Mister Big

Chapter 318: Master of rumors


Xue Wuchang's eyes were also full of anxiety.

Xue Wuchang is not a fool. He can see that we have all become Gu Piaoran's pawns. Gu Piaoran is planning to use us to gamble with ghosts and gods, but we just can't break the situation. Xue Wuchang is looking at me to ask for a way to break the situation, but I can only spread my hands to him, meaning: I don't know what to do either.

Xue Wuchang tapped the back of his left hand, meaning: You have the Blood Demon's Eye, so there may be a glimmer of hope.

I shook my head and pointed at Xue Wuchang's waist, meaning to ask him: Are there any legends about the forbidden area in the Hell Gate

Xue Wuchang pointed to the sky and then to himself, probably trying to tell me: My status in the Gate of Hell is not high enough, and there are some secrets that I don’t know.

I sighed helplessly and patted my waist, where I usually hang my knife. I was telling Xue Wuchang: Get ready to fight! At this point, there was no luck left.

While Xue Wuchang and I were communicating silently, the warden had already brought us to a hall that looked like a temple: "Please bring in the Mirror of Sin."

Several jailers quickly brought out a round bronze mirror that was about half a person's height from the inner hall and respectfully placed it in the hall. The warden said in a deep voice, "Walk forward and place your hands on the mirror. If the mirror turns red, it means you are guilty. If the mirror can reflect your image, it means you are innocent."

The warden's murderous eyes swept over our faces one by one before he said, "Before you put your hands on the treasure mirror, I will remind you one last time that the way of heaven cannot be deceived. For those who confess their crimes voluntarily, I can give them a lighter sentence. For those who hope for luck and deceive the way of heaven, their crimes will be increased. Who will go first?"

Gu Piaoran said calmly: "Then let me go first!"

As the warden nodded, Gu Piaoran calmly walked towards the Conviction Mirror and placed his hand on the bronze mirror. The originally dim mirror surface flashed a brilliant light, and Gu Piaoran's figure was clearly reflected. Gu Piaoran calmly turned around and said, "Excuse me, have I passed?"

The prison officer bowed slightly and said, "It was my fault for failing to supervise."

Gu Piaoran smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Let's change players!"

After Gu Piaoran turned and stepped aside, someone immediately stepped forward. The man probably felt relieved when he saw that Gu Piaoran was fine, and he put his hand on the bronze mirror without hesitation. Who would have thought that as soon as he put his hand on it, half of the bronze mirror suddenly glowed with blood.

The blood-red light instantly turned the man's face pale. Just as he subconsciously shouted "I'm not guilty", the prison officer growled, "Catch him and torture him to death!"

"No..." Before the man could even cry out for justice, he was dragged outside by two jailers. Not long after, the man's screams came from outside. Everyone in the room turned pale and no one dared to move forward.

The warden sneered and said, "If anyone else has confidence, why not come up and give it a try."

The warden asked twice, and when no one answered, he pointed at someone and said, "Come here..."

The man knelt on the ground: "Sir, I am guilty, I don't... I..."

The prison officer sneered and said, "It's too late to beg for mercy now. Come, drag him away and torture him to death."

“Mercy…” The man just shouted and was dragged out of the door by the ferocious jailer.

The warden was clearly ready to kill, so I couldn't just sit there and wait for death. He had named someone to kill, and I was also secretly contacting He Zhenzhen. At this moment, only she could bring Luosha into my hands.

The warden pointed gloomily in the direction of Old Chen the Seahook and said, "It's your turn now."

The man the warden picked out happened to be one of Lao Chen's men. He immediately shouted, "There are so many people, why did you have to choose me?"

The prison officer sneered and said, "It is my power to choose who to choose. Of course, you can choose not to come to defend your crime, but I will not show mercy."

The man said sternly, "I don't accept it! Why is that Gu innocent, but everyone else guilty? The people of Rumor Sect can all be innocent good citizens, so who in the world is still guilty?"

The warden's face suddenly darkened, and he turned to look at Gu Piaoran: "Is what he said true?"

The man shouted, "How can it not be true? If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have come to this damn place!"

Gu Piaoran said calmly, "Even if you don't believe me, you should believe the Conviction Mirror, right? Is there a second Conviction Mirror in the world?"

As soon as Gu Piaoran said this, I was shocked.

It is possible that there is a second mirror of conviction in this world, and that thing should have fallen into Gu Piaoran's hands.

The second time I saw Gu Piaoran was at Guan's house. Wasn't his purpose in going to Guan's house to steal a bronze mirror? However, I never figured out the purpose of Gu Piaoran's deliberate attempt to steal the bronze mirror. It turned out that he had been planning a trip to the forbidden area.

But, what method did Gu Piaoran use to replace the Book of Conviction

I understand. The people who replaced the Conviction Mirror were Su Youran and Tong Xiaoyao. They had not been seen since they were locked up in the women's prison, and they didn't even come to the lobby with us.

