MMORPG: Martial Gamer

Chapter 1813: Appeared, Mowgli's exclusive style of play


"Damn it, it's really stinky and shameless!!"

"Damn it, it's really stinky and shameless!!"

After all, Jinglei only knows the setting of combination magic, but it is the first time he has seen combination magic. Who knows what special effect combination magic has.

The venue of the competition was full of sound, with simultaneous interpretation, Wuji's word for word fell in the ears of all the audience.

The damage of wind magic is not explosive, but once the fire element is combined with wind magic, the fire magic will also get the same level of elemental improvement.

"Boom, boom!!"

Combination magic is Mingdu's best skill. Mingdu naturally understands the horror of this whirlwind of flames better than anyone else. If this wave of output continues, if Wuji's healing can't keep up, he might be killed in seconds.



Of course, in the eyes of everyone in the Quanzhen Sect, being as shameless as Wuji is purely a basic operation. After all, he is the leader of the Quanzhen Sect. Chunxiang Mingdu is so smelly and shameless. The leader of the sect is naturally higher than everyone else in the Quanzhen sect in terms of shamelessness alone.

Wuji narrowed his eyes, opened his arms, and let out a loud shout.


Immediately, the audience at the scene was boiling.

Fire magic has the special effect of gunpowder smoke, but the smoke will disperse when the wind blows, so the combination of fire magic and wind magic will definitely not have smoke. Could this pink smoke be the priest's blindfold

Immediately, the audience at the scene was boiling.

Well, this dog's idea is really this idea, and he wants to waste time on his own milk and blood until the end.

The wind, fire, and dragon flames whistled past, and the pink gunpowder smoke was blown away, and the smoke dispersed, revealing Wuji's figure.

Appeared, the self-detonation technique of the Quanzhen Muslim pastor.

Well, this dog's idea is really this idea, and he wants to waste time on his own milk and blood until the end.

In other words, this flame whirlwind magic not only has the speed of wind magic, but also has the high damage of fire magic.

"Huh? This smoke is interesting."

Appeared, the self-detonation technique of the Quanzhen Muslim pastor.

Seeing Wuji walking back and forth in the fire he set so arrogantly, Feng Sanyue raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a smirk, then stretched his left hand forward, and the staff in his right hand flashed blue.

And Wuji's Holy Healing Technique is a continuous blood-gaining skill, which can restore 500 points of blood every second.

If Chunxiang and Ming relied on tactics in the first two rounds, Wuji would be shameless.

Feng Leng snorted in March and said with disdain: "You really think I can't do anything about you? Sea of flames, get up!"


Before March's Feng could open his legs, March's Feng suddenly felt uncontrollable and was pulled to him by Wuji.

While speaking, Sanyue's wind staff was lifted up, and a sea of flames rose under Wuji's feet.

Worthy of being a top expert, his shots are really extraordinary.

Of course, in the eyes of everyone in the Quanzhen Sect, being as shameless as Wuji is purely a basic operation. After all, he is the leader of the Quanzhen Sect. Chunxiang Mingdu is so smelly and shameless. The leader of the sect is naturally higher than everyone else in the Quanzhen sect in terms of shamelessness alone.

On the other hand, March's wind on the ring had a dazed look on his face.

Below the ring, Ming Du's eyes widened even more.


Appeared, the self-detonation technique of the Quanzhen Muslim pastor.

After the whirlwind of flames covered Wuji, Feng Sanyue waved his left hand casually, and big fireballs ignited around him, and then the magic staff in his right hand flashed blue, and the big fireball swelled into huge balls of flames when the strong wind blew in the wind. With the sound of howling wind, it hit Wuji continuously.

Accompanied by a loud bang, March's Wind was blown into a white light, and the blood strip on Wuji's head was only a little blood left.

Sanyue's Feng was terrified, struggling desperately, trying to break free from Wuji's shackles.


After being blown off the ring, Sanyue Fengqi didn't even react. Hearing Wuji talking to himself, the lungs of Sanyue Fengqi in the audience exploded.

Feng Leng snorted in March and said with disdain: "You really think I can't do anything about you? Sea of flames, get up!"

Although March's wind can also use fire spells, but as a wind mage, March's wind magic attribute improvement is all wind bonuses, so the continuous damage of this sea of flames is not high, and Wuji drops every second. More than three hundred points of blood.

Thinking of this, the wind in March was startled, and immediately summoned a fire dragon again. When the strong wind blew, the fire dragon blew against the ground and blew towards the powder mist that had spread to less than two meters away from him.

Below the ring, Ming Du's eyes widened even more.

Wuji's arms immediately hugged Sanyue's Feng tightly.

The so-called fire borrows the wind, the sea of fire under Wuji's feet was blown by the tornado, and immediately rolled up a raging flame more than three feet high, forming a violent whirlwind of flames under the blessing of the tornado.

