Mister Big

Chapter 92: Between life and death


The moment He Zhenzhen appeared, everyone's eyes turned to the door. A few eyes instinctively moved away as soon as they made contact with He Zhenzhen, but after a moment they couldn't help but look back at He Zhenzhen...

These are people who are good at acting. Don’t they know that this kind of evasive and flickering gaze is most likely to arouse suspicion from others

I was extremely anxious but couldn't open my mouth to remind them. He Zhenzhen also seemed to have sensed something was wrong and kept standing at the door and refused to come in.

Ye Jin, who was standing behind the door, was already sweating profusely under the unprecedented pressure. Beads of sweat dripped down his eyelids, but he didn't even dare to wipe them off...

Guan Xingyu's entire body was shaking, and the long sword in his hand created a white shadow. If this continued, it wouldn't be long before he could knock Luosha to the ground.

In just a few seconds, cold sweat like running water soaked my back, and the salty sweat seeped into the wound on my back. The severe pain was forcibly covered up by my tense nerves for a moment - people are about to die, how can they care about that little pain? Guan Xingyu's knife didn't work, is there any other way to go besides fighting desperately

He Zhenzhen at the door finally moved, but she didn't rush into the house as she did when she passed through the door. Instead, she moved slowly and crossed the threshold. When one foot stepped on the ground, He Zhenzhen bent forward slightly as if by habit, and let her white neck be cut by Guan Xingyu's knife.

"Do it!" As Ye Jin shouted angrily, Guan Xingyu let out a strange cry and chopped He Zhenzhen's neck with his knife. The dazzling knife light just shone half a foot, but Guan Xingyu let go of the knife and threw it to the ground, bent his legs and knelt on the ground: "I, I, I... No..."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ye Jin dodged to Guan Xingyu's side and reached out to grab the Rakshasa on the ground. Before his fingertips touched the hilt, He Zhenzhen suddenly waved her hand and pounced on Ye Jin's chest. Before the latter could react, he was hit by He Zhenzhen and flew backwards, hitting the wall and died.

“Old Ye…” The moment Monk Shi suddenly stood up and rushed towards Ye Jin, he was pressed back to his original position by an invisible force.

"Open it for me--" The moment Shi Heshang tried to stand up, He Zhenzhen pressed down with both hands out of thin air, and Shi Heshang suddenly fell to the ground with his head heavy and his feet dizzy as if someone was holding down his head.

He Zhenzhen didn't even look at anyone else, and turned to Guan Xingyu with tears in her eyes: "Brother Yu, you didn't do anything, you really didn't do anything... If you can't remember the past, don't think about it. I will protect you for the rest of my life..."

"I don't want to think about it anymore, I don't want to think about it anymore..." Guan Xingyu muttered twice in a dreamy voice, and suddenly his face turned ferocious, "Zhenzhen, kill them, kill them all!"

He Zhenzhen smiled and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you. I'll kill whoever you say to kill."

"Kill him, kill him, and him..." Guan Xingyu pointed at us like crazy, "Except my sister, kill them all, kill them all!"

“Brother Yu, you can’t…” The third brother just shouted, and was hit by He Zhenzhen’s palm from mid-air, shattering his head, and suddenly fell to the ground.

"Good kill, good kill..." Guan Xingyu laughed, "Kill them all! Then kill..."

He Zhenzhen raised her hand without hesitation and chopped at the member of the drama club, and the other party's chest immediately collapsed in front of everyone's eyes. When blood mixed with internal organs flowed out of his mouth, He Zhenzhen suddenly went crazy and tore at the other party's body with her hands like hooks. In just a few moments, she tore the man into bloody pieces of meat...

This time, He Zhenzhen didn't follow Guan Xingyu's instructions, she just opened her bloody palm and walked towards the girl next to Guan Qingyan step by step. The latter desperately grabbed Guan Qingyan's arm: "Sister Qingyan, save me, save me!"

Guan Qingyan, who had been frightened out of her wits, finally came to her senses: "Xiao Yu, tell her to stop! What right do you have to kill someone?"

"Why? Just because they forced me!" Guan Xingyu roared, "They came to me crying and begging me at first, and now they are forcing me to die. Why shouldn't I kill them?"

"They forced you?" He Zhenzhen's anger erupted again, her eyes were bloodshot, and she grabbed the girl's shoulders with her hands like hooks, pulling her towards her. The girl cried desperately, but she still held on to Guan Qingyan tightly - Guan Qingyan was the only person who could save her now.

He Zhenzhen's eyes turned cold, and she exerted force with both hands at the same time, tearing off the man's arm, and slammed the bloody body into the wall beside Guan Xingyu, smashing the man into a meat pie. The warm blood sprayed on Guan Xingyu's face. Guan Xingyu was shocked by the blood and immediately came back to his senses. He held the wall with his hands and vomited violently.

He Zhenzhen seemed to be still unsatisfied, and stood up with gritted teeth: "Brother Yu, who else do you want to kill?"

