Mister Big

Chapter 94: contradiction


Why would they do this

I do have a guess, but should I tell the truth

I hesitated because I didn't know if I would be put in danger again.

I hesitated for a moment before saying, "I guess the reason he did that is because he wanted to completely destroy you before Guan Xingyu's reincarnation met you. It's a kind of protection for him!"

"If, I'm not mistaken, you and Guan Xingyu's reincarnation must have a destiny encounter. Even if he doesn't trigger his past life memories, he will fall into the calamity again and cannot extricate himself."

"Someone wants you to mistakenly believe that Guan Xingyu in front of you is the man of destiny. You will always hope that Guan Xingyu will remember your past life. When your efforts fail again and again, and you are even repeatedly feared, disgusted, and rejected by Guan Xingyu, you will be heartbroken, angry, and eventually kill Guan Xingyu in front of you."

"Once Guan Xingyu dies, all your hopes will be shattered. You can't withstand such a blow. It won't be long before you are reduced to ashes. The other party will achieve their goal of killing two birds with one stone."

I said calmly: "Guan Xingyu's reincarnation is your calamity, and you are also his calamity. Someone is helping Guan Xingyu's reincarnation break the calamity."

He Zhenzhen hesitated and said, "Although I really want to believe what you said, there are some things I don't understand. If someone is helping Guan Xingyu break the calamity, then why doesn't he just kill me directly?"

I shook my head and said, "If you go against the will of heaven, you can only do it slowly. If you force yourself to go against fate, you will lose nine times out of ten, and you may even attract the backlash of heaven, adding more disasters to the disasters. Moreover, you may be involved in a killing disaster, and hundreds or even thousands of people may die because of you. To eliminate a killing disaster, it may be a merit, or it may be an injustice. That person may not dare to gamble with the lives of his entire family."

Fate is a calamity arranged by God. Just like the three calamities of heaven, earth and man, it will definitely appear at a specific time. If you can get through it, you will be reborn in Nirvana. If you can't get through it, you will be reduced to ashes.

Fate is not just for individuals. Sometimes a family, a sect, or even a dynasty may encounter it. Fate can appear in many forms. It can be a person, a ghost, a ghost, or even an object. He Zhenzhen is an evil nightmare. If she takes back her body, it will trigger a terrible killing calamity, and many people will perish in the killing.

Trying to save someone by force is like going against the will of heaven. The consequence of angering heaven is that the original fate may be transferred to the person who casts the spell. No one would easily use the lives of their relatives, friends and entire family to protect others from disaster.

On the contrary, if someone triggered He Zhenzhen's calamity in advance, making her in the calamity of destiny, although it was also against heaven, the consequences would not be so serious. It was also a calamity arranged by heaven, but the order was moved, which did not erase the calamity, so the caster would not be punished too severely.

This is very much like the style of Half Life.

He Zhenzhen was silent for a moment before she said, "I believe you."

I breathed a sigh of relief. He Zhenzhen immediately said, "If I ask you to calculate the location of my body, how confident are you?"

Here it comes! My heart couldn't help but "click"; the thing I was worried about finally happened.

He Zhenzhen had already spoken, so I could only reply, "Right now, I'm not even half sure. Even if I see the result, what can I do? I'm afraid that I'll die from the punishment of heaven before I even have a chance to tell you the result. You still don't know anything."

He Zhenzhen gritted her teeth and said, "Then I will follow you until you can help me find the body."

I was surprised and asked, "You have been following me like this?"

He Zhenzhen pointed at my ghost eye money and said, "I want to stay there, that ghost money with resentment. I think it must have had murderous intentions towards you, right? In return, I will help you suppress the ghost until you find my body."

When I subconsciously looked at the ghost-eye coins, I saw that one of the ghost coins was still emitting a faint black gas. That should be the ghost coin that my second uncle's soul was transported to.

If no one suppresses my second uncle's ghost, the ghost eye money will no longer be usable. If he fails to kill me once, he will definitely kill me a second time, and I don't know when I will encounter a fatal crisis that will force me to use the ghost eye to pass through the mystical world. Carrying ghost money with me will definitely be a disaster rather than a blessing.


I looked up at He Zhenzhen: "I want to ask you a question. Why did you let us go in the beginning? Was it just because we were not your enemies?"

He Zhenzhen shook her head and said, "No, it's just that I always feel that I can't offend you. I might need a favor from you..."

Although the evil nightmare belongs to the ghost category, it is also one of the elves nurtured by heaven and earth, and its perception ability is beyond imagination. No wonder she has been holding back on us.

He Zhenzhen walked towards the ghost money, and I couldn't help but sigh.