The damage of wind magic is not explosive, but once the fire element is combined with wind magic, the fire magic will also get the same level of elemental improvement.

While speaking, Sanyue's wind staff was lifted up, and a sea of flames rose under Wuji's feet.

Accompanied by a loud bang, March's Wind was blown into a white light, and the blood strip on Wuji's head was only a little blood left.

As a result, the output speed of March's wind could not keep up with Wuji's recovery speed, and Wuji was like a stroll in the sea of fire.

Before March's Feng could open his legs, March's Feng suddenly felt uncontrollable and was pulled to him by Wuji.


The wind, fire, and dragon flames whistled past, and the pink gunpowder smoke was blown away, and the smoke dispersed, revealing Wuji's figure.


"Boom, boom!!"


Seeing this, Wuji chuckled, and threw the Holy Healing Technique on his head calmly.

Below the ring, Ming Du's eyes widened even more.


Hearing the sound of March, he suddenly thought of something, turned around and was about to run back, but when he realized it, it was already too late.

Hearing the sound of March, he suddenly thought of something, turned around and was about to run back, but when he realized it, it was already too late.

Although March's wind can also use fire spells, but as a wind mage, March's wind magic attribute improvement is all wind bonuses, so the continuous damage of this sea of flames is not high, and Wuji drops every second. More than three hundred points of blood.

The damage of wind magic is not explosive, but once the fire element is combined with wind magic, the fire magic will also get the same level of elemental improvement.

Seeing this familiar scene, the players on the national server let out a clear smile.


Seeing Wuji walking back and forth in the fire he set so arrogantly, Feng Sanyue raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a smirk, then stretched his left hand forward, and the staff in his right hand flashed blue.

Seeing the pink gunpowder smoke, Jing Lei frowned slightly, although he was puzzled, he didn't say much.

"Huh? This smoke is interesting."

And Wuji's Holy Healing Technique is a continuous blood-gaining skill, which can restore 500 points of blood every second.

At the same time, a dazzling holy light burst out from Wuji's body.

Appeared, the self-detonation technique of the Quanzhen Muslim pastor.

The position where Wuji was standing on the ring was even blown out into a pink cloud of gunpowder smoke.

After all, Jinglei was born as a professional master, and he was very knowledgeable. He could tell at a glance that March's wind was using combination magic.

However, Sanyue's Feng and Wuji are both legal professions, and they don't have the slightest advantage in strength attributes. Naturally, no matter how hard he struggles, it will be of no avail.

As a result, the output speed of March's wind could not keep up with Wuji's recovery speed, and Wuji was like a stroll in the sea of fire.

A huge tornado rose under Wuji's feet.

After blowing up March's wind to death, Wuji casually applied a healing technique to himself, and said with a helpless expression, "You didn't listen to the one who said we were evenly tied. Look, it's just a little bit close."

Seeing Wuji walking back and forth in the fire he set so arrogantly, Feng Sanyue raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a smirk, then stretched his left hand forward, and the staff in his right hand flashed blue.

After embracing the wind of March, Wuji spit out two words lightly.

"Damn it, it's really stinky and shameless!!"

Seeing this, Wuji chuckled, and threw the Holy Healing Technique on his head calmly.

At present, the score is once again opened by one point.


March's wind certainly knew how shameless his opponent was, and also knew how difficult his opponent was, so he naturally didn't think that a whirlwind of flames could kill Wuji in seconds.

After blowing up March's wind to death, Wuji casually applied a healing technique to himself, and said with a helpless expression, "You didn't listen to the one who said we were evenly tied. Look, it's just a little bit close."


At this moment, the golden light of the Holy Light Shield was shining on Wuji's body, and he was less than two meters away from the March wind.

After all, Jinglei was born as a professional master, and he was very knowledgeable. He could tell at a glance that March's wind was using combination magic.


Sanyue's Feng was terrified, struggling desperately, trying to break free from Wuji's shackles.


After embracing the wind of March, Wuji spit out two words lightly.

There was only a whistling gust of wind, and a whirlwind blew up on the ground of the arena.

There was only a whistling gust of wind, and a whirlwind blew up on the ground of the arena.

Wuji narrowed his eyes, opened his arms, and let out a loud shout.

"I bother!"


The wind, fire, and dragon flames whistled past, and the pink gunpowder smoke was blown away, and the smoke dispersed, revealing Wuji's figure.

Before March's Feng could open his legs, March's Feng suddenly felt uncontrollable and was pulled to him by Wuji.

Immediately, the audience at the scene was boiling.

Hearing the sound of March, he suddenly thought of something, turned around and was about to run back, but when he realized it, it was already too late.

