Mister Big

Chapter 63: Ghosts appear


When I stepped out of the tent, I deliberately looked at Monk Shi's face. There was a black cloud on the monk's forehead, which was clearly a sign of great misfortune.

When I looked at Lao Du, I couldn't help but be shocked again - there was a layer of death on Lao Du's face, and his appearance was a little unrecognizable. It was not a good sign.

Many people know that after a person dies, no matter how well they have retouched their remains, they will still look very different from when they were alive. People in the art of art call this the appearance of death. If a person's appearance changes while he is still alive, it means that he is not far from death.

What I saw through the ghost money just now was a male corpse. Could it be that person was Lao Du

Before I retreated to the edge of the platform, Xie Wanhua suddenly asked, "Wu Zhao, when you came over here, your body reaction was obviously nervous. Are you hiding something from me?"

I said in a deep voice, "I just did a divination, and the water pool below is extremely yin. Without something extremely yang to suppress it, I'm afraid we can't open the restriction on the water. We have to go back and find something."

What I mean is: withdraw first. I am sure that the things I saw will not happen too long from now. Withdrawing first can be regarded as a temporary avoidance of disaster. Even if you know that you can't avoid this disaster, it is good to make more preparations.

Unexpectedly, Xie Wanhua smiled and said, "No need to go through so much trouble. Tom has an extremely yang fate, so just having him here will be enough."

"What are you doing?" I was startled, but Xie Wanhua suddenly turned around and kicked the knee of a ghost statue.

Four nearly two-meter-tall statues of ghosts and gods slid forward a distance at the same time with the sound of springs turning. The altar, which was originally supported in the air by taut chains, suddenly tilted in one direction, and the tent on the altar fell into the water along with Tom.

When I looked back at the water, Tom struggled to stick half of his body out of the water, raised his hands in the air and shouted desperately: "Xie Wanqiao, Xie Wanqiao..."

Tom only shouted a few times, and then something grabbed his feet and he suddenly sank to the bottom of the water. A moment later, a series of bubbles the size of a bowl appeared on the calm water surface.

In a blink of an eye, bright red blood surged up to the surface of the water. The entire pool of water became scarlet and dazzling under the light of fire and blood. Tom's body, with his limbs spread out and his face facing down, also floated to the surface.

The dead body I just saw was Tom

I suddenly looked up and shouted to the monk not far away: "Monk, be careful!"

"What did you say?" Monk Shi obviously didn't understand what I told him to be careful about.

While Monk Shi's shouts were still echoing in the cave, Lao Du, who looked down at the water, suddenly slipped and fell into the water with his center of gravity lost.

"Be careful!" Monk Shi, who was standing next to him, reached out and pulled Lao Du up, but his foot stepped on the moss on the edge of the rock, and he lost his balance and fell into the water in an instant.

As soon as Monk Shi fell into the water, he poked his head out from beside the corpse and said, "Hurry up and leave. This is not..."

Before Monk Shi could finish his words, he suddenly sank to the bottom of the water just like Tom had just done.

"Lao Du, be careful!" I didn't have time to care about anything else, I jumped and plunged to the bottom of the water.

After the freezing cold water instantly covered my head, I was standing in the water with my feet on the waves. When I looked around, I couldn't help but gasp.

The first thing I saw was a woman dressed in the ceremonial attire of a Qing imperial concubine. She was not tall, had slightly dark skin, and looked to be about thirteen or fourteen years old. Her clothes rose and fell with the waves, like butterfly wings fluttering in the air. At first glance, although she had the majesty of an imperial concubine, she also had an indescribable eerie and strangeness.

Black Concubine? She is the Black Concubine!

After I entered the water, Hei Fei's eyes, which seemed to be soaked in blood, looked towards my face. However, her hands, which looked like chicken claws and were totally out of place with her formal attire, were tightly grasping Monk Shi's ankles.

When a sneer appeared on Hei Fei's face, her black hair like a demon snake flew out behind her and went straight to Monk Shi and entangled him.

She wanted to entangle the monk with her hair and then come over to kill me!

I just exchanged glances with Heifei, then kicked the water hard and rushed straight towards her.

When I got closer to the other party, Hei Fei also freed up a hand and hooked her five fingers on my shoulder.

While I was paddling the water with both hands, I suddenly grabbed the Rakshasa behind me, drew my sword, and chopped down at the Black Concubine's palm.

Although I was in the water, the power of Luosha was not diminished at all. After the narrow blade tore through the water waves, it suddenly chopped into the shoulder of Heifei. The flag clothing woven with gold and silver threads broke under the blade, and Luosha's blade instantly cut into Heifei's shoulder by two inches.

I failed to cut off the opponent's arm with one blow, so I immediately pressed down the handle of the knife with both hands and tried my best to pull the blade back.