What is love in this world

He Zhenzhen could clearly feel Guan Xingyu's murderous intent from her previous life, and knew that there was more than a 90% chance that she would be reduced to ashes at the hands of her beloved, but she still wanted to gamble on that less than 10% chance.

In his previous life, Guan Xingyu's love for He Zhenzhen was real! It should be real, right? Otherwise, with the perception of the evil nightmare, it would be impossible not to see his false feelings.

If Guan Xingyu had been forced to do so or was controlled by someone in his previous life, it would be understandable, but if not, it would be too tragic.

While I was daydreaming, He Zhenzhen's figure had already disappeared among my second uncle's ghost money.

My tense nerves finally relaxed, and I fell down beside the coffin, unconscious. When I woke up, I found myself lying on a villager's kang.

Monk Shi and his companions disappeared, but the matchmaker and several villagers were heard talking outside the door. The villager said, "What's going on? We have lived here for decades with the help of Mr. Wu, but now that boy has messed things up, everything is ruined."

Someone continued, "Don't you think that guy looks familiar? His last name is Wu... I think he might be the descendant of Mr. Wu. The things in here are all left to you by Mr. Wu..."

The matchmaker said, "Pah, don't say these things anymore. The graves in the south have been destroyed, but there are still graves in the north that are enough for us to eat until we die. The young man in the house is not a good person. If you gossip about him, he will hear you. You may end up in trouble."

The people outside the door fell silent. I lay there for a while before I coughed dryly. The people outside heard it and quickly pushed the door open and walked in: "Sir, are you awake?"

I propped myself up and asked, "Where are my friends?"

"Wait a minute, I'll go and call you." Not long after the matchmaker left, Ye Jin came in. He hesitated for a long time before saying, "Brother, I beg you for a favor. Can you please spare Guan Xingyu? I know what he did was not right, but I owed a favor to the girl from the Guan family..."

I waved my hand and said, "According to my temper, I will not let it go until I give him three cuts and six eyes. However, I must give Brother Ye face. This matter will be written off."

I am not such a generous person, I even want revenge.

However, I cannot turn a blind eye to Ye Jin risking his life to suppress Guan Xingyu's friendship in the haunted house. At that time, Ye Jin's position was the most dangerous place, and if he was not careful, he would die without a burial place. He threatened Guan Xingyu with a knife, not just for himself. I must remember this.

Ye Jin patted my shoulder fiercely and said, "Come on, brother. I'll take you to the Guan family to collect the debt. Guan Xingyu can be spared, but this debt must be settled."

Ye Jin dragged me out of the village without saying anything and put me in the car. Monk Shi was already waiting in the car. I greeted him and leaned back in the car seat to rest my eyes.

I looked like I was sleeping, but my mind was racing...

The sorcerers who appeared in Guan’s family and the deserted village are all my grandfathers

If so, doesn't it mean that my grandfather had set up a big plan, and finally forced an evil nightmare into the ghost money and made it one of the three spirits of the ghost money

Can my grandfather really foresee everything? I think it is unlikely. The ghost money in his hand has no spirit, how can he see what will happen decades later

However, the method used by the sorcerer to break the calamity is very consistent with the style of the Half-Life Dao Ghost Vein. If someone says that he is not a descendant of the Ghost Vein, I will be the first one to not believe it.

However, to gather more than a dozen people who had a predestined relationship with Guan Xingyu, not only does it require a lot of omnipotent means, but it also requires the cooperation of many sorcerers. My grandfather can't do it...

If my grandfather had never been to this village, then what was the matter with the "little ghost knocking on the door" outside

But if my grandfather had set up this plan in advance, why didn't he tell me? Didn't he know that facing the evil nightmare, if he was not careful, he would be doomed

Countless contradictory judgments kept conflicting in my mind. It seemed that everything was true, yet none of them were right.

I can't ask He Zhenzhen these questions, and I don't dare to ask.

No one can guarantee that my grandfather's plan will not completely anger He Zhenzhen.

I fell into a deep sleep with a lot of questions in my mind. When I woke up, the car had already arrived at the gate of Guan’s manor.

Ye Jin took the lead and walked into the living room of the Guan family. He clasped his fists to the old man Guan who had been waiting in the living room for a long time. "Grandpa Guan, I think you must have heard about what your precious grandson did outside! Shouldn't you give us an explanation for this matter?"

"Should, should..." Old Man Guan nodded and said, "I wonder what kind of explanation the three of you want?"

Although Old Man Guan spoke politely, I could hear someone moving quietly behind the screen and at the corner of the stairs.

Old Man Guan actually secretly ambushed bodyguards in the living room before we came over

I looked up at Old Man Guan and said, "Old man, what is the meaning of hiding so many people in the dark?"


Thank you all for your support, and stay tuned for the next episode!

Thanks to Doudou and Zhang Xuan for the reward! (To be continued)