Fire magic has the special effect of gunpowder smoke, but the smoke will disperse when the wind blows, so the combination of fire magic and wind magic will definitely not have smoke. Could this pink smoke be the priest's blindfold

A huge tornado rose under Wuji's feet.


Following a series of violent explosions, Wuji was smashed solidly, and was instantly engulfed in flames.

The so-called fire borrows the wind, the sea of fire under Wuji's feet was blown by the tornado, and immediately rolled up a raging flame more than three feet high, forming a violent whirlwind of flames under the blessing of the tornado.

Seeing this, Wuji chuckled, and threw the Holy Healing Technique on his head calmly.

Sanyue's Feng was terrified, struggling desperately, trying to break free from Wuji's shackles.

When the result of the match was announced, Jinglei shouted from the audience like Zhuge Liang afterwards: "I know why I played like this."

After all, Jinglei was born as a professional master, and he was very knowledgeable. He could tell at a glance that March's wind was using combination magic.

A huge tornado rose under Wuji's feet.

"This is combination magic, Flame Whirlwind!"

On the other hand, March's wind on the ring had a dazed look on his face.

After all, Jinglei was born as a professional master, and he was very knowledgeable. He could tell at a glance that March's wind was using combination magic.

While speaking, Sanyue's wind staff was lifted up, and a sea of flames rose under Wuji's feet.

There was only a whistling gust of wind, and a whirlwind blew up on the ground of the arena.

After all, Jinglei was born as a professional master, and he was very knowledgeable. He could tell at a glance that March's wind was using combination magic.

Seeing Wuji walking back and forth in the fire he set so arrogantly, Feng Sanyue raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a smirk, then stretched his left hand forward, and the staff in his right hand flashed blue.

"This is combination magic, Flame Whirlwind!"

"I bother!"

The damage of wind magic is not explosive, but once the fire element is combined with wind magic, the fire magic will also get the same level of elemental improvement.

At present, the score is once again opened by one point.

The damage of wind magic is not explosive, but once the fire element is combined with wind magic, the fire magic will also get the same level of elemental improvement.

After the whirlwind of flames covered Wuji, Feng Sanyue waved his left hand casually, and big fireballs ignited around him, and then the magic staff in his right hand flashed blue, and the big fireball swelled into huge balls of flames when the strong wind blew in the wind. With the sound of howling wind, it hit Wuji continuously.

In other words, this flame whirlwind magic not only has the speed of wind magic, but also has the high damage of fire magic.

After the whirlwind of flames covered Wuji, Feng Sanyue waved his left hand casually, and big fireballs ignited around him, and then the magic staff in his right hand flashed blue, and the big fireball swelled into huge balls of flames when the strong wind blew in the wind. With the sound of howling wind, it hit Wuji continuously.

Worthy of being a top expert, his shots are really extraordinary.


At present, the score is once again opened by one point.

Below the ring, Ming Du's eyes widened even more.

The venue of the competition was full of sound, with simultaneous interpretation, Wuji's word for word fell in the ears of all the audience.

March's wind certainly knew how shameless his opponent was, and also knew how difficult his opponent was, so he naturally didn't think that a whirlwind of flames could kill Wuji in seconds.

"Huh? This smoke is interesting."

Combination magic is Mingdu's best skill. Mingdu naturally understands the horror of this whirlwind of flames better than anyone else. If this wave of output continues, if Wuji's healing can't keep up, he might be killed in seconds.

Seeing this, Wuji chuckled, and threw the Holy Healing Technique on his head calmly.

"not good!!"

Thinking of this, the wind in March was startled, and immediately summoned a fire dragon again. When the strong wind blew, the fire dragon blew against the ground and blew towards the powder mist that had spread to less than two meters away from him.


If Chunxiang and Ming relied on tactics in the first two rounds, Wuji would be shameless.

Below the ring, Ming Du's eyes widened even more.

As a result, the output speed of March's wind could not keep up with Wuji's recovery speed, and Wuji was like a stroll in the sea of fire.


Below the ring, Ming Du's eyes widened even more.

March's wind certainly knew how shameless his opponent was, and also knew how difficult his opponent was, so he naturally didn't think that a whirlwind of flames could kill Wuji in seconds.

For Wuji, the wind in March is also on all precautions, for fear of being caught in some trap, but he never expected that Wuji first acted in a time-consuming manner to let himself take it lightly, and then slowly approached him and made such a move. He actually blew himself up to death with one hand, can this nima get some face

At the same time, a dazzling holy light burst out from Wuji's body.

March's wind certainly knew how shameless his opponent was, and also knew how difficult his opponent was, so he naturally didn't think that a whirlwind of flames could kill Wuji in seconds.

At present, the score is once again opened by one point.

Well, this dog's idea is really this idea, and he wants to waste time on his own milk and blood until the end.

