Mister Big

Chapter 76: There are ghosts around


Ghost marriages have a long history, with the earliest records dating back to before the Han Dynasty. Usually, it is a marriage between the dead, and the objects of ghost marriages are usually young boys and girls who died young. Married people usually do not have ghost marriages, and if one party dies early, they just need to wait for the "complete grave".

Only in very rare cases will a living person marry a dead person in a ghost marriage. Even in feudal society, the living person holding the tablet of the dead person in the hall to worship rarely happened. But it did happen.

All the way on the bus to the Guan family's old house, I was thinking about the past events that Guan Qingyan had told me.

According to common sense, the situation Guan Qingyan described should not occur.

"Ghost Protection" is a secret method of warding off ghosts in Taoism, but it is definitely not about binding ghosts through marriage. Instead, it requires a long period of rituals and training to achieve it.

A ghost that can protect its master must at least be a great ghost. Otherwise, how can it fight off all kinds of ghosts? Because of this, the host of a ghost must have absolute control over the ghost, otherwise, the ghost will easily turn around and kill the host.

How much of a constraint can marriage have on a ghost? I don't believe that a big ghost would guard Guan Xingyu for eighteen years just based on a marriage contract. There must be something unknown about the transaction back then.

I also went to see old man Guan before I set off, and the answer he gave me was exactly the same as Guan Qingyan's. Old man Guan would not lie to me about the life and death of his grandson. If there is really a problem with this matter, it is the fault of the gentleman who came to visit that year.

As I was thinking with my head down, Shi Heshang, who was sitting next to me, whispered, "Old Wu, do you feel that something is a little wrong?"

I asked subconsciously, "What's wrong?"

Monk Shi said, "When Guan Xingyu answered the phone, the ghost girl said those words on the phone. I don't think they were scripted."

I suddenly came to my senses. At that time, a sentence came from the phone: "If you don't come, someone will die." The tone was exactly the same as that of the female ghost.

When I was in the lake, I called Ye Jin who was standing on the shore, but Ye Jin had no response. It was impossible for him to lie to me together with Guan Xingyu. That only meant that the figure that appeared behind Guan Xingyu for the first time was not a 3D image, but a real ghost.

When I turned to look at the drama club members sitting behind us, my ghost eyes suddenly opened. In order to facilitate the operation this time, I asked Guan Qingyan to find a bus and took the five people from the drama club and the ten bodyguards brought by Jiang Yan on the bus. If the ghost really followed us, it must be among them.

The few people were caught off guard and were all shocked by the blood in my eyes. The third brother said tremblingly: "Wu... Wu Ge... why is there a red light in your eyes?"

I asked in a deep voice, "Who wrote the script you used to trick me? Did you bring it with you? Who was responsible for calling Guan Xingyu at the time?"

Xiao Yuan whispered, "I wrote the script and I made the call. The script is here..."

I took the notebook Xiaoyuan handed over and took a look at it. Sure enough, none of the words on it matched what I said at that time. The only thing that matched was that we agreed to meet at Nanhu Park.

I stared at Xiao Yuan and asked, "Who was around you when you made the call? Who heard you talking?"

Xiao Yuan was so scared that his face turned pale: "Brother Wu, why are you looking at me like that? I... At that time, for the sake of sound insulation, I was the only one in the room, and they were all standing outside the door, there should be... someone should have heard it!"

I snapped, "Did anyone of you hear her speak? What did she say?"

A boy nicknamed Pengzi said: "I heard her say something like 'Ten miles of calm lake, frost all over the sky'..."

"You're talking nonsense!" Xiao Yuan screamed, "I didn't say that! There's no such sentence in the script, I was reading it according to the script..."

"You said it!" another girl also shouted, "I heard it clearly, and you also asked Brother Yu to think about what you did at that time!"

"No... I didn't..." Xiao Yuan waved his hands desperately, "I really didn't say that! Lao San... Lao San, you are in charge of recording, tell me, did I say that at the time?"

The third brother nodded and said, "You did say that."

Xiao Yuan screamed: "Why did you lie to me? I really didn't say..."

I stood up by holding the back of the chair and slowly walked to Xiaoyuan: "Think carefully about what happened when you were in the recording studio. Is there anything different?"

"At that time... At that time..." Xiao Yuan said "at that time" several times, and seemed to calm down suddenly, "I remember it now."

"At that time, the third brother was the last one to leave. When he closed the door, a woman in red appeared behind the door. She was like... like a piece of clothing hanging on the door, swaying behind the door. I saw her smile at me, and then she suddenly appeared in front of me and grabbed my neck with her hands."

Xiao Yuan suddenly raised his hand and pinched his neck: "Just like this, pinching my neck hard. I heard a sound in my neck, and found myself floating. I saw myself standing in the recording studio with my head tilted."

