Mister Big

Chapter 75: Guan Family Past


I smiled and held Guan Qingyan's hand. Guan Qingyan was just politely shaking hands with me, and wanted to withdraw her hand after just a light touch, but I took the opportunity to hold one of Guan Qingyan's soft hands in my hand. Guan Qingyan's face immediately flushed, and her eyes wanted to look at me but didn't dare to look at me. If she didn't look at me, she thought I was extremely reckless. Her coquettish and angry look almost made Jiang Yan angry on the spot.

I squinted at Jiang Yan and gave him a provocative smile, then gently released Guan Qingyan's hand: "I can take the business, but I have one condition. Guan Xingyu must obey my orders, otherwise, I can't guarantee that he can come back alive."

Guan Qingyan frowned before speaking: "This time, I will accompany Xiaoyu and I will solve all the problems. What do you think?"

This time, it was my turn to frown - protecting one person is a completely different concept from protecting two people. Guan Qingyan's joining us means adding more burden to us.

As I was thinking about it, Monk Shi whispered, "Agree! If you drive away one sheep, you will let two sheep go. Besides, the ghost girl said someone would die, but it may not be Guan Xingyu, right?"

I finally realized it. I had been ignoring one thing. The ghost girl had no intention of killing Guan Xingyu immediately after she appeared. She said someone else would die, but it shouldn't be Guan Xingyu. Could it be Guan Qingyan, or old man Guan

If that's the case, they will also become the ones I should protect.

I nodded and said, "Okay. But let me be frank. If anyone gets into an accident because they don't follow my instructions, I will not be responsible."

"Sure!" Guan Qingyan raised her hand and then retracted it.

"I want to go with Qingyan too." Jiang Yan said anxiously, "Master Guan, I don't think Wu Zhao and the others are trustworthy. I want to go with them and take a look."

Old Man Guan hesitated for a few seconds before agreeing: "Okay. Mr. Wu, you don't mind if we have a few more people, right?"

I sneered, "Since someone wants to act like a hero, I can't stop him! But he is not my employer, so I have no obligation to be responsible for his safety."

Just as Guan Laotou was about to speak, Jiang Yan said, "You are not responsible for my safety. Just take care of yourself."

"I'll go get ready first." I nodded to old man Guan, and without saying goodbye to anyone, I went back to the guest room. After I packed my things, Guan Qingyan also walked in: "Mr. Wu, I have an unwelcome request. I know you hate Jiang Yan very much, and so do I. However, the business relationship between the Jiang family and the Guan family is very close, and it can be said that if one suffers, all suffer, and if one prospers, all prosper. So..."

Guan Qingyan looked at my face and said, "So, I would like to ask Mr. Wu to be more gracious and not to bother with Jiang Yan. Of course, I will handle other issues."

"If he doesn't bother me, I won't bother him." To be honest, in my eyes, Jiang Yan is just an annoying clown, and I don't regard him as an opponent.

As I was talking, Shi Heshang suddenly walked in and said, "Brother, things are getting difficult. All of Guan Xingyu's friends are back. Now Guan Xingyu is having a huge fight with them. Go over and take a look!"

"Let's go and take a look!" When I followed Monk Shi to the drama club in the backyard of Guan's house, I heard Guan Xingyu roaring from a distance: "Get out! All of you get out! When I was haunted by a ghost, you turned around and ran away. Now that you are haunted by a ghost, you know to come back to find me? Get out, all of you..."

The third brother begged desperately: "Xingyu, Brother Yu, we were wrong. At that time... Anyway, we are not human! Please be kind and save us!"

Guan Xingyu hesitated for a moment, and Jiang Yan beside him said, "If you ask me, why do you care about their life or death? They are just a bunch of dog-like things. They use your equipment and take your money, but when it comes to the critical moment, they are not even as good as a dog. Even if you raise a dog, it will still bark when the owner is in danger. What are they?"

Guan Xingyu was already feeling reluctant, but when Jiang Yan provoked him, his expression immediately changed: "I'll say it again, get out of here!"

The third brother begged with a red face: "Brother Yu, we are brothers after all. Even if you don't save me, you should think about Xiaoyuan and the others, right? I kneel down for you..."

The third brother bent his legs and was about to kneel down. The girl standing next to him quickly helped him up and said, "Third brother, there's no need to beg him. It's his business if he has the ability. We would rather die than beg him."

"Xiao Yuan, don't lose your temper!" The third brother roared, "If Xingyu doesn't lend a hand, none of you will survive! I..."

Xiao Yuan stamped his feet and said, "Kneel down if you want to. I won't beg him!"

Xiao Yuan turned around and walked out, but I moved my feet and blocked the door at this time: "Wait a minute! What happened to you? Can you tell me?"