At present, the score is once again opened by one point.

The so-called fire borrows the wind, the sea of fire under Wuji's feet was blown by the tornado, and immediately rolled up a raging flame more than three feet high, forming a violent whirlwind of flames under the blessing of the tornado.

Immediately, the audience at the scene was boiling.


After the whirlwind of flames covered Wuji, Feng Sanyue waved his left hand casually, and big fireballs ignited around him, and then the magic staff in his right hand flashed blue, and the big fireball swelled into huge balls of flames when the strong wind blew in the wind. With the sound of howling wind, it hit Wuji continuously.

After all, Jinglei only knows the setting of combination magic, but it is the first time he has seen combination magic. Who knows what special effect combination magic has.

The damage of wind magic is not explosive, but once the fire element is combined with wind magic, the fire magic will also get the same level of elemental improvement.

"let me go!!"

"Boom, boom!!"

Immediately, the audience at the scene was boiling.

"I get it! I get it!"

March's wind certainly knew how shameless his opponent was, and also knew how difficult his opponent was, so he naturally didn't think that a whirlwind of flames could kill Wuji in seconds.

And Wuji's Holy Healing Technique is a continuous blood-gaining skill, which can restore 500 points of blood every second.

If Chunxiang and Ming relied on tactics in the first two rounds, Wuji would be shameless.

Appeared, the self-detonation technique of the Quanzhen Muslim pastor.


Following a series of violent explosions, Wuji was smashed solidly, and was instantly engulfed in flames.


Combination magic is Mingdu's best skill. Mingdu naturally understands the horror of this whirlwind of flames better than anyone else. If this wave of output continues, if Wuji's healing can't keep up, he might be killed in seconds.

Of course, in the eyes of everyone in the Quanzhen Sect, being as shameless as Wuji is purely a basic operation. After all, he is the leader of the Quanzhen Sect. Chunxiang Mingdu is so smelly and shameless. The leader of the sect is naturally higher than everyone else in the Quanzhen sect in terms of shamelessness alone.

When the result of the match was announced, Jinglei shouted from the audience like Zhuge Liang afterwards: "I know why I played like this."

After all, Jinglei was born as a professional master, and he was very knowledgeable. He could tell at a glance that March's wind was using combination magic.


Before March's Feng could open his legs, March's Feng suddenly felt uncontrollable and was pulled to him by Wuji.

The position where Wuji was standing on the ring was even blown out into a pink cloud of gunpowder smoke.

Accompanied by a loud bang, March's Wind was blown into a white light, and the blood strip on Wuji's head was only a little blood left.

The position where Wuji was standing on the ring was even blown out into a pink cloud of gunpowder smoke.


And Wuji's Holy Healing Technique is a continuous blood-gaining skill, which can restore 500 points of blood every second.

"Huh? This smoke is interesting."

Combination magic is Mingdu's best skill. Mingdu naturally understands the horror of this whirlwind of flames better than anyone else. If this wave of output continues, if Wuji's healing can't keep up, he might be killed in seconds.


Seeing the pink gunpowder smoke, Jing Lei frowned slightly, although he was puzzled, he didn't say much.

Although March's wind can also use fire spells, but as a wind mage, March's wind magic attribute improvement is all wind bonuses, so the continuous damage of this sea of flames is not high, and Wuji drops every second. More than three hundred points of blood.

After all, Jinglei only knows the setting of combination magic, but it is the first time he has seen combination magic. Who knows what special effect combination magic has.

After all, Jinglei only knows the setting of combination magic, but it is the first time he has seen combination magic. Who knows what special effect combination magic has.

Seeing this, Wuji chuckled, and threw the Holy Healing Technique on his head calmly.

At present, the score is once again opened by one point.

While speaking, Sanyue's wind staff was lifted up, and a sea of flames rose under Wuji's feet.


On the other hand, March's wind on the ring had a dazed look on his face.

Before March's Feng could open his legs, March's Feng suddenly felt uncontrollable and was pulled to him by Wuji.


Immediately, the audience at the scene was boiling.

Worthy of being a top expert, his shots are really extraordinary.

Although March's wind can also use fire spells, but as a wind mage, March's wind magic attribute improvement is all wind bonuses, so the continuous damage of this sea of flames is not high, and Wuji drops every second. More than three hundred points of blood.

Although March's wind can also use fire spells, but as a wind mage, March's wind magic attribute improvement is all wind bonuses, so the continuous damage of this sea of flames is not high, and Wuji drops every second. More than three hundred points of blood.

Fire magic has the special effect of gunpowder smoke, but the smoke will disperse when the wind blows, so the combination of fire magic and wind magic will definitely not have smoke. Could this pink smoke be the priest's blindfold

"let me go!!"

