Mister Big

Chapter 58: Fish viewing platform


I looked in the direction of Li Qiang's finger, and saw a huge naturally formed rock standing on the hillside not far from us.

Although the nearly square boulder cannot be said to be as smooth as if it was cut with a knife, it gives people a sense of sharp edges in the night.

However, there was no trace of water on the hillsides around the boulder, and even no ditches left by the rushing water could be found.

"Can I watch fish in this place?" Monk Shi couldn't help but ask, "If you want to watch fish, even if it's not by the river, there must be a water bubble, right? In this place, whether a toad can jump up or not is a big deal. Tell me how to watch fish?"

Li Qiang blushed and said, "The elders said this is the fish-watching platform, but I don't understand how to watch the fish. How about you go up and take a look?"

After I walked around the Fish Viewing Terrace twice, I became more and more certain that this couldn't be the "Fish Viewing Terrace" built by the royal family. Because there was no trace of stairs near the stone. Even if the Black Concubine was not valued, the emperor would not let her climb up to the Fish Viewing Terrace, right

I looked up at the top of the fish viewing platform and said, "Monk, I'll go up and take a look. You watch from below."

"Okay! Be careful! If you encounter..." Before Monk Shi could finish his words, the soul-calming bell hanging on the end of his stick suddenly made a piercing sound, and the more than one-foot-long bell rope suddenly pointed into the air and spun back and forth in all directions.

"Be careful!" I took out the Rakshasa sword from my back, "Everyone gather together, point your guns outwards, and don't panic no matter what happens!"

Before the two platoons of armed police had time to gather, the sound of rushing water suddenly rang out on the top of the mountain. When I turned around, I saw waves several feet high on the hillside, and the turbulent mountain water instantly split into more than ten white streams, rushing down the mountain.

"Stand still, no one moves!"

Before we came here, Sanxi City had not seen any rainfall for more than ten days, and there was no way there was a reservoir on the mountain. How could a torrent appear out of nowhere on the mountain? Unless it was an illusion created by ghosts.

As soon as I finished speaking, the mountains and rivers began to circle around us. The mountains and rivers that originally wanted to rush towards our feet suddenly turned when they approached our toes and flowed down the edge of our shoes.

I just breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly I felt a chill under my feet, and my soles sank into the ground. When I looked down, I saw that one of my feet had already stepped into the mud softened by water.

I just moved my feet subconsciously, and the mud that was originally stuck to my shoes was washed away by the running water next to me.

"Is the water real?" I just exclaimed when a loud noise like thunder came from the top of the mountain. Just a few seconds later, the whole hillside began to tremble with the deafening thunder.

Someone in the crowd shouted, "Mudslide! That's the sound of a mudslide. It's coming. Run!"

When I suddenly raised my head and looked towards the top of the mountain, the sky above my head had been completely covered by sudden dark clouds. Soon after, pieces of rocks fell to the bottom of the mountain under the push of the water flow.

The first few people who were hit looked at the rocks flying and instinctively lowered their heads. The rocks thrown from the mountain flew over their heads and hit a military police officer below. The latter was knocked into the air with a scream, and rolled down the mountain with the rocks and disappeared.

Before the screams of several people had even fallen, a wave several meters high rose up on the top of the mountain. The black wave that rose up into the sky stood for only one or two seconds before collapsing with a loud bang, rushing down the mountain with a loud noise like a thousand horses galloping.

"Run!" Someone shouted in the crowd, and the crowd suddenly lost control. Many people began to run away along the slope.

Shi Heshang and I jumped at the same time, grabbed the edge of the fish-watching platform, and climbed onto the boulder. As soon as we turned around to pull Lao Du and the platoon leader onto the fish-watching platform, the swooping mudslide hit the edge of the fish-watching platform.

The mountain water, carrying mud, sand and gravel, burst out over the rocks and then mercilessly hit us. Not only was my whole body soaked by the water, but my arms were also bruised by the stones.

Before I had time to check the wounds on my body, I heard Lao Du shouting, "Water... the water is back?"

When I looked down the mountain in the direction that Lao Du pointed, I couldn't help but gasp.

The mudslide, which was supposed to rush to the foot of the mountain, was blocked on the mountainside by some invisible force after passing the Fish-Watching Platform a few meters.

I saw that the sand and rocks swept away by the water accumulated on the mountainside and turned into a barrier across the mountain, blocking the flood. The water that could not escape began to flow back to the top of the mountain. After a short while, the muddy water accumulated on the hillside had spread to the edge of the fish viewing platform.

Lao Du said anxiously: "Xiao Wu, what should we do now?"

