Mister Big

Chapter 321: A sheep enters the tiger's mouth


The jailer who appeared this time was different from the last time. Last time, Ye Jin and I could at least see his figure. Even if we were no match for him, we could still knock on the iron chains in his hands and fight him in close combat to delay time as much as possible.

But now I can't even tell where the other party is, how can I fight him? The only way is for me to use the Mysterious Ice Armor to resist the jailer's attack and let Ye Jin go to find the soul puppet.

As I took small steps, cold air swirled all over my body. After three steps, the wind blew and snow flew within a three-meter radius.

In five steps, the cold air turned into ice, and the Mysterious Ice Armor spread out to both sides of my body;

After seven steps, the Xuanming Ice Armor had become an iron wall, suddenly blocking the approximate direction where the jailer was rushing towards.

The next moment, an invisible force rushed towards me, and the Xuanming Ice Armor in front of me exploded with spider-web-like cracks in an instant. Before I had time to reinforce the Xuanming Ice Armor, I saw a white dot suddenly appear on the ice in front of me. The sound of metal and ice drilling and rubbing suddenly exploded, and crystal ice chips flew in all directions with the white dot as the center.

The jailer is using iron chains to drill into the ice armor

This jailer must have been an expert at using the nine-section whip. Only those who are good at using the nine-section whip can use the iron lock as a spear after infusing it with true energy. My Xuanming Ice Armor is strong enough to withstand bombardment and beatings, but it is easy to disintegrate in an instant under such a strong attack like an electric drill. The opponent has found my weakness.

"Stop it!" I roared, and pushed forward with both hands. In an instant, the Xuanming Qi was pulled to the peak by me.

Just as I was desperately trying to stop the other party, the voice of the jailer we had detained earlier suddenly rang out behind me: "Don't resist, all your people have been arrested!"

I was startled by the sound so close to me, and the Qi in my hand weakened by just a little bit, and an iron chain instantly broke through the ice and went straight to wrap around my neck. When I instinctively stretched out my hands to grab the chain, a jailer suddenly appeared out of nowhere and grabbed the iron chain with one hand, suddenly pushed forward a step, and used the iron chain to block my throat.

The jailer from before slowly came over and said, "Old Chen, be gentle, don't kill him. If you kill him, we won't be able to play anymore."

The man who restrained me sneered, tied me up with iron chains and pressed me to the ground. It was only then that I saw that Ye Jin and the Shao brothers had been captured by three jailers who appeared out of nowhere.

The jailer sneered, "Do you really think I will bring you here to find my companions? Why don't you think about it? We guard the prison in a circle. Since it is a circle, there will always be intersections. This is where the four of us usually chat. Once you come in, you will be trapped. Lao Chen will hold you back, so we can easily capture you. Idiot."

The jailer kicked me hard and then said with a fierce smile: "What are you going to do, brothers? Skinning and pulling out tendons, or using divine thorns, or boiling in oil?"

Someone responded: "We're tired of playing with those things a long time ago. We need to think about it carefully."

"Old Qin died in their hands. We can't let them die peacefully."

The old Chen who was stepping on me suddenly said, "I heard that Old Tang and his friends have a way of playing. They catch more than ten rats, put them in an iron bucket and put it on the stomach of a person, then light a fire on the bucket. When the rats can't stand the heat, they bite open their stomachs and drill into their stomachs. I've never played like this before."

"Great!" Someone clapped his hands, "I'll go catch the mice now, you guys get the bucket, and we'll meet again later."

After a while, someone came over with a metal bucket full of rats and said, "Old Chen, you caught the people, who do you want to start with?"

Lao Chen pointed his hand at me and said, "It's him! Can't he defend against the life-chasing rope? Just attack from him. I want to see how long he can hold on."

The two jailers immediately turned me over on my back. The man holding the bucket deliberately swung the bucket twice in front of my eyes, flicked the bucket lightly with his hand, and a squeaking mouse was shaken out of the bucket.

The rat landed on me with a "pop" and immediately got up and tried to run away, but a jailer grabbed its tail and pulled it back. The jailer held the rat upside down in front of me and said, "They say that when rats get angry, they can tear human skin apart. Let me see if it can dig out your eyeballs."

The mouse was really anxious. It couldn't bite the jailer who was holding its tail, so it started to kick desperately with its four claws. If the jailer really put it on my eyes, it would take no time for it to dig my eyeballs out.

The jailer deliberately slowed down his pace and dropped the mouse onto my eyelids little by little. The mouse, whose tail was pinched by him, started waving its claws like crazy, as if I was the enemy who pinched its tail...