Well, this dog's idea is really this idea, and he wants to waste time on his own milk and blood until the end.


"This is combination magic, Flame Whirlwind!"

Feng Leng snorted in March and said with disdain: "You really think I can't do anything about you? Sea of flames, get up!"

In the third game, the mob team won.

After embracing the wind of March, Wuji spit out two words lightly.

In other words, this flame whirlwind magic not only has the speed of wind magic, but also has the high damage of fire magic.

Thinking of this, the wind in March was startled, and immediately summoned a fire dragon again. When the strong wind blew, the fire dragon blew against the ground and blew towards the powder mist that had spread to less than two meters away from him.

Well, this dog's idea is really this idea, and he wants to waste time on his own milk and blood until the end.


The damage of wind magic is not explosive, but once the fire element is combined with wind magic, the fire magic will also get the same level of elemental improvement.

The so-called fire borrows the wind, the sea of fire under Wuji's feet was blown by the tornado, and immediately rolled up a raging flame more than three feet high, forming a violent whirlwind of flames under the blessing of the tornado.

After embracing the wind of March, Wuji spit out two words lightly.


Seeing this, Wuji chuckled, and threw the Holy Healing Technique on his head calmly.

Worthy of being a top expert, his shots are really extraordinary.


Seeing Wuji walking back and forth in the fire he set so arrogantly, Feng Sanyue raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a smirk, then stretched his left hand forward, and the staff in his right hand flashed blue.


Before March's Feng could open his legs, March's Feng suddenly felt uncontrollable and was pulled to him by Wuji.

"I get it! I get it!"

Seeing this familiar scene, the players on the national server let out a clear smile.

Of course, in the eyes of everyone in the Quanzhen Sect, being as shameless as Wuji is purely a basic operation. After all, he is the leader of the Quanzhen Sect. Chunxiang Mingdu is so smelly and shameless. The leader of the sect is naturally higher than everyone else in the Quanzhen sect in terms of shamelessness alone.

March's wind certainly knew how shameless his opponent was, and also knew how difficult his opponent was, so he naturally didn't think that a whirlwind of flames could kill Wuji in seconds.

While speaking, Sanyue's wind staff was lifted up, and a sea of flames rose under Wuji's feet.

The wind, fire, and dragon flames whistled past, and the pink gunpowder smoke was blown away, and the smoke dispersed, revealing Wuji's figure.

For Wuji, the wind in March is also on all precautions, for fear of being caught in some trap, but he never expected that Wuji first acted in a time-consuming manner to let himself take it lightly, and then slowly approached him and made such a move. He actually blew himself up to death with one hand, can this nima get some face

"I bother!"

At this moment, the golden light of the Holy Light Shield was shining on Wuji's body, and he was less than two meters away from the March wind.

Worthy of being a top expert, his shots are really extraordinary.

Worthy of being a top expert, his shots are really extraordinary.


After the whirlwind of flames covered Wuji, Feng Sanyue waved his left hand casually, and big fireballs ignited around him, and then the magic staff in his right hand flashed blue, and the big fireball swelled into huge balls of flames when the strong wind blew in the wind. With the sound of howling wind, it hit Wuji continuously.



Seeing the pink gunpowder smoke, Jing Lei frowned slightly, although he was puzzled, he didn't say much.

For Wuji, the wind in March is also on all precautions, for fear of being caught in some trap, but he never expected that Wuji first acted in a time-consuming manner to let himself take it lightly, and then slowly approached him and made such a move. He actually blew himself up to death with one hand, can this nima get some face

The so-called fire borrows the wind, the sea of fire under Wuji's feet was blown by the tornado, and immediately rolled up a raging flame more than three feet high, forming a violent whirlwind of flames under the blessing of the tornado.

Before March's Feng could open his legs, March's Feng suddenly felt uncontrollable and was pulled to him by Wuji.

For Wuji, the wind in March is also on all precautions, for fear of being caught in some trap, but he never expected that Wuji first acted in a time-consuming manner to let himself take it lightly, and then slowly approached him and made such a move. He actually blew himself up to death with one hand, can this nima get some face

Well, this dog's idea is really this idea, and he wants to waste time on his own milk and blood until the end.

Wuji narrowed his eyes, opened his arms, and let out a loud shout.

"Huh? This smoke is interesting."

Immediately, the audience at the scene was boiling.

Seeing the pink gunpowder smoke, Jing Lei frowned slightly, although he was puzzled, he didn't say much.

For Wuji, the wind in March is also on all precautions, for fear of being caught in some trap, but he never expected that Wuji first acted in a time-consuming manner to let himself take it lightly, and then slowly approached him and made such a move. He actually blew himself up to death with one hand, can this nima get some face

"not good!!"