It was not because the warden forgot the existence of the two people, but because he had no idea that there were two masters of the Yao Sect imprisoned in the women's prison.

Gu Piaoran had already calculated every step. Tong Xiaoyao deliberately mentioned that we were carrying weapons and asked the jailer to take our weapons away in order to increase our psychological pressure and keep us from paying attention to other things.

Gu Piaoran took over my words and came up with the idea of "crying out for injustice", attracting the prison warden from the lobby and deliberately delaying time, simply to create an opportunity for Tong Xiaoyao and the others to replace the treasure mirror.

The treasure mirror I see now is just a fake that Tong Xiaoyao and Su Youran replaced with by using rumors to deceive the jailer.

The prison officer said in a deep voice: "Come here and try the Conviction Mirror again."

"What's the difficulty?" Gu Piaoran walked to the bronze mirror without fear, stretched out his hand and pressed down on the mirror. The bronze mirror once again reflected Gu Piaoran's figure.

The warden turned to the man who had reported the crime and shouted, "Do you know what will happen if you deceive me? Come on, drag him out and pull out his tongue!"

"No! Wait!" the man shouted, "Ask everyone yourself whether the man surnamed Gu is from Yao Sect! How come the treasure mirror you mentioned can't tell? Are the magic weapons as blind as you are?"

"Humph!" The warden turned around and looked at Xue Wuchang, "Is what he said true?"

Xue Wuchang nodded without hesitation and said, "Yes, Gu Piaoran is indeed a member of Rumor Sect, and his status is extremely high."

The prison officer stared at Xue Wuchang for a long while before pointing at Gu Piaoran: "Stand aside. I want to test the treasure mirror myself."

After Gu Piaoran cooperated and stepped aside, the warden lowered his head and carefully examined the Conviction Mirror. After a while, the warden reached out to the edge of the mirror. As soon as his finger touched a rune on the edge of the mirror, a half-moon-shaped knife light burst out from the mirror.

The prison warden was less than half a foot away from the bronze mirror. Even though he was a ghost, he could not avoid it. The fierce knife light was like a sharp blade cutting into tofu, instantly cutting the prison warden in half from the shoulder to the shoulder. The upper half of the prison warden's body had already fallen to the ground, but the remaining half of his body had not yet fallen, which shows how fast the knife light was.

No one expected that the prison warden would be suddenly killed under such circumstances, and the crowd did not burst into exclamations until two or three seconds later.

Gu Piaoran took advantage of this opportunity to withdraw quickly and flew straight towards the statue in the middle of the hall.

“Stop him!” I started to chase after Gu Piaoran while roaring. The prison officer’s body fell to the ground and suddenly roared: “How dare you sneak attack me? Your crime is unforgivable!”

At the same time, Gu Piaoran's laughter rose to the sky: "Since the crime is unforgivable, let's play bigger!"

Gu Piaoran, who was already close to the statue, laughed loudly and suddenly raised his palm to slap the statue in the hall.

The prison warden who had been showing off his power just now suddenly screamed in anger: "How dare you..."

Before the other party could finish his words, the prison wardens statue shattered under Gu Piaoran's heavy palm, and the prison wardens soul instantly exploded into phosphorous fire all over the sky, floating around the hall.

I had almost reached the shrine, but was disrupted by a loud noise behind me and stopped subconsciously.

At this time, Gu Piaoran flew up and stood on the half-broken statue, saying loudly: "The prison officer is dead, and everyone present can be considered an accomplice. In ancient times, killing officials and treason was a serious crime, and even if you were an accomplice, you could not escape the torture of being cut into pieces. If you don't want to die, it's best not to let the eight hundred jailers in the crime-suppressing land catch you. Those jailers are not invincible ghosts, they all have a certain range of activities, and there must be statues of gods near the jailers where their souls are attached. If you smash the statues, the jailers will surely die."

Gu Piaoran suddenly bowed and said, "My dear friends, I wish you good luck. We will meet again in the future."

After Gu Piaoran finished speaking, he suddenly soared into the sky, raised his hand and split the roof of the lobby with a palm, jumped onto the roof, stepped on the broken tiles, turned around and bowed, saying: "Mr. Wu, take care."

I immediately pulled back: "Old Ye, find some guys, let's go."

Ye Jin was obviously a little at a loss. It was not until I passed by him that he followed me towards the kitchen.

In ancient buildings, the main house, the side house, and the kitchen all had clear locations. He Zhenzhen and the others saw the kitchen first, which meant that the place where the jailer stored our weapons was not far from the kitchen.

After I found the kitchen, I quickly found my equipment in a nearby wing. Ye Jin and I each grabbed our own packages, slashed open the back window of the wing, climbed over the wall in a few steps, and ran almost aimlessly into the depths of the island.

Before we ran far, we heard shouting and screaming coming from the direction of the lobby.

The prison guards are taking action! (To be continued)