Guan Xingyu finally got scared, as if he could no longer withstand the bloody stimulation, and fell to the ground with his whole body limp, and said in a trembling voice: "No... No need..."

Criminal psychologists have argued that more than 90% of murders are crimes of passion. Simply put, the murderer loses his mind in a short period of time under the influence of rage and kills the victim without considering the consequences. Murders that are truly calmly planned and carefully handled only account for a small proportion.

After seeing the corpse and blood, the murderer who committed a crime in the heat of the moment would often fall into great fear after calming down. Guan Xingyu was probably like this.

"No!" He Zhenzhen's eyes were filled with anger, "You said you would kill them all, so they all have to die! Kill him, or kill him?"

When He Zhenzhen pointed her bloody palm at the only two remaining members of the drama club, Guan Xingyu was so scared that he huddled up, covering his face with his hands, not daring to look at the blood in the room: "Don't... don't kill them..."

He Zhenzhen insisted, "No! Tell me, who should be killed first?"

“He… he…” Guan Xingyu didn’t dare to look at the blood on the ground. He stretched out his hand and pointed to the side, and the direction he pointed was exactly me.

Although I was seriously injured, I didn't want to sit and wait for death. The moment Guan Xingyu pointed at me, I forcibly grabbed the coffin beside me, sat up, and reached out to touch the green fly dart.

What I didn't expect was that He Zhenzhen didn't even look at me, but turned and rushed to a member of the drama club in the distance and picked him up...

I no longer had the heart to watch how He Zhenzhen killed people. What I should do was not to feel compassion for the world, nor to scream, but to find a way to save myself. I held onto the coffin with my hands and tried to stand up, but I didn't expect my center of gravity to shift and I fell sideways into the coffin next to me. When I subconsciously used my hands to support my body, the quilt under the coffin was pushed aside as I fell, revealing a piece of leather covered with spells under the coffin.

Soul transfer spell? No, this is not a soul transfer spell... Suddenly, an idea flashed in my mind, and I turned around and looked at He Zhenzhen, who was full of murderous intent.

At this time, He Zhenzhen had already killed all the members of the drama club. Although the hostility in her body had been reduced a lot, she still looked at Monk Shi who was lying on the ground with a cold look in her eyes.

I saw murderous intent in He Zhenzhen's eyes, and immediately shouted: "Wait a minute, Guan Xingyu is not your husband!"

"What did you say?" He Zhenzhen's eyes flashed with murderous intent, "Say it to me again?"

Just as I was about to speak, Guan Xingyu shouted first: "Zhenzhen, don't listen to him, he is lying to you! I am your husband, you must believe me!"

Guan Xingyu was afraid of death. He was afraid that after I revealed the truth, He Zhenzhen would tear him into pieces: "Zhenzhen, didn't you say that you don't care whether I can remember the past or not? No matter what happened between us, let's not think about it, okay? Let's start over, I will accompany you, accompany you for the rest of your life, no, I will accompany you forever, okay?"

"Okay!" He Zhenzhen's eyes were sparkling, "Let's start over and never separate again."

Guan Xingyu suddenly pointed at me and said, "Kill him! Kill him! He wants to destroy our relationship..."

When He Zhenzhen looked at me with cold eyes, I smiled calmly and said, "If you want to be deceived by him for the rest of your life and lose the most important people and things to you forever, you can just kill me."

When He Zhenzhen hesitated for a moment, Guan Xingyu immediately shouted, "Zhenzhen, he wants to destroy our relationship, don't believe him!"

I simply closed my eyes without saying a word and didn't even look at the other person.

Sometimes, when you come up with countless reasons and adopt various attitudes to win people's trust, the other party will become more and more suspicious of your intentions; if you do the opposite and say nothing and do nothing, it may arouse the other party's suspicion and give you a chance to defend yourself.

"Zhenzhen, you have to believe me, you have to believe me... He is a sorcerer, he can't stand us being together... He has evil intentions! Zhenzhen!" Guan Xingyu probably saw that He Zhenzhen was hesitant to move, so he made up his mind, "Zhenzhen, if you don't believe me, I'll kill him!"

A moment later, the sound of a long knife scratching the ground came from Guan Xingyu's direction. He probably picked up the fallen Rakshasa and walked towards me. Guan Xingyu's staggering footsteps sounded a few times and then stopped.

Guan Xingyu only walked seven or eight steps before he stumbled four times. I didn't need to look to know that Guan Xingyu was like an executioner who was killing someone for the first time. Although he had been mentally prepared and knew that the prisoner in front of him would not resist at all, he still didn't dare to cut him. People who have never seen blood with their own hands will not have the courage to kill unless they are forced into a desperate situation.

After counting several times in my mind, I suddenly raised my head and looked at Guan Xingyu who was holding the long knife with murderous eyes. Guan Xingyu, who had already raised the knife, screamed in fear and took two steps back and sat on the ground: "Don't kill me..."


Thank you all for your support, and stay tuned for the next episode!

Thanks to Doudou and Winterreise for the reward (to be continued)