When I drew my sword, I had already swam in front of Hei Fei. The last time I slashed, I used the middle of the long sword to cut into her arm. Now I pulled the sword with all my strength, which was like cutting flesh with a sharp knife. I watched the blade being pulled out from Hei Fei's shoulder inch by inch, and one of her arms was cut off by me.

I drew my sword and retreated, and the black concubine cried like a ghost, and the black hair that was entangled with Shi Heshang was instantly retracted. Shi Heshang took the opportunity to swim towards me. Before the two of us could meet, I felt that the water under my feet was suddenly stirred by some huge monster, rushing towards us from bottom to top.

Under the push of the current, Shi Heshang and I flipped backwards at the same time, tumbling in the water and falling far away. Before we could stand firm, I saw a black snake as thick as a water tank rising up from in front of us. Was this the black snake that just stirred up the water

I was almost scared to the point of screaming when the snake head that had passed over our heads suddenly sank back into the water and landed parallel to us. The black concubine, with one arm broken off, stood on the snake head as big as a millstone, and looked at our faces with bloodshot eyes.

As I stared at the Black Concubine, I saw a pair of feet with steel nails underneath her flag dress that was lifted by the water. It was only then that I saw clearly that the Black Concubine was fixed to the snake's head with iron nails. The Black Concubine was the Black Snake, and the Black Snake was also the Black Concubine.

I only confronted the Black Concubine for two or three seconds before the black snake under her feet suddenly opened its huge mouth and pounced towards me.

Monk Shi and I were underwater, and no matter how good we were at swimming, we could not possibly defeat a giant snake. We both retreated without hesitation and moved toward the edge of the pool. I had originally planned to climb to the shore first and then worry about other things, but Monk Shi and I retreated again and again, but we couldn't reach the shore.

I didn't dare to turn around easily before, because I was afraid that I would be bitten by the snake the moment I turned around, but now I couldn't help turning back. How could we get to the shore if we couldn't reach it

I reached out and touched Monk Shi, who probably had the same idea as me and raised his arm following my gesture. Without any leverage, the two of us didn't dare to turn around rashly. If we wanted to move quickly, we had to rely on each other for support.

Just as we both raised our arms, the black snake chasing us suddenly slowed down, and the black concubine standing on the snake's head also squatted down and curled herself up into a ball.

not good!

I suddenly realized what was happening and quickly raised my hand to slap Shi Heshang, who then slapped me. When our palms collided, I turned around and swam in different directions.

The reason why the black snake couldn't catch up with the two of us just now was not because we were good swimmers, but because Hei Fei had been standing on the snake's head. The resistance of her body not only limited the speed of the black snake, but also as Hei Fei's body swayed back and forth, it kept pulling the wound on the black snake's head. The snake felt pain and naturally didn't dare to exert all its strength.

Now that the Black Concubine has curled up into a ball, the resistance will naturally be reduced a lot. As long as the Black Snake can endure the pain for a while, it will definitely make a sprint in a short time.

Soon after I turned around, the water behind me rushed towards me. The snake was running towards me.

As I kicked the water desperately, I felt a huge bloody mouth opening behind me. The two fangs of the black snake seemed to have suddenly jumped into the air close to my back, aiming at the vital parts behind me.

Although all this was just my imagination, the more invisible the crisis was, the more terrifying it was. I didn't dare to stop for even a moment except to kick the water desperately.

The next moment, the rushing water began to approach me madly, and I could only turn around and raise my knife to fight back against the opponent.

I didn't expect that the moment I turned around, the black snake's two fangs as sharp as blades came towards me, and I had no time to use the long sword in my hand.

At the critical moment, Monk Shi's iron stick suddenly thrust forward like a spear, stabbing towards the black concubine on the snake's head in a spiral.

Monk Shi's stick was a perfect attack. If the black snake didn't move, even if it could swallow me in one gulp, the black concubine would be pierced through the body by Monk Shi's long stick.

In a flash, the black snake suddenly raised its body, and the iron rod that stabbed from the side passed by the black concubine's head.

The moment Monk Shi missed his attack and the Black Snake turned around happened in a split second, and both had the opportunity to change their tactics temporarily, but both sides seemed to have tacitly given up the next attack and dispersed in different directions.

Monk Shi, who was swimming towards me, reached out and grabbed my arm, and swam forward quickly. After he pulled me a few meters, I suddenly felt my eyes go dark, and when I looked up, the jumping fire in the cave had disappeared.

Oh no!

The area under the pool was not the dead end with no way out as we imagined, but there was a waterway connecting to the outside world. Monk Shi was so panicked that he pulled me into the waterway.

Who can guarantee that there is a way out behind the waterway? (To be continued)