Xiao Yuan's head tilted to his shoulder, and his eyes looked coldly at the classmates around him.

The person who was originally sitting next to Xiaoyuan was suddenly frightened and screamed, using his hands and feet to flip over the seat and hide far behind the bus.

I shouted angrily, "Everyone, sit still and don't move! Monk, go see what's wrong with the driver?"

According to the normal reaction of a person, if something happened in the car, the driver should have stopped the car long ago, but our bus was driving normally all the time, which is a problem in itself.

Xiao Yuan laughed and said, "You don't have to shout, the driver can't hear anything."

Guan Xingyu, who was sitting in the front row, stood up at once: "Stop the car! Wu Zhao, it's bad, the car is going up the mountain road! Quickly ask the driver to stop the car!"

When I turned to look outside the car, I saw that the wheels of the car were already on the edge of the winding mountain road. If the driver moved the steering wheel slightly, we would all roll down the mountain road and be smashed to pieces.

Xiao Yuan laughed and said, "Don't go and call the driver. He doesn't know anything right now. If you scare him, he just needs to turn the wheel slightly and you will all have to come and accompany me!"

When Monk Shi looked at me, I gently waved my hand at him, meaning, don't act rashly.

Xiao Yuan said with satisfaction: "Don't you want to know what happened in the recording studio? I'll tell you!"

Xiao Yuan lowered his head and turned to the third brother: "When you were outside the recording studio, did you see me tilting my head while reciting the lines? It's not that I was holding the phone with my head, it's that my neck was broken and I couldn't lift my head up."

The third brother turned pale with fear: "I... "

Xiao Yuan laughed and said, "At that time, I saw every one of you. I could see you even through a door. Don't you feel that someone is staring at you?"

"I didn't say a word at the time. I was held in the woman's hand like a puppet. Didn't you see my feet? My feet were hanging in the air the whole time. Every word I said was spoken by that woman! Hahaha..."

"I've been dead for such a long time, you didn't know? The third brother even praised my good lines, haha..."

Xiao Yuan laughed coldly: "At that time, I watched Lao San turn off the lights outside the recording studio and told me to leave. But I couldn't leave."

"Do you still remember knocking on the door and calling me? At that time, I couldn't leave even if I wanted to! That female ghost was still strangling my neck!"

"I watched her twist my neck back to its original position and told me: forget everything that happened just now, live well, and wait for me to find you."

Xiao Yuan's eyes rolled over: "Brother Wu, if you hadn't reminded me, I might have lived a little longer. Should I thank you or hate you?"

"Dust to dust, ashes to ashes, go!" I shouted coldly, and raised my hand to slap Xiao Yuan on the forehead. When Xiao Yuan saw the ghost-killing money in my palm, he wanted to dodge but it was too late. In the blink of an eye, I pressed the ghost-killing money on his forehead.

I held the other person's head and shook my wrist outward, forcibly shaking the soul out of Xiaoyuan's body.

As soon as Xiao Yuan's ghost left his body, it floated outside the car, tilted its head and stuck to the car window, moving from front to back. The floating ghost was like an image playing from front to back. After disappearing from one car window, it immediately appeared outside another car window: "Wu Zhao, do you think I am the only dead person among these people? Many of them are dead, but they don't even know it!"

"If you look closely at them, you can see that they are different from ordinary people. Those are dead people."

I said coldly: "I'll give you a chance. If you don't want to leave, then don't leave."

"Wu Zhao, we will meet again!" After Xiao Yuan's ghost threw down these words, he pressed the outer edge of the car window with both hands and slowly shrank his body under the car.

Guan Xingyu, who was so frightened that he couldn't speak, suddenly screamed, "She crawled under the car?"

"You're right!" Xiao Yuan's voice suddenly came from under the car, "I won't leave until everyone is here."

Guan Xingyu exclaimed: "Wu Zhao, you need to think of a solution! Aren't you a sorcerer?"

"Everyone sit still and don't move!" At this moment, I suddenly turned around and walked towards the driver. Just as I was about to get close to the driver, I saw a blood-red corner of his skirt fluttering around his waist. At first glance, it looked like someone was curled up in the driver's arms, deliberately preventing me from seeing the other person's existence.

I simply stood in the middle of the aisle and deliberately didn't move forward, allowing the bus to quickly climb to the top of the mountain along the edge of the winding mountain road.

Just as I was in a stalemate with the ghost, Jiang Yan shouted from behind me: "Wu Zhao, what the hell are you doing? Are you stupid? Hurry up and wake the driver up, the car is about to fall off the mountain!"


Thank you all for your support, and stay tuned for the next episode!

Thanks to Chang Ke for the reward! (To be continued)