Just when the mouse was about to touch my nose, I suddenly raised my head and bit the mouse hard, biting the mouse's head into my mouth with a "crunch". Without waiting for the mouse's blood to flow into my throat, I tilted my head and spit out the small half of the mouse on the ground.

The jailer stood up with a grim look on his face: "Very good! Very good! I want to see if your stomach can kill a rat. Lao Chen, give me the bucket and I will serve him myself."

The man snatched the bucket from his companion and walked towards me with a ferocious look on his face. Suddenly, a roar came from a distance: "Stop!"

Several jailers knelt down at once: "Sir."

I struggled to turn my head and saw a ghost in a red official robe striding towards us with three prison carts. "The judge has ordered that anyone who kills a jailer be brought back to Tianyu City for strict interrogation. Have these people killed a jailer?"

The leading jailer hurriedly said respectfully: "The jailer Jiamu died at their hands."

The red-robed ghost glanced at the four of us and asked, "Who is the mastermind, who is the accomplice, and is there anyone assisting?"

The jailer pointed at me and said, "He is the mastermind. The one over there is an accomplice. The other two also assisted."

"Well!" said the red-robed ghost, "There are only three prisoner vans now. They can't take so many people. I'll leave one person for you to play with! Take the mastermind and the accomplice onto the van."

After several jailers grabbed Ye Jin and I and stuffed us into the prison van, they turned to the Shaw brothers and asked, "Who do you think should stay?"

Shao Bing was so scared that he shouted desperately: "Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu, help me! You promised my uncle to save us, you promised..."

I closed my eyes and didn't look at him. How could I save him now? If I wanted to save the two brothers, one of me and Ye Jin would have to stay. From the bottom of my heart, I didn't want to die for the two of them. I couldn't give up Ye Jin either, so I could only pretend that I didn't hear anything.

The jailer named Chen grinned and said, "Since you are the loudest, you can stay here! Let the little one go."

"Brother..." Liu Qiang cried and screamed as he was dragged into the prison van. The jailer then put the iron barrel on Shao Bing. After a while, I heard Shao Bing screaming at the top of his lungs: "Mr. Wu, you are untrustworthy. You will not die well. You will not die well—"

Liu Qiang was also kicking and hitting the prisoner car desperately: "Mr. Wu, what did you promise my uncle? Your words are like farts! I'm going to kill you - kill you..."

The red-robed ghost listened for a while and said impatiently: "Tell him to shut up."

A jailer swung an iron rod and hit Liu Qiang on the mouth. The latter screamed and could not make any more sound.

The three prison vans then moved slowly and quietly towards the Tianyu City deep in the deserted island.

Ye Jin, who was standing behind me, couldn't help but whisper to me, "Zhaozi, did you let yourself be captured on purpose?"

"Yes." I only answered one word and then stopped. Now is the most dangerous time for us. If we attract the attention of the red-robed ghost, we may be killed.

Ever since I found the soul-hosting puppet and killed the jailer, I came to a conclusion: Gu Piaoran's goal is to force us to kill the jailer.

However, even if all of us work together, we can never be a match for the eight hundred jailers. Some of us will die and some will be caught.

If we were executed directly by the jailer outside the Heavenly Prison City, then his previous arrangements would be completely unnecessary. What's the difference between being killed now and sitting on the beach waiting to die? Therefore, he must need one of us to be captured and taken to the Heavenly Prison City. Only by killing the ghost soldiers and being captured and taken to the Heavenly Prison City is our only chance to survive.

Sometimes, people in the underworld have to gamble their lives, gamble on the chance of survival. So, I was gambling from the beginning, betting on whether my judgment was correct.

Now it seems that I was at least half right. Tianyu City was indeed trying to capture the sorcerer who killed the jailer.

The prison car slowly arrived outside the gate of Tianyu City while I was silent. The city, which was comparable to a small fortress, was actually surrounded by a moat.

The red-robed ghost said calmly, "Go down to the river."

After the four jailers pushed the prisoner cart into the river, they stepped aside and let it drift slowly in the river. My neck was stuck tightly by the wooden frame of the prisoner cart, so I couldn't see the scene in the river, but I smelled a fishy smell in the river. If my judgment is correct, this river must have been poisoned. Without a special prisoner cart, no matter who falls into the river, it will be a dead end. No wonder the red-robed ghost must use a prisoner cart to carry people.

As soon as the prison car drifted to the middle of the river, several hooks were extended from the city, which pulled the prison car to the other side and into the Tianyu City with its gates open.

I originally thought that there would be another prison cell in the Heavenly Prison City, but I didn't expect that there was only a flat-topped platform that looked like a pyramid. I couldn't see what was happening on the platform from below, so I could only let the ghosts push me under the platform. (To be continued)