Feng Leng snorted in March and said with disdain: "You really think I can't do anything about you? Sea of flames, get up!"

Appeared, the self-detonation technique of the Quanzhen Muslim pastor.

"let me go!!"

Hearing the sound of March, he suddenly thought of something, turned around and was about to run back, but when he realized it, it was already too late.

"This is combination magic, Flame Whirlwind!"

As a result, the output speed of March's wind could not keep up with Wuji's recovery speed, and Wuji was like a stroll in the sea of fire.

Seeing this, Wuji chuckled, and threw the Holy Healing Technique on his head calmly.

After embracing the wind of March, Wuji spit out two words lightly.

Feng Leng snorted in March and said with disdain: "You really think I can't do anything about you? Sea of flames, get up!"

Accompanied by a loud bang, March's Wind was blown into a white light, and the blood strip on Wuji's head was only a little blood left.

Fire magic has the special effect of gunpowder smoke, but the smoke will disperse when the wind blows, so the combination of fire magic and wind magic will definitely not have smoke. Could this pink smoke be the priest's blindfold

On the other hand, March's wind on the ring had a dazed look on his face.

Before March's Feng could open his legs, March's Feng suddenly felt uncontrollable and was pulled to him by Wuji.

Worthy of being a top expert, his shots are really extraordinary.

After all, Jinglei was born as a professional master, and he was very knowledgeable. He could tell at a glance that March's wind was using combination magic.

If Chunxiang and Ming relied on tactics in the first two rounds, Wuji would be shameless.

Fire magic has the special effect of gunpowder smoke, but the smoke will disperse when the wind blows, so the combination of fire magic and wind magic will definitely not have smoke. Could this pink smoke be the priest's blindfold

After being blown off the ring, Sanyue Fengqi didn't even react. Hearing Wuji talking to himself, the lungs of Sanyue Fengqi in the audience exploded.

Seeing this familiar scene, the players on the national server let out a clear smile.

Wuji's arms immediately hugged Sanyue's Feng tightly.

A huge tornado rose under Wuji's feet.

After embracing the wind of March, Wuji spit out two words lightly.

In other words, this flame whirlwind magic not only has the speed of wind magic, but also has the high damage of fire magic.

Well, this dog's idea is really this idea, and he wants to waste time on his own milk and blood until the end.

Fire magic has the special effect of gunpowder smoke, but the smoke will disperse when the wind blows, so the combination of fire magic and wind magic will definitely not have smoke. Could this pink smoke be the priest's blindfold

And Wuji's Holy Healing Technique is a continuous blood-gaining skill, which can restore 500 points of blood every second.

After being blown off the ring, Sanyue Fengqi didn't even react. Hearing Wuji talking to himself, the lungs of Sanyue Fengqi in the audience exploded.

Below the ring, Ming Du's eyes widened even more.

"let me go!!"

Combination magic is Mingdu's best skill. Mingdu naturally understands the horror of this whirlwind of flames better than anyone else. If this wave of output continues, if Wuji's healing can't keep up, he might be killed in seconds.

After all, Jinglei only knows the setting of combination magic, but it is the first time he has seen combination magic. Who knows what special effect combination magic has.

"Huh? This smoke is interesting."

Sanyue's Feng was terrified, struggling desperately, trying to break free from Wuji's shackles.

"not good!!"

Of course, in the eyes of everyone in the Quanzhen Sect, being as shameless as Wuji is purely a basic operation. After all, he is the leader of the Quanzhen Sect. Chunxiang Mingdu is so smelly and shameless. The leader of the sect is naturally higher than everyone else in the Quanzhen sect in terms of shamelessness alone.

Worthy of being a top expert, his shots are really extraordinary.


At this moment, the golden light of the Holy Light Shield was shining on Wuji's body, and he was less than two meters away from the March wind.

The wind, fire, and dragon flames whistled past, and the pink gunpowder smoke was blown away, and the smoke dispersed, revealing Wuji's figure.

The position where Wuji was standing on the ring was even blown out into a pink cloud of gunpowder smoke.

Fire magic has the special effect of gunpowder smoke, but the smoke will disperse when the wind blows, so the combination of fire magic and wind magic will definitely not have smoke. Could this pink smoke be the priest's blindfold

However, Sanyue's Feng and Wuji are both legal professions, and they don't have the slightest advantage in strength attributes. Naturally, no matter how hard he struggles, it will be of no avail.

When the result of the match was announced, Jinglei shouted from the audience like Zhuge Liang afterwards: "I know why I played like this."


For Wuji, the wind in March is also on all precautions, for fear of being caught in some trap, but he never expected that Wuji first acted in a time-consuming manner to let himself take it lightly, and then slowly approached him and made such a move. He actually blew himself up to death with one hand, can this nima get some face

Appeared, the self-detonation technique of the Quanzhen Muslim pastor.