Before I could say anything, a sneer came from under the stone wall of the Fish Viewing Platform. The person who spoke was clearly Li Qiang: "Besides waiting to die, what else can you do?"

When I looked in the direction of the sound, I only saw a series of bubbles: "Who saw Li Qiang just now?"

Lao Du said in a trembling voice: "I just... I seemed to see him being swept away by the water just now."

At this time, Li Qiang's voice came from under the stone again: "The fish viewing platform is not for viewing fish, but for viewing dead people. Take a good look at whether there are yourselves in the water!"

I knew clearly that Li Qiang had become a ghost, but I couldn't help but look into the water. The moment my eyes fell on the water, the surface of the water that was originally surging suddenly seemed to be boiled by some force, and layers of bubbles rose from far to near.

In the blink of an eye, corpses covered in mud flipped up from the bottom of the water and floated back and forth around the fish-watching platform like driftwood.

Li Qiang laughed and said, "Look carefully at the dead people in the water. Do they look a bit like you? Sometimes, people die without even knowing it. Only when you see the corpse do you realize that they are dead."

"There are four people standing on the fish viewing platform. Don't you want to guess who is dead and who is alive?"

As soon as Li Qiang finished speaking, Shi Heshang's soul-calming bell suddenly pointed in my direction. As the whole string of bells vibrated wildly, I heard the platoon leader say faintly, "Look, does that person in the water look like me?"

"Don't move!" Lao Du's first reaction was to point his gun at the platoon leader's head. The other party sneered: "What's the use of pointing a gun at me? My people are floating down there, so why would I be afraid of a gun in your hand?"

When I glanced sideways at the water surface, I saw a corpse covered in mud. The facial features of the person were exactly the same as the person in front of me.

The platoon leader rolled his eyes and looked at Lao Du: "Don't worry, wait until the water flows over the rocks, then you should come down to accompany me. Although it's not a pleasant feeling to be drowned, as long as you hold on for a while, everything will be over, don't you think?"

"I said it's not right!" I sneered, bloodshot in my eyes, "Ghost Eye, break the barrier, open it for me-"

After I opened my ghost eyes, not only did the scene in front of my eyes change, but even Lao Du and the others also woke up.

Although the scenery around us remained the same as when we first climbed the mountain, the armed police who had been swallowed by the water were lying on the ground and struggling. They looked like drowning people trying desperately to break free from the water.

Xie Wanhua, who appeared out of nowhere, stood not far from the crowd and clapped her hands softly, "Very good, you can easily break the illusion array, which has met my requirements."

I have to say that Xie Wanhua's illusion array has reached the level of a master of magic. The phantoms she created not only had a visual impact on us, but even our hearing and touch were affected by the illusion. It almost made me feel like I had actually experienced a mudslide.

Xie Wanhua looked at me with a smile and asked, "How could you see the flaw in the illusion?"

I said in a deep voice: "What do you want to say quickly?"

Xie Wanhua paused for a few seconds before smiling and said, "It's easy to talk to smart people. Since you can chase me here, you should know my purpose, right? I want to open the Black Concubine's Tomb, but I'm not sure enough. I need you to take action. As for the bargaining chips, they are these people who are not dead in front of me."

Xie Wanhua pointed at the armed police soldier struggling desperately on the ground and said, "Wu Zhao, you should know that illusions can kill people. These people are affected by the illusion and think they have fallen into the water. If no one breaks the illusion in time, they will have a psychological suggestion that they have fallen into the water. Soon, they will be drowned on the ground without a drop of water. It's up to you whether to save them or not."

Xie Wanhua was right. According to modern psychology theory, strong psychological suggestion can make the human body produce corresponding reactions, which is also the principle of killing people with illusion array.

I looked at Xie Wanhua and asked, "Do you think I might cooperate with you?"

"Even if you can watch them die, my brother-in-law won't agree. Am I right, brother-in-law?" Xie Wanhua glanced at the livid Old Du before smiling, "Besides, I just want you to help me open the Black Concubine's tomb. As for whether to make peace or go to war after the tomb is opened, it's up to you. I think this condition is not too harsh, right?"

Xie Wanhua's conditions were indeed not harsh, and were even a little too simple.

But the simpler the conditions, the less I dared to agree to them. God knows what she was planning.

Just as I was hesitating, a scream suddenly came from the ground. When I turned around, I saw a military police soldier lying on the ground with his limbs stretched out, as if he had drowned.

Xie Wanhua smiled and said, "No need to look anymore, he's already dead, drowned. His death is just the beginning. Before all these people die, you have enough time to consider whether you want to cooperate with me." (To be continued)