Xiao Yuan obviously recognized who I was: "We...we...were haunted by a ghost. As soon as we ran, the female ghost appeared and kept chasing us, saying that she wanted us to die with Guan Xingyu..."

"It's true!" The female ghost said that more people would die, and she was referring to Guan Xingyu's friends.

I said in a deep voice, "No need to leave, just stay! Listen to me for the rest. Whether you can save your lives depends on God's will."

"Thank you... Thank you, big brother..." Xiaoyuan burst into tears of joy. The students also gathered around and kept thanking me.

Jiang Yan said coldly: "Mr. Wu, don't forget who your employer is! What right do you have to ask them to stay?"

I said coldly, "I don't need you to teach me how to do things. If you are dissatisfied, you don't have to follow us."

Jiang Yan turned to look at Guan Xingyu: "Xiao Yu..."

Guan Xingyu said sternly: "I don't agree either."

"Xiao Yu, shut up!" Guan Qingyan shouted angrily, "Listen to Mr. Wu's arrangements."

After Guan Xingyu shut up, I walked into the drama club room: "Guan Xingyu, let me ask you again, have you ever been married before?"

"No! How many times do you want me to tell you?" Guan Xingyu roared, "What if you don't understand what I'm saying?"

Guan Qingyan suddenly said, "He was married."

Guan Xingyu suddenly became anxious: "Sister, what are you talking about?"

Guan Qingyan said solemnly: "You are indeed married, but you just don't know it."

Guan Qingyan continued, "When you were very young, you had a serious illness. Many hospitals at the time couldn't cure you, and someone even gave you a critical illness notice. Just when our family was in despair, an old man suddenly came to our house to ask for water."

"Grandpa let him into the house. After he finished drinking the water, he started talking, saying that our family had met with a disaster and that they might have no descendants. Grandpa asked him if he was a sir, and he just made a gesture to Grandpa, and Grandpa knelt down in front of him and begged him to save him."

"That person said that you were born with a yin destiny and were born to attract ghosts. A fierce ghost sucked your yang energy and that's why you are dying. At that time, my parents didn't believe it at all, but after that person took my parents to your room and took a look, they all believed it."

"That person said that there are only two ways to save your life. One is to make you a monk from childhood and practice in the temple for the rest of your life so that you can live a long life. My parents don't agree with this method at all."

"That person said, even if they don't want you to become a monk, they will have to arrange a ghost marriage for you and find you a child bride. Let her raise you until you are eighteen years old. However, your family must worship the ghost bride every year. When you are eighteen, you have to find someone to talk to the ghost bride and let you divorce. Otherwise, even if the ghost doesn't look for you, the ghost bride can take you away."

"Grandpa and my parents discussed it for a long time before they agreed to match you with a ghost. After that, your illness was cured, and you lived to the age of eighteen without any disasters. I still remember that when you were eighteen, my parents went out on purpose, saying that they were going to divorce you from the ghost marriage."

Guan Xingyu was stunned: "How come I don't know what you said? Besides, you are only a few years older than me. When I was old, could you remember things so clearly?"

Guan Qingyan shook her head and said, "My grandfather told me all this because some of the things are related to me. In short, you are indeed married. If you don't believe me, you can go ask my grandfather."

"Ghost marriage? Why don't I think it's a ghost marriage?" I muttered to myself before saying, "Guan Xingyu, I remember that female ghost said by the lake that you pushed him into the lake. You have no memory of this incident at all?"

"No, really not!" Guan Xingyu shook his head and said, "I have never killed anyone, really!"

"You make a fortune." I threw three big coins to Guan Xingyu.

There was indeed no yin debt in the hexagram he shook out.

In this world, apart from killing people on the battlefield, only those who kill people in the government will not bear Yin debt. Because, whether it is a constable or an executioner, they are all killed on orders. Although they are involved in human life, they are not involved in cause and effect. Otherwise, no matter what the reason is, they will be more or less involved in the sin of killing, which is Yin debt. These debts will be settled one by one in the underworld, and no one can escape.

I pressed the issue again, "Did you push anyone into the river in your dream? I mean it's a recurring dream, not a random one. Think about it carefully before you speak."

Many people dream of killing people, but that is just a sign. If you dream of killing people in the same way in the same scene over and over again, it is difficult to tell what is going on.

"No!" Guan Xingyu shook his head, "I have never had such a dream."

"That's strange!" I couldn't help but frown.

Jiang Yan said sarcastically, "Mr. Wu, are you capable of this? It's not this, it's not that, what do you want to say? If you can't do it, change someone quickly."

I ignored the other party's sarcasm and said, "Miss Guan, go ask Mr. Guan, we have to go to the place where Guan Xingyu arranged the ghost marriage." (To be continued)