After all, Jinglei was born as a professional master, and he was very knowledgeable. He could tell at a glance that March's wind was using combination magic.

Hearing the sound of March, he suddenly thought of something, turned around and was about to run back, but when he realized it, it was already too late.

At this moment, the golden light of the Holy Light Shield was shining on Wuji's body, and he was less than two meters away from the March wind.

A huge tornado rose under Wuji's feet.


After embracing the wind of March, Wuji spit out two words lightly.

In the third game, the mob team won.

Thinking of this, the wind in March was startled, and immediately summoned a fire dragon again. When the strong wind blew, the fire dragon blew against the ground and blew towards the powder mist that had spread to less than two meters away from him.

Seeing the pink gunpowder smoke, Jing Lei frowned slightly, although he was puzzled, he didn't say much.

Wuji narrowed his eyes, opened his arms, and let out a loud shout.

Seeing this familiar scene, the players on the national server let out a clear smile.

A huge tornado rose under Wuji's feet.

The wind, fire, and dragon flames whistled past, and the pink gunpowder smoke was blown away, and the smoke dispersed, revealing Wuji's figure.

On the other hand, March's wind on the ring had a dazed look on his face.

At the same time, a dazzling holy light burst out from Wuji's body.

Wuji narrowed his eyes, opened his arms, and let out a loud shout.

Well, this dog's idea is really this idea, and he wants to waste time on his own milk and blood until the end.

"Huh? This smoke is interesting."



Seeing the pink gunpowder smoke, Jing Lei frowned slightly, although he was puzzled, he didn't say much.

Seeing Jinglei's appearance, the audience all rolled their eyes. This commentary is still not enough, and it can't keep up with the rhythm of the game.

Accompanied by a loud bang, March's Wind was blown into a white light, and the blood strip on Wuji's head was only a little blood left.

Worthy of being a top expert, his shots are really extraordinary.

While speaking, Sanyue's wind staff was lifted up, and a sea of flames rose under Wuji's feet.


Seeing this familiar scene, the players on the national server let out a clear smile.


As a result, the output speed of March's wind could not keep up with Wuji's recovery speed, and Wuji was like a stroll in the sea of fire.


Before March's Feng could open his legs, March's Feng suddenly felt uncontrollable and was pulled to him by Wuji.

"Huh? This smoke is interesting."

Seeing this familiar scene, the players on the national server let out a clear smile.

On the other hand, March's wind on the ring had a dazed look on his face.

"let me go!!"

Wuji narrowed his eyes, opened his arms, and let out a loud shout.

There was only a whistling gust of wind, and a whirlwind blew up on the ground of the arena.

For Wuji, the wind in March is also on all precautions, for fear of being caught in some trap, but he never expected that Wuji first acted in a time-consuming manner to let himself take it lightly, and then slowly approached him and made such a move. He actually blew himself up to death with one hand, can this nima get some face

Appeared, the self-detonation technique of the Quanzhen Muslim pastor.

In the third game, the mob team won.

Wuji narrowed his eyes, opened his arms, and let out a loud shout.

After blowing up March's wind to death, Wuji casually applied a healing technique to himself, and said with a helpless expression, "You didn't listen to the one who said we were evenly tied. Look, it's just a little bit close."

In the third game, the mob team won.

After blowing up March's wind to death, Wuji casually applied a healing technique to himself, and said with a helpless expression, "You didn't listen to the one who said we were evenly tied. Look, it's just a little bit close."


Wuji narrowed his eyes, opened his arms, and let out a loud shout.

Although March's wind can also use fire spells, but as a wind mage, March's wind magic attribute improvement is all wind bonuses, so the continuous damage of this sea of flames is not high, and Wuji drops every second. More than three hundred points of blood.

Hearing the sound of March, he suddenly thought of something, turned around and was about to run back, but when he realized it, it was already too late.


Seeing Wuji walking back and forth in the fire he set so arrogantly, Feng Sanyue raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a smirk, then stretched his left hand forward, and the staff in his right hand flashed blue.

Below the ring, Ming Du's eyes widened even more.

After all, Jinglei was born as a professional master, and he was very knowledgeable. He could tell at a glance that March's wind was using combination magic.

Seeing Wuji walking back and forth in the fire he set so arrogantly, Feng Sanyue raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a smirk, then stretched his left hand forward, and the staff in his right hand flashed blue.

After being blown off the ring, Sanyue Fengqi didn't even react. Hearing Wuji talking to himself, the lungs of Sanyue Fengqi in the audience exploded.

The wind, fire, and dragon flames whistled past, and the pink gunpowder smoke was blown away, and the smoke dispersed, revealing Wuji's figure.

