in the distance, "Su Youran, where's your water?"

Su Youran trembled and said, "We are out of water and food..."

Oops! (To be continued)