Mister Big

Chapter 65: Escape from Shekou


Monk Shi looked at me for a long time before he couldn't help but sigh.

Regardless of whether my analysis is well-founded or just nonsense, it is just a guess, and the most optimistic one at that. All we can do now is let time verify the truth of the guess.

We sat on the rock in silence for a long time before Monk Shi spoke up, "Old Wu, you can tell fortunes, can you tell me whether this is a good or bad omen?"

"Do you really want to calculate?" I really don't know what the monk is thinking. At this time, I think it's better not to calculate.

It is certainly a good thing to get a good fortune, but what if it turns out to be a very bad fortune

Not everyone has the courage to fight for survival and risk their lives. Some people may even suffer a mental breakdown and wait for death passively once they know they don’t have much time left. What if Monk Shi…

Monk Shi smiled faintly and said, "Just do the math. I'm free anyway."

I took out three fortune-telling coins and threw them on the ground: "The heavens are in chaos, and I can't see anything clearly."

Although I didn't lie, I couldn't help but frown.

The reason why the fortune telling didn't work just now was because we were too close to the river god, and I was guessing the river god's position. In order to protect himself, the river god could only interfere with the hexagram and confuse the heaven. Now, we have hidden far away, and I was just guessing about Monk Shi, why is the heaven still confused

I see!

I suddenly realized that I couldn't tell fortunes now because I had just used ghost money. I had just forced myself to speculate on the future, which was equivalent to interfering with the secrets of heaven. The way of heaven would reject me for a short period of time. If I wanted to deduce the secrets of heaven, it would take at least twelve hours.

But Monk Shi seemed to have misunderstood my meaning and smiled faintly: "Thank you, brother."

"I..." I was about to explain to him when I suddenly heard dense gunfire in the distance. It sounded like a lot of people were shooting crazily in one direction with guns.

Monk Shi and I looked at each other and said in unison, "Did Lao Du take action?"

The person who did it must be Lao Du. He must have dragged two platoons of armed police into the secret burial, otherwise, so many people wouldn't have opened fire at the same time.

When I turned my head to look at the water, I found that the waterway had become turbulent, with black waves rushing towards the fence one after another.

"The snake is hurt! Let's get out while the chaos is going on." Monk Shi slapped his thigh and turned to jump into the water. I raised my hand to stop him: "Wait a minute, there is still one thing missing."

I reached out and grabbed the iron pole on the fence and slowly sank into the water. After hooking my feet on a nearby rock, I pulled out the Rakshasa from my body, put the blade against the root of an iron spike, and pressed the blade down with all my strength. The blade of the Rakshasa cut into the iron spike inch by inch, and soon, I exerted force and cut the iron spike off.

After I cut off two iron spikes in succession, I grabbed the broken iron spikes and swam to the surface of the water: "Monk, catch it!"

Monk Shi inexplicably caught the iron spike I threw at him and asked, "Why are you cutting this?"

I took two breaths and said, "The black snake didn't dare to touch the iron thorns, which means this thing can hurt it. Let's take this thing back, maybe it can be of great use."

As I was talking, I looked at the four-sided iron spikes. There were indeed spells cast on the half-meter-long iron spikes. Although I didn't know the meaning of the spells, I could roughly guess that it was written by a shaman.

Monk Shi disassembled the long stick and put it on his back, then he held the iron spike in his hand and swam towards the pond with me.

The closer we got to the pool, the more violent the underwater undercurrent became. Monk Shi and I were thrown off course several times by the rushing water.

I didn't need to look at the scene in the pond to know that the black snake had been injured and driven mad by the hail of bullets, otherwise the water in the pond would not have been turned upside down by it.

Monk Shi and I stuck to the edge of the waterway, holding onto the protruding rock walls with our hands. When we inched toward the edge of the pool, we were stunned by the scene above our heads.

The snake's body, as thick as a water tank, swung wildly close to the water surface, almost blocking the entire surface. Bullets as dense as a rainstorm fell from the air one after another, and the water was full of white lines of bubbles caused by bullets. Except for the place blocked by the snake's body, the entire pool was covered by bullets. If we go out now, even if we don't attract the black snake, we will die miserably in the rain of bullets.

What I didn't expect was that there were eight iron hooks on the black snake's waist that penetrated deep into its scales. The eight chains behind the iron hooks locked the black snake tightly to the bottom of the pool, making it unable to move. Otherwise, with its furious state, it should have rushed out of the pool long ago.

When I think about it, this isn't surprising.

The black snake has only two routes to enter and exit its lair. The cave connecting to the waterway was blocked with iron bars, but the cave we entered had no restrictions. It turned out that what restricted the black snake from coming ashore were the several iron hooks around its waist.