After all, Jinglei only knows the setting of combination magic, but it is the first time he has seen combination magic. Who knows what special effect combination magic has.

Seeing this familiar scene, the players on the national server let out a clear smile.

For Wuji, the wind in March is also on all precautions, for fear of being caught in some trap, but he never expected that Wuji first acted in a time-consuming manner to let himself take it lightly, and then slowly approached him and made such a move. He actually blew himself up to death with one hand, can this nima get some face

While speaking, Sanyue's wind staff was lifted up, and a sea of flames rose under Wuji's feet.

Seeing the pink gunpowder smoke, Jing Lei frowned slightly, although he was puzzled, he didn't say much.

Seeing this, Wuji chuckled, and threw the Holy Healing Technique on his head calmly.

Immediately, the audience at the scene was boiling.

In the third game, the mob team won.

Below the ring, Ming Du's eyes widened even more.


And Wuji's Holy Healing Technique is a continuous blood-gaining skill, which can restore 500 points of blood every second.

At present, the score is once again opened by one point.

Seeing this familiar scene, the players on the national server let out a clear smile.

"not good!!"

"This is combination magic, Flame Whirlwind!"

"Boom, boom!!"

Sanyue's Feng was terrified, struggling desperately, trying to break free from Wuji's shackles.

A huge tornado rose under Wuji's feet.

After all, Jinglei was born as a professional master, and he was very knowledgeable. He could tell at a glance that March's wind was using combination magic.

"I get it! I get it!"

Accompanied by a loud bang, March's Wind was blown into a white light, and the blood strip on Wuji's head was only a little blood left.

Of course, in the eyes of everyone in the Quanzhen Sect, being as shameless as Wuji is purely a basic operation. After all, he is the leader of the Quanzhen Sect. Chunxiang Mingdu is so smelly and shameless. The leader of the sect is naturally higher than everyone else in the Quanzhen sect in terms of shamelessness alone.

After the whirlwind of flames covered Wuji, Feng Sanyue waved his left hand casually, and big fireballs ignited around him, and then the magic staff in his right hand flashed blue, and the big fireball swelled into huge balls of flames when the strong wind blew in the wind. With the sound of howling wind, it hit Wuji continuously.

"Huh? This smoke is interesting."

When the result of the match was announced, Jinglei shouted from the audience like Zhuge Liang afterwards: "I know why I played like this."

When the result of the match was announced, Jinglei shouted from the audience like Zhuge Liang afterwards: "I know why I played like this."

For Wuji, the wind in March is also on all precautions, for fear of being caught in some trap, but he never expected that Wuji first acted in a time-consuming manner to let himself take it lightly, and then slowly approached him and made such a move. He actually blew himself up to death with one hand, can this nima get some face

"not good!!"

When the result of the match was announced, Jinglei shouted from the audience like Zhuge Liang afterwards: "I know why I played like this."

When the result of the match was announced, Jinglei shouted from the audience like Zhuge Liang afterwards: "I know why I played like this."

Worthy of being a top expert, his shots are really extraordinary.

In other words, this flame whirlwind magic not only has the speed of wind magic, but also has the high damage of fire magic.

Seeing this familiar scene, the players on the national server let out a clear smile.

The damage of wind magic is not explosive, but once the fire element is combined with wind magic, the fire magic will also get the same level of elemental improvement.

"I bother!"



On the other hand, March's wind on the ring had a dazed look on his face.

At the same time, a dazzling holy light burst out from Wuji's body.

At this moment, the golden light of the Holy Light Shield was shining on Wuji's body, and he was less than two meters away from the March wind.

Seeing Jinglei's appearance, the audience all rolled their eyes. This commentary is still not enough, and it can't keep up with the rhythm of the game.

"let me go!!"

Seeing this, Wuji chuckled, and threw the Holy Healing Technique on his head calmly.


However, Sanyue's Feng and Wuji are both legal professions, and they don't have the slightest advantage in strength attributes. Naturally, no matter how hard he struggles, it will be of no avail.

Of course, in the eyes of everyone in the Quanzhen Sect, being as shameless as Wuji is purely a basic operation. After all, he is the leader of the Quanzhen Sect. Chunxiang Mingdu is so smelly and shameless. The leader of the sect is naturally higher than everyone else in the Quanzhen sect in terms of shamelessness alone.

Seeing Jinglei's appearance, the audience all rolled their eyes. This commentary is still not enough, and it can't keep up with the rhythm of the game.

There was only a whistling gust of wind, and a whirlwind blew up on the ground of the arena.

Seeing Wuji walking back and forth in the fire he set so arrogantly, Feng Sanyue raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a smirk, then stretched his left hand forward, and the staff in his right hand flashed blue.


Seeing this, Wuji chuckled, and threw the Holy Healing Technique on his head calmly.