The person who hung the hook on the black snake cleverly used the rocks in the cave, allowing the black snake to move freely underwater, but limiting its possibility of coming ashore. It seems that the person who imprisoned the black snake had other purposes.

When I was thinking about how to resolve the current crisis, Monk Shi reached out and pushed me, meaning to ask me what I should do.

I pointed to the sky and then to the rock next to me, meaning for him to wait a moment.

Now the situation was very clear. Only the snake's tail was visible in the water, but not its body. This meant that the black snake had half of its body sticking out of the water. The armed police, who had never dealt with ghosts, did not know that the black snake with the corpse on its head could not get ashore. They only thought that it was struggling madly to break out of the water. Driven by fear, they would shoot at the black snake crazily even without orders. They would not stop until they had used up all their bullets. The two of us were both standing in the water, unable to call for help from the shore. All we could do was wait for the armed police to stop shooting.

I don’t know whether Monk Shi didn’t understand what I meant or misunderstood me. As soon as I stood firm, he swam the iron spike in his hand, like a big fish, swinging his legs desperately and swam straight towards the direction of the black snake.

I watched several bullets whizz past Monk Shi and was so scared that I almost screamed, but he was nonchalantly pushing the water towards the snake's belly... I just took a few steps forward when I was blocked by the overwhelming bullets - not long after Monk Shi swam out of the waterway, the bullets fired from the air began to become more and more dense, as if some people with a new body had joined the battle again, but I didn't expect that they would completely separate Monk Shi and me in the water.

In just a short moment, Shi Heshang swam to the snake's tail, raised the iron spike in his hand and stabbed it into the snake's tail. I saw a ball of black blood floating up from in front of Shi Heshang, and the black snake that was madly stirring in the water just now suddenly jumped into the sky.

Most of the snake's body suddenly rushed to the surface of the water, and the eight iron chains connected to the black snake's waist were stretched into a straight line at the same time. The sharp iron hook instantly tore the black snake's scales, and eight blood arrows immediately gushed out of the snake's body. However, I saw that the iron spike that Shi Heshang had stabbed into the black snake's tail was rising and falling with the swinging tail of the snake, but it couldn't get out of the body. Wasn't the place where Shi Heshang stabbed it right on the black snake's... How could it not go crazy

In just a moment, the armed police who were firing at the water surface suddenly raised the muzzle of their guns, and the fire snakes shooting through the air immediately intertwined into a fire net covering the air and attacked the black snake.

The black snake jumped into the air, but turned around due to the pull of the iron chain and plunged into the water again.

At the same time, Shi Heshang, who was floating in the water, took the opportunity to float to the surface and said, "Don't shoot, we are in the water!"

Armed police, black snake, monk, three directions, three actions all happened in an instant and ended in an instant.

When the black snake broke through the waves and rushed to the bottom of the pool, the black concubine who had floated to the shore with a ferocious face did not see the monk who caused the trouble at first, but me standing at the entrance of the waterway holding an iron spike.

The Black Concubine immediately regarded me as a target, and drove the snake head towards me with a ferocious roar. Before the black snake got close, the water flow moved by the snake's body had already surged towards me. It was too late for me to dodge into the waterway. I simply threw away the iron spike in my hand, grabbed the rock wall above the waterway with both hands, and suddenly exerted force. With the strength of my arms alone, I pulled myself out of the surging water flow and pressed my whole body against the rock wall.

As soon as I got close to the rock, the mad black snake crawled from under me into the waterway. The black concubine, who was curled up on the snake's body, disappeared into the water almost right above my head.

I didn't care about the lingering fear or the fear at this time, and I quickly used my hands and feet to swim to the surface of the water. As soon as I exposed my head, I heard Shi Heshang, who had already grabbed the rope, shouting: "Old Wu, come here quickly!"

When I turned around and swam towards the monk, I suddenly felt the water below me darken, and bubbles rolled up around me. When an unprecedented crisis suddenly rose under my feet, I couldn't help but look down.

The black snake, floating on its back, opened its huge mouth under the water. Its four fangs were almost close to my feet. Although they didn't touch my feet, I felt like two steel knives were slashing across my feet. The rustling friction brought a sense of fear that suddenly hit me. The splashing water also surged up under my feet, pushing my body away from the original direction.

In the next second, the black snake that once dominated the waters might break out of the water, bite half of my body in its mouth, and then push it into the air. I could only watch myself being devoured alive by it, until the snake's kiss covered my face, so that I would never see the horror of being devoured again.

At that time, I only knew that I couldn't just sit there and wait for death. At the critical moment, I pulled out the Rakshasa sword from behind, stepped hard on the water with both feet, tried to keep my body upright, held the handle of the sword upside down with both hands, and pointed the tip of the sword at the snake shadow in